First Term Examination Questions Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 12
Age: 11 years
Topic: Examination of the Topics Covered in the First Term

Instructions for Teachers and Students

For Teachers:

  1. Ensure a Fair Environment: Set up the examination room to minimize distractions and ensure that every pupil has a clear space to work.
  2. No Exam Malpractices: Make it clear that cheating, copying, or using unauthorized materials is strictly forbidden. Monitor the exam room closely to prevent any malpractices.
  3. Clear Instructions: Explain the instructions for each section clearly before the exam begins. Ensure that all pupils understand what is expected.
  4. Time Management: Keep track of time and ensure that all pupils have the same amount of time to complete the exam.
  5. Answer Sheets: Collect and review answer sheets promptly after the exam. Provide feedback and address any concerns regarding the examination process.

For Students:

  1. Follow Instructions: Listen carefully to the exam instructions and ask questions if you do not understand something.
  2. No Cheating: Do not use unauthorized materials or attempt to copy from others. This is unfair and against the rules.
  3. Manage Your Time: Keep an eye on the time and make sure you complete all parts of the exam within the allotted time.
  4. Do Your Best: Focus on your own work and do your best. Trust in your preparation and knowledge.
  5. Stay Calm: If you feel nervous, take a deep breath and stay calm. Read each question carefully before answering.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options a, b, c, or d)

  1. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on __________.
    a) Mount Sinai
    b) Mount Nebo
    c) Mount Zion
    d) Mount Carmel
  2. Paul was originally known as __________.
    a) Peter
    b) Saul
    c) John
    d) Matthew
  3. The Israelites crossed the __________ to escape from Egypt.
    a) River Jordan
    b) Nile
    c) Red Sea
    d) Euphrates
  4. Moses saw a __________ that was on fire but not burning up.
    a) Tree
    b) Bush
    c) Mountain
    d) Cloud
  5. The twelve stones at the River Jordan were a __________ to remember the crossing.
    a) Memorial
    b) Celebration
    c) Warning
    d) Sacrifice
  6. Paul’s main mission was to spread the __________.
    a) Law
    b) Gospel
    c) Prophecy
    d) History
  7. The commandment “You shall not bear false witness” means __________.
    a) Do not lie
    b) Do not steal
    c) Do not kill
    d) Do not worship idols
  8. The Egyptians drowned in the __________.
    a) Sea of Galilee
    b) Red Sea
    c) Dead Sea
    d) Mediterranean Sea
  9. The twelve tribes of Israel were named after __________.
    a) Jacob’s daughters
    b) Jacob’s sons
    c) Moses’ sons
    d) Aaron’s sons
  10. Moses performed miracles in Egypt to show __________.
    a) His own power
    b) Pharaoh’s weakness
    c) God’s power
    d) The people’s faith
  11. The commandment “Honor your father and mother” is the __________ commandment.
    a) First
    b) Fifth
    c) Seventh
    d) Tenth
  12. The burning bush was a symbol of __________.
    a) God’s anger
    b) God’s power
    c) Moses’ fear
    d) Pharaoh’s strength
  13. The Israelites celebrated their crossing of the Red Sea with __________.
    a) Feasting
    b) Music and dancing
    c) Sacrifices
    d) Mourning
  14. Paul’s conversion happened on the road to __________.
    a) Jerusalem
    b) Damascus
    c) Bethlehem
    d) Capernaum
  15. The twelve stones were placed to __________.
    a) Mark the land boundaries
    b) Commemorate the journey
    c) Offer sacrifices
    d) Build a monument
  16. The commandment “You shall not steal” emphasizes __________.
    a) Respecting others’ belongings
    b) Keeping promises
    c) Worshiping God
    d) Observing the Sabbath
  17. The Red Sea crossing showed the __________ of the Israelites.
    a) Fear
    b) Weakness
    c) Deliverance
    d) Failure
  18. Moses’ miracles included turning __________ into blood.
    a) The Nile
    b) The Red Sea
    c) The Jordan River
    d) The Euphrates
  19. The twelve tribes of Israel were __________ in the Promised Land.
    a) Merged
    b) Divided
    c) Unified
    d) Ignored
  20. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses to provide __________.
    a) Government laws
    b) Religious guidelines
    c) Economic policies
    d) Political instructions
  21. The Israelites’ journey was led by __________.
    a) Joshua
    b) Aaron
    c) Moses
    d) David
  22. Paul was known for his __________ in early Christianity.
    a) Teaching
    b) Persecution
    c) Healing
    d) Leadership
  23. The commandment “You shall not commit adultery” is about __________.
    a) Honoring your spouse
    b) Not lying
    c) Not stealing
    d) Not killing
  24. The miracles of Moses included __________.
    a) Feeding 5,000 people
    b) Walking on water
    c) Turning water into wine
    d) Plagues in Egypt
  25. The significance of the Red Sea crossing was __________.
    a) Punishment
    b) Freedom
    c) Destruction
    d) Delay
  26. The commandment “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy” is about __________.
    a) Resting
    b) Working
    c) Celebrating
    d) Sacrificing
  27. The twelve tribes of Israel were led into the Promised Land by __________.
    a) Moses
    b) Joshua
    c) Samuel
    d) Solomon
  28. Paul’s letters are found in the __________ of the Bible.
    a) Old Testament
    b) New Testament
    c) Apocrypha
    d) Psalms
  29. The commandment “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” focuses on __________.
    a) Desiring what others have
    b) Respecting others
    c) Sharing resources
    d) Loving God
  30. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on __________.
    a) A tablet
    b) A scroll
    c) Stone tablets
    d) A parchment

