Speech Work: Diphthong

Grammar: Verb—Introduction

Comprehension: Unit 15, pages 194-195

Vocabulary Development: Air Transport

Composition: Descriptive Essay

Literature: Use of Recommended Text




Speech Work: /Iᶕ/ and /aI/

Grammar: Tenses of Active and Passive Voice

Composition: Elements of Descriptive Essay

Literature: Use of Recommended on Prose: Setting and Plot



Speech Work: Introduction to Consonant sounds (twelve)

Grammar: The Use of Active and Passive Voice with examples

Composition: Argumentative Essay: Male Child is More Useful than a Female Child

Literature Poetry (Identification in a Poem).




Speech Work:Two,Three&Four Syllables

Grammar: The Use of Active and Passive Voice with example

Composition:Argumentative Essay: A Male Child is More Useful than a Female Child

Literature:Myths and Legend with moral Moral lessons from a legend.

Vocabulary Development:Words Associated with the Sick Bay



Speech Work: Syllables Continued

Grammar: Exercises on Active and Pasive Voice

Comprehension: Refer to Week 7 of 2nd Term

Composition: Formal Letter

Literature: Analysis of a Poem

Vocabulary Development: WordsAssociated with Cooking Page 156

Grammar: Statements/ Tag Questionsand Responses




Speech Work: Consonant Clusters

Comprehension: Page 106; Unit 9

Composition: Narrative: An Accident I Witnessed

Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Teaching

Literature: Drama Text




Speech Work: Consonants (contd)

Grammar: Differences between Polar and Tag Questions

Comprehension: Revisit Week 8 0f 2nd Term

Vocabulary Development:  Spelling Drills

Composition: Expository Essay

Literature: Recommended Text on Prose And Poetry




Speech Work: /ᶕu/, /ai/ and /ei/

Grammar: Exercises on Verbs

Comprehension: Revisit Week 9 of 2nd Term

Composition: (Oral) School Rules

Vocabulary Development:  Spelling Drills

Literature:Changing Similes to Metaphors

Grammar: Revision of Nouns, Pronoun, Verbs and Adjectives




Speech: Diphthongs  (contd) exercise

Comprehension: Activity on Passage

Composition: Review all types of Essays

Literature: Figures of Speech





  1. Effective English Text Book. J.S.S1 . Michael Montgomery et al.
  2. Count Down English. Revised Edition. O. Ogunsanwo et al.
  3. Creative and Guided Composition for Senior Classes. C.O Odeto












Why Should Corporal Punishment be Banned in Schools

Should corporal punishment be banned in schools? Here are comments made online.

75% Say Yes

25% Say No


Report Post

It should not be a teacher’s job. It is not a teacher’s job to discipline is the parents’. The children feel abused because they are  spanked by people they are not attached to. Being punished by your actual family is more effective. And some teachers abuse their right to do corporal punishment. Parents do not know what they are doing in the classroom. And it is not effective because the children will not show respect they will show fear. Corporal punishment can also lead to resentment to the parents. Which of course is not good. It can lead to rebellion and character change in child over time

Posted by: YesI’machildbutstillwise

Reply Challenge 3

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School is supposed to prepare you for the real world. Well, that’s the general rule of thumb. And abuse is not accepted as such ‘in the real world’. Yeah it’s used, but not legally. If someone does something wrong outside of school, you can’t just hit them. I believe that violence should not be accepted, encouraged or tolerated, especially in a ‘safe’ school environment.

Posted by: Alivia

Reply Challenge 1

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Corporal punishment is of no use. Teachers do hit children because they don’t do their homework or don’t sit quiet. That is what the fuss is about, like teachers just find chances to beat children. Or we could finish this whole thing. I mean why can’t they just quietly talk sense into them or at the maximum just scold them. Why use corporal punishment? I am totally in the favour of its ban

Posted by:

Reply Challenge 0

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I agree with it. I think it teaches kids to bet better disciplined! They are actually scared of it.. Rather then detention where they are like.. Whatever… Detention! I don’t see a big problem for having it at all! There are proven results that your kids have more respect!! All the way I agree with it!

