First Term Computer Studies JSS 3 Examination Questions
- Answer all questions in this section.
- Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Select the correct option for each question and shade the corresponding answer space on your answer sheet using a pencil.
- Ensure you shade only one answer per question. All rough work should be done on the question paper.
Table of Contents
- Individuals who have obtained sufficient education and training in the field of computer are called:
A. Program Analysts
B. Computer Professionals
C. Poor technical writers
D. Troubleshooters - All the following are careers in the field of computers except:
A. Computer Engineer
B. Programmer
C. Network Administrator
D. Bank Manager - Who writes codes and instructions for the computer?
A. Computer Engineer
B. Programmer
C. Network Administrator
D. Bank Manager - NCS is a computer professional body. NCS stands for:
A. Nigeria Computer Society
B. National Commission Society
C. Nigeria Computer Studies
D. Non-governmental Commission Society - Which of the following is a quality of a good computer professional?
A. Poor analytical skills
B. Automation
C. Troubleshooting capabilities
D. Poor technical writing skills - A body that controls and regulates all communication operations in Nigeria is:
A. Nigeria Communication Commission
B. Nigeria Internet Group
C. Computer Commissioners
D. Computer Instructors - All of the following are means through which computer viruses can spread from one system to another except:
A. Internet downloads
B. Computer networks
C. Infected memory devices
D. Blood transfusion - A computer virus that alters its signature patterns whenever it replicates is called:
A. Boot sector virus
B. Polymorphic virus
C. Resident virus
D. Non-resident virus - A program written to stop and control the spread of a virus in a computer system is called:
A. Auto-virus
B. Antivirus
C. Virus signature
D. Polymorphic software - The process of locating and fixing errors in a computer program is known as:
A. Debugging
B. Encoding
C. Analyzing
D. Compiling
- All of these are examples of computer viruses except:
A. Smadav
B. Trojan Horse
C. I Love You Virus
D. Stone - Which of these is not a virus warning sign?
A. Speeds up computer response time
B. Presence of tiny dots
C. Incomplete saving of files
D. The appearance of strange characters - Which of these is an antivirus software?
A. Norton
B. Creeper
C. Code Records
D. Logic Bomb - Preventive measures against computer viruses do not include:
A. Installing cracked software
B. Timely update of operating system
C. Timely update of antivirus software
D. Exercising care when browsing the internet - The largest computer network in the world is:
D. Internet - A computer network ideal for schools, offices, and homes is called:
C. Internet
D. LAN - The acronym MAN stands for:
A. Man Area Network
B. Metropolitan Area Network
C. Master Area Network
D. Main Area Network - All of these are internet search engines except:
A. Google
B. Yahoo
C. Facebook
D. Bing - Websites or software that enable a person to find documents and other media on the internet are called:
A. Search engines
B. Internet search engines
C. Network searches
D. Search queries - A word or group of words that are typed by the user in the search bar of a search engine is called:
A. Search query
B. Search engine result page
C. Likes
D. Comments - PAN stands for:
A. Programmer Area Network
B. Personal Area Network
C. Personal Area Number
D. Programmer Area Number - The gap between those who have effective access to digital and information technologies and those who have little or no access is called:
A. New Economy Divide
B. Old Economy Divide
C. Digital Divide
D. All of the above - An economy that is centered on industrialization is called:
A. New Economy
B. Old Economy
C. Digital Economy
D. Information Economy
- One of these is a feature of the new economy:
A. Requires a lot of labor
B. Time-consuming
C. It is knowledge-based
D. Mechanically driven - All of these are benefits of the new economy except:
A. Creates new jobs
B. Attracts no investment
C. Greater competition
D. Businesses can start with small capital - All the following are examples of DBMS packages except:
A. MS Access
B. MS Word
C. Oracle
D. SQL Server - A single piece of information about an object is called:
A. Record
B. Primary Key
C. Database
D. Field - Which of these can serve as a primary key?
A. Name
B. Voter’s Card Number
C. Address
D. Age - One of these is not a form of database:
A. Hierarchical
B. Record
C. Relational
D. Network - The form of database that permits the organization of data in the form of a tree is:
A. Hierarchical
B. Record
C. Relational
D. Network - Software designed to mainly perform mathematical, statistical, and accounting calculations is called:
A. Word Processing Software
B. Presentation Software
C. Spreadsheet Software
D. DBMS - All of these are uses of spreadsheet software except:
A. Performing artistically
B. Tax estimation
C. Budget planning
D. Preparation of payroll - Which of these is a spreadsheet package?
A. MS Paint
B. MS Excel
C. MS Word
D. MS Access - The intersection between a row and a column is called:
A. Formula
B. Label
C. Value
D. Cell - ………. displays the cell reference of the active cell:
A. Name Box
B. Formula Bar
C. Row
D. Column - The first string in the MS Excel formula is:
B. =
C. +
D. / - The formula to add Cell A3 to Cell A13 in MS Excel is:
A. =3+13
B. SUM(A3:A13)
C. =SUM(A3:A13)
D. All of the above - Numeric data that are entered into a cell in MS Excel are classified as:
A. Value
B. Label
C. Formula
D. Function
- The cell is called:
A. Formula
B. Label
C. Value
D. Cell - Password is used to …….. computer and documents:
A. Expose
B. Save
C. Protect
D. Format - A single page in a spreadsheet is called:
A. Workbook
B. Worksheet
C. Sheet
D. Book - A cell that is currently selected for data entry is called:
A. Function
B. Cell Reference
C. Active Cell
D. Anchor Cell - Which of these is not a function in Excel?
D. MIN - The following are computer personnel except:
A. Computer Operator
B. Programmer
C. System Analyst
D. Banker - Analogue computers are used for:
A. Counting
B. Teletype
C. Measuring
D. Designing and Drawing - The third generation of computers used:
A. Integrated Circuit
B. Vacuum Tube
C. Transistor
D. Resistor - An example of system software is:
A. Windows XP
B. Corel Draw
C. Monitor
D. Hard Disk - An example of a special-purpose computer is:
A. Desktop Computer
B. Traffic Control Light
C. Palmtop Computer
D. Mini Computer - Corel Draw is a:
A. Word Processing Package
B. Data Processing Package
C. Graphic Package
D. Presentation Package - People ware consists of the following professionals except:
A. Banker
B. Computer Engineer
C. System Analyst
D. Educator - The full meaning of ATM is:
A. Automatic Telling Machine
B. Automatic Teller Machine
C. Auditing Toy Machine
D. Authentic Teller Machine - The hard disk is known as …….. Drive:
A. A Drive
B. D Drive
C. B Drive
D. C Drive
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question 1 and any other three questions. All questions carry equal marks.
(a) What is a computer?
(b) Define the internet.
(c) What is the full meaning of the acronym BASIC?
(d) State five internet browsers.
(a) Define digital divide.
(b) List five ICT gadgets.
(a) State four advantages of the new economy over the old economy.
(a) What is computer software?
(b) State ten (10) internet browsers.
(c) In what way is information different from data?
(a) State four advantages of computer games.
(b) State at least four ways through which ICT has contributed to the development of Nigeria.
- Write your answers legibly in the answer booklet provided.
- Ensure clarity and conciseness in your responses.