Types of toilets

Class:Basic 2

Subject:Civic Education


Content:Definition of toilet

               Types of toilets

Toilet is a place where we pass out waste products(urine and faeces).

There are basically two types of toilets,

1.Modern toilet

2.Traditional toilet

Modern toilet:These type of toilet 

are found in town and cities.They are made from ceramics.The modern toilets can also be divided into water closet and semi-water closet.These toilets are used in areas where there are large supply of water.

Traditional toilets:These are toilets found in the villages.They are divided into pit latrine and bucket latrine.They are used where there is shortage of water.


Evaluation Questions

1.Define toilet?

2.Mention two types of toilets?

3.The modern toilets can be divided into two,list them?



4.The traditional toilets can also be divided into two,list them?



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