Reply Challenge 0

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It does more harm than good. Schools are supposed to be a safe, healthy environment, which isn’t the case to begin with because of bad students, so teachers are supposed to be someone they can go to for help. But if the student starts to fear the teacher then school will no longer be seen as a safe place at all. Hitting a child isn’t going to get them to respect you, it’s going to get the child to fear you. Hitting someone can cause not only physical damage, but psychological damage as well. Corporal punishment should be banned. No doubt about it.

Reply 0

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Corporal punishment in school is horrible It is horrible that teachers should hit and injure children for doing something wrong. It makes absolutely no sense at all! It could affect the student or damage them for the rest of their life. There are so many other ways to punish or discipline a child (like grounding), but there is no reason to hurt them.

Reply 0

Report Post

I’m totally against it.  My honest opinion is that I totally agree with the people who are against corporal punishment. It is totally unnecessary. And to think that a child’s teacher is hitting them just makes me sick. If it were my child I would immediately take my child out of that school and report the teacher.

Reply 0

Report Post

Corporal punishment is abuse. The general idea of hitting a human, especially with a paddle, is assault if done to an adult, or child abuse if done to a child at home. Hitting children would instill in them that violence is an acceptable way to get what you want, and will come to school in fear.

Reply 0

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No, it should not be banned. I’m a student and in my opinion the kids would learn from their mistakes. I see the kids in school and none of them have any discipline , I think it would  to help the youth in school; the back talk , fighting ,bullying it does not stop


Corporal punishment is immoral and should be banned. Corporal punishment should not occur no matter what the circumstances are in schools. It needs to be banned due to the mental and physical effects that it has on the children. Students should not have to go to school in fear that they are going to be hit as a form of punishment.

Reply 0

Report Post

Corporal Punishment Is A Bad Idea For Schools Hands Down

Through my prospective corporal punishment related disciplines in school do not improve school safety, learning, or behaviour. It can cause a student to get hurt or may make their behavior worse. It can also bring back memories to those who have had a history of being abused by parents. It can really affect the brain and damage a student. Who knows they could have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. ( PTSD.) I strive to stop corporal punishment from being aloud at schools. It just isn’t the right way. There are many other ways to discipline,and I know it isn’t corporal punishment.


EVALUATION: Study the argument above and drawn your own conclusion.



CONTENT:  Currency

Aim: to understand a piece of history. Unit 13, page 169. See Effective English.


EVALUATION: Read the description and do the practice



CONTENT: Words Associated with  Kitchen

baking dish







bottle opener


bread basket



Bundt pan

bun warmer

butter dish





cake pan

cake stand


can opener



cast iron pan





coffee grinder

coffee maker

coffee mill





cookie cutter

cookie sheet


Evaluation: Write the meaning and  use of kitchen items above.


TOPIC: COMPOSITION (Argumentative)



Travelling by air seems unsafe to a fairly large number of people due to what they see, hear or read. News on plane crashes make a big noise in the world, such news naturally stays longer in the mind of many fliers or people. In fact, it is a mind-blogging to many people. This may explain why the flying fear still remains in the heart of some people. Therefore, you may think that traveling by air is riskier than traveling on the road, but truly speaking; travelling by air is safer than traveling on the road.


However, it is interesting to note that, travelling by air is safer than travelling on the road. Why? It is because safety is the major concern of every airline industry and there’s no any other mode of transportation that does it better than airline industries. In fact, there is no other mode of transportation that can be fully monitored, investigated and scrutinized as we have in aviation industries. Truly speaking plane crashes are so rare when you compare it to road transport accidents.


According to World Health Organization, road traffic injuries caused an estimated 1.24 million deaths worldwide in the year 2010. With this estimation, it seems one person is killed in every 25 seconds. It is very rare or difficult to have this kind of estimation in air transport within a year. Why? It is because safety in aviation industries is not negotiable. It is a core value of any aviation industry in the world.


