1 Revision of last term work
2 Science & Technology and society – meaning, importance
3 Science, Technology and society – types of traditional science and technology, some traditional science and technology influence by socialization.
4 Science and technology III – Home appliances, uses and dangers
5 Science and technology breakdown of appliances, correct ways of using appliances.
6 Assertiveness – meaning of assertiveness, aggressiveness, passive and manipulation
7 National Economy – Savings and ways of saving. Traditional method of saving, modern method of saving, reasons for saving
8 National Economy – keeping money in the bank
9. National Economy – communication, meaning of communication, types and roles of communication
10 Finding Help – meaning, situation when people need help. People can help.
11 Skills necessary while seeking help. Skills necessary for others to help





The word Science comes from Latin word “Scientia” meaning knowledge.

Science has been defined as a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged showing operation of general laws.

It has also been described as a systematized knowledge derived from observation. Study and experimentation carried out in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied.

Technology is an aspect of knowledge that deals with the creation, use of technical means and their interrelation with life and society.

In other words, it is the application of scientific principle and findings to produce materials that makes life more comfortable.


Aspects of science involve the following:

1. Defining a problems: In science the first step is to identify a problem that needs solution. i.e. an event, occurrence or action of both animate and inanimate objects.

2. Observation: An essential aspect of science is observation. It is the basis of experimentation from observation further information and data can be gathered.

3. Experimentation: It involves the process of testing a hypothesis. Hypothesis is a statement expressing an idea which may be true or false until it is tested or proved.


Technology is the application of scientific principle and funding’s to solve human problems in order to make life more comfortable.

The level of methodology differs from country to country. Most advanced countries of the world have very high technology while the under developing ones have very low technology.

Technology dictates the level of development of a nation.

Social Studies Primary 1 To Primary 3 Examination


Science and technology are important in so many ways

  1. Improvement in standard of living e.g. provision of goods and service such as stove, gas, cooker and electric cookers have replaced cooking by fire wood which is more strenuous.
  2. Easy transportation: science and technology has provided easy transportation like cars, trailers, aeroplanes, ships etc. instead of foot, canoes and use of animals.
  3. Increase in food production: there has been a rapid production of food due to the influence of science and technology. They have provided better machines and tools for agricultural activities.
  4. Improvement in communication: it is easier to disseminate information due to the invention of radio, television, telephones, cell phones, internet has improved communication world-wide.
  5. Improvement in health care services: science and technology has provided man with equipment and drugs which helps in curing disease that were incurable for many years ago. This helps in increasing life expectancy as many lives are saved from death .
  6. Increase in employment: more jobs are created as new industries are set up. Many jobs has been provided through the invention of various kinds of computers


  1. Explain the term ‘science’ and differentiate between science and technology.
  2. Mention and explain the three aspects of science.
  3. State three importance of science and technology.





  1. The word “Science” is derived from the Latin word “Scientia,” which means __________. a) knowledge b) exploration c) discovery
  2. Science is defined as a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths __________. a) systematically arranged b) randomly collected c) creatively expressed
  3. Science is characterized by the systematic arrangement of facts and truths, demonstrating the operation of __________. a) specific cases b) general laws c) individual experiences
  4. Technology is an aspect of knowledge that deals with the creation and __________ of technical means. a) destruction b) utilization c) distribution
  5. Technology involves the application of scientific principles and findings to produce materials that make life __________. a) more complicated b) more comfortable c) more unpredictable
  6. In science, the first step is to __________ a problem that needs a solution. a) ignore b) define c) avoid
  7. Observation is an essential aspect of science and serves as the basis for __________. a) hypothesis b) speculation c) imagination
  8. Experimentation involves the process of testing a __________. a) solution b) hypothesis c) conclusion
  9. Hypothesis is a statement expressing an idea that may be __________ until it is tested or proved. a) accepted b) rejected c) ambiguous
  10. Technology aims to solve human problems and make life more __________. a) complicated b) comfortable c) chaotic
  11. The level of technology varies from country to country, with advanced countries having __________ technology. a) high b) low c) moderate
  12. Technology dictates the level of __________ of a nation. a) education b) development c) population
  13. Science and technology are interrelated, with technology being the __________ of scientific principles. a) application b) elimination c) contradiction
  14. Scientific discoveries and advancements often lead to technological __________. a) limitations b) innovations c) stagnation
  15. In summary, science and technology contribute to improving human life by providing __________ solutions. a) complex b) practical c) theoretical






Traditional society refers to permission society this means the Nigeria.

