Week: One


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Making simple statements and responding to simple commands with emphasis on stress and intonation.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. make simple statements correctly with the appropriate stress and intonations.
  2. respond to simple command appropriately.

Instructional material/Reference material:

1. Course book.

2. Supplementary text.

3. Charts containing simple sentences.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. Making simple statements using the appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Responding to simple commands appropriately.

Stress and intonation

Commands and responses

When you make statements, give commands, or respond to commands, your voice tends to go down at the end. But when you ask some questions, your voice goes up at the end. Remember that the stress mark (‘) is used to show which part of a sentence is stressed.

In this lesson, the sign \Dis used to show that your voice goes down at the end of statements, commands, and responses to commands, while the sign /shows that your voice goes up at the end of questions.

The way your voice goes up and down when you speak is known as intonation.


  1. We can \’go. Can we z’go?
  2. She will ‘wash the \dishes. Will she ‘wash the z ‘dishes?
  3. He was ‘waiting for \’Eke. Was he ‘waiting for z ‘Eke?
  4. You are ‘reading for a Vest. Are you ‘reading for a z ‘test?
  5. They should ‘leave \now. Should they ‘leave z’now?
  6. The ‘man is Vkind. Is the ‘woman zkind?
  • Statements
  1. Nice to meet \you.
  2. I’ll be back in a \minute.
  3. She doesn’t live here \anymore.
  4. Dad wants to change his \car.
  5. Here is the weather \forecast.
  6. Cloudy weather is expected at the end of the Week.
  7. We should work together more \often
  8. I’m going for a walk in the \park.


  1. Write your name \here.
  2. Show me what you’ve \written.
  3. Leave it on the \desk.
  4. Take that picture \ down.
  5. Throw that \out.
  6. Put your books on the \table.
  7. Take your hands out of your \pockets.


Copy the following commands into your exercise book. Then choose a partner to read them aloud with. Try to provide suitable responses to the commands. Go to bed!

Go out!

Come in!

Sit down!

Stand up!

Shut the door!

Turn it off!

Eat it all up!

Give it away!


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Makes model statements with the appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Gives commands to pupils paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
  3. Guides pupils in making statements and responding to commands.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s statements and commands.
  2. Repeat the statements after the teacher.
  3. Follow teacher’s command appropriately.


  1. Construct simple sentences with appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Respond to given commands correctly.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.




Each question is followed by three options: (a), (b), and (c). Choose the correct option for each blank space.

1. Please ___________ the door.
(a) open
(b) opened
(c) opening

2. My father ___________ a doctor.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) am

3. We ___________ to school every day.
(a) go
(b) goes
(c) going

4. The cat ___________ on the wall.
(a) is
(b) am
(c) are

5. She ___________ her homework yesterday.
(a) did
(b) does
(c) do

6. The sun ___________ in the morning.
(a) rises
(b) rose
(c) rise

7. Please ___________ your bag on the table.
(a) put
(b) putting
(c) puts

8. The students ___________ the teacher’s instructions carefully.
(a) listen
(b) listens
(c) listening

9. My sister ___________ in the park.
(a) plays
(b) play
(c) played

10. The dog ___________ loudly in the night.
(a) barked
(b) bark
(c) barks

11. He ___________ for a walk after dinner.
(a) goes
(b) go
(c) went

12. The baby ___________ happily.
(a) laughs
(b) laughed
(c) laugh

13. Can you ___________ the book, please?
(a) pass
(b) passing
(c) passes

14. I ___________ my friend at the library yesterday.
(a) saw
(b) see
(c) seen

15. Please ___________ the lights before leaving the room.
(a) turn off
(b) turning off
(c) turns off

Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(a), 2(a), 3(a), 4(a), 5(a), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), 9(a), 10(a), 11(c), 12(a), 13(a), 14(a), 15(a).


Week: Two


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Simple dialogues expressing present, past and future actions.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Participates in simple dialogues using present, past and future tenses.
  2. Ask and answer simple questions correctly using present, past and future tenses

Instructional material/Reference material:

  1. Course book.
  2. Sentences strip
  3. A volunteer pupils for rehearsal
  4. Other suitable materials.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. Simple dialogues
  2. Dialogues in present, past and future actions.
  3. Asking and answering simple questions using present, past and future tense with the appropriate intonation e.g. i. Question: where is the teacher? Answer: He is in the class, ii. Question: who is mallam Dikko? Answer: Mallam Dikko is the head teacher.





Simple present tense

The simple present tense is used to describe an action that happens always, is regular, true, or normal.


  1. The sun rises in the east.
  2. They work hard.
  3. She sells clothes.
  4. I go to school every day.
  5. My father is_a teacher.

Simple past tense questions

We often ask questions in English using the simple past tense. To ask a question about something past, the verbs ‘did’, ‘was’, or ‘were’ can be used. When ‘did’ is used, it is combined with a verb in the infinitive (basic) form.


  1. Were you invited to the party? No, I was not invited.
  2. Where did he get it? He got it at home.
  3. Was Yakubu given a gift? Yes, Yakubu got a gift.


When the verb ‘was’ or ‘were’ is used, the past participle of a verb is used with it.

