Subject :
Topic :
Behavioural objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Define family house
- give examples of functional rooms or areas in the house
- state the functions of each functional area or room in the house
Term :
First Term
Week 4
Class :
Previous lesson:
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
The Family House; Definition, Functional Area and Uses of functional areas
The family house is a concept that places emphasis on the importance of family life. It aims to enhance the quality and comfort of living by providing an environment that promotes social interaction and communication. The design of this type of home should be able to accommodate all members of the family at once without any feeling of overcrowding or isolation; this is why it has been referred to as an “ideal dwelling” in recent times.
Definition / Meaning of Family House
The term “family house” is used to describe a home that is designed to accommodate a large family. Family houses are usually built on small lots and have bedrooms in the attic or basement. The size of the house should be large enough to allow for privacy, but not so large that it becomes difficult to maintain.
The design of a family house should keep in mind what you want your children to learn about when growing up, such as how to cook, clean and organize their rooms (if necessary). It also needs room for entertaining guests during holidays or special occasions like birthdays.
Functional Area of Family House
Functional areas of a house are rooms that are used for specific purposes. For example, a bedroom is a functional area of a house.
Examples of functional areas or rooms in the family house are
- Setting room
- bedroom
- Dining room
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Toilet
- Guest room
- Store
Uses of functional areas in a family house
- Living room: This is the main area of a family house. It is used for daily activities such as eating, watching television and playing games with children.The sitting room is also used for the following functions
- relaxation of each and every member of the family house
- for receiving visitors
- for entertaining visitors
- part of the sitting room can also be used as dining room
- pictures, medals or any item of memorable mention is hung in the sitting room for every visitor to see
- The sitting room also serves as a good place to hold small family meetings, get together or party.
- The followings are the sitting room furniture
- A set of settees or chairs, these can be seen in the living room in different shapes, sizes and colours
- centre table
- stool or side tables
- wall cabinet
- television
- radio
- TV decoder
- curtains
- floor covering like rug, carpet or floor tiles
- Dining room: A dining room is often located at the back of a house to provide an open space for socializing or dining in comfort. The table should be large enough to seat everyone in your family comfortably at once.
- Dining room furniture
- Dining table
- Dining chair
- cutlery
- glass cup
- Kitchen: The kitchen is an important part of any home because it provides food for everyone in your household through cooking meals both on weekends or during weekdays when no guests visit you just because they want something to eat! A well-equipped kitchen can also help save money by being able to prepare meals from scratch rather than buying pre-made ones from supermarkets which tend to cost more but taste better too!
Kitchen use
- It is the room where food is prepared
- It also serves as storage for staple food
- At times meals are served and eaten in the kitchen
Kitchen furniture
- Gas cooker
- Fridge
- Shelves
- Cooking and frying pans
- Sink with draining board
- Pestle
The bedroom: The following are the common uses of the bedroom
- We sleep in the bedroom
- We take a nap or deep sleep in the bedroom
- We rest in the bedroom
- We keep important documents in the bedroom
- We dress up in the bedroom
- We apply our makeup in our bedroom
Bedroom furniture
- Bed
- mattress
- Wardrobe
- closet
- dressing table
- stools
- bedside table
- bedside cupboard
- Pillows
Understanding functional areas will improve the design of your home
Understanding functional areas will improve the design of your home.
The following are the main functions:
- Functional Area 1: Living Space
This is where you will spend most of your time. It should be comfortable and have enough space for all family members to move around freely and enjoy their time there. This can be done by creating adequate storage spaces, closets with doors that open inwards or outwards depending on their location in relation to other rooms (see diagram below), etc., as well as installing furniture that’s easy to reach and doesn’t require too much space when carrying it around.
- Functional Area 2: Dining Area/Kitchen In addition, there should also be a dining area for entertaining guests at dinner parties or informal get-togethers where everyone can sit down together without having difficulty getting up afterward due to tiredness from standing up too long during those events! You don’t need fancy equipment like microwaves here because everyone knows how important it is not only being able to cook delicious meals quickly but also enjoying them after some hard work has been put into preparing them; so don’t hesitate buying one today if you want something better than any other type available elsewhere!
Bathroom and Toilet:
- We take our bath in the bathroom
- We brush our teeth in the bathroom
- We ease ourselves in the toilet
Bathroom and Toilet furniture
- Bath tub
- shower
- sink for washing hands
- water closet
- tap
As you can see, a family house is a complex structure. It requires a lot of different functions to be performed in order to make sure that it is functioning properly and providing the best possible living experience for its residents. However, with the right approach and knowledge about functional areas, you will be able to design your own home perfectly!
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out a short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.
He or she makes the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.
In conclusion, I would say that the world of homemakers is not dead and can be revived if we focus on its positive values. I hope that my blog post will help you to understand what a real homemaker does and share your own experience as well.
- List four functional areas in the family house
- List four sitting room furniture
- Write out two differences between the dining room and the kitchen
- List the SIX classes of food nutrients and TWO sources each?
- List FOUR types of family crises?
- All mothers are homemakers. Discuss.
- Babysitting is one of the duties of the homemaker. Yes or no. Why?
- List FOUR ways of managing family crises?
- Write out two-bedroom furniture
- What is a water closet
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.