EVALUATION:   From the article above, write a debate to support or oppose the motion, ‘Road  Transportation is Safer than Air Transportation’.


LITERATURE: Use of recommended text on NECO Drama



  • Make ten sentences using the various kinds of tenses you have learnt.
  • From the comprehension passage read, discover five words related to ‘currency’.



  1. Effective English. Page 154. Practice 2 and 3.
  2. From the comments above on the topic,‘Corporal Punishment should be Abolished in 

Schools’, study the opinion of people and choose a stand in  your article of the same topic

  1. English Workbook Unit 12 No 2 (1 – 10) page 30.




CONTENT:  Consonant cluster is the coming together of more than one consonant sound in a word.

Consonant Clusters in Initial Positions







Consonant Clusters in Medial Positions






Consonant Clusters in Final Positions







EVALUATION:  Give five words each of consonant clusters in medial,initial and final positions



CONTENT:  Poetry: The Tune of Adaowa

See Effective English. Page106. Unit 9


EVALUATION: Do the listening lessons.



CONTENT: Words Associated with  Teaching





school fees




EVALUATION:  Give more words in relation to the teaching field


TOPIC: Narrative Essay

CONTENT: An Accident I witnessed

An Accident I Witnessed

The road in front of my school is a narrow one. It is also very busy. Every afternoon when school is dismissed, the road becomes almost impassable as children, bicycles, cars and buses jostle and struggle to use it. Sometimes, a policeman is there to help things out, but generally, chaos reigns and we have to be careful not to get involved in an accident.


A few accidents had already occurred. I was a witness to one.It happened just after school. As usual the road was an utter mad house. Children were running across the road to get to their cars and buses. Cars and buses honked angrily at them. Just then I saw a young boy make a dash across the road. There was a loud blare of horn, a squeal of brakes and I saw a car knock into the boy. He fell as though his feet were swept from under him.


Fortunately the car was not moving very fast and the driver managed to stop the car before a wheel could run over the fallen boy.All traffic stopped. I ran over to the boy and saw blood on the road. He was bleeding from a cut on his head. A man came and examined the boy. Then he lifted the boy and carried him to a car. They sped off, presumably to the hospital.

Many people surrounded the driver who looked dazed and bewildered. A policeman came to calm things down. As there was nothing I could do, I turned and walked down the road carefully. It was terrible to witness an accident. I certainly would not like to be involved in one.


WORD MEANING: jostle — to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them

Dazed — very confused, unable to think clearlyg


EVALUATION:  Study the article above, then write an  article on the same topic.



CONTENT:  Recommended  Drama Text


EVALUATION:  Use the recommended text on NECO drama


TOPIC: Statement/ Tag Questions and Responses


You speak English, don’t you?

A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. We use tag questions to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: “Is that right?” or “Do you agree?” They are very common in English.

The basic structure of a tag question is:

  • Positive statement = negative tag

Snow is white, isn’t it?

  • Negative statement = positive tag

You don’t like me, do you?

Notice that the tag repeats the auxiliary verb (or main verb when be) from the statement and changes it to negative or positive.

Positive Statement Tag Questions

Look at these examples with positive statements . You will see that most of the time, the auxiliary verb from the positive statement is repeated in the tag and changed to negative.



  1. You are coming, aren’t you?
  2. We have finished, haven’t you?
  3. You do like coffee, don’t you?
  4. You like coffee, don’t you?
  5. I can come, can’t I?
  6. He should try harder, shouldn’t he?
  7. You are English, aren’t you?
  8. John was there, wasn’t he?



The use of ‘do’ in the two coffee questions. Remember that in Present Simple, do is optional in positive statements (You like coffee/You do like coffee). But the ‘do’ must appear in the tag. The same applies to Past Simple did.

In last two questions, no auxiliary for main verb be in Present Simple and Past Simple. The tag repeats the main verb.


