Choose the correct answers from
the given alternatives.
- _____is the process
by which one changes from one
religion to another.
(a) Baptism
(b) Forgiveness
(c) Conversion
(d) Persecution
- Peter raised____from the dead at Joppa.
(a) Aeneas
(b) Dorcas
(c) Deborah
(d) Lazarus
- Christian brothers should be subject to authority because _____(a) all authority is from God (b) they could be disgraced publicly (c) they are born again (d) it is offence to rebel
- Dignity of labour implies what?_____ (a)Some jobs being better paying than others (b)Awareness that no work is spiteful or undignified (c) Some jobs commanding more dignity than others (d) Some jobs being meant a particular class of people
- Paul taught that no one should depend on another. He did this by using himself as an example by_____(a) abandoning his evangelist duty for trading (b) working while doing his work as evangelist (c) sacking all idle ministers (d) ex-communicating all idle members
- What give rise to Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians Church on dignity of labour?_____(a)the news that some members were (b) the news that some members were idle (c) the news that some members were despising others job (d) the news that some members were too choosy about jobs
- In the first missionary journey, after leaving Selenicia, which town was
Paul’s port of calla. Paphos b. Salamis c. Perga d. Athens
- All the following were mentioned by names as being present in the
Jerusalem Council except a.silasl b. paul c. peter d. Andrew
- Whom did Paul take with him in the second missionary journey in place
of John Mark. a. Philip b, james c, cleopas d. silas
- Who of the following were martyrs a. Philip b. peter c. luke d. Stephen
- Who was the first gentil converted to Christianity
a. titus b, aquilla c. Cornelius d. Timon
- How long did the rioter in ephesus shout their slogan;Great is the
Artemis of Ephesus
a. 1 and half b. half an hour c. 2 hour d. 20 minutes
- Which Proconsul Achaia Paul was accused before .
a. Philippus b. Gallo c. jairus d. sergius paulus
- Who were the companions of Paul in Corinth
a. Philip and john b. silas and barsabas c. TIMOTHY and judas d.luke
- Which group of the people were particularly aggrieved because of
Paul;s missionary work in Ephesus
a. craftsmen b. priest c. local ruler d. religious personnel
- Ephesus was famous because of the temple of
a. Zeus b. Artemis c. Ares d. Aphrodite
- When the Jews opposed and abused Paul in Corinth, he went to
stayed with a Gentil named .
a. Alexander b. Dairus c, Jackson d. Titus Justus
- Among the few people who believed and join Paul after his lecture
at the academic forum in Athens were
a. Titu and Timothy b, Apphia and archippus c, Lydia d. Damaris and Dionysius
- What did Paul do to Timothy before he went with him for the 2nd
missionary journey
a. baptized him b, beat him c. circumcised him d. changed his name
- What miracle did Paul perform in Philippi that resulted in his arrest and
(a) he cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl
(b) he healed a lame woman
(c) he cursed a magician and he became blind
(d) he healed a cripple
- Who was the chairman of the Jerusalem council
a. peter b. Jams c, timothy d. silas
- In what town did Paul and Barnabas made a cripple to walk during the first
missionary journey . a. Paphos b. Lystria c. salami d. derbe
- On the way to what town was Paul converted
a, Samaria b, Lystra c. Damascus d. Bethany
- Which of the following was not a teaching of the Epicurean philosophers
a, the gods were not concerning themselves with human affairs
b, happiness was peace of mind
c. God would surely judge men after death
d. men were the architects of their own fortune
- Where did Paul go after the lecture at Areopagus in Athens
a. Corinth b. Syria c. Philippi d. Jerusalem
- Why did Paul appeal to Caesar when he was being tried by governor Felix
a, the sanhedra had no power to tried him
b, he was a Roman citizen
c. he was a Jew
d. Festus had no power
- In the New Testament civil authorities mean
a. the Sahendrin b the ruler c. proconsul d. temple official
- The admonition that Christian should pay taxes were due, revenue to whom revenue was due, honour to whom honour was due is part of Paul’s epistle to the
a. Roman b. Corinthians c. Philippians d. Ephesians
- The earliest missionary activities in Nigeria took place in
a, Lagos and Calabar b. Bonny and Brass c. Benin and Warri d. Onitsha
- What did Agrippa II tell Festus as the reason for not setting Paul free
a. he appealed to Caesar b. the case was political c. the case was religious d. riot
- Which of the following is the not true of dignity of labour ?
