Tortoise Loses His Father-in-Law: A Primary 1 English Reading Passage

CLASS: Primary 1
SUBJECT: English Language

Name: _______________________


Tortoise Loses His Father-in-Law

Each member of his household was very unhappy when the information came. Madam Tortoise was beneath a tree in their compound when Rabbit came to see her.

“Grandma, good day,” said Rabbit to the wife of Tortoise, sniffing around to seek for kernel.

“What brings Rabbit to my compound this afternoon?” asked Madam Tortoise. “It’s true, rabbits don’t come out at midday unless something is wrong. I hope everything is well, seeing you in my compound this afternoon,” Tortoise’s wife said, looking into the eyes of the visitor.

“All is not well,” replied Rabbit, trying to break the palm kernel he had picked from the ground earlier on.

“What’s the matter?” asked Madam Tortoise in a rush.

“Your father died yesterday on his way back from the farm. My father sent me to tell you about what happened,” replied Rabbit.

She dropped the orange she was peeling as soon as the news reached her and began to cry. Shortly after, her crying drew the attention of her children to the place she was, and they too joined their mother in crying when they learned of what had happened.

Tortoise palm


  1. Who died on his way back from the farm?
    (a) Tortoise’s father-in-law
    (b) Rabbit’s father-in-law
    (c) Rabbit’s father
  2. What was Rabbit looking for when he got to the house of Tortoise?
    (a) Palm kernel
    (b) Orange
    (c) Coconut
  3. Rabbits typically don’t come out in the day?
    (a) Yes
    (b) No
  4. What did Madam Tortoise do when the news of her father’s death reached her?
    (a) She started running
    (b) She dropped the orange she was peeling
    (c) She beat up Rabbit
  5. What did the children do when they saw their mother crying?
    (a) They started fighting
    (b) They were playing
    (c) They joined their mother in crying

Fill in the Gaps:

  1. T o __ orr __w
  2. Ba __ __ __ oo __
  3. A __ rp __rt
  4. Ne __ sp __ p __ r
  5. H __ adm __stress

This exercise will help students practice reading comprehension and spelling while also reinforcing understanding of the passage.