  1. When did you take it? I took it at 2 pm.
  2. Did you take your English textbook? Yes, I took my English textbook.


Rearrange these words to form questions. One has been done for you.

  1. you / who / did / to / talk /?

Answer: Who did you talk to?

  1. why / beaten / Shina / was / game/ in the /?
  2. work / with / did / you / who /?
  3. did / what / time / you / up / wake / ?
  4. what / did / eat / lunch / for / you / ?

Future tense

The future tense is used to express an action or an event that will take place in the future. The future tense can be expressed in positive and negative ways. The negative future is expressed by adding ‘not’ to the sentence.

  1. I will play after breakfast.
  2. Susan will not go to Germany.
  3. What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.
  4. Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
  5. I will play after breakfast.
  6. Susan will not go to Germany.


Change the following to negative future tense. One has been done for you. Bob will go by bus. Bob will not go by bus.

  1. We will wash our uniforms on Sunday.
  2. She will watch movies tonight.
  3. The teacher will punish late comers.
  4. The cat will win the race.
  5. He will visit us soon.


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains what dialogue is.
  2. Gives example of dialogue shown in the content column.
  3. Gets pupils to engage in dialogues in present, past and future tense, ensuring that the correct stress and intonations are observed.
  4. Guides pupils to practice the use of the rising and falling tones correctly

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation.
  2. Repeat the dialogues after the teacher observing the correct stress and intonation (rising and falling tones).
  3. Practice the dialogues in two and in groups, both inside and outside the classroom


  1. Ask two questions and answer them correctly through simple dialogues.
  2. Engage in dialogues using the rising and falling tone.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.



1. She ________ to school every day.
(a) goes
(b) went
(c) go

2. They ________ to the party last night.
(a) went
(b) go
(c) going

3. We ________ a movie tonight.
(a) will watch
(b) watches
(c) watched

4. My mother ________ delicious meals.
(a) cooks
(b) cooked
(c) cooking

5. I ________ my homework yesterday.
(a) finished
(b) finish
(c) finishing

6. He ________ a great soccer player.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) am

7. ________ you play the piano?
(a) Do
(b) Does
(c) Did

8. She ________ at the park yesterday.
(a) played
(b) play
(c) plays

9. They ________ the bus to school every morning.
(a) take
(b) took
(c) taking

10. The plane ________ at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.
(a) will depart
(b) departs
(c) departed

11. ________ your brother watch TV last night?
(a) Did
(b) Do
(c) Does

12. We ________ a great time at the beach.
(a) had
(b) have
(c) having

13. My sister ________ a new bike for her birthday.
(a) got
(b) get
(c) gets

14. They ________ in a big city.
(a) live
(b) lived
(c) living

15. I ________ my friends tomorrow afternoon.
(a) will meet
(b) met
(c) meet

Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(a), 2(a), 3(a), 4(a), 5(a), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), 9(a), 10(a), 11(a), 12(a), 13(a), 14(a), 15(a).


Week: Three


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Oral comprehension

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Listen carefully to a story.
  2. Answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words.
  3. Re-tell the story in their own words.
  4. Tell similar stories.

Instructional material/Reference materials:

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. A story that will interest the pupils but built on any topic such as road safety, national values, disasters, risk reduction, drug abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.
  2. Provide stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English e.g. the house that jack built.
  3. Prepare them for future life.

What you need to know about HIV/AIDS

AIDS (which means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease that can make people very sick. AIDS comes from a virus called HIV (which means Human Immunodeficiency Virus). A virus is a germ that gets into your blood and makes you very sick. The HIV virus usually gets into the body from someone else’s blood. Therefore, if someone is bleeding, don’t touch the blood. Instead, tell an adult immediately.

HIV infection is not like a cold or the flu. You cannot get it by riding in a school bus with someone who has HIV, visiting the home of someone who has HIV, or by holding that person’s hand. You cannot get this germ just by touching an infected

person, or by being around him. You cannot get HIV/AIDS from hu; or using a bathroom right after someone with the disease has used it.

HIV is spread through risky behaviour, for example, when you touch another person’s body fluid, such as blood. Many people get HIV through sex or sharing the same needle, syringes, or sharp objects with a person who has HIV. HIV could be passed from an infected pregnant mother to her unborn child. You could also get HIV through blood transfusion if the blood is infected.

It is not easy to tell if someone has HIV. You cannot tell that people have AIDS just by looking at them. It is even possible for someone to have HIV without knowing it. Therefore, it is better to get tested regularly. Doctors test your blood or saliva to find out if you are infected with HIV.

You can help stop the spread of HIV by staying away from relationships with the opposite sex. You should not share needles, syringes, or other sharp objects with people. Blood samples should be properly tested before they are used. You need to think clearly in order to choose what will make you healthy and protect yourself from HIV. So you have to stay away from alcohol and drugs.

Until a cure is found for HIV and AIDS, the smartest thing to do is to know the facts about HIV/AIDS and avoid risky behaviour.




1. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is caused by the ________ virus.
(a) HIB
(b) HIV
(c) HIA

2. HIV is a ________ that can make people very sick.
(a) virus
(b) bacteria
(c) fungus

3. The HIV virus usually enters the body through ________ blood.
(a) infected
(b) healthy
(c) contaminated

4. You cannot get HIV by simply ________ an infected person.
(a) touching
(b) hugging
(c) talking to

5. HIV is spread through risky behaviors such as ________ or sharing needles.
(a) unprotected sex
(b) handshakes
(c) drinking from the same cup

6. HIV can be passed from an infected pregnant mother to her ________ child.
(a) unborn
(b) teenage
(c) adult

7. Doctors test your ________ or saliva to determine if you are infected with HIV.
(a) blood
(b) urine
(c) sweat

8. To help stop the spread of HIV, it is important to avoid ________ with the opposite sex.
(a) relationships
(b) friendships
(c) conversations

9. Sharing ________ with people can increase the risk of HIV transmission.
(a) needles
(b) clothes
(c) food

10. The best way to protect yourself from HIV is to ________ risky behavior and know the facts.
(a) avoid
(b) engage in
(c) encourage

11. HIV infection can occur through ________ transfusion if the blood is infected.
(a) blood
(b) organ
(c) plasma

12. It is important to ________ regularly to determine if you are infected with HIV.
(a) get tested
(b) ignore symptoms
(c) self-diagnose

13. You cannot tell if someone has HIV/AIDS just by ________ at them.
(a) looking
(b) talking
(c) touching

14. Avoiding ________ and drugs can help protect you from HIV.
(a) alcohol
(b) water
(c) vegetables

15. Knowing the facts about HIV/AIDS and avoiding ________ behavior is crucial in stopping the spread of the virus.
(a) risky
(b) healthy
(c) passive

Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(b), 2(a), 3(a), 4(a), 5(a), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), 9(a), 10(a), 11(a), 12(a), 13(a), 14(a), 15(a).

Answer these theory questions.

1 How can AIDS make people feel?

  1. What does AIDS stand for?
  2. What is a virus?
  3. What should you do when someone is bleeding?
  4. Mention two things which cannot cause HIV.
  5. Mention two ways you can get HIV.
  6. Why is it better to get tested regularly?
  7. What can you do to help stop the spread of HIV?
  8. Has a cure been found for HIV and AIDS?


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Tell the story slowly, stressing important point with the correct intonation.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Give pupils the opportunity to tell their own stories.
  4. Guides and supervise pupil’s activities.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher’s telling or reading the story.
  2. Re-tell the story.
  3. Answer questions on the story.
  4. Tell similar stories in groups, about children’s club or society they know orally.
  5. Course book or supplementary readers.
  6. Relevant pictures or real objects.


  1. Answer questions on the main points in the story.
  2. Relate story in their own words.
  3. Participates in telling similar stories.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.







Week: Four


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly.
  2. Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and sentences contexts.
  3. Write down some dictated words correctly.

Instructional material/Reference material:

1. Relevant pictures of objects.

2. Flash cards

3. Flannel board.

4. Course book.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


Pronunciation practice: e.g. a, e, i, u

/ie/ and /ea/

here -hare

Ear- air

Fear- fare/fair

Bear- bear/bare e.g. the hare was here yesterday.










e Q 3: □:
bed teacher bird door
ae A a: D
cat up far on






ua □I au
tourist boy show
ea ai au
hair my cow



Questions on to pronunciation practice with the sounds /ie/ and /ea/.

Each question is followed by four options: (a), (b), (c), and (d). Choose the correct option for each blank space.

1. I have a ________ on my head.
(a) hair
(b) hear
(c) here
(d) hare

2. The ________ is a large, strong animal.
(a) hair
(b) hear
(c) here
(d) bear

3. Can you ________ the birds chirping in the trees?
(a) hair
(b) hear
(c) here
(d) bear

4. The ________ is a symbol of peace.
(a) hair
(b) hear
(c) here
(d) bear

5. She has a ________ for heights.
(a) hair
(b) hear
(c) here
(d) fear

6. The ________ was filled with excitement.
(a) fare
(b) fair
(c) fear
(d) bear

7. Can you ________ the sound of the waves crashing on the shore?
(a) fare
(b) fair
(c) fear
(d) hear

8. The ________ is a type of ticket for public transportation.
(a) fare
(b) fair
(c) fear
(d) bear

9. The ________ is a common emotion when facing something unknown.
(a) fare
(b) fair
(c) fear
(d) hear

10. The ________ in the zoo was sleeping peacefully.
(a) bare
(b) bear
(c) fair
(d) fear

11. The ________ in the woods caught a fish from the river.
(a) bare
(b) bear
(c) fair
(d) fear

12. Can you ________ the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves?
(a) bare
(b) bear
(c) fair
(d) hear

13. The ________ display at the carnival was colorful and lively.
(a) bare
(b) bear
(c) fair
(d) fear

14. The child was ________ and showed no fear of the dark.
(a) bare
(b) bear
(c) fair
(d) fear

15. I can’t ________ what you’re saying. Please speak louder.
(a) bare
(b) bear
(c) fair
(d) hear

Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(b), 2(d), 3(b), 4(d), 5(d), 6(b), 7(d), 8(a), 9(c), 10(b), 11(b), 12(d), 13(c), 14(d), 15(d).



frlfc ■”■■■+! rkcr hH *■ MAM WM1
0 I + 6 ®
tat-%i«in ■■wd
r M h 1 p ch cr ch
9′ v — eh s nd
fr__ ■ F__d or __d
Ll » &


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Demonstrates and pronounce the words or show objects or their pictures while repeating the words correctly.
  2. Lets the pupils imitate him/her.
  3. Engages pupils in drills, using the minimal pair.
  4. Dictates words to the pupils to copy.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher.
  2. Produce the sounds used in each pair of words correctly.
  3. Write dictation based on the use of these words.