Society that existed before modern civilization came such society had the following features.


  1. Their major occupation WAS agriculture.
  2. There were so many superstition beliefs, taboos etc.
  3. There was high level of illiteracy.
  4. Works were done or carried out by hands. No machines
  5. People depended mainly on herbs for medication.


The following are various forms of traditional and science and technology.

  1. IRON ORE SMELTING: This technology is used to produce farm implements such as hoes, cutlass, etc.
  2. CONVERSION OF ANIMAL SKIN: Skins of animals such as goats, snake, leopard etc. are processed and used in producing shoes, scandals, cloths, praying mats, sheath, bags etc.
  3. WOOD CARVING TECHNOLOGY: Wood is carved to make images which are used for decoration, musical instruments, wooden spoons, mortal and pestles
  4. MEDICINES: The traditional society has a way of producing drugs by putting herbs or roots together. These drugs are in curing ailment whether simple or chronic.


  1. BUILDING OF HOUSES: Modern technology has improved the traditional building by providing materials. Such as cement, paint, modern roofing sheets.
  2. HERBAL MEDICINES: Modern technology has helped in processing leaves and roots to convert them to capsules, tablet and syrups. This helps in determining the dosage and prevent overdose.
  3. FOOD PRESERVATION: Modern technology has provided modern equipment that are used for preserving food i.e. refrigerator, fried etc.
  4. COOKING UTENSILS: Modern technology has provided aluminium pots, spoons etc. to replace clay pot while blender replace grinding stone.
  5. Cooking gadgets: The use of fire woods as the only source of energy in cooking has been replace with stove hot plates and many others.


  1. Health care
  2. Education
  3. Information and communication
  4. Business activities
  5. Agricultural activities
  6. Transportation
  7. Construction


  1. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Machines generally uses fuel which makes the produce fumes. The fumes which where in form of smoke pollute the air through carbon- monoxide. Wastes from industries which air released into water destroy land surface rendering them useless for farming purpose.
  2. ACCIDENTS: Lives have been lost through many accident from vehicles, trains, air craft etc. all these and many are the products of science and technology.
  3. JOBLESSNESS: Many workers have lost their jobs due to introduction of modern machines in industries and offices many typist lost their jobs when computer were introduced.


  1. In what five ways have science and technology influenced the society.
  2. Mention five ways in which science and technology has been misused.





  1. Traditional society refers to a society that existed before __________ civilization. a) modern b) ancient c) rural
  2. One of the major occupations in traditional society was __________. a) hunting b) agriculture c) trading
  3. Traditional society was characterized by a high level of __________. a) literacy b) illiteracy c) technology
  4. Works in traditional society were primarily carried out __________. a) using machines b) by hands c) by animals
  5. Traditional society relied heavily on __________ for medication. a) modern medicine b) technology c) herbs
  6. Iron ore smelting in traditional society was used to produce __________. a) farm implements b) pottery c) jewelry
  7. Conversion of animal skin in traditional society was used to produce __________. a) shoes and cloths b) musical instruments c) farming tools
  8. Wood carving technology in traditional society was used for __________. a) decoration b) farming c) communication
  9. Traditional society had a way of producing medicines by using __________. a) chemicals b) herbs or roots c) synthetic materials
  10. Traditional science and technology influenced modernization in the building of __________. a) houses b) roads c) bridges
  11. Modern technology has helped in processing leaves and roots to convert them into __________. a) capsules and tablets b) clothing and accessories c) food and beverages
  12. Food preservation in traditional society has been improved by the use of __________. a) refrigerators and freezers b) clay pots and jars c) solar panels
  13. Traditional cooking utensils such as clay pots have been replaced by __________. a) aluminium pots b) wooden utensils c) plastic containers
  14. Modern technology has replaced the use of firewood with __________ as a source of energy for cooking. a) coal b) electricity c) gas
  15. Cooking gadgets such as stoves and hot plates have made cooking in traditional society more __________. a) convenient b) challenging c) traditional





Home appliances are electrical machines provided by technology to make the performance of house hold functions easier, faster and more enjoyable.

