Examination Physical and Health Education Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10
Week 10 Examination – Physical and Health Education
Primary 1, Second Term
Exam Instructions:
- For Students:
- Read all the questions carefully before answering.
- Do not copy from other students. Write your own answers.
- Raise your hand if you do not understand any question.
- Do not talk or distract other students during the exam.
- Ensure your handwriting is clear and legible.
- You have 40 minutes to complete the exam.
- For Teachers:
- Ensure all students have access to their examination papers.
- Monitor students to avoid any cheating or malpractices.
- Be ready to assist any student who needs clarification on instructions, but not on the content of the exam.
- Remind students of the importance of honest work during the examination.
Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)
- Always swim with a __________ (a) lifeguard, (b) dog, (c) teacher, (d) friend.
- __________ is an example of a local game (a) Monopoly, (b) Fire on the Mountain, (c) Chess, (d) Scrabble.
- You should always wear a __________ in the swimming pool. (a) hat, (b) life jacket, (c) shorts, (d) gloves.
- __________ is important for playing football. (a) jumping, (b) running, (c) singing, (d) dancing.
- A __________ helps you stay afloat in the water. (a) pillow, (b) float, (c) towel, (d) ball.
- Always __________ before diving into the pool. (a) jump, (b) check the depth, (c) run, (d) play.
- In football, a __________ is used to score goals. (a) chair, (b) basketball, (c) goalpost, (d) net.
- __________ is a safety rule when swimming. (a) Swim alone, (b) Swim with a lifeguard, (c) Swim without checking the depth, (d) Swim quickly.
- Local games help you develop __________. (a) swimming, (b) friendship, (c) health, (d) strength).
- In the game of football, the team that scores more __________ wins. (a) points, (b) shoes, (c) goals, (d) shirts).
- __________ is a skill used in ball games to control the ball. (a) Kicking, (b) Sleeping, (c) Dancing, (d) Walking).
- The first rule of swimming safety is to always __________. (a) jump in, (b) swim alone, (c) check for lifeguards, (d) swim quickly).
- When playing a game, it is important to __________ the rules. (a) ignore, (b) follow, (c) change, (d) forget).
- A lifeguard is a person who ensures __________ while swimming. (a) danger, (b) safety, (c) fun, (d) swimming).
- You should never __________ near a swimming pool. (a) run, (b) sleep, (c) swim, (d) play.
- __________ is a popular local game in Nigeria. (a) Monopoly, (b) Fire on the Mountain, (c) Chess, (d) Baseball).
- A team needs __________ to play well together. (a) strength, (b) reading, (c) teamwork, (d) running).
- When playing football, you should always wear __________. (a) boots, (b) clothes, (c) shoes, (d) jersey).
- In swimming, a good way to rest is to __________ on your back. (a) swim, (b) float, (c) dive, (d) run).
- __________ is used to pass the ball in football. (a) Running, (b) Jumping, (c) Kicking, (d) Singing).
- You should always check the __________ before jumping into the pool. (a) floor, (b) depth, (c) temperature, (d) color).
- If you are feeling tired in the water, you should __________. (a) continue swimming, (b) ask for help, (c) jump higher, (d) sleep).
- In a football game, the team that scores the most __________ wins. (a) balls, (b) goals, (c) kicks, (d) points).
- A player must use __________ to control the football. (a) hands, (b) feet, (c) head, (d) knees).
- It is important to wear __________ when playing games to protect yourself. (a) shoes, (b) helmet, (c) socks, (d) jersey).
- __________ games are popular in Nigeria. (a) International, (b) Local, (c) Global, (d) Professional).
- In swimming, you should __________ in the water if you feel tired. (a) sink, (b) float, (c) jump, (d) dive).
- You should always __________ before swimming to ensure safety. (a) check the rules, (b) practice, (c) swim fast, (d) play a game).
- Teamwork in sports means __________. (a) playing alone, (b) listening to others, (c) not helping anyone, (d) arguing with the team).
- A lifeguard should be __________ when people are swimming. (a) relaxed, (b) attentive, (c) sleepy, (d) distracted).
Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)
- What is the first rule of safety when swimming?
- Why is it important to have a lifeguard in the pool?
- Name one safety rule for playing football.