  1. Produce the sounds used in each pair of words correctly.
  2. Distinguish between the sound /id/ and /ed/ by pronouncing them correctly.
  3. Write correctly five words dictated by the teacher

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.








Week: Five


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Aural discrimination.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.
  2. Distinguish between the different sounds in words and sentences.

Instructional material/Reference material:

1. Flash cards.

2. Sentences strips.

3. Flannel board.

4. Course book.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


Aural discrimination of the sounds

Practice the following word pairs::

burn- born

Firm – form

Perch – porch

can burn this bush A child is born

The firm sent a form to me

court – cot

Spot – sport


a: 3: B a:
Born burn cot court/caught
I ;orm firm pot port
1 rorn turn spot sport





Certainly! Here are 15 fill-in-the-blank questions related to the words burn, born, firm, form, perch, porch, court, cot, spot, and sport. Each question is followed by three options: (a), (b), and (c). Choose the correct option for each blank space.

1. The fire caused the house to ________.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) form

2. A baby is ________ every minute.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) firm

3. The company is known for its ________ policies.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) firm

4. Please fill out this ________ with your personal details.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) form

5. The bird found a comfortable ________ on the tree branch.
(a) perch
(b) porch
(c) spot

6. We enjoy sitting on the ________ and watching the sunset.
(a) perch
(b) porch
(c) spot

7. The ________ is now in session.
(a) court
(b) cot
(c) spot

8. I will take a quick nap on the ________.
(a) court
(b) cot
(c) spot

9. He is very talented in playing ________.
(a) court
(b) cot
(c) sport

10. Let’s go to the park and play some ________.
(a) court
(b) cot
(c) sport

11. The fire department arrived to extinguish the ________.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) form

12. She ________ her finger on the hot stove.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) firm

13. The lawyer presented his case in ________.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) court

14. I will sleep on the ________ tonight.
(a) perch
(b) cot
(c) spot

15. We need to fill out this ________ before we can proceed.
(a) burn
(b) born
(c) form

Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(c), 5(a), 6(b), 7(a), 8(b), 9(c), 10(c), 11(a), 12(a), 13(c), 14(b), 15(c).


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads the sentences containing the sounds.
  2. Distinguishes between the sounds.
  3. Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
  4. Asks pupils to repeat after him.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s reading.
  2. Repeat after teacher.
  3. Distinguish between the sounds.
  4. Pronounce the words.
  5. Read the sentences following teacher’s example.


  1. Pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds.
  2. Distinguish between the sounds in words and the correct stress and intonation.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.






Week: Six


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Use of regular and irregular plurals in speaking and writing

Use of auxiliary verb.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Identify regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.
  3. Identify auxiliary verbs in sentences.
  4. Use auxiliary verbs in sentences.

Instructional material/Reference material: 1. Real objects

  1. Pictures of object.
  2. Charts.
  3. Flash cards games.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. Regular plurals e.g. Ball/balls; boy/boys.
  2. Irregular plurals e.g. child/children; foot/feet.
  3. Auxiliary verb e.g. may, can, will.


Plurals that are made by simply adding ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ to the singular noun (or pronoun) are called regular plurals. Other kinds of plural are called irregular plurals.

Read the following sentences:

  1. My mother received many presents on her birthday.
  2. There are more women than men in the market.
  3. Children are gifts from God.
  4. In the school library, there are a lot of books.
  5. The chairs in the classroom are completely broken.
  6. Gbenga’s feet are so big that he cannot find his shoe size easily.
  7. The pupils come early every day.

You will see that presents, books, chairs, and pupils are regular plurals. But women, men, children, and feet are irregular plurals.

Study these singular words and their plurals. Copy their plurals into the correct columns in a table like the one below.

  1. company – companies
  2. baby – babies
  3. child – children
  4. man – men
  5. box – boxes
  6. wife – wives
  7. ox – oxen
  8. lady – ladies
  9. foot – feet
  10. tooth – teeth
Regular plurals Irregular plurals


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Presents the correct use of regular and irregular plural in speeches.
  2. The correct use of irregular plurals in writing.
  3. Presents and demonstrates the correct use of auxiliary verbs in sentences.
  4. Facilitates flash card games to aid pupils understanding of auxiliary verbs.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
  2. To use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
  3. Identify auxiliary verbs in sentences.
  4. Pupils play game, play games with flash cards as facilitated by teacher.
  5. Correctly use auxiliary verbs.