Such household functions include cooking, cleaning, washing etc. [mediator_tech]


  1. ELECTRIC IRON: This is used in smoothing washed and dried clothes. It makes the cloth to be neat. The heat destroys any germs in cloth which may affect our skin.
  2. ELECTRIC STOVE: Electric stove is a domestic appliance which provides heat through electricity for cooking purpose. It is used mainly for cooking.
  3. ELECTRIC KETTLE: An electric kettle is an electric devices which produces heat for boiling water. It is used for boiling water.
  4. MICROWAVE OVENS: This is a kitchen appliance that heat food through electric heating. It is used in heating food quickly and efficiently.
  5. REFRIGERATOR: This is an appliance used I cooling food, drinks. It is used for cooling and preservation purpose.
  6. WASHING MACHINE: This is a machine used in washing clothes, towels and bed sheets.
  7. BLENDER: This is an electric device used in making ingredient. It is used in blending ingredient like pepper, tomatoes, and vegetables into liquids. It is also used in breaking edible seeds like ogbolo seed, egusi seed, etc. into powder or paste.


  1. Explain home appliances.
  2. Mention five home appliances and their uses.





  1. Home appliances are electrical machines provided by technology to make household functions __________. a) harder b) easier c) unnecessary
  2. Electric iron is used for smoothing washed and dried clothes to make them __________. a) dirty b) neat c) colorful
  3. Electric stove provides heat through electricity for the purpose of __________. a) cleaning b) cooking c) gardening
  4. An electric kettle is used for the purpose of __________ water. a) cooling b) boiling c) freezing
  5. Microwave ovens are used for __________ food quickly and efficiently. a) cooling b) heating c) freezing
  6. Refrigerators are appliances used for cooling and __________ of food and drinks. a) preservation b) cooking c) drying
  7. Washing machines are used for washing clothes, towels, and __________. a) furniture b) bed sheets c) carpets
  8. Blenders are electric devices used for __________ ingredients. a) blending b) chopping c) grilling
  9. An electric fan is used for providing __________ in a room. a) lighting b) cooling c) heating
  10. Vacuum cleaners are appliances used for __________ dust and dirt from floors and carpets. a) polishing b) spreading c) removing
  11. Dishwashers are used for cleaning __________ and kitchen utensils. a) clothes b) dishes c) windows
  12. A toaster is used for __________ bread or other food items. a) grilling b) boiling c) freezing
  13. A coffee maker is used for preparing __________. a) tea b) coffee c) juice
  14. A food processor is an appliance used for __________ food items. a) storing b) cooking c) processing
  15. A rice cooker is used for cooking __________. a) rice b) pasta c) soup




1. IT CAN CAUSE FIRE OUT BREAKS: This may occur of two exposed cables of the appliance touch each other. Fire could occur where the appliance is not switched off after use or during power cut. Many house have been burnt down through such an carelessness in using boiling ring, electric iron etc.

2. INJURY: Improper handling of home appliance could lead to burns, fracture and dislocation through electric shock or scald from hot water.

3. DEATH: Life could be lost through electric shock and fire out breaks etc.

4. MALFUNCTIONING OF THE APPLIANCE: When the appliances are not properly used as specified in the manual, it may likely develop fault which may render it useless until it is repaired or replaced.


  1. Read the manual or user’s guides thoroughly before usage
  2. Consult someone who has used a similar gadget for initial instruction on proper usage.
  3. Maintain it regularly.
  4. Care for the appliances
  5. All repairs should be done by professionals.
  6. Do not use any of the gadget, if you feel it is unsafe to do so.
  7. Ensure the gadget is switched off after use and during power cut gage.


