NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________
DATE __________
- The following are components of Agriculture except ______ (a) selling agricultural products (b) harvesting of crops (c) rearing of animals
- Provision of shelter is a/an _____ of Agriculture. (a) provision (b) importance (c) essential.
- Livestock’s need _______ to grow well. (a) clean water (b) good shelter (c) all of the above.
- Scientists that study of observe weather are called ________ (a) astronauts (b) zoologists (c) meteorologists
- _____is a air motion. (a) humidity (b) temperature (c) Wind.
- The degree of hotness or coldness of the body is called ______ (a) wind (b) Humidity (c) temperature.
- Farming could be said to be as old as man. (a) true (b) false (c) not sure
- The atmosphere condition of a place for a very long time or period of time is called _______ (a) climate (b) weather (c) weathering.
- Early farmers are ______ (a) gatherers (b) wanderers (c) weathering.
- Meat from cattle is called _______ (a) pork (b) mutton (c) beef.
- All these are highly perishable items except _______ (a) yam (b) tomatoes (c) vegetable
- Different crops are grown in different part of the _______ (a) state (b) Lagos (c) Country
- The vegetation zone where millet, groundnut and rice can be found is (a) Derived Savannah (b) Savanna and semi Arid(c) Rain forest.
- Soya bean can be found in _______ (a) Kaduna (b) Taraba(c) Anambra
- Coconut can be found in the _______ (a) Rain forest (b) swamp (c) savannah
- Temperature, wind, light are _______ (a) climatic factors (b) breeze factors (c) weather factors.
- _______ is responsible for the distribution of crops and animals. (a) weather(b) climatic factors (c) crop plantation.
- The followings are animals milk producer except ______ (a) pig (b) goat (c) cow.
- Chicken, turkey are _______ producers (a) meat (b) milk (c) Egg.
- Ruminant animals are also called ______ (a) food eater (b) grass eater (c) Non-grass eater.
- What is climate?
- List five things that constitute climate.
- State the classification of animal based on feeding with examples.
- List and explain the classification of farm animals.
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