  1. Identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
  2. Pupils to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
  3. Identify auxiliary verbs in sentences.
  4. Use auxiliary verbs in sentences.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.



1. The ________ are playing in the field.
(a) child (irregular singular)
(b) childs (incorrect plural)
(c) children (irregular plural)

2. I have two ________ in my hand.
(a) book (regular singular)
(b) books (regular plural)
(c) bookes (incorrect plural)

3. The cat ________ on the mat.
(a) sleep (main verb)
(b) sleeps (regular verb)
(c) sleeping (present participle)

4. We ________ to the beach last summer.
(a) go (base form)
(b) goes (incorrect form)
(c) went (past tense)

5. She ________ her homework yesterday.
(a) finish (base form)
(b) finishes (regular verb)
(c) finished (past tense)

6. The birds ________ in the trees.
(a) sing (base form)
(b) sings (regular verb)
(c) singing (present participle)

7. I ________ to school every day.
(a) am (auxiliary verb)
(b) going (main verb)
(c) goes (incorrect form)

8. They ________ their lunch in the cafeteria.
(a) have (auxiliary verb)
(b) having (main verb)
(c) has (incorrect form)

9. She ________ playing tennis on weekends.
(a) am (auxiliary verb)
(b) is (auxiliary verb)
(c) playing (main verb)

10. The students ________ the teacher’s instructions carefully.
(a) listen (base form)
(b) listens (regular verb)
(c) listening (present participle)

11. The cat ________ the mouse under the table.
(a) chase (base form)
(b) chases (regular verb)
(c) chased (past tense)

12. I ________ my friend at the park yesterday.
(a) see (base form)
(b) sees (regular verb)
(c) saw (past tense)

13. The dog ________ happily in the garden.
(a) play (base form)
(b) plays (regular verb)
(c) played (past tense)

14. They ________ to the concert last night.
(a) go (base form)
(b) goes (incorrect form)
(c) went (past tense)

15. She ________ her homework before going to bed.
(a) do (base form)
(b) does (regular verb)
(c) did (past tense)

Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(c), 2(b), 3(b), 4(c), 5(c), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), 9(c), 10(a), 11(c), 12(c), 13(b), 14(c), 15(c).




1. She ________ to the park every evening.

(a) go

(b) goes

(c) going


2. We ________ our homework yesterday.

(a) finish

(b) finishes

(c) finished


3. The dog ________ loudly at night.

(a) bark

(b) barks

(c) barking


4. They ________ their friends at the mall.

(a) meet

(b) meets

(c) meeting


5. My mother ________ delicious meals.

(a) cook

(b) cooks

(c) cooking


6. I ________ my best in the competition.

(a) try

(b) tries

(c) trying


7. The birds ________ in the trees.

(a) sing

(b) sings

(c) singing


8. He ________ a book from the library.

(a) borrow

(b) borrows

(c) borrowing


9. She ________ the piano very well.

(a) play

(b) plays

(c) playing


10. We ________ English lessons every day.

(a) have

(b) has

(c) having


11. The students ________ the test last week.

(a) take

(b) takes

(c) taking


12. My brother ________ in the garden.

(a) work

(b) works

(c) working


13. They ________ football every Saturday.

(a) play

(b) plays

(c) playing


14. She ________ the door before leaving.

(a) lock

(b) locks

(c) locking


15. We ________ a great time at the party.

(a) have

(b) has

(c) having


Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(b), 2(c), 3(b), 4(a), 5(b), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), 9(b), 10(a), 11(a), 12(b), 13(a), 14(a), 15(a).






Regular and Irregular Plurals:

Regular Plurals:
Regular plurals are formed by simply adding “-s” or “-es” to the singular form of a noun.

Singular: Cat
Plural: Cats

Irregular Plurals:
Irregular plurals do not follow the typical pattern of adding “-s” or “-es” to form the plural. Instead, they have unique forms.

Singular: Child
Plural: Children

Simple Sentences with Regular and Irregular Plurals:

1. The dog chased the ________ in the park.
(a) cats (regular)
(b) childs (irregular)
(c) childes (incorrect)

2. I saw three ________ in the tree.
(a) birds (regular)
(b) gooses (irregular)
(c) birdes (incorrect)

3. The students handed their ________ to the teacher.
(a) books (regular)
(b) sheeps (irregular)
(c) bookes (incorrect)

4. She collected seashells along the ________.
(a) beachs (incorrect)
(b) beaches (regular)
(c) beeches (irregular)

5. The farmer counted the ________ in the field.
(a) cows (regular)
(b) mices (irregular)
(c) mouses (incorrect)

Auxiliary Verbs:

Auxiliary verbs, also known as helping verbs, are used with main verbs to form verb phrases that convey various tenses, moods, voices, and aspects.