1. State three danger of wrong use of home appliances.

2. Mention five ways in which wrong use of home appliances can be corrected.





1. The wrong use of appliances can lead to __________ outbreaks.
a) fire
b) water
c) insect

2. Improper handling of home appliances can result in __________.
a) burns
b) scratches
c) stains

3. Electric shock or scald from hot water can cause __________ from wrong appliance use.
a) fractures
b) dislocations
c) injuries

4. Wrong use of appliances can potentially result in __________.
a) malfunctioning
b) disassembly
c) recycling

5. The incorrect use of appliances may lead to __________ of the appliance.
a) repair
b) replacement
c) disposal

6. Reading the __________ thoroughly before usage is essential for proper appliance use.
a) warranty
b) manual
c) advertisement

7. Seeking instruction from someone experienced with similar gadgets is advisable for __________ on proper appliance usage.
a) guidance
b) warnings
c) assistance

8. Regular __________ is necessary to maintain appliances properly.
a) replacement
b) cleaning
c) upgrading

9. Proper __________ of appliances helps extend their lifespan.
a) usage
b) disposal
c) storage

10. Professional __________ should handle all appliance repairs.
a) manufacturers
b) technicians
c) users

11. It is important not to use a gadget if it is perceived to be __________.
a) safe
b) dangerous
c) efficient

12. Switching off the appliance after use and during __________ is recommended for safety.
a) power surge
b) power cut
c) power supply

13. Following the recommended __________ for appliance usage is crucial for safety.
a) precautions
b) shortcuts
c) modifications

14. Using appliances according to the provided __________ reduces the risk of accidents.
a) instructions
b) warranties
c) advertisements

15. Ensuring the appliance is __________ after use is important to prevent accidents.
a) switched on
b) switched off
c) left running



Assertiveness is the process of communicating one’s feeling and needs without violating the right of others.

Differences between assertiveness and aggressiveness, passiveness and manipulation

ASSERTIVENESS: means to show a strong and confident feeling and follow through them.

Aggressiveness: means being violent, rude, and abusive and dis respectful.

PASSIVENESS means expressing one’s need so weekly that it will neither be understood nor addressed and manipulation involves pretending everything is alright and trying to get what you want in double ways.


How can a person communicate his or her feelings to another without hurting?






  1. Assertiveness involves communicating one’s feelings and needs without violating the rights of __________. a) oneself b) others c) authority
  2. Aggressiveness is characterized by being __________, rude, and disrespectful. a) violent b) passive c) manipulative
  3. Passiveness entails expressing one’s needs so __________ that they may not be understood or addressed. a) assertively b) weakly c) aggressively
  4. Manipulation involves pretending everything is alright and trying to get what you want in __________ ways. a) honest b) straightforward c) double
  5. Assertiveness is about showing __________ and confidence in expressing one’s feelings and needs. a) weakness b) strength c) ambiguity
  6. Aggressiveness often involves __________ behavior towards others. a) considerate b) abusive c) passive
  7. Passiveness can result in one’s needs being __________ or overlooked. a) addressed b) fulfilled c) ignored
  8. Manipulation typically employs __________ tactics to achieve desired outcomes. a) honest b) straightforward c) manipulative
  9. Assertiveness respects the rights and boundaries of __________. a) oneself b) others c) authorities
  10. Aggressiveness can create a __________ and hostile environment. a) calm b) peaceful c) confrontational
  11. Passiveness often leads to __________ in relationships and interactions. a) assertiveness b) misunderstandings c) harmony
  12. Manipulation can undermine trust and __________ in relationships. a) honesty b) openness c) manipulation
  13. Assertiveness promotes __________ communication and problem-solving. a) effective b) passive c) manipulative
  14. Aggressiveness tends to __________ others and damage relationships. a) respect b) devalue c) empower
  15. Passiveness can contribute to feelings of __________ and frustration. a) confidence b) empowerment c) powerlessness





Saving refer to the process of keeping part of income earned and valuable such as jewellery and certificate for future use.