Negative Statement Tag Questions

Look at these examples with negative statements . Notice that the negative verb in the original statement is changed to positive in the tag.

Negative Statement


  1. It is n’t raining, is it?
  2. We have never seen that, have you?
  3. You don’t like coffee, do you?
  4. They will not help, will they?
  5. They won’t report us, will they?
  6. I can never do it. Can I?
  7. We mustn’t tell her, must we?
  8. He shouldn’t drive so, should he?
  9. You won’t be late, will you?
  10. You aren’t English, are you?



“Won’t” is the contracted form of will not

The tag repeats the auxiliary verb, not the main verb. Except, of course, for the verb be in Present Simple and Past Simple.


Answering Tag Questions

How do we answer a tag question? Often, we just say Yes or No . Sometimes we may repeat the tag and reverse it (They don’t live here, do they? Yes, they do ). Be very careful about answering tag questions. In some languages, an opposite system of answering is used, and non-native English speakers sometimes answer in the wrong way. This can lead to a lot of confusion!



  1. Make five statements, put the tag question and answer before them.
  2. Write the correct tag question and responses for the following statements.
    1. I can never do it.
    2. We mustn’t tell her.
    3. He shouldn’t drive so.
    4. You won’t be late.
    5. You aren’t English.



  • Make ten statements, put the tag question and answer before them.
  • English Workbook Unit 8 No 4 page 21



  1. Effective English. Study the grammar lesson in page 44, then do practice 4 in page 45
  2. Write on the narrative title:  A FIGHT IN MY CLASS






Trees are important plants that have improved life through the provision of essential necessities. These needs make them valuable and contribute to benefits of planting them. Treesprovide a foundation to life. During photosynthesis, trees facilitate the breakdown of food materials in the presence of carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates. The carbohydrates promote the growth of food consumed by both humans such as apples and oranges and animals such as elephants, giraffes among other. They also support life by providing wood and charcoal utilized as sources of fuel and provision of timber used to provide housing. Moreover, trees support life by providing habitat to different species such as bees, birds, and squirrels.

Trees battle climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide produced in various processes in the environment and releasing oxygen to the environment. The oxygen serves to improve the quality of air thereby regulating the climate. Trees also control the climate by restraining the occurrence of the sun, rain, and wind. The trees do so by cooling the environments through their leaves absorbing beaming of the sun, cooling the atmosphere and preserving warmth when harsh winds occur. Trees lower the air temperature by regulating the intensity of the heat through minimizing the levels of carbon dioxide produced. Additionally, they lower temperatures by providing shade to homes and streets and by releasing water vapor into the atmosphere that reduces the heat generated.


Trees clean the air by absorbing odors, harmful chemicals such as nitrogen oxides and removing dust and sifting particles from the air and trapping them in their leaves and bark. Trees provide enough oxygen for breathing to the world by absorbing the carbon dioxide in the environment and producing oxygen. Trees growing on one acre of land are estimated to consume six tons of carbon dioxide and produce four tons of oxygen beneficial to about eighteen people in a year. Trees sustain the ecosystem through their roots by preventing soil erosion during floods through holding the soil in place.


Planting of trees saves water. When it rains, the trees soak up and stores water in their surrounding soil preventing water runoff thus, providing sufficient water. Also, they save water through tree shades slowing the process of water evaporation to the atmosphere. Trees prevent water pollution by breaking the direct fall of rainfall to the ground thereby allowing water to flow down to the trunk of the tree. Consequently, the breaking of rainfall facilitates the filtering of water, preventing the carrying of pollutants deposited on ground surfaces to water bodies.

Planting of trees creates economic opportunities. Jobs such as fruit harvesting, tree mulching and watering, building, furniture construction and production of materials such as books and paper are created. Trees provide economic benefits. When planted adjacent to buildings and housing, they reduce the need for air conditioning by 40percent by cooling the environment and cleansing the air in the surrounding. Trees also provide value to properties. The presence of trees and adequately maintained landscapes boosts the cost of property by up to 20 percent. Trees also save on the cost incurred in energy by cooling the environment through tree shades and heating the environment by trees minimizing the cooling effects of winds.