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Simple Short Answer Questions)

  1. What was the purpose of the Ten Commandments?
  2. How did Paul’s conversion impact his life?
  3. What was the reason for the Israelites’ suffering in Egypt?
  4. Describe the events of the Red Sea crossing.
  5. What was the significance of the twelve stones at the River Jordan?
  6. How did the miracles performed by Moses in Egypt affect Pharaoh?
  7. What is the meaning of the commandment “You shall not steal”?
  8. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
  9. How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?
  10. Why is the commandment “Honor your father and mother” important?
  11. What did the Israelites do after crossing the Red Sea?
  12. List the twelve tribes of Israel.
  13. What does “bondage” refer to in the context of the Israelites’ time in Egypt?
  14. Explain the role of Moses in leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
  15. What does the commandment “You shall not bear false witness” mean?
  16. How did the twelve stones help the Israelites remember their journey?
  17. What message was Paul spreading through his teachings?
  18. Describe the joy experienced by the Israelites after the Red Sea crossing.
  19. What role did Moses play in the Israelites’ escape from Egypt?
  20. How did the crossing of the Red Sea impact the Egyptian army?
  21. What was the significance of the burning bush for Moses?
  22. How did Paul’s letters influence early Christian communities?
  23. Why were the Ten Commandments important for the Israelites?
  24. What did the twelve stones represent for future generations of Israelites?
  25. How did the Israelites celebrate their freedom after leaving Egypt?
  26. Describe the impact of Moses’ miracles on the Israelites.
  27. What is the importance of the commandment “Remember the Sabbath day”?
  28. How did the twelve tribes of Israel affect the history of the nation?
  29. What were the consequences of the Egyptians pursuing the Israelites?
  30. Why is the commandment “You shall not commit adultery” significant?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 True or False Questions)

  1. True or False: Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.
  2. True or False: Paul was originally known as Matthew.
  3. True or False: The Israelites crossed the Red Sea to escape Egypt.
  4. True or False: The burning bush was a sign of God’s anger.
  5. True or False: The twelve stones at the River Jordan were a memorial.
  6. True or False: Paul’s main mission was to teach about the law.
  7. True or False: The commandment “You shall not bear false witness” means do not lie.
  8. True or False: The Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea.
  9. True or False: The twelve tribes of Israel were named after Moses’ sons.
  10. True or False: Moses performed miracles to show God’s power.
  11. True or False: The commandment “Honor your father and mother” is the first commandment.
  12. True or False: The burning bush was a symbol of Moses’ fear.
  13. True or False: The Israelites celebrated their crossing of the Red Sea with feasting.
  14. True or False: Paul’s conversion happened on the road to Jerusalem.
  15. True or False: The twelve stones were placed to commemorate the journey.
  16. True or False: The commandment “You shall not steal” emphasizes respecting others’ belongings.
  17. True or False: The Red Sea crossing showed the Israelites’ failure.
  18. True or False: Moses’ miracles included turning the Nile into blood.
  19. True or False: The twelve tribes of Israel were unified in the Promised Land.
  20. True or False: The Ten Commandments provided religious guidelines.
  21. True or False: Moses was the leader of the Israelites during their journey.
  22. True or False: Paul was known for his persecution in early Christianity.
  23. True or False: The commandment “You shall not commit adultery” is about honoring your spouse.
  24. True or False: The miracles of Moses included feeding 5,000 people.
  25. True or False: The significance of the Red Sea crossing was freedom.
  26. True or False: The commandment “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy” is about resting.
  27. True or False: The twelve tribes of Israel were led into the Promised Land by Moses.
  28. True or False: Paul’s letters are found in the Old Testament.
  29. True or False: The commandment “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” focuses on desiring what others have.
  30. True or False: The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on stone tablets.