Examples of Auxiliary Verbs:
– be: am, is, are, was, were
– have: has, have, had
– do: do, does, did
– can, could
– will, would
– shall, should
– may, might
– must

Sentences with Auxiliary Verbs:

1. I ________ going to the park tomorrow.
(a) am (auxiliary verb)
(b) have (auxiliary verb)
(c) is (main verb)

2. They ________ their homework yesterday.
(a) did (auxiliary verb)
(b) are (main verb)
(c) will (auxiliary verb)

3. She ________ the cake for the party.
(a) can (auxiliary verb)
(b) make (main verb)
(c) has (auxiliary verb)

4. We ________ to the movies last night.
(a) went (main verb)
(b) will (auxiliary verb)
(c) had (auxiliary verb)

5. The cat ________ on the couch.
(a) is (auxiliary verb)
(b) jump (main verb)
(c) has (auxiliary verb)

Note: In the above sentences, the auxiliary verbs are (a) am, (a) did, (a) can, (c) had, and (a) is.


Regular and Irregular Plurals:

Regular Plurals:
Regular plurals are formed by simply adding “-s” or “-es” to the singular form of a noun.

Singular: Cat
Plural: Cats

Irregular Plurals:
Irregular plurals do not follow the typical pattern of adding “-s” or “-es” to form the plural. Instead, they have unique forms.

Singular: Child
Plural: Children

Simple Sentences with Regular and Irregular Plurals:

1. The dog chased the ________ in the park.
(a) cats (regular)
(b) childs (irregular)
(c) childes (incorrect)

2. I saw three ________ in the tree.
(a) birds (regular)
(b) gooses (irregular)
(c) birdes (incorrect)

3. The students handed their ________ to the teacher.
(a) books (regular)
(b) sheeps (irregular)
(c) bookes (incorrect)

4. She collected seashells along the ________.
(a) beachs (incorrect)
(b) beaches (regular)
(c) beeches (irregular)

5. The farmer counted the ________ in the field.
(a) cows (regular)
(b) mices (irregular)
(c) mouses (incorrect)

Auxiliary Verbs:

Auxiliary verbs, also known as helping verbs, are used with main verbs to form verb phrases that convey various tenses, moods, voices, and aspects.

Examples of Auxiliary Verbs:
– be: am, is, are, was, were
– have: has, have, had
– do: do, does, did
– can, could
– will, would
– shall, should
– may, might
– must

Sentences with Auxiliary Verbs:

1. I ________ going to the park tomorrow.
(a) am (auxiliary verb)
(b) have (auxiliary verb)
(c) is (main verb)

2. They ________ their homework yesterday.
(a) did (auxiliary verb)
(b) are (main verb)
(c) will (auxiliary verb)

3. She ________ the cake for the party.
(a) can (auxiliary verb)
(b) make (main verb)
(c) has (auxiliary verb)

4. We ________ to the movies last night.
(a) went (main verb)
(b) will (auxiliary verb)
(c) had (auxiliary verb)

5. The cat ________ on the couch.
(a) is (auxiliary verb)
(b) jump (main verb)
(c) has (auxiliary verb)

Note: In the above sentences, the auxiliary verbs are (a) am, (a) did, (a) can, (c) had, and (a) is.




Week: Seven


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Expressing future action in the negative.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

Instructional material/Reference material: 1. Sentence strips. 2. Course book.

  1. Other supplementary resources like newspapers or magazines.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. make correct sentences in the simple future tenses.
  2. respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.
  1. Expressing future actions in the negative e.g. we will not be going to church next Sunday;

Q- Mummy will we eat rice today?

A- No, we will not.

Fill in the gaps in each of the sentences with the right words in the brackets, to turn them into negative. One has been done for you.

  1. She her hair brown, (not / to dye) She will not dye her hair brown.
  2. Chinda jeans to the party, (not / to wear)
  3. Maxwell without cutlery, (not / to eat)
  4. My friend in a village, (not / to live)
  5. We about the bad weather, (not / to bother)
  6. I in this dirty river, (not / to swim)


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains and demonstrate what future action is.
  2. Gives examples and asks questions in the future tense.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.
  2. Gives example themselves.
  3. Ask and answer teacher’s question.


  1. Use future actions in the negative through sentences construction.
  2. Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will and “shall”.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.

Week: Eight


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: 1.Using past continuous tense.

  1. Present perfect using- ed and – en ending.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.
  3. Identify present perfect using- ed ending.
  4. Identify present perfect using end ending
  5. Express correct use of present perfect with ed ending.
  6. Express correct use of present perfect with – ed ending.

Instructional material/Reference material:

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary materials
  3. Charts
  4. Chalkboard.

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. Past continuous tense e.g. “He was going to school when he fell; He was coming to the house when he met John. 
    1.  She ________ when the phone rang.
      (a) was cooking
      (b) cooks
      (c) cooked