People save for following reasons:

1.TO PREPARE FOR OLD AGE: Many people that are inactive service now save for the time of old age, when they will not be strong enough to work or even or even earn income.

2. FOR FUTURE INVESTMENT: Those people who have intention of setting up small scale business in future can be setting aside money from their present income.

3. TO ACCUMULATE WEALTH: Some people save for the sake of keeping their money and increase their wealth.

4. FOR EMERGENCIES: People may save to meet unseen event or circumstances.

5. FOR SECURITY PURPOSE: Many people save money or keep their valuable in the bank due to insecurity in their house and offices.

6. TO SECURE LOAN: Many people save in co-operative society for this reasons e.g. Micro finance bank etc. [mediator_tech]

7. FUTURE PERSONAL PROJECT: This include building of houses; buying of cars etc.


  1. Digging the grounds
  2. In the clay pot
  3. Entrusted with money keepers
  4. Keeping money with relations
  5. Keeping money on the roof
  6. Box —– this box is made with wood or clay. They were usually called (Kolo bank) by little culture.


  1. Banks
  2. Co-operative societies
  3. Insurance companies
  4. Buying of treasury bills
  5. Buying stocks
  6. Contributions
  7. Daily contributions


A bank is a financial institution established for safe keeping of money valuables and provision of other financial services.


1. THE CENTRAL BANK: This is a bank that controls the activities of all banks in a country. The Central bank act as government bank, issues of currencies, control interest rates, grants loan to other banks and acts as controller to all other banks.

2. COMMERCIAL BANK: These includes all banks that deals directly with individual they help in safe keeping of money, valuables and important documents.

They also provide loan to individual and render other financial services to individual and co-operative organisation. Examples of Commercial banks are: Zenith Bank, Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB), First bank, United bank of Africa (UBA) etc. All Micro finance banks also fall under commercial banks.


1. Mention three methods of savings in the past and three methods of savings in the modern days.

2. Define bank and explain the importance of modern day banking.







  1. Savings refer to the process of keeping part of earned income and valuable items for __________ use. a) present b) future c) immediate
  2. People save for the purpose of preparing for __________. a) young age b) middle age c) old age
  3. Saving for future investment involves setting aside money for __________ business. a) existing b) small-scale c) international
  4. Some people save to accumulate __________ and increase their wealth. a) debt b) assets c) expenses
  5. Saving for emergencies helps individuals to be prepared for __________ events or circumstances. a) planned b) seen c) unforeseen
  6. Saving for security purposes involves keeping money and valuables in a bank due to __________. a) insecurity b) low interest rates c) convenience
  7. People may save in cooperative societies to secure __________. a) insurance b) loans c) retirement funds
  8. Saving for future personal projects may include __________ and buying cars. a) traveling b) building houses c) starting businesses
  9. In the past, people saved money by __________ the grounds. a) burying b) investing c) spending
  10. Modern ways of saving include using __________. a) clay pots b) insurance companies c) banks
  11. A bank is a financial institution that provides safekeeping of money, valuables, and __________ services. a) transportation b) entertainment c) financial
  12. The central bank is responsible for controlling the activities of __________ in a country. a) commercial banks b) cooperative societies c) insurance companies
  13. Commercial banks deal directly with individuals and provide services such as safekeeping, loans, and __________. a) medical care b) legal advice c) financial services
  14. Examples of commercial banks include Zenith Bank, Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB), First Bank, and __________. a) educational institutions b) United Bank of Africa (UBA) c) construction companies
  15. Microfinance banks are classified under __________ banks. a) central b) cooperative c) commercial





1. ACCESS TO LOAN FACILITIES: Bank customers who operate a current account have access to loans in the bank.

2. EASY ACCESS TO OR WITHDRAWAL OF MONEY: With the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) bank customers can withdraw their money any time of the day.

3. PREVENTS RISK OF THEFT OR LOSS: Money kept in the bank are safe from being stolen by thieves or armed robbers.

4. PREVENTS RECKLESS SPENDING: By saving money in the bank one is forced to carefully spend whatever is left with him.



1. PUBLIC ENLIGHTENMENT: The Central Bank should launch more on educating the public on the advantages of saving money in the bank. Also the customers should be trained on how to manage and monitor their account to avoid being victims of fraud.

2. PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE: Customers should learn to be patient with bank officials to get the best of their services.

3. ESTABLISHMENT OF MORE BRANCHES: Banks should endeavour to create more branches of their banks to decongest banking halls.

4. MAINTENANCE OF GADGETS: If there is constant maintenance and servicing of gadgets like the ATM and computers used in the banks, they will function more efficiently.

5. PUNISHMENT FOR FRAUDSTER : Banks should ensure that anyone caught and arrested for fraud should be handed over to the people concerned for severe punishment.




  1. Keeping money in the bank provides access to __________ facilities. a) investment b) loan c) insurance
  2. With the Automated Teller Machine (ATM), bank customers can easily __________ or withdraw money. a) deposit b) borrow c) access
  3. Money kept in the bank is protected from __________ or loss. a) theft b) inflation c) depreciation
  4. Saving money in the bank helps prevent __________ spending. a) reckless b) strategic c) impulsive
  5. Bank customers receive __________ on their savings. a) dividends b) interest c) bonuses
  6. Public __________ is necessary to educate people on the advantages of saving money in the bank. a) enlightenment b) confusion c) secrecy
  7. Customers should be trained on how to __________ and monitor their bank accounts to avoid fraud. a) ignore b) manage c) close
  8. Patience and endurance are important qualities for customers to have when dealing with __________ officials. a) bank b) government c) law enforcement
  9. The establishment of more __________ can help decongest banking halls and improve services. a) banks b) ATMs c) branches
  10. Regular maintenance and servicing of bank __________ can improve their efficiency. a) computers b) safes c) buildings
  11. Banks should ensure that anyone caught and arrested for __________ is punished severely. a) fraud b) theft c) negligence
  12. Providing __________ for fraudsters can deter others from engaging in fraudulent activities. a) rewards b) incentives c) punishment
  13. Enhancing __________ measures can help protect customers’ money and personal information. a) security b) marketing c) communication
  14. Improved __________ of banking processes can enhance the overall customer experience. a) efficiency b) complexity c) flexibility
  15. Encouraging the use of __________ methods can reduce the reliance on physical cash transactions. a) digital b) manual c) traditional


1. State two advantages of keeping money in the bank.

2. Explain three solutions to problems faced with keeping money in the bank.


  1. Economy is the production, distribution, and __________ of goods and services in a nation. a) consumption b) consumption c) production
  2. National economic activities include trading, banking, communication, and __________. a) saving b) consumption c) production
  3. Saving is a way of keeping valuable items such as documents, certificates, and __________. a) car b) land c) money
  4. People save money to solve __________ problems. a) unexpected b) personal c) financial
  5. Some people save money for __________ purposes. a) security b) entertainment c) educational
  6. National economic activities involve the production and consumption of goods and __________. a) services b) land c) savings
  7. __________ is an example of a national economic activity. a) Trading b) Traveling c) Teaching
  8. Saving money is a form of __________. a) financial planning b) spending c) borrowing
  9. National economic activities contribute to the overall __________ of a country. a) development b) inflation c) taxation
  10. __________ is a financial institution involved in national economic activities. a) Bank b) Hospital c) School
  11. People save money to achieve their long-term __________ goals. a) financial b) academic c) social
  12. __________ is a common way in which people save money. a) Saving accounts b) Investing in stocks c) Keeping cash at home
  13. The production and distribution of goods and services in a nation are essential for its __________. a) economic growth b) political stability c) cultural preservation
  14. National economic activities can include __________. a) manufacturing b) dancing c) painting
  15. In the past, some people would bury their money as a form of __________. a) saving b) investment c) superstition




Communication is the process of sending out information by in individual to another. It is also the means of exchanging information or message among the people in the society.


  1. Traditional method
  2. Modern method.

TRADITIONAL METHOD OF COMMUNICATION: People in different societies in Nigeria communicate through any of the following means:

  1. Drum i.e. talking drum
  2. Use of town crier
  3. The use of gun shots
  4. Use of objects of symbol
  5. Use of Gong and flute


1.NEWSPAPER/MAGAZINE: The punch, the guardian, the nation and many others. The weekly news magazine in Nigeria, include Tell, The News etc.

