Answer all questions in this section.
1. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
(a) Dressing table
(b) Mattress
(c) Bed
(d) dinning chair
2. The breakup of marriage is called ______
A. Friend
B. divorce
C. family
D. director
3. Family value system help to control ______
A. Like
B. behavior
C. obesity
D. balance
4. One of the following shows how family members relate to each other.
A. Family tree
B. Family picture
C. Family album
D. Family design
5. Decision can easily be influenced by ______
A. Period
B. time
C. space
D. resources
6. The struggle between two or more people who disagree is called
A. Conflict
B. crisis
C. problem
D. fault
7. A dwelling place for a family is the ______
A. Society
B. home
C. school
D. church
8. Your brothers and sisters of the same
parents are your
A. cousin
B. nephew
C. nieces
D. siblings
9. Food is a ______ need
A. tertiary
B. secondary
C. primary
D. kindergarten
10. Clothes should be washed before they
become too
A. Expensive
B. fibrous
C. dirty
D. ironed
11. Air clothes before
A. ironing
B. storing
C. washing
D. soaking
12. The functional area used as centre for
sleeping is
A. room
B. sitting room
C. rest room
D. bedroom
13. One of the following is very common in
rural areas
A. Pit latrine
B. Water closet
C. Bath-tub
D. Shower bathroom
14. Domestic violence occurs in the _____
A. Home
B. School
C. market
D. church
15. One of the following has no known cure at the moment.
B. malaria
C. gonorrhea
D. cholera
16. Entertainment is a way of building good _____ among people
A. relationship
B. class
C. interest
D. quarrel
17. Mending or repairing knitted or woven articles is referred to as —–
A. sewing
B. stitching
C. darning
D. crocheting
18. Home Economics teaches you how to be _______
A. stingy
B. creative
C. dancing
D. wasteful
19. The term used collectively to include a variety of textile articles used in the home
is household _____
A. linen
B. calico
C. fabric
D. nylon
20. ______ is not suitable for the skin
A. toilet soap
B. bleaching cream
C. cleansing lotion
D. moisturizing cream
21. The following are examples of household
A. Scarf and bed sheet
B. Bed sheet and head ties
C. Bed sheet and pillow case
D. Shirt and curtains
22. The functional area used for food preparation is
A. living room
B. hall ware
C. toilet
D. kitchen
23. Adolescence is a period of rapid
A. exercise
B. growth
C. rest
D. sleep
24. A person who creates new style of clothing is called a fashion ______
A. designer
B. model
C. advertiser
D. cooperator
25. One of these is not a functional area of a house
A. sitting room
B. duplex
C. toilet
D. kitchen
26. The subject that helps a Home Economist to understand the effect of heat on food is
A. Mathematics
B. history
C. geography
D. chemistry
27. ___________ teaches people ho
to make wise decisions when selecting of
buying goods and services.
A. Consumer Education
B. Physical education
C. computer education
D. custom education
28. The act of making the body perform so
activities is ______
A. dancing
B. exercise
C. jumping
D. sweeping
29. Fatigue simply means
A. worry
B. happiness
C. eating
D. tiredness
30. Before the application of make-up the face must first be ______
A. covered
B. cleansed
C. moisturized
D. toned
31. Kitchen linen includes the following except _____
A. hand towel
B. oven gloves
C. Muslin
D. bath towel
32. ______, is the process of replacing worn out part of cloth with a piece of fabric
A. darning
B. mending
C. patching
D. garment repair
33. _____ are used as covering for warmth on cold nights
A. Blanket
B. Bed sheets
C. Mattress covers
D. Draperies
34. Which of the following should
be removed from clothes before storage?
A. Broaches and pins
B. collars and cuffs
C. sleeves and collars
D. buttons and pads
35. A dirty galvanized bucket can be cleaned
A. sand paper
B. pawpaw leaves
C. wax
D. polish
36. Beliefs, feelings or ideas of what is important, desirable and good are called
A. Standards
B. goals
C. resourced
D. values
37. Freedoms and benefits that are guaranteed to people by law are called-
A. Bills
B. rights
C. responsibilities
D. requirements
38. When things cease to go on as usual in a
family it means there is family.
B. conflict
C. debate
D. decision
39. Which of these is not a cleaning agent?
A. Detergent
B. bleaches
C. solvents
D. izal
40. The best paper to use with a water closet is
A. newspaper
B.fresh paper
C. soft tissue paper
D. dry leaves
41. Those things the family has to meet the
needs of the household members are
A. cars
B. houses
C. shops
D. resources
42. can be found in very dirty hair.
A. Lice
B. weevils
C. ants
D. maggots
43. To remove foreign bodies from the ears
A. Use cotton bud
B. Use clip
C. use broom
D. See a doctor
44. Which of the following is an instrumental
A. orderliness
B. love
C. freedom
D. dignity
45. Personal hygiene helps to
A. eat good food
B. remove body odor
C. sit properly
D. walk fast
46. All towels should be soft and
A. dark
B. brown
C. dry
D. absorbent
47. The way of life of a family is their
A. values
B. goals
C. resources
D. lifestyle
48. Values are important for their own sake.
A. intrinsic
B. instrumental
C. life
D. aesthetic
49. Clothes should not be stored in a
A. box
B. wardrobe
C. damp place
D. closet
50. The fabrics or materials used for decorating doors and windows are
A. curtains and draperies
B. curtains and sheets
C. draperies and cases
D. sheets and linens
51. Clothes can be stored in all except
A. box
B. wardrobe
C. drawer
D. bed
52. Side cupboard is a piece of furniture commonly found in the
A. passage
B. dining room
C. kitchen
D. sitting room
53. Flowers and wooden ornaments are found in the
A. bathroom
B. kitchen
C. sitting room
D. store
54. Home economics is related to the
following except
A. Agriculture
B. Biology
C. Chemistry
D. French
55. Which of the following house cleaning tools is used for collecting dirt’s gathered with broom?
A. Brush
B. bucket
C. duster
D. Dust pan
56. Daily cleaning of the sitting room incl the following except
A. arrange newspapers and magazines
B. clean all pictures and ornaments
C. open doors and windows to air air room
D. empty the waste paper basket
57. To open up a blocked sink, the services an/à ____ is required.
A. electrician
B. mason
C. painter
D. plumber
58. The best method of resolving conflict in the family and community is by _____
A. argument and riot
B. creating awareness
C. follow-up
D. negotiation and compromise
59. All the following can be used as a flower holder except ____
A.floral foam
B. plate
C. wire netting
D. pin holder
60. It is best to collect flowers early in the
A. morning
B. afternoon
C. mid day
D. mid morning
a)State five guidelines for flower
b) State five uses of sitting room
a) List three causes of conflict in the family
b) State three guidelines in the use of water closet.
c) List three causes of conflict in the family
a) Outline five factors that can influence values
b) State five guidelines for flower
a) List the three types of lifestyle
b) State five factors that can influence the choice of household linen
c) List four homemade cleaning agents.