      2. They ________ soccer when it started raining.
      (a) play
      (b) played
      (c) were playing

      3. I ________ my homework when the power went out.
      (a) finish
      (b) finished
      (c) finishing

      4. We ________ TV when the news broke.
      (a) watch
      (b) watched
      (c) were watching

      5. The children ________ in the park when it got dark.
      (a) play
      (b) played
      (c) were playing

      6. He ________ to the store when he saw his friend.
      (a) goes
      (b) went
      (c) was going

      7. They ________ dinner when the guests arrived.
      (a) prepare
      (b) prepared
      (c) were preparing

      8. She ________ to the concert when she received a call.
      (a) goes
      (b) went
      (c) was going

      9. We ________ a movie when the doorbell rang.
      (a) watch
      (b) watched
      (c) were watching

      10. The students ________ when the fire alarm sounded.
      (a) study
      (b) studied
      (c) were studying

      11. He ________ when he slipped and fell.
      (a) walks
      (b) walked
      (c) was walking

      12. They ________ a party when the music stopped abruptly.
      (a) have
      (b) had
      (c) were having

      13. I ________ my bike when it suddenly broke down.
      (a) ride
      (b) rode
      (c) was riding

      14. She ________ in the garden when it started to rain heavily.
      (a) works
      (b) worked
      (c) was working

      15. We ________ for a walk when we saw a shooting star.
      (a) go
      (b) went
      (c) were going

      Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(a), 2(c), 3(b), 4(c), 5(c), 6(c), 7(c), 8(c), 9(c), 10(c), 11(c), 12(c), 13(c), 14(c), 15(c).

  2. Present perfect using – ed ending e.g. I have cleaned the kitchen; I have washed my clothes.
    1.  She ________ cleaned her room this morning.

      (a) has clean
      (b) cleaned
      (c) has cleaned

      2. They ________ watched a movie last night.
      (a) have watch
      (b) watched
      (c) have watched

      3. I ________ already finished my homework.
      (a) have finish
      (b) finished
      (c) have finished

      4. We ________ cooked a delicious meal for dinner.
      (a) have cook
      (b) cooked
      (c) have cooked

      5. The children ________ played with their toys in the playroom.
      (a) have play
      (b) played
      (c) have played

      6. He ________ has read a book this week.
      (a) has read
      (b) reads
      (c) has reads

      7. They ________ have had a party for their friends.
      (a) have have
      (b) had
      (c) have had

      8. She ________ wore a new dress for the occasion.
      (a) has wear
      (b) wore
      (c) has worn

      9. We ________ have taken a long walk in the park.
      (a) have take
      (b) took
      (c) have taken

      10. The students ________ have taken a test yesterday.
      (a) have take
      (b) took
      (c) have taken

      11. He ________ has ridden his bike to school.
      (a) has ride
      (b) rode
      (c) has ridden

      12. They ________ have baked a delicious cake for dessert.
      (a) have bake
      (b) baked
      (c) have baked

      13. I ________ have heard a new song on the radio.
      (a) have hear
      (b) heard
      (c) have heard

      14. She ________ has taken a picture of the sunset.
      (a) has take
      (b) took
      (c) has taken

      15. We ________ have had a lot of fun at the party.
      (a) have have
      (b) had
      (c) have had

      Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(c), 2(c), 3(c), 4(c), 5(c), 6(a), 7(c), 8(b), 9(c), 10(c), 11(c), 12(c), 13(c), 14(c), 15(c).

  3. Present perfect using – en ending e.g. John has stolen a pencil; I have eaten my food.
    1.  She ________ has eaten her lunch already.

      (a) eaten
      (b) ate
      (c) eat

      2. They ________ have done their homework yesterday.
      (a) done
      (b) did
      (c) do

      3. I ________ have taken my keys this morning.
      (a) taken
      (b) took
      (c) take

      4. We ________ have driven a new car last week.
      (a) driven
      (b) drove
      (c) drive

      5. The children ________ have put their toys in the toy box.
      (a) put
      (b) putted
      (c) putt

      6. He ________ has driven his friend to the airport.
      (a) driven
      (b) drove
      (c) drive

      7. They ________ have taken their vacation in Europe.
      (a) taken
      (b) took
      (c) take

      8. She ________ has drunk her coffee this morning.
      (a) drank
      (b) drink
      (c) drunk

      9. We ________ have reached our destination in time.
      (a) reached
      (b) reach
      (c) reached

      10. The students ________ have taken their exams last week.
      (a) taken
      (b) took
      (c) take

      11. He ________ has found his phone in the park.
      (a) found
      (b) find
      (c) founded

      12. They ________ have chosen their seats in the theater.
      (a) chosen
      (b) chose
      (c) choose

      13. I ________ have taken my dog for a walk this morning.
      (a) taken
      (b) took
      (c) take

      14. She ________ has played her guitar at the concert.
      (a) played
      (b) play
      (c) played

      15. We ________ have seen our friends at the party.
      (a) seen
      (b) saw
      (c) see

      Note: The correct answers for each blank are as follows: 1(a), 2(a), 3(a), 4(a), 5(a), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), 9(a), 10(a), 11(a), 12(a), 13(a), 14(a), 15(a). [mediator_tech]


Past continuous tense We add ‘was’ or ‘were’ before the simple past tense verb, then add ‘ing’ to the verb, when we want to talk about what was happening in the past before another thing happened. This is the past continuous tense. We add the ‘was’ or ‘were’ only to the verb that shows the action that was stopped, not to the other verbs.

  1. I was watching TV when she called.
  2. When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
  3. While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
  4. What were you doing when the earthquake started?
  5. I was listening to my iPod, so I didn’t hear the fire alarm.
  6. You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
  7. While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
  8. Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
  9. While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
  10. A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?

B: I was snowboarding.