2. THE TELEPHONE: Telephone was invented by Alexandra G. Bell. It is one of the modern ways of communication. The use of mobile phone is very popular in our modern days. Among the service providers in Nigeria are: Airtel, MTN, Globacom, Starcom, Etisalat etc.

3. RADIO: Radio is the most popular and the fastest means of sending messages to large number of people in a country Nigeria station apart from federal radio cooperation of Nigeria station. Various states and many individual also have Radio stations among such radio stations are Raypower radio, Lagos radio, WAZOBIA plus radio, Radio continental, Gateway radio etc.

4.POSTAL SYSTEM: E.g. NIPOST, DHL, UPS and so on. This is done by writing letter and sending it to the postal agencies. However, sending letter through post offices becoming unpopular in Nigeria because of the other better means such as E-mail, Landline and global system of mobile tele communication (GSM).

5. THE INTERNET: Internet comprises of inter connected computer network. Through the internet, personal and business letters document can be sent and received within few second.






  1. Communication is the process of sending out information from one individual to __________. a) another b) oneself c) everyone
  2. Traditional methods of communication include the use of __________. a) drums b) smartphones c) satellites
  3. The town crier is a traditional method of communication that involves __________. a) singing b) shouting c) dancing
  4. Gunshots have been used as a traditional method of communication for __________ purposes. a) celebratory b) warning c) decorative
  5. Objects of symbol, such as flags or banners, are used for __________ communication. a) visual b) verbal c) written
  6. The modern method of communication through newspapers and magazines provides __________ information. a) timely b) historical c) confidential
  7. The telephone, invented by Alexander G. Bell, is a modern means of __________ communication. a) long-distance b) non-verbal c) secret
  8. The use of mobile phones has become popular in modern times for __________ communication. a) personal b) official c) international
  9. Radio is a popular and fast means of sending messages to __________. a) small groups b) large numbers of people c) specific individuals
  10. Postal systems, such as NIPOST and DHL, are used for __________ communication. a) written b) verbal c) visual
  11. The internet is an interconnected network of computers that allows for the __________ of information. a) storage b) sharing c) encryption
  12. Personal and business documents can be sent and received quickly through __________. a) email b) telegrams c) carrier pigeons
  13. The modern method of communication using landline phones is becoming less popular due to __________. a) high cost b) poor quality c) alternative options
  14. The global system of mobile telecommunication (GSM) is a modern method of communication using __________. a) satellites b) fiber optics c) cellular networks
  15. The internet allows for the sending and receiving of personal and business __________. a) gifts b) letters c) packages


1. Define communication and mention the two methods of communication.

2. Mention and explain five modern and traditional method of communication.






  1. Newspapers and magazines, such as The Punch, The Guardian, and The Nation, are examples of __________. a) traditional communication methods b) modern communication methods c) online communication methods
  2. The telephone was invented by __________. a) Alexander G. Bell b) Thomas Edison c) Nikola Tesla
  3. A popular mobile phone service provider in Nigeria is __________. a) Airtel b) Nokia c) Verizon
  4. Radio is the most popular and fastest means of sending messages to a large number of people in Nigeria, apart from the federal radio cooperation of Nigeria station. One of the radio stations mentioned is __________. a) Raypower Radio b) Lagos Radio c) WAZOBIA Plus Radio
  5. The postal system in Nigeria is represented by __________. a) NIPOST b) UPS c) FedEx
  6. Sending letters through post offices is becoming unpopular in Nigeria due to other better means such as __________. a) E-mail b) Fax c) Telegram
  7. The Internet is a network of __________. a) computers b) televisions c) telephones
  8. Personal and business letters can be sent and received within a few seconds through __________. a) the Internet b) fax machines c) postal services
  9. E-mail stands for __________. a) Electronic mail b) Express mail c) Efficient mail
  10. DHL and UPS are examples of __________. a) courier services b) internet service providers c) telecommunication companies
  11. GSM stands for __________. a) Global System for Mobile communication b) General System of Messaging c) General Service for Media
  12. The weekly news magazine “Tell” is an example of __________. a) print media b) broadcast media c) social media
  13. Airtel, MTN, and Globacom are examples of __________. a) mobile network operators b) television channels c) radio stations
  14. The fastest means of sending messages to a large number of people in Nigeria is through __________. a) radio b) television c) social media
  15. Radio Continental and Gateway Radio are examples of __________. a) radio stations b) newspaper publishers c) internet service providers