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options)

  1. Moses received the Ten Commandments on __________.
  2. Paul was originally named __________.
  3. The Israelites escaped Egypt by crossing the __________.
  4. The burning __________ was a sign from God.
  5. The twelve __________ were placed to remember the crossing of the Jordan River.
  6. Paul’s mission was to spread the __________.
  7. The commandment “You shall not bear false witness” means do not __________.
  8. The Egyptians were drowned in the __________.
  9. The twelve tribes of Israel were named after __________.
  10. Moses performed miracles to show __________’s power.
  11. The commandment “Honor your father and mother” is the __________ commandment.
  12. The burning bush was a sign of __________’s presence.
  13. After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites celebrated with __________.
  14. Paul’s conversion happened on the road to __________.
  15. The twelve stones were a __________ of the journey.
  16. The commandment “You shall not steal” is about respecting __________.
  17. The Red Sea crossing showed the Israelites’ __________.
  18. Moses’ miracles included turning the __________ into blood.
  19. The twelve tribes of Israel were __________ in the Promised Land.
  20. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses to provide __________.
  21. Moses led the Israelites during their __________.
  22. Paul was known for his __________ in early Christianity.
  23. The commandment “You shall not commit adultery” is about __________ your spouse.
  24. The miracles of Moses included __________ in Egypt.
  25. The Red Sea crossing was significant because it marked __________.
  26. The commandment “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy” is about __________.
  27. The twelve tribes of Israel were led into the Promised Land by __________.
  28. Paul’s letters are found in the __________ Testament.
  29. The commandment “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” is about desiring __________.
  30. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on __________ tablets.


NAME: ____________________________

Part A: Objectives

Fill in the gaps with the correct option from the given alternatives.