- What is a local game? Give an example.
- How can you stay safe while swimming?
- What equipment is needed to swim safely?
- What should you do before diving into a pool?
- How can you play safely in a football game?
- What are the benefits of playing local games?
- Why is it important to listen to the coach when playing ball games?
- What are the rules of safety in swimming?
- How can teamwork help in football?
- What are some examples of local games?
- How can you protect yourself from injury when playing football?
- What is a float used for in swimming?
- How do you play the game “Fire on the Mountain”?
- Why should you not run around the swimming pool?
- How do you score a goal in football?
- Why is it important to stay hydrated during physical activities?
- How do you stay safe while playing ball games?
- What should you wear when swimming?
- What are the benefits of teamwork in sports?
- What safety gear do you need for swimming?
- How do you know if the pool is safe to swim in?
- Why is it important to follow the rules in sports?
- What should you do if you feel tired while swimming?
- How can you avoid accidents in the swimming pool?
- What do you need to play football?
- What is the most important safety rule in swimming?
- Why is it important to listen during a game?
Part C: True or False Questions (30 Statements)
- True or False: You should always swim with a lifeguard.
- True or False: It is safe to run near the pool.
- True or False: A local game can be played by only one person.
- True or False: In football, players use their hands to control the ball.
- True or False: Swimming is only for fun, not for exercise.
- True or False: A float helps you stay above the water.
- True or False: You must always listen to the rules in any game.
- True or False: It is okay to dive into shallow water.
- True or False: Teamwork is not important in football.
- True or False: Lifeguards make sure everyone is safe in the water.
- True or False: Local games are only played in schools.
- True or False: It’s important to check the water depth before diving.
- True or False: You should never swim alone.
- True or False: Hydration is important when swimming.
- True or False: You should always follow the coach’s instructions during a game.
- True or False: It’s okay to wear shoes while swimming.
- True or False: A jersey is important for playing football.
- True or False: Local games do not help with teamwork.
- True or False: You should always check the pool before entering.
- True or False: It’s important to have fun while playing games.
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)
- A __________ is a person who helps keep swimmers safe.
- You should always __________ before jumping into the pool.
- __________ helps you stay above water when swimming.
- When playing football, the __________ is used to score goals.
- It is important to drink __________ during sports.
- In swimming, you should always swim with a __________.
- __________ is the most important rule when swimming.
- You should never __________ near the swimming pool.
- The game “Fire on the Mountain” is an example of a __________ game.
- To stay safe in the pool, always swim with a __________.
- You should wear __________ when playing football.
- __________ helps you run faster in sports.
- A __________ is important when playing football.
- Always check the __________ before diving into a pool.
- __________ is important when playing ball games.
- In football, you use your __________ to control the ball.
- A lifeguard makes sure the __________ is safe for swimming.
- You need __________ to float in water.
- Always __________ the rules when playing a game.
- It is important to __________ before playing any sport.
- __________ are used to protect players in football.
- __________ is a good game to play with friends.
- __________ is a good activity for exercising.
- A float helps you __________ when you are tired in the pool.
- Always __________ before diving into water.
- It is important to listen to the __________ when playing a game.
- The __________ is the goal keeper in football.
- In swimming, the __________ helps you breathe easily.
- You should wear a __________ when swimming.
- In football, a player can __________ the ball with their feet.
This exam is designed to review the topics covered in the second term. Be sure to check your answers carefully before submitting your work.
Primary 1 Physical and Health Education, Second Term
Safety Rules in Swimming Primary 1 Physical and Health Education
- **In “Fire on the Mountain,” you stop when someone shouts, “Fire on the mountain!” and resume when they say, “Do not let my people go!” This game helps develop __________ skills.
- a) Listening
- b) Reading
- c) Drawing
- d) Singing
- **Who is in the Garden” is a game that involves hiding. The key skill required for this game is __________.
- a) Jumping
- b) Running
- c) Hiding
- d) Swimming
- In “Ten-Ten,” players engage in __________ to reach a goal without being tagged by the catcher.
- a) Crawling
- b) Jumping
- c) Sleeping
- d) Eating
- Suwe (Hopscotch) involves hopping on one foot. This game helps improve __________.
