Subject : Agricultural Science

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 5

Class : jss 3, Year 9


Average age :  12

Reference Book : Agricultural Science for JSS 3 by Are et al.

Behavior Objectives :  At the end of the lesson. Pupils should be able to

a) Explain the meaning of the word Employment

b) say the various employment opportunities that are there in in Agriculture

c)give two examples of self employed opportunities in agriculture

Instructional materials : Wall charts, textbooks, pictures on card boards, flash cards



CONTENT:1. Self-employment

  1. Paid employment


Employment is the paid work, job or occupation which somebody does for a living.

Any such employment in which somebody gets profitably involved for a reasonable length of time, especially during his or her adult life is called a career.

The employment opportunities in agriculture are grouped into two. They are:

  1. Self-employment
  2. Paid employment


Self employment

This is the method of getting money through the use of one’s skills without working for another person, organization or government.

Examples of self employment in agriculture are:


(b)Buying and selling farm produce

(c) Processing of farm produce

(1) Farming: private farmers establish and run their own farms to earn (money) a living. They can go into:

  1. Poultry production                                          v. Rabbitry
  2. Fishery                                                              vi. Pig production

iii. Apiculture                                                      vii. Horticulture

  1. Cattle, sheep and goat production                    viii. Crop production

 (2) Buying and selling farm produce

Employment opportunities exist for people in buying and selling of agricultural products. They buy in bulk from the producers and sell in small quantities to consumers or retailers. Examples of crops are: yams, tomatoes, palm oil, oranges, vegetables, etc.

(3) Processing of agricultural produce

In some localities, small industries have been established for processing of agricultural products. Money is charged by the owner of the industry for processing products. Examples are:

  1. Processing of cassava into garri.
  2. Processing of oil palm into palm oil.

iii. Milling of rice.

  1. Processing of groundnut into cake and oil.


  1. Define the term ”employment”.
  2. Give two examples of self-employment in agriculture.




Mock Exams SS 3 Economics




The art of getting money through the use of one’s skills to work for another person, organization or government.

Examples of paid employment in agriculture are:

(a) Government ministries or establishments. Eg Ministries of Agriculture, Federal Prisons Service, etc.
(b) Agro-based industries. Eg Chemical industries, feeds industries, fertilizer industries, Textile industries,  etc.
(c) Educational institutions Eg universities, Polytechnics. Colleges of Education, secondary schools, etc.
(d) Banks All commercial banks.
(e) Research Institutes Eg

Cocoa Research of Nigeria (CRIN),

National Cereal Research Institute (NCRI),

International Institute forTropical Agriculture (IITA),

National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI)



Employment Opportunities for Senior Secondary and Post Secondary School leavers.

  1. School Certificatecertificate holders who credited agricultural science could be offered jobs in the State or Federal Ministries of Agriculture asAssistant Agricultural superintendent in Training.
  2. 2. Secondary school leavers with at least four credits at ‘O’ level are also offered admission to study for the Ordinary National Diploma and Higher National Diploma courses in Agriculture Science and related fields. Such courses take duration of five years. The first two years for OND, one year field work; while the last two years are for the HOD.

The OND holders fits into the Assistant Agricultural Superintendent or Assistant Technical Officer position, while the HOD holder gets on as Higher Agricultural Superintendent or Higher Technical Officer.

Employment opportunities for university graduates

School certificate holder with five credits at ‘O’  level in Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Mathematics and at least, a pass in Physics are offered courses in Agricultural related fields in various universities in Nigeria, such courses last for five years, and leads to the award of a Bachelors Degree in the field.  Agricultural Education courses last for four years, leading to B.Sc (Ed.) award.

Some courses of study in faculty of Agriculture and Education in Nigerian universities are:

  1. Soil Science
  2. Crop Science (Agronomy)
  3. Animal Science
  4. Agricultural Economics
  5. agricultural Extension
  6. Agricultural Engineering
  7. Forestry
  8. Fisheries
  9. Agricultural Education
  10. Veterinary medicine
  11. Horticulture

Agricultural science graduates can start a career in:

  1. Ministry of Agriculture asAgricultural Officers.
  2. In Research Institutes asResearch Officers.
  3. In the state Education system asTeachers.
  4. In universities and other tertiary institutions asgraduateor research assistants.


