NAME OF PUPIL________________
DATE __________
1. Who is the creator of heaven and the earth? (a) Satan (b) God
2. What are the things God created? (a) Plant, animals and man (b) spoon, broom and shoes.
3. God is our heavenly father. Yes /No
4. God loves little children. Yes/No
5. We must fear and respect God. No/Yes
6. Why did God created human being. (a) To take care of the things he created (b) To destroy all the things he created.
7. The things he created (b)To destroy everything he has created
8. God created the Sun and moon. Yes/No
9. God created everything for (a) Plant and animal (b) Human Being
10. We must fear and respect God and man (a) No (b) Yes
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Edu Delight Tutors
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