Trees help to heal, relax and reduce blood pressure. Due to their infinite shapes, forms, sizes and multiple colors, they help to boost people’s moods and relax them.


EVALUATION:  Study the article  above and map out cogent points as basis for your own essay.


LITERATURE:  Use recommended text on drama



  1. Simile: You are dark as charcoal

Metaphor: You are a dark charcoal

  1. Simile: Tunde is as sly as a fox

Metaphor: Tunde is simply a fox

  1. Simile: Aremu is a fast as a cheetah on the field

Metaphor: Aremu is a cheetah on the field


EVALUATION: Make more examples of your own



CONTENT: Phonetic Symbols of Consonants

  1. /ʃ/ as in shit, lashes, fish, etc.
  2. /θ/ as in bath, month, anthem, both, etc.
  3. /s/ as in snake, sip, seat, axe, etc.
  4. /z/ as  in zip, zoom, exact, zebra, etc.
  5. /ʒ/ as in pleasure, usual, vision, cohesion, etc.
  6. /h/ as in hit, hat, behave, etc.
  7. /m/ as in man, meat, melt, mud, etc.
  8. /n/ as in now, knock, night, etc.
  9. /l/ as inlow, lack, loom, etc.
  10. /j/ as in you, new, use, etc.
  11. /w/ as in away, well, warm, etc.


EVALUATION:  Give five other examples on each sound.


TOPIC: Comprehension



Aim:  to understand an account of home remedies. Unit 14, page 181


EVALUATION: Read the first part of the passage, then do practice 2.




Polar questions begin with an auxiliary verb or modal verb and are usually, but not always, answered using the same auxiliary/modal verb.


  1. Do you like chocolate? – Yes, I do/No, I don’t
  2. Does she speak English? – Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t
  3. Are you ready? – Yes, we are/No, we aren’t

It is important that students learn to include the modal verb after “yes” or “no” as answering with a simple “yes” or “no” will be taken by a native speaker to indicate that the speaker is either being rude or has no interest in the conversation and the conversation will end abruptly, with both parties feeling mildly offended. Obviously the speaker can omit the “I do” part if (s)he then goes on to say something else immediately afterwards:

Does she speak English? – No, but she’s started taking lessons.

Students should also take care to repeat the modal or auxiliary and not the verb. In other words, the answer to the question

Do you like chocolate? is Yes, I do. not * Yes, I like.

Not all questions beginning with Did/Are you…? etc. lead to a simple yes/no answer. One way  of getting students to respond more fully is by asking “either/or” questions, for instance, Did you…, or were you..?



Tag questions are mainly used in order to emphasis the statement of the speaker but a polar question more like a response to a question asked.

EVALUATION: Give answer to the following polar questions.

  1. Are you okay?
  2. Do you like her?



abbreviation             abscess                     absence                      abysmal                            abdicate

aberration                abeyance                 abomination               abrasive                             abscond

abstentious               abstinence                    abyss                         accede                        accentuate

accessory                 acclimatization           accolade                   accelerator                    accessible accomplice             accessories                 accommodation   accompaniment              accumulate

accurate                  accustomed                     achieve                          accrue               accustom

acrimony                     acumen                      addicted                          adeptadherent


EVALUATION: Study the spellings words above and rewrite.



  • Construct five sentences each to illustrate the various uses of the verbs be, do, have.
  • Construct five sentences each to illustrate the various uses of the verbs shall, will



  1. Effective English. Page 215, Practice 4.
  2. Write a descriptive Essay on your favourite pet.



TOPIC: Guided Composition (Narrative)



I was born in Ha Nam , a province in the North of Vietnam . I am always proud of my hometown with hard-working and kind farmers. I feel most proud of my village because of the many traditional festivals that takes place every year. One of the most important festivals in my village is ” Village Festival ” . “Village Festival” takes place every two years  to remind people in the village of the god of the village who built the village . People often call the god of the village as ” Thanh Hoang Lang” . This festival takes place on full-moon day of February . There are three parts in the” Village Festival”.