  1. List four examples of paid employment opportunities in agriculture.
  2. List five courses of study available in Nigerian universities.

Agriculture in Stock Exchange

Stock Exchange

Stock exchange is a corporation or mutual organization which provides trading facilities for stock brokers and traders to trade on stock and other securities. It is a market where shares and stock and other securities are bought. The securities traded on stock include shares issued by the companies, units trust, derivatives, pooled department and bonds.

People involved in Stock Exchange

The broker – A broker acts as an agent for firms and/or individuals who want to buy or sell securities. They instruct him to buy or sell stocks and shares on their behalf. They charge commission for the services rendered. They give advice on what type of stock or shares to buy.

The jobbers – These are people who specialize in a particular type of stocks and shares. They acts as middlemen who do not buy or sell securities direct from members of the public but through brokers who act as their agent. The jobbers quote two different prices, one for buying and a higher one for selling. The difference between the jobbers buying and selling price is called the Jobber turn or his profit.

Authorized clerks – These are salaried office workers who are employed by brokers and jobbers. They are called authorized clerks because they have authority to buy and sell securities on behalf of their principals.

Investors – These are people or institute that buys stock or shares for the sake of investment.

Speculators – These are people who buy shares not because of regular income they could obtain but because of the profit they will make from fluctuation of prices. Those who buy hoping the prices would fall are called Bulls while those who sell shares because they expect the price to fall are called Bears.

Importance of stock exchange in Agriculture

  1. It encourages investment in agriculture
  2. It helps raise capital for business
  3. It encourages cooperative or contract farming
  4. It creates investment opportunities for small scale farmers
  5. Stock exchange makes long term loans in form of debentures available to commercial farmers
  6. It encourages savings as stock and shares bought can be kept and sold in the future
  7. It is a means of measuring the wealth of a company

It helps to facilitate the growth of companies

Weekend Assignment

Objective Test:

  1. Employment is also called ——
  2. job       B. career     C.paid work    D. all of the above
  3. Agricultural school leavers in Nigeria are employed in the following establishments except
  4. banks     B. industry     C. ministry     D. military
  5. Which of the following is a self employed position for agricultural school leaver in Nigeria?
  6. Agricultural officer   B. Producer retailer    C. Research officer   D. School teacher
  7. Which of the following is not part of the agro-allied industries?
  8. oil mill     B. saw mills     C. cotton and wool ginneries    D. oil exploration firms
  9. A person who practices agriculture is called a  ——
  10. apiculturist   B. doctorC. horticulturist        D. farmer

Essay Test:

  1. List five  Agricultural Science courses of study available in Nigerian universities.
  2. Mention 2 employment positions available to Agricultural Science graduates.

  1. Practice Question
    1. Explain the roles of the following people
    1. Jobber
    2. Authorized clerk
    3. Speculators
    4. Investors
    1. _____ is a market where shares and stock and other securities are bought


    1. Jobber – A person who specializes in a particular type of stock and shares. He does not buy or sell directly from members but through stock brokers.

    Authorized Clerk – He/she is a person employed by a stock broker or jobber and has the authority to buy and sell on behalf of the principal

    Speculator – Someone who buys shares not because of the salary they get but because of fluctuation in prices of shares

    Investor – Institute that buy stock for the sake of investment

    1. Stock Exchange



Step one :The class teacher revises the previous topics

Step two : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step three : He or she arouse the pupils interest by making the class alive, warm and interesting by making use of various instructional materials like pictures on books or cardboard or making online reference with phones, laptop or desktop computers


Conclusion : The class teacher gives out a summary of the note on the board and he goes round to mark ‘

He or she also does the necessary corrections
