CRS JSS 1 Second Term Revision Christian Religious Studies JSS 1

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) JSS 1 – Second Term Week 11 Revision

Lesson Details

  • Subject: Christian Religious Studies
  • Class: JSS 1
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 11
  • Age: 10 – 12 years
  • Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered
  • Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall important lessons from the term.
  2. Answer revision questions confidently.
  3. Identify areas that need further understanding.
  4. Prepare well for their exams.

Part A: Review and Revision

20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with Answers

  1. What is a family?

    • A family is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
  2. What are the two main types of families?

    • Nuclear family and extended family.
  3. Who is the head of a nuclear family?

    • The father.
  4. What is the role of the mother in the family?

    • She takes care of the home and supports her husband.
  5. What should children do in a family?

    • They should obey their parents and help with chores.
  6. What is a school?

    • A school is a place where children go to learn.
  7. Who is the leader of a school?

    • The principal.
  8. Why is friendship important in school?

    • It helps students learn from one another and support each other.
  9. What is a church?

    • A church is a place where Christians gather to worship God.
  10. Who is the leader of a church?

  • The pastor.
  1. How can we show love in the church?
  • By helping and praying for one another.
  1. What is a miracle?
  • A miracle is a special event that happens through God’s power.
  1. What are the four types of Jesus’ miracles?
  • Healing, deliverance, provision, and power over nature.
  1. What miracle did Jesus perform at a wedding in Cana?
  • He turned water into wine.
  1. What miracle did Jesus perform for the 5,000 people?
  • He fed them with five loaves of bread and two fish.
  1. What should we learn from Jesus’ miracles?
  • We should have faith in God.
  1. Who helps to keep order in the church?
  • Ushers.
  1. What should we do when someone in the church is sad?
  • We should comfort and encourage them.
  1. How do students form friendships in school?
  • By sharing common interests.
  1. What lesson can we learn from the family?
  • Love, respect, and teamwork are important.

Part B: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)

20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. The two main types of families are ______ and ______.
    a) Rich and poor
    b) Large and small
    c) Nuclear and extended
    d) Old and young

  2. The father’s role in the family is to ______.
    a) Watch TV all day
    b) Take care of the children and provide for the family
    c) Do nothing
    d) Ignore his wife

  3. The head of a school is the ______.
    a) Teacher
    b) Class captain
    c) Principal
    d) Student

  4. A church is a place where ______.
    a) Muslims worship
    b) Christians worship
    c) Teachers work
    d) People go to play

  5. One way to show love in the church is by ______.
    a) Fighting
    b) Helping others
    c) Ignoring people
    d) Cheating

(Continue up to 20 questions following the same pattern)

Part C: Theory Questions (Short Answer)

20 Simple Short-Answer Questions

  1. What is the role of a mother in the family?
  2. Who is the head of a nuclear family?
  3. What does a school prefect do?
  4. What is a miracle?
  5. Name one miracle of Jesus.
  6. How can we show kindness in the church?
  7. What is the role of an usher in the church?
  8. What did Jesus do at the wedding in Cana?
  9. Name two members of the school community.
  10. How do friends help each other in school?

(Continue up to 20 questions)

Part D: True or False Questions

20 True or False Questions

  1. A nuclear family includes uncles and cousins. (False)
  2. The father should provide for his family. (True)
  3. The church is only a building. (False)
  4. Miracles do not happen in real life. (False)
  5. Jesus fed 1,000 people with five loaves of bread. (False)

(Continue up to 20 questions)

Part E: Fill in the Gaps Questions

20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options

  1. A ______ is a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
  2. The two types of families are ______ and ______.
  3. The head of a school is called the ______.
  4. A church is where ______ worship God.
  5. Jesus turned ______ into wine at a wedding in Cana.

(Continue up to 20 questions)


The teacher will go over the answers with the students, explain any difficult questions, and encourage them to study well for their exams.