Subject : Basic Science and Technology
Class : Basic 4
Term : Third Term
Week : 2nd week
Topic : Usefulness and Importance of Technology in our day to day activities
Previous knowledge : The pupils have the taught the use of end products of technology like blender, washing machine, pressing iron, speakers etc
Content : Technology is the use of science to get most things done easier and faster.
Technology is the application of science to solve our day to day problems, worries and challenges
Usefulness and Importance of Technology in Our day to day activities
- Banking : Daddy and Mummy don’t spend long hours on queen to pay school fees as most of these transaction can be done on mobile phone application at the comfort of our homes
- Education : Due to advanced technology, mobile apps are developed and most learning, teaching or training can be done both online and offline. Thanks to technology. There are lots of mobile applications that can be used. Whatsapp is a very good example
- Health : Doctors are now able to make right diagnoses and prescription due to improved technology. We now have electronic thermometer that looks like gun that can be used to take your body temperature with body contact. This was widely used to measure people’s temperature in March and April during the period of ravaging covid 19 virus that is other wise known as Corona virus
- Information : Satellites and communication mast are seen almost everywhere to improve communication. Telephone calls and messages are end products of technology. Internet is a connection of so many computers to make communication easy
- House chores : Electrical appliances such as pressing iron, washing machines, blenders, cookers are all products that come into being because of thorough research work of technology
- Science and technology have made medicine better, helping people live longer.
- The internet and digital communication help people connect and share information easily.
- Renewable energy like solar and wind power is good for the environment and helps us have clean energy.
- Science and technology have made farming better, so we have more food and less hunger.
- Modern transportation like fast trains and electric cars help us travel better and protect the environment.
- Science and technology have made learning easier and more fun with online courses and educational apps.
- We have cool gadgets like smartphones and home appliances that make our lives more convenient.
- Science and technology help us be better prepared for natural disasters and keep us safe.
- The internet and online libraries give us access to information and knowledge.
- Health monitoring devices and telehealth services help us take care of our health and well-being
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1.: The teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.: the teacher introduces the new topic
Step 3.: Hé allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he corrects the pupils when the needs arise
- What is technology
- Mention four ways that technology has helped in carrying out our day to chores at home
- How have advancements in medicine improved people’s lives? a) By making transportation faster b) By providing access to information c) By increasing life expectancy d) By reducing pollution
- What has the internet and digital communication made easier? a) Traveling b) Learning c) Farming d) Shopping
- What is the benefit of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power? a) Protecting the environment b) Increasing pollution c) Reducing food production d) Improving transportation
- How has science and technology improved agriculture? a) By making transportation faster b) By reducing hunger c) By decreasing life expectancy d) By increasing pollution
- What is the advantage of modern transportation systems like high-speed trains and electric cars? a) Slowing down travel b) Saving energy c) Increasing pollution d) Reducing convenience
- How has science and technology impacted education? a) By making learning difficult b) By making learning easier and more fun c) By reducing access to information d) By increasing cost of education
- What is the benefit of consumer products like smartphones and home appliances? a) Reducing convenience b) Increasing pollution c) Improving quality of life d) Slowing down communication
- How has science and technology helped in disaster management? a) By making disasters more severe b) By reducing early warning systems c) By increasing safety d) By causing more natural disasters
- What is the advantage of access to information through the internet and online libraries? a) Reducing knowledge b) Increasing cost c) Democratizing access to information d) Slowing down innovation
- How do health monitoring devices and telehealth services impact personal health? a) By making health worse b) By reducing life expectancy c) By increasing pollution d) By empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being
Conclusion : The class teacher gives a brief note and he goes round to make. He also does the necessary corrections
Assignment : 1.Mention two Usefulness of Technology in transportation
- Mention two importance of technology in education
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