Finding help entails providing or seeking assistance a support in order to find a remedy or relief from a problem to make a situation more bearable.


The following are some of the situations when people need help

  1. Period of disaster
  2. When entering into a new relationship
  3. During emotional disturbances
  4. Constant failure in examination
  5. When deserted or rejected by close friends due to physical disability resulting from accident
  6. Unwanted pregnancy
  7. Need to break a bad habit e.g. smoking, taking hand drugs etc.
  8. Need to come out of a bad group or unprofitable friendship


  1. Parents / guardians and other family members
  2. Counsellors
  3. Religious leaders e.g. Pastors, Imam etc.
  4. Health practitioners
  5. Teachers
  6. Social workers
  7. Community members
  8. Specialized institutions

Law enforcement agencies trusted experienced adults.


  1. Good communication skills
  2. Assertiveness
  3. Counselling
  4. Follow up


  1. Conducive atmosphere: There should be sure of friendship and security
  2. Good listening habit. Make sure you understand what has been said.
  3. Empathy: put yourself in the persons position and share his/her feelings.
  4. Non – judgement: do not put yourself in the position of a judge
  5. Follow up: take necessary action


  1. Identify the concern
  2. Recognize that help is needed
  3. Keep calm, stay focused
  4. Look for a trusted adult
  5. Wait for assistance to be provided
  6. Try to inform your parent or guardian if possible seek for help in the company of trusted adults.


  1. They do not require parental permission
  2. There must be privacy and confidentiality
  3. The cost is little or free
  4. They have specialized services in the areas for which help is needed


  1. Ignorance
  2. Non – conducive environment
  3. Lack of adequate knowledge about available services
  4. Fear of adults
  5. Inaccessibility of services.


1. Explain how people can receive help.

2. Mention five situations when people need help.

3. Mention three agencies that provide help that you know.

4. What are the steps to take when a help is needed?




  1. Finding help entails providing or seeking assistance and support in order to find a __________ from a problem. a) solution b) relief c) distraction
  2. People may need help during a period of __________. a) disaster b) celebration c) success
  3. Seeking help is important when entering into a new __________. a) job b) relationship c) hobby
  4. Help is often needed during __________ disturbances. a) emotional b) physical c) financial
  5. Constant failure in examinations can be a situation when people need __________. a) encouragement b) help c) discipline
  6. When deserted or rejected by close friends due to physical disability resulting from an accident, people may require __________. a) support b) revenge c) isolation
  7. Unwanted pregnancy can be a situation where help is __________. a) essential b) irrelevant c) optional
  8. Breaking a bad habit such as smoking or taking drugs requires __________. a) assistance b) independence c) resistance
  9. Needing to come out of a bad group or unprofitable friendship calls for __________. a) intervention b) avoidance c) indifference
  10. Parents/guardians, counselors, and religious leaders are examples of people who can __________. a) seek help b) provide help c) ignore help
  11. Good communication skills and assertiveness are important when __________ help. a) seeking b) avoiding c) rejecting
  12. Providing a conducive atmosphere and practicing good listening habits are necessary when __________ others. a) helping b) judging c) ignoring
  13. Identifying the concern and recognizing that help is needed are steps to take when __________ help. a) finding b) avoiding c) rejecting
  14. Agencies that provide help often ensure privacy, confidentiality, and __________. a) high costs b) parental permission c) specialized services
  15. Ignorance, non-conducive environments, and fear of adults are hindrances to __________ help for young people. a) finding b) avoiding c) rejecting