a. there is respect for work b. work gives us money c. work is humiliating d. work gives pleasure
- How many disciples did Paul met in Ephesus
a. 12 b. 6 c. 8 d. 3
- From where did Paul Sail to Caesarea at the end of the second missionary journey
a. Corinth b. Ephesus c. Galatia d. Philippi
- Paul went to the Synagogue in Athens and had discussions with the Jews and devout men. Who were the devout men ?
a. holy men b. Proconsul c. priest and levites d. Hellenist
- Where did Paul take Timothy with him for the second missionary journey
a. Antioch b. Caesarea c. Tyre d. Derbe
- From where did Paul start his journey to Philippi ?
a. Troas b. Seleucia c. Antioch d. Neapolis
- All the followings were reactions of the disciples in Damascus to Paul’s conversion except?
a. whole hearted reception b. misunderstanding of Paul c. riot d. expression of misgiving
- What did Paul do immediately after he had gained his sight eaten and strengthen
a. he left for Jerusalem b. he remained in Damascus c. he left Galatian d. laugh
- What prompted the visit of Peter to Joppa ?
a. argument over circumcision that rose up there b. persecution that followed
c. God ask Peter in a vision to go there d. death of a Christian women [ Lydia]
- Who died in Joppa described as a disciple with excellent character. Always doing
good things to people
a. Tabitha b. Julian c. Phoebe d. Lydia
- Paul’s persecuting zeal was intensified after
a. baptism of the Holy Spirit b. arrest of the Apostle c. healing d. martyrdom of Stephen
- Whom did Peter stay with in Joppa after his great miracle there ?
a. Simon the Tanner b. Aquilla c Lucius d, Cyrene
- Who was struck down by an angel and his body eaten by worms before he died ?
a. Herod Agrippi b. Felix c. Phillip d. Cornelius
- To what trade was Paul APPRENTICED a. bricklaying b. bakery c. carpentry d. tent-making
- 39. Paul belonged to the set OF ____________a. Zealots b. Sadducees c. Herodians D. Pharisees
- What was the theme of Peter’s s sermon in the house of Cornelius ?____________a. The coming judgement of God b. Impartiality of god c. the salvation of god d. The universality of God
- What was the name of the proconsul Paul converted in Paphos____________
a. Simeon b. Sergius Paulus c. crispus d. gaius
- Jewish converts who insisted that gentile convert s must be circumcised and required to observe all the ancient Jewish customs and ceremonies were called____________
a. Sadducees b, zealot c, Judisers d. essenes
- The decision of the Jerusalem council was that the gentiles should abstained from all the following except ..____________
a. pollution of idols b. blood c. politics d. unchastity
- Which of the following was not the teaching of the Stoics Philosophers
a. god was in nature and souls of men
b. men should undergo suffering without complaining
c. men should live a life of high moral principle
d. men should think more of pleasure
- The woman, seller of purple cloth converted by Paul in Philippi was____________a. Phoebe B. Artemis C. Lydiad. Drusila
- 46. Who led the religious riot in Ephesus?____________ a. A jew named Alexandra b. Sergius Paulus c.Demetrius d. Apollos
- The first Catholic mission stationed outside Lagos was open in 1884 at____________
a. Onitsha
b. Lokoja
c. Oyo
d. Warri
- Festus told Aggripa II that Paul was charged with .____________
a. blasphemy
b. sedition
c. no concrete offence
d. murder
- No Christian can be cultivated except the person cloth himself with love and
a. self control
b. compassion
c. peace
d. humility
- Who succeeded in stopping the riots in Ephesus ? a. Alexandra b. Dematrius c. town clerk d. Proconsul
- Who is the founder of Living Faith Church [ Winner Chapel ]
a. Bishop O. David Odelaja b, Bishop Godwin Taylor d. Bishop O. Oyedepo
- The Anglican Missionary work in Nigeria began in 1842 with the visit of Rev
a. Rutherwood b. David cornfield c. John Motherway d. Thomas clerk
- Paul rules that a Christian should not be allowed to eat if he does not ���
a. pray b. preach the gospel c. work d. pay his due
- Who instituted civil authority according to the teaching of Paul
a. priest b, God c. Jesus d, Moses
- Who was the first Roman Governor to handle Pauls case
a. Felix b, Herod c. Pontius Tilate d. Festus
- As Paul argued with the Jews and some devout men in the synagogue and in the market place, some Athenians asked ; what would this babbler saying ? Who is a babbler ?
