Jss 3 Social Studies Second Term Week 8

Subject  Social Studies

Class : Jss 3 Year 9 

Term :  Second Term




CONTENT: 1. Methods of transportation

  1. Types of modern transportation


Definition of transportation

Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another either by land, air or by water.

Methods of transportation

There are basically two methods of transportation namely;

  1. traditional method
  2. modern method

Traditional method

The traditional method takes forms such as

  1. Human-powered transportation – this involves carrying goods either on the head, shoulder or back from one place to another. It is usually cost- saving and also a means of exercising the body physically, especially in under developed communities.
  2. Beast of burden/ animal- powered transportation – this is the use of working animals to carry goods and people from one place to another.

Types of modern method of transportation

The modern methods of transportation are our key focus in this lesson. These modern methods include:

  1. Land transport

ii) water transport

iii) air transport








  1. Define transportation.
  2. What are the twotraditional methods of transportation?
  3. Explain the human-powered form of traditional transportation.
  4. Mention the three main methods of modern transportation.


Land Transport

Transportation by land involves the movement of people and goods from one place to another on land.

It can come in the form of Road or Rail transport. For road transport, automobiles such as buses, car, trunks, motor cycles, and lorriesetc convey people and goods on the trunk A, B, C of the Nigerian roads. The trunk A roads are maintained by the federal government, trunk B roads by the state government and trunk C roads by the local government.

Rail transport employs the use of trains which are usually powered by locomotive engines using steam, diesel or electricity. A train can also be powered by cables, horses, gas turbines and gravity pneumatics. Rail transport is the lowest and cheaper means of land transport.

Going by history, the first railway line in the world was opened in England in 1825 and is located between Darlington and Stockton. Many countries have since then developed their rail system and Russia owns the world’s longest single railway line between Vladivostok and Moscow.

In Nigeria however, there were two major railway lines before now. These are

  1. The western railway line from Lagos to Kano and Guru in Yobe state.
  2. The eastern railway line from Port Harcourt to Maiduguri.

Water Transportation

Water transportation is the process of moving people & goods from one place to another using water craft, such as boat ,ship,ferriesetc causes or a body of water .water transport encourages intra- national and international trade. The body organization that manages our water transport in Nigeria is the Nigeria Port Authority (NPA).


There are two basic type of water transport system namely.

  1. The ocean navigation nor is by ship on ocean or sea.
  2. The inland water ways.

Movement of goods and people is through creeks, canals, lagoons and lake within a nation’s

Boarder using canoes and boats. They are not deep enough for ships to travel on.

The Nigeria water has remained underdeveloped and under-utilized.


  1. Cargo ships – they carry bulky goods
  2. Tanker ship for carrying only crude oil.
  3. Passenger ship for carrying humans
  4. General ship for carrying different types of goods apart from liquids and frozen foods.
  5. Refrigerator ships for carrying only frozen foods such as fish, fruits, meat and vegetables.
  6. Multi- purpose ships for all kinds of goods.

Water transport is advantageous in the sense that it is not as expensive as air transport and bulky goods are conveniently transported.


This is a system of transport that allows goods and passengers to be moved through the use of aircraft such as aeroplanes, jets, helicopters. Aircraft is the second fastest means of transport after the rocket.Aeroplane was invented and flown in 1903 by the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur of The United State of America but the world’s First airline was started in 1914 by Tonny James.

It can be said that air transportation is very fast, comfortable but expensive.The places specially built for airplanes to land or take off are called airports or aerodromes. In Nigeria, we have both local and international airport and many organizations are responsible for the management of our air transport operation. These organizations are: Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), NCAA (Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority), Nigerian Metrological Services.

It should be borne in mind however that apart from the air transport methods discussed above, we also have pipeline transportation which involves the conveyance of liquids, oil and gases through pipelines which are laid or constructed underground.

Weekend assignment:[mediator_tech]

Objective Test:

  1. _________ and _________ are the two main methods of transportation.
  2. Land and road (b) traditional and modern (c) gas and turbines (d) locomotive and aerodromes.
  3. The three types of transportation are ________, ________ and ________
  4. Land, water and air transport (b) road, canal and jungle transport (c) road, land and rail transport (d) air, sky and water transport.
  5. The transport system that involves the movement of goods and people through creeks, lagoons, canals and lakes within a nation’s boarder using canoes, boat etc is called _________
  6. Human- powered transport
  7. Animal- powered transport
  8. Water transport
  9. The inland water ways.
  10. Cargo ships convey
  11. Goats (b) rams (c) bulky goods (d) human
  12. The fastest of the three types of transportation is
  13. Road transport (b) water transport (c) air transport (d) marine transport
  14. Aeroplane was invented by ________ in ________
  15. Boyles and Charles in 1903 (b) Le’ Chartelia in 1807 (c) the Wright brothers in 1903 (d) Obasanjo and Goodluck in 1997.
  16. Pipeline transportation conveys __________
  17. Cargo (b) human (c) gases, oil and other liquids (d) books and stationeries.
  18. The trunk A roads in Nigeria are managed by ____________ (a) the states (b) the local government (c) private organizations (d) the federal government.
  19. Land transportations include _________ and _________ (a) main roads and bushes (b) road and rail transport (c) bicycles and tricycles (d) ocean and inland ways.
  20. ___________ is the movement of goods and people from one location to another.

Essay Test:

  1. Mention 5 (five) seaports in Nigeria
  2. List 5 (five) airlines operating in Nigeria
  3. When was the first air route (Lagos – Kano) in Nigeria established?