The first part of the festival that children are the most eager is lifting the palaqueen and lion dances . On the day of Village Festival, children often  get up early , wearing beautiful clothes . Then they go to the communal house of the village to wait for the palaqueen . About 7 o’clock  , all of people in the village gather in two sides of the road to see the palaqueen pass . It is believed that children who go under the palaqueen on this day will have good health and will study very well. At 8 o’clock in the morning, the palaqueen starts being raised from the village to  the village . The palaqueen is raised by eight people . Always the old people in the traditional  costume go in front of the palaqueen and they both go and spread things like coins, pink candles. My grandma told me that people who pick the pink candles are very lucky . They often put the candles in front of their children ‘s bed . It is thought that the light of the pink candle will make their children more intelligent and healthier. Therefore they try to get the pink candles. Lion dances are also followed by the palaqueen. The procession lasts for more than an hour.


After the procession , people in the village : the old, the young and children move to the river in the village quickly to see the next part of the Village Festival called ” traditional games”. Traditional games is the most interesting part in the Village Festival, so  villagers always wait for this activity . There are a lot of traditional games that takes place in this part such as boat race , tug of war and wrestling… One of the most interesting games in Village Festival is the racing boat . There are five teams which present the fives villages.  It is a very proud thing for any village to win the competition .Therefore , every village chooses the strongest man to join the boat race competition. In this game , competitors sit on an imperial boat , a boat has the form of a dragon decorated with the different colours. The captains who stand at the head of the boat order their team to sail the boat quickly . As soon as the sound of the drum starts , all team begin sailing as fast as they can. Along two sides of the river viewers are shouting for encouragement for their home team .The louder the sound of yelling and shouting of fans is , the more quickly the competitors sail. People who watch at two sides of the river run after the boat to encourage for their team . The team which sails to the finish the most quickly will be the winner of the game . It is a big pride of the village for the team who gets the first prize . Besides the boat race , the traditional games like tug of war , rice- cooking and wrestling are also seen by most people in the village. The activities of the traditional games finish at about 1p.m in the afternoon. The last part of Village Festival is celebrated in the communal house yard after the traditional games.


When the traditional games finish , villagers gather in front of the communal house yard to eat a traditional meal and to see which teams get prizes in traditional games. From early in the morning, woman in the village prepare necessary materials to cook the meal. Often women in the village who are good at cooking will be chosen to cook for Village festival . About 12 p.m all the food is shown carefully and spectacularly on the tables in the communal house yard . On Village festival day  the communal house becomes more crowded. This is a special occasion for  people in the village to meet and talk together about their work as well as the harvest . Firstly, the results of the traditional games in the morning are announced by the leader of the village . Most people are awaiting to hear which teams win the first prize . It is the pride for the village that wins the first prize . The winners in the traditional games last year will award the prize for the winners this year.Then people sit on their seats eating the meal. They both eat and talk happily. After the meal ,people gather to hear the women in the village sing folk songs  The Village festival lasts untill early in the evening .


Despite the impact of the industrialization , the Village Festival is still celebrated as the cultural and traditional beauty of my village . It reminds the young generation of the tradition and originality.


EVALUATION: Form a group five, study the passage carefully and compare it with the village festival of your villages.