a. a politician b. half – educated person c. foreigner d. a preacher
- Which companion of Paul was arrested with him in Philippi
a. Mark b. Silas c. Lucius d. Luke
- Abundance of what made Paul unhappy about Athens____________a. prostitution b, idols c. slaves d. pagans
- Paul visited all the following towns in his first missionary journey except____________
a, salamis b, Ephesus c, perga d, lystra
- Where was the controversy in Antioch over ancient Jewish custom of circumcision sent to for settlement
a. Rome b. galilee c. Judea d. Jerusalem
- Persecution that arose among the early Christians brought Christianity to____________
a. bethel b, rome c, samaria d. caesarea
- Stephen showed a good christian life when he____________
a. argued successfully with the opponents of the church
b. saw a vision of Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God
c. prayed for his enemies before his death
d. told a Jewish council the history of their father
- As a born again Christian how can you maintained good Christian life and retain the Holy Spirit in you____________
a, by attending church every Sunday
b. by constant practice of speaking in tongues
c. by maintaining holiness at all
d. through private prayer and meditation
- Why did Peter heal Aeneas____________
a. he came to Peter to be healed
b. he had be paralysed for 8 years
c. he was a Jew
d. Peter had compassion on him
- As a born again Christian, if you are directed by the Holy Spirit to go and preach the gospel in a community rejected by your people what will you do ?
a. disobeyed the holy spirit and pray to God for forgiveness
b. pray for holy spirit directives and carry out the assignment
c. seek advice from your pastor
d. seek advice from your people
- How many people became Christian after the day of Penticost?
a. 3,000 b. 1,000 c. 420 d. 220
- Jesus said God is a spirit and true worshipper must worship him inspirit and
a. body b. ture c. temple d. heart
- Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and
a, all other thing shall be added to you b, goodness and mercy shall follow
c. you will become pastor d. money shall be your portion
- Laws which defined ones relationship with others are called—–
a. civil b, divine c, relative d. customary
- During Jesus Christ baptism at river Jordan a voice from heaven testified ?
a, confirmation of Jesus Christ b, delight in the baptism
c. revelation of his righteousness d. support for John ministry
- When and where was Samuel Ajayi Crowther born ?
a. 1809 at Abeokuta b, 1809 Badagry c, 1809 at Osogun Iseyin c. Oyo
- God,s command to Adam and Eve was that , You may freely eat of every
tree of the garden except the tree of
a. knowledge of evil b, knowledge of good and evil c. life and death d.
d. knowledge of truth and evil
- And the LORD blessed the later day of Job and gave him twice of what he
had before
a. courage b, faith c, wisdom d, strength
- Obedience is the act of ——
a. doing what you are told to do b. doing what you want
c. not complaining d. readiness
- Our National Pledge encourages us to be faithfull, loyal and.(a) honest b. God fearing c, hard working d. humble
- God wants everybody to be free , because without freedom there can be no
a. humility b. progress____________ c. love d. life
- The bible was written by men who were ——by God
a. blessed b. inspired c. called d. led
- Nigerians need freedom from the following except
a, poverty b, diseases c. hard work d indiscipline
- The wicked of man, made God decide to destroy the world by ——-
a. flood b. fire c. plague d. famine
- Jesus son of David have mercy on me was said by
a. Blind Bartimeaus b.. John c. Lazarus d. paralytics
- Who is Stephen?
- Why was Stephen arrested?
- Outline four false charges laid against Stephen.
- List the outline of Stephen’s defence.
- Who was the first Christian martyr?
- How did Stephen’s martyrdom impact the early Church?
- Why was Stephen’s death so significant to the development of Christianity?
- What role did Stephen’s martyrdom play in the spread of the gospel?
- How did Stephen’s example influence other Christians who faced persecution?
- What does Stephen’s martyrdom teach us about faithfulness to Christ?
- What were the false charges laid against Stephen in the Bible?
- Why did the people bring these charges against him?
- How did Stephen respond to the charges?
- What happened to Stephen as a result of the false charges?
- What can we learn from this story about how to deal with false accusations?
- What is Fraud?
- Who were caught in the act of cheating and lying in the early church?
- List five examples of fraud seen in our society.
- What is murmuring?
- Distinguish between the Hebrews and Hellenites.
- There was ——— among the members of the early church and this was glaring among the widows of the Grecians Jews.
- Give two reasons why the Jewish leaders opposed the gospel message.
- Mention three occasions in which the gospel message recorded stiff oppositions in Acts of
- Who arrested Peter and John and why were they arrested?
- The highest Jewish Council is called ………………
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.