To make the positive present perfect tense, use:

  • ’have’ / ’has’ + the ast participle
  • Make the past participle by adding ’ed’ to regular verbs (for example, ‘play’ becomes ‘played’)
  • There are a few verbs that change their spelling when you add ‘ed’ (for example, ‘study’ becomes ‘studied’)
  • We also have some completely irregular verbs

(Also, here’s some help if you are not sure how to pronounce ’-ed’ at the end of a verb).


  1. have played

you have worked

he las written

she has walked

it has rained


Present perfect tense using ‘-en’ ending

Read these sentences carefully, and note the use of the present perfect tense ending in ‘-en’.

  1. I have taken the knife to the kitchen.
  2. I have forgotten his home address.
  3. The villagers have taken the thieves to the police station.
  4. Ali has given me a pencil.
  5. Eze has hidden the key.
  6. A police dog has bitten the criminal it was chasing.
  7. The cat has eaten the fish.
  8. The headteacher has forgotten your name.
  9. A thief has stolen Mr Bello’s car.
  10. Audu has broken the new dish.


Fill in the gaps with ‘have’ or ‘has’.

  1. Ade finished his work.
  2. Ayo   swept the room.
  3. Tolu and Mary cleaned the window.
  4. Mother   cooked the soup.
  5. I   washed the cups.
  6. The pupils   dusted the table.


Make sentences with these words orally and in writing.

  1. has eaten
  2. has beaten
  3. has forgotten
  4. has given
  5. has stolen


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains past continuous tense in sentences.
  2. Demonstrates the correct use of past continuous tense in sentences.
  3. Explains present perfect suing both – ed and -en endings.
  4. Leads pupils in constructing in the present perfect tense.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation.
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.
  3. Pupils to identify correctly present perfect tense in sentences.
  4. Use present perfect tense in sentences.


  1. Identify past continuous tense in sentence.
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.
  3. Identify present perfect tense in sentences; and
  4. Express correct use of present perfect in sentences

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.

Week: Nine


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Present perfect with “since” and “for”.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Identify present perfect with “since”.
  2. Identify present perfect with “for”
  3. Express correct use of present perfect with “since” and
  4. Express correct use of present perfect with “for”

Instructional material/Reference material:

  1. Course book.
  2. Charts.
  3. Supplementary materials

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


Present perfect tense using ‘since’ and ‘for’


Ada in Enugu Ada is ten years old. She lives with her mother in Enugu. She has lived with only her mother since she was five years old. Her father is a soldier and he lives in Makurdi. He has lived in Markurdi for five years. He has worked outside Enugu since 1996. Ada hasn’t been happy since her father left home. She likes to live with both her father and mother.

Now, her father has been posted back to Enugu to work. Ada has been very happy since she heard the news. She has waited for a long time for her father to come home.

She can now live with both her mother and father again.


Complete the following sentences with ‘since’ or ‘for’:

  1. Ada has lived with her mother she was five years old.
  2. Ada’s father has lived in Makurdi five years.
  3. Ada’s father has worked away from Enugu 1996.
  4. Ada has not been happy her father left home.
  5. Ada has been very happy she heard the news.


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Present perfect with “since” e.g. I have been awake since 8’0 clock; lunch has been ready since 2 hours ago.
  2. Present perfect with “for” e.g. I have been sick for two days; mum has been in the market for two hours.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Explains the correct use of present perfect with “since and “for”
  2. Pupils correctly use present perfect with “since and “for” following teacher’s examples.


  1. Identify present perfect with “since” and “for”.
  2. Use “since” and “for” in sentence construction.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.

Week: Ten


Class: Basic 3

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Interrogation with response using present perfect.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Use present perfect tense in question forms correctly.
  2. Give appropriate response to such question forms orally in writing.

Instructional material/Reference material:

  1. Course book.
  2. Charts.
  3. Supplementary materials

Building Background/ Connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic(s).


  1. Interrogation and response using present perfect e.g. interrogation; have you finished your homework?
  2. Response: No. I have not.
  3. Interrogation: Are you going to play football with me today?
  4. Response: Yes, of course.

To make a question, put ‘have’ or ‘has’ in front of the subject: ’Yes / No’ Questions

have I misse the bus?

have you visite London?

hi he worked as a waiter before?

hi she et John?

hi it lee cold this week?

have we irrive too early?

have they studied English grammar before?

As you can imagine, for ‘wh’ questions, we just put the question word before ‘have’ or ‘has’:

’Wh’ Questions

where liai I my umbrella?

what av( you done today?

why ha he »or already?

where lias she bee in the UK?

why ha it lined so much this summer?

what av( we lou ?

where tai they earne English before?


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Makes series of statement using the present perfect tense.
  2. Transforms each statement into a question.
  3. Gives the appropriate answers to pupils.

Pupils’ Activities

  1. Pupils say the statement after the teacher using the present perfect tense.
  2. Repeat series of statements using the present perfect tense of verbs after the teacher.
  3. Transforms each statement into questions again following teacher’s examples.


  1. Use present perfect tense in question forms correctly.
  2. Give appropriate response to such question form orally and in writing.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.


Third Term Examinations Primary 3 English Grammar





Primary 3 Examinations Third Term English Language