The goals of this subject area are:
- To help the children to develop positive feelings about themselves and people around
- To build and nurture positive relationships and respect among the children
- To develop positive skills, cultivate appropriate habits and build their self confidence
- To help the children to manage feelings and
- Understanding the concept of privacy
- Safety rules on how to ensure privacy
- Anger
- Meaning of anger
- The beauty of anger
- Managing anger
- Positive anger behaviour
- Physical touch
- Appropriate touch
- Examples of good touch
- Inappropriate touches
- Life skills
- Everyday survival skills
- Grace and courtesy (good manners)
- Polite words
- Examples of polite words
- When to say thank you
- When to say please:
- When to say excuse me
- Saying i’m sorry
- Life skills
- Time management skills
- Approaches in teaching time management
- The changing season
- Creating schedule:
- Safety on the road
- Stop, look and cross rules
- Traffic light
- Colours on traffic lights and what they signify
- Safety behaviours in a moving vehicle
- All about medicine (drug knowledge)
- Meaning of drug/medicine
- Uses of medicine
- Medicine is not candy (safe medicine uses
- Candy or sweet
- Types of medicine
- Community and community helpers
- Meaning of community
- Community helpers
- Roles of community helpers
This subject Introduces the children to topics that will
- help them make sense of their physical world
- Understand their community and the people in it
- Study about places, technology and the environment
- Develop early scientific knowledge and explorative mindset
- Meaning of habitat
- What animals need to survive in their habitats
- Habitats of common animals
- Exploring the planet:
- My planets and i
- The planet earth:
- Movement of the earth
- Meaning of sunrise and sunset
- Concepts of day and nigh
- 10/ what causes day and night 11 Breathing/ respiration
- Meaning of breathing
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide 14 Rainbow
15 Meaning of rainbow 16 Colours of the rainbow
- Here comes the sun
- Purpose of the sun
- An earth without the sun
- The basic facts about the sun
- Beautiful animals around us
- The world of frogs
- How frogs use their body parts
- Giraffes
- Basic geography
- mountains
- Highest mountain in the world
28.. Rivers
29.. Importance of river
30.. Longest river in the world
31.. Major rivers in africa
- Science of weather
- Meaning of atmosphere:
- Importance of the atmosphere
- Meaning of weather
- Examples of weather
- What is air
- Wind
- Amazing world of living things
- Meaning of characteristics of living things
- The characteristics of living things
- Seasons in the year:
- Meaning of season
- Seasons in a year
- Seasons in western world
- Focus on providing opportunities for children’s active interaction
- Improve their skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement
- Making healthy choices in relation to food
- Improving a healthy lifestyle among the children
- Personal hygiene
- Keeping it clean
- Wash, brush and comb
- Importance of good personal hygiene
- Germs
- Toilet habits
- Examples of good toilet hahibts
- Water is your best friend
- More water, less juice
- Importance of water to the body
- Quench the thirst
- Breathing
- Organs of breathing
- Healthy eating
- You are what you eat
- Balanced diet
- Temperature
- Hot or cold
- Dangerous insects in our homes
- Meaning of insects
- Examples of dangerous insects in our homes
- I’m not a snack
- Six classes of food
- Meaning of carbohydrate
- Protein food
- Vitamins
- My bones, muscles and joints
- About my body
- Meaning of bone
- Number of bones in the body
- Move your muscles
- Joints
- Functions of bones
- Rest and sleep
- A break in the day (nap time)
- Super sleep
- Sleep and i
- Good bedtime habits
- What’s for breakfast?
- Importance of breakfast
This subject helps the children to develop
- Number sense and awareness
- Problem solving skills
- Understanding and using Shapes
- Understanding basic measurements and operations
- Developing spatial awareness
- Recognizing, creating and describing patterns
- Simple additions and subtractions
- Spaces
- Number awareness
- Counting 1-30 (or 1-50)
- Numeral identification
- Developing early writing skill
- Pre-number concepts
- Concepts of big and small
- One to one correspondence
- Days of the week:
- First day of the week
- Last day of the week
- Matching numbers to quantities
- Two dimensional shapes:
- Circular objects and square around us
- Drawing and identifying a circle
- Squares around us
- Identifying the sides of a square
- Sequencing
- Learning sequencing words
- Rote memorization of the multiplication table
- Numbers in words
- Patterning recognition and creation
- The ab pattern
- The abc or abb pattern (complex pattern)
- Abb pattern
- Counting on
- Weekdays
- Weekends
- Shapes-introducing triangle and rectangle
- What is a triangle?
- Describing rectangle
- . What number comes next?
- . Start and end numbers 13 . Sorting and classifying 14 . Meaning of sorting
- . Basic sorting skills
- . Sorting a larger group of two with one attribute 17 . Building stronger visual descrimination skills 18 Incorporate sorting into every day activity
- Lesson: comparing numbers
- . Greater than
- . Less than
- Perfecting greater than and less than through rhyme
- Skip counting
- Skip count by 2
- Class activity 2 on skip counting by 2: 26 Memorizing counting by steps of two: 27 Mathematical symbols
- Simple addition
- Use of objects to demonstrate simple addition
- Use the children as manipulatives
- Writing number sentence in horizontal form
- Solving simple additons
- Memorising doubles
- I spy
- Concept of before, after and between in recognising numbers
- Understanding the concept of before
- Concept of ‘after’
- Concept of between
- Using i spy to test knowledge of positions
- Counting by steps of five
- Rote memorization of multiplication table
- Simple multiplication
- Backward counting
The aims of this subject are:
- To encourage children to begin to read at early age
- To help children cultivate appropriate listening skills
- To help children develop good writing ability
- To facilitate the children’s quick understanding and attention skills
- To build early communication skills
- Learning the alphabets
- Reciting the 26 alphabets ( letter names)
- Learning the letter sounds
- Writing letters of the alphabets
- Division of the alphabet
- Letters in the alphabets
- The two groups of the alphabet
- Vowels and consonants
- Active listening skills
- Story reading
- Comprehension stories
- Self introduction
- Meeting a new friend
- Introduce yourself to adults
- Exploring the world of opposites
- Memorising words and opposites
- Making short sentences with opposites
- Alphabets
- Decoding words
- Sounding out words (reading with phonics)
- Spelling words phonetically
- Using describing words for food
- Creamy foods
- Crunchy foods
- Print concept awareness
- Letters and words
- Meaning of sentence:
- Finish the sentence
- Punctuation marks
- Identification and writing of punctuation marks
- Verb:
- Verb tense
- Making sentences with the right verb tense
- Spelling of their names
- Phonemic awareness
- Blending sounds into words
- Segmenting sounds (critical skill for spelling)
- Nouns
- meaning and examples of nouns
- Noun gender
- Examples of noun gender (human beings)
- Examples of male and female animals
- Singular and plural nouns
- Meaning of singular and plural
- The magic ‘s’
- Irregular plurals
- Spelling and writing days of the week
- Months of the year
About The Author
Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.