  1. Paul’s original name was _____
    (a) Peter (b) John (c) Saul
  2. Where was Paul born?
    (a) Taritat (b) Damascus (c) Tarsus of Asia
  3. Paul was a ________ of the Christians before he met Christ.
    (a) persecutor (b) teacher (c) pastor
  4. Where was Saul going when he met Christ?
    (a) Jerusalem (b) Damascus (c) Rome
  5. What happened to Saul on his way?
    (a) a great light from heaven flashed around him
    (b) water from the sky splashed around him
    (c) force flashed from heaven and surrounded him
  6. After Paul’s baptism, he started to ______.
    (a) kill the Christians (b) preach the gospel (c) pull down churches
  7. Lydia was a dealer in ________ cloth.
    (a) purple (b) red (c) white
  8. Paul’s missionary journey began; he was called by the _____
    (a) man of God (b) spiritual king (c) Holy Spirit
  9. Evangelism is the responsibility of _____
    (a) evangelists (b) pastors only (c) every believer
  10. Paul raised a _______ at Troas.
    (a) cripple (b) Eutychus (c) Elymas
  11. ____________ said, “Separate Barnabas and Paul for the work I have called them.”
    (a) Peter (b) Silas (c) the Holy Spirit
  12. In which of these cities did Paul preach?
    (a) Corinth (b) Bethlehem (c) Egypt
  13. Paul wrote to the following people except _______
    (a) Ephesians (b) Romans (c) Matthew
  14. Paul met opposition at ____
    (a) Philippi (b) China (c) Asia
  15. At midnight, Paul and Silas ______ to God.
    (a) fought (b) prayed (c) smiled
  16. ___________ obeyed the commandment of God.
    (a) Satan (b) Pharaoh (c) Abraham
  17. A ________ was hung on a stick in the wilderness.
    (a) goat (b) serpent (c) flag
  18. __________ prayed to God on behalf of the Israelites.
    (a) Paul (b) Judas (c) Moses
  19. __________ means “God is with us.”
    (a) Jesus (b) Emmanuel (c) Christ
  20. During the Passover, God told the children of Israel to kill _____
    (a) snake (b) lamb or sheep (c) rat
  21. Paul was a citizen of which empire?
    (a) Greek (b) Roman (c) Egyptian
  22. Who was the king during the birth of Moses?
    (a) Pharaoh (b) Herod (c) Nebuchadnezzar
  23. Who accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey?
    (a) Silas (b) Barnabas (c) Timothy
  24. Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to the Philippians?
    (a) prison (b) Jerusalem (c) Corinth
  25. The twelve tribes of Israel originated from which ancestor?
    (a) Abraham (b) Isaac (c) Jacob
  26. What was Paul’s profession before his conversion?
    (a) soldier (b) tentmaker (c) fisherman
  27. Which group did Paul often confront in his letters?
    (a) Pharisees (b) Sadducees (c) Gentiles
  28. In which book of the Bible is Paul’s conversion recorded?
    (a) Acts (b) Romans (c) Corinthians
  29. Who was Paul’s mentor before his conversion?
    (a) Gamaliel (b) Nicodemus (c) Caiaphas
  30. How did Paul escape from Damascus after his conversion?
    (a) By night (b) Lowered in a basket (c) Hidden by disciples
  31. Which event is Paul most known for in Ephesus?
    (a) Baptizing John’s disciples (b) Writing letters (c) Healing the sick
  32. Who was Paul’s companion on his journey to Rome?
    (a) Luke (b) Silas (c) Timothy
  33. What vision did Paul have in Troas?
    (a) Macedonian man asking for help (b) Angel of the Lord (c) A bright light
  34. Who did Paul meet on the road to Damascus?
    (a) Ananias (b) Jesus Christ (c) Peter
  35. Paul’s letter to the Romans mainly addresses which theme?
    (a) Justification by faith (b) The second coming of Christ (c) Church governance
  36. Where did Paul write most of his epistles?
    (a) Ephesus (b) Philippi (c) Prison
  37. Paul was shipwrecked on the island of _____
    (a) Malta (b) Cyprus (c) Crete
  38. Who was Paul’s scribe for the letter to the Romans?
    (a) Tertius (b) Timothy (c) Barnabas
  39. Which group did Paul encourage to be strong in faith despite persecution?
    (a) Thessalonians (b) Corinthians (c) Galatians
  40. Who did Paul ask to bring his cloak and scrolls?
    (a) Timothy (b) Silas (c) Luke

Part B: Theory

  1. List four epistles of Paul:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  2. Mention four people that helped Paul in his missionary journey:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  3. Mention four communities visited by Paul during his missionary work:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  4. Narrate the event that happened when Paul and Silas were in prison:

  5. Mention four steps for achieving our goals:

  6. Describe how Paul was converted on the road to Damascus:

  7. Explain the significance of the twelve stones set up by Joshua:

  8. List four major themes in Paul’s letters:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  9. Describe the role of Barnabas in Paul’s early ministry:

  10. Explain why Paul wrote letters to the churches:

  11. What was Paul’s attitude toward the law after his conversion?

  12. Mention four miracles performed by Paul:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  13. Who were the key leaders in the early church, according to Paul’s letters?
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  14. How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?

  15. Explain the significance of Paul’s letters to the Romans:

  16. What challenges did Paul face in his missionary journeys?

  17. List four important events in Paul’s life:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  18. Why was Paul imprisoned multiple times?

  19. What role did Silas play in Paul’s ministry?

  20. Mention four books of the New Testament written by Paul:
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________

Part C: Essay

  1. Write a short essay on Paul’s first missionary journey, highlighting the key events and outcomes.

  2. Discuss the relevance of Paul’s teachings in the life of a Christian today.