  1. Simile: You are dark as charcoal

Metaphor: You are a dark charcoal

  1. Simile: Tunde is as sly as a fox

Metaphor: Tunde is simply a fox

  1. Simile: Aremu is a fast as a cheetah on the field

Metaphor: Aremu is a cheetah on the field

EVALUATION: Make more examples of your own




Bachelor                            baggage                                 bailiff                              babble                       backlash backlog                               balder                             dash                              ballyhoo                        bamboozle bay                                   ballast                              ballerina                            banana                          beneathBanister                             bankruptcy                        banquet                           barbecue                    barometer

barrister                               basically                            basis                               bassoon                        battalion                              bazaar  bedlam                         belch/burp                         bellow                           beguilebehaviour beleaguer                     belief/ believe                 belligerent                     benefitedBequeath                               berserk                          besiege                          bettered                   bewitch

bibliography                       bigotry                            bereft                             beseech                   besotted                              bestial    bestow                        beautiful                              befriend                               bigamous                     bigoted                             bilingual                          biscuit                            blaze                                blight                             biennial

bigwig                                    billow                               biography                    blitz                                  boffin                                   bohemian                         bizarre                           bias



EVALUATION: Study the spellings words above and rewrite.



CONTENT:  /əu/, /iə/, /ai/ and /ei/

Diphthongs: The word ‘diphthong’ is from a Greek word, which means double sound. They are also vowels. The difference is that while a pure vowel contains only one sound, a diphthong contains two sounds with a glide from the first vowel.


/ei/ as found in rain

/ᶕu/ as found in spoke

/ai/ as found in high

/iᶕ/ as found in hear

/uᶕ/ as found in tour


EVALUATION: Diphthongs can be divided into two, namely:  centering and closing dipthongs. Classify the diphthongs above into these two.



CONTENT:  Home Remedies and Cures

See Effective English. Page 181. Unit 14


EVALUATION: Read the first part of the passage and then do practice 2


TOPIC: Activities on Verb



  1. In five sentences, use the modal auxiliary verbs ‘shall’ and  ‘will’ to indicate futurity
  2. In five sentences, use the infinitive form to indicate futurity
  3. In five sentences, use the present progressive form to indicate futurity
  4. Write ten sentences, highlighting the following types of verb tenses: : Present Tense, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous Tense.


EVALUATION: In a group of five, evaluate the sentences of your team mate.



  1. List five instruments used for home remedy/cure
  2. Turn similes to metaphors in sentences



    1. Effective English. Page 210. Grammar, practice 4
    2. Write an expository essay on the plantation of rice
  • Construct five sentences each to illustrate the various uses of the verbs be, do, have.
  • Construct five sentences each to illustrate the various uses of the verbs shall, will
  • Try your hands on the following spelling drills


Cabbage                                    caffeine                                  cafeteria                         camouflage

campaign                                   campaigned                         cancelled                              cancerous

candor                                         cannabis                               cannibal                                  cabal

canvas                                         catapult                           carburetor        career

caress                                       caries                                           carriage  cartoonist

cashier                                     cassette                                       castanets                            casualty

catalogue                                  catarrh                                         catechism      cauliflower

cautious                                    celibacy                                   ceiling             cellophane

cemetery                                    centenary                            centiliter          cavernous



TOPIC: Diphthongs (contd)


Transcribe the following

  • rain
  • spoke
  • fight
  • cow
  • hear
  • spare
  • tour


EVALUATION: Get more words that contains diphthongs and transcribe.


TOPIC: Revision on Noun, Pronouns, Verb and Adjectives


A. Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the blanks with the corresponding adverb.

  1. James is careful. He drives .
  2. The girl is slow. She walks .
  3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English .
  4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts .
  5. My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks .


  1. English Workbook Unit 5 No 1 (1 – 10) page 12
  2. Students’ companion Exercise 15 E (1 – 10) page 76
  3. students’ companion Ex 16 A (1 -12) page 83
  4. Student’s companion Ex 25 B (1 – 10) page 142


TOPIC: Activities on Comprehension Passage



See Effective English. Page 102, Pratice 1


EVALUATION: Do practice of page 102



CONTENT:  Revise all the types of essays

EVALUATION: Write on each type.



CONTENT: Euphemism and Pun


Euphemism is an indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something unpleasant or embarrassing to make it seem more acceptable than it really is.

Examples: The man had passed on to glory.

Dupe is put in the family way.


Pun is the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same.

Example: We are banking on them to lend us the money


EVALUATION:  Give more examples on each.