- a) Balance
- b) Singing
- c) Cooking
- d) Sleeping
- In “Catch and Catch,” two players throw and catch a ball to enhance __________ skills.
- a) Jumping
- b) Reading
- c) Catching
- d) Flying
- Skip Rope involves jumping over a swinging rope, promoting __________.
- a) Swimming
- b) Jumping
- c) Crawling
- d) Running
- In Ampe, a hopping and clapping game, players demonstrate __________.
- a) Dancing
- b) Hopping
- c) Singing
- d) Sleeping
- Kite Flying involves the skill of __________ to see whose kite flies the highest.
- a) Drawing
- b) Flying
- c) Swimming
- d) Cooking
- Mummy and Daddy is a game that involves __________ when called, trying not to be caught.
- a) Running
- b) Crawling
- c) Hopping
- d) Sleeping
- Duck Duck Goose involves sitting in a circle and saying, “Duck, duck, goose!” to enhance __________ skills.
- a) Counting
- b) Cooking
- c) Singing
- d) Running
- In local games, __________ is crucial for running and stopping suddenly.
- a) Jumping
- b) Listening
- c) Dancing
- d) Drawing
- Observation is vital in games like “Who is in the Garden” to __________.
- a) Find the hidden friend
- b) Count the players
- c) Cook food
- d) Sleep
- Coordination is essential in Fire on the Mountain to __________.
- a) Sit quietly
- b) Run and stop in sync
- c) Draw pictures
- d) Eat snacks
- Social skills are developed in games like “Fire on the Mountain” by __________.
- a) Running alone
- b) Collaborating with others
- c) Sleeping
- d) Hiding
- Teamwork is crucial in local games like “Ten-Ten” to __________.
- a) Sing together
- b) Work together
- c) Draw pictures
- d) Eat together
- In ball games, we practice __________ to move quickly, like in a game of tag.a) Jumping
b) Running
c) Throwing
d) Balancing - When playing soccer, we use our __________ to kick the ball into the goal.a) Hands
b) Feet
c) Head
d) Knees - During a game of catch, we enhance our __________ skills by grabbing the ball.a) Throwing
b) Catching
c) Running
d) Jumping - In basketball, we improve our __________ by dribbling the ball while moving.a) Kicking
b) Throwing
c) Balancing
d) Dribbling - When aiming at a target, we practice __________ the ball accurately.a) Kicking
b) Throwing
c) Running
d) Jumping - To avoid opponents or obstacles, we use __________ skills in games.a) Balancing
b) Dodging
c) Dribbling
d) Catching - During play, we improve our __________ by observing the ball and players.a) Listening
b) Observing
c) Kicking
d) Balancing - In a game of tag, __________ is crucial to avoid being caught.a) Jumping
b) Running
c) Throwing
d) Dribbling - When passing the ball to a friend, we are demonstrating __________.a) Listening
b) Teamwork
c) Dodging
d) Kicking - During a soccer match, we need to make quick __________ about whether to pass or shoot.a) Running
b) Balancing
c) Decision-Making
d) Catching - In a game of catch, we improve our __________ skills by receiving the ball from a friend.a) Throwing
b) Catching
c) Kicking
d) Dodging - When moving around in circles during play, we are enhancing our __________.a) Running
b) Circling
c) Dodging
d) Jumping - To improve accuracy, we practice __________ the ball at a target.a) Dribbling
b) Throwing
c) Catching
d) Kicking - Engaging in games that involve __________ promotes agility and quick movements.a) Balancing
b) Throwing
c) Circling
d) Dodging - In a team sport like basketball, __________ is essential to work together effectively.a) Teamwork
b) Decision-Making
c) Listening
d) ObservingSafety Rules In Football Games Primary 1 Physical and Health Education
- What is the importance of basic skills in ball games?
- Name one skill used for throwing a ball.
- How do we improve our balance during a ball game?
- Why is listening important when playing with a ball?
- Demonstrate the basic skill of kicking using an imaginary ball.
- In a team game, what is the role of teamwork?
- Why is it important to follow the rules in ball games?
- Share one social skill you practiced during the lesson.
- What does “decision-making” mean in the context of playing ball games?
- How does practicing basic skills make ball games more enjoyable?
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