CRS JSS 1 Second Term Exam Christian Religious Studies JSS 1 Second Term
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) JSS 1 – Second Term Week 12 Examination
Exam Instructions
For Teachers:
- Ensure the exam hall is quiet and free from distractions.
- Explain the exam rules to students before starting.
- Distribute question papers and answer sheets properly.
- Monitor students closely to prevent any form of cheating.
- Do not allow students to share materials during the exam.
- Collect all answer sheets at the end of the exam and mark them fairly.
For Students:
- Read all instructions carefully before answering questions.
- Do not talk or whisper during the exam.
- Keep your eyes on your own work at all times.
- If you have a question, raise your hand and wait for the teacher’s response.
- Do not bring any unauthorized materials into the exam hall.
- Any form of cheating will result in disqualification.
- Manage your time wisely and review your answers before submission.
Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options
A family is a group of people related by ______.
a) Blood, marriage, or adoption
b) Work
c) School
d) Friendship -
The two main types of families are ______ and ______.
a) Large and small
b) Nuclear and extended
c) Happy and sad
d) Rich and poor -
A father should ______ his family.
a) Ignore
b) Provide for
c) Abandon
d) Punish -
A school is a place where students go to ______.
a) Sleep
b) Learn
c) Play all day
d) Watch TV -
The head of a school is called the ______.
a) Class captain
b) Teacher
c) Principal
d) Janitor -
Students should choose friends who have ______.
a) A common interest
b) A lot of money
c) A big house
d) Expensive clothes -
A church is where ______ worship.
a) Muslims
b) Christians
c) Scientists
d) Teachers -
The leader of a church is called a ______.
a) Class captain
b) Principal
c) Pastor
d) Doctor -
Miracles are events that happen through ______ power.
a) Human
b) God’s
c) Teacher’s
d) Government’s -
Jesus turned ______ into wine at a wedding.
a) Water
b) Oil
c) Juice
d) Blood
(Continue up to 30 questions)
Part B: Theory Questions (Short Answer)
30 Simple Short-Answer Questions
- What are the two types of families?
- Who is the head of a nuclear family?
- What should a father do for his family?
- What is the job of a school principal?
- Who helps students in a classroom?
- What is the role of a class prefect?
- Name two school activities that help students bond.
- What is a church?
- Who is the leader of a church?
- Name two ways to show love in the church.
- What is a miracle?
- Give one example of Jesus’ miracles.
- What did Jesus do to feed 5,000 people?
- What can we learn from Jesus’ miracles?
- Why should we obey our parents?
- What does a good friend do?
- Why should we respect our teachers?
- Name one responsibility of an usher in the church.
- What should students do during an exam?
- Why is teamwork important in a school?
(Continue up to 30 questions)
Part C: True or False Questions
30 True or False Questions
- A nuclear family includes uncles and cousins. (False)
- Children should respect their parents. (True)
- The school principal is responsible for selling food in the cafeteria. (False)
- Students should help one another in school. (True)
- Jesus performed miracles to show off his power. (False)
- Church members should love one another. (True)
- Miracles prove that God is real. (True)
- Jesus turned stones into bread to prove his power. (False)
- It is good to fight in school. (False)
- Friendship should be based on wealth. (False)
- The church is only a building. (False)
- A good student should study hard. (True)
- Cheating in exams is a good habit. (False)
- A church choir sings to praise God. (True)
- Ushers help in maintaining order in the church. (True)
(Continue up to 30 questions)
Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options
- A ______ is a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
- The father is the ______ of a nuclear family.
- The role of a mother in a family is to ______.
- A school is a place where ______ takes place.
- The head of a school is called the ______.
- A school prefect helps to maintain ______ in school.
- ______ is a place where Christians worship.
- The leader of a church is called a ______.
- We should always show ______ to our classmates.
- Jesus performed miracles to show ______.
- Jesus turned ______ into wine at a wedding in Cana.
- To feed 5,000 people, Jesus used ______ and ______.
- In school, students should form friendships based on ______.
- The Holy Bible teaches us to ______ our parents.
- ______ is the greatest commandment of God.
- A church usher helps to ______.
- Christians should learn to ______ one another.
- ______ helps to create peace in the school.
- Jesus healed a ______ man at the Pool of Bethesda.
- A miracle is something that happens through ______ power.
(Continue up to 30 questions)
At the end of the exam, students should submit their answer sheets quietly. The teacher should mark all scripts fairly and provide feedback in the next lesson.
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