First Term Examination Nursery 2


Tapa Street, Lagos

1st Term Examination

SUBJECT: Cultural & Creative Arts
CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

  1. ___________ is a self-expression
    (a) art
    (b) apple
  2. Art involves drawing and painting
    (YES / NO)
  3. __________ is used for drawing
    (a) knife
    (b) pencil
  4. __________ is used for sleeping
    (a) mat
    (b) hat
  5. Hand fan is used for blowing air to oneself
    (YES / NO)
  6. Decorative artworks are meant for decoration
    (YES / NO)
  7. _______ is a decorative artwork
    (a) drawing
    (b) goat
  8. A lion has a ________ head
    (a) small
    (b) big
  9. The names of the two birds are ________ and _____
    (a) Peter and Suliat
    (b) Peter and Paul
  10. Draw a big cup and colour it



1st Term Examination

SUBJECT: Civic Education
CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. Civic education helps us to know our duties
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  2. A citizen is a member of _________
    (a) country
    (b) car
    (c) clap
  3. We should respect ________
    (a) food
    (b) insect
    (c) elders
  4. Our ______ should not be respected
    (a) food
    (b) teacher
    (c) parents
  5. Running errands is a way of showing respect
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  6. We must sit while singing the national anthem
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  7. __________ is when people work together to achieve a goal
    (a) anger
    (b) co-operation
    (c) fight
  8. Co-operation promotes unity
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  9. It is good to obey rules and regulations
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  10. We should respect time by being punctual always
    (a) yes
    (b) no


List Two People to Respect:

List Three Things or Places to Respect:


1st Term Examination

CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

  1. I can sing _________
    (a) high high
    (b) fast fast
  2. Slow and ________
    (a) fast
    (b) steady
  3. You fat busy _______
    (a) dog
    (b) goat
  4. Dream _______
    (a) dance
    (b) dream
  5. Dream of the _________
    (a) bell
    (b) ball
  6. Early to ________
    (a) gate
    (b) bed
  7. You pick up a _______
    (a) pin
    (b) cup
  8. Down the ________
    (a) pot
    (b) pit
  9. Cry of the vendor’s __________
    (a) cry
    (b) called
  10. Daddy called and _________
    (a) cry
    (b) called
  11. I wish I can ________
    (a) read
    (b) cry
  12. Little dummy _______
    (a) run
    (b) fall




CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. A _________ consists of father, mother, and children
    (a) school
    (b) family
    (c) church
  2. _________ is the head of the family
    (a) father
    (b) mother
  3. __________ cooks food at home
    (a) sister
    (b) father
    (c) mother
  4. A good family must be ________
    (a) honest
    (b) selfish
    (c) ugly
  5. A good child must not be _______
    (a) kind
    (b) greedy
    (c) careful
  6. Children run ________ for their parents
    (a) away
    (b) errands
    (c) down
  7. _________ sweep and wash plates at home
    (a) grandfather
    (b) children
    (c) uncle
  8. All these are types of family except
    (a) nuclear family
    (b) extended family
    (c) worst family
  9. Culture means ____________
    (a) total way of life of people
    (b) stealing of other people’s belongings
    (c) religion
  10. Culture includes _______
    (a) talking
    (b) stealing
    (c) language


  1. List two elements of culture:
    (a) _______________
    (b) _______________
  2. ____________ is the people’s total way of life
  3. ____________ is people’s belief
  4. There are __________ main types of religion
  5. ____________ is the head of the family



1st Term Examination


CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. Plant is a __________
    (a) animal
    (b) living thing
    (c) non-living thing
  2. Some animals feed on plants
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  3. __________ is necessary for plant growth
    (a) salt
    (b) water
    (c) magi
  4. Agriculture is growing of plants and animals for human needs
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  5. Stem is a part of plants
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  6. __________ is a farm tool
    (a) yam
    (b) hoe
    (c) pencil
  7. __________ is the part of a plant that holds the plant strong to the ground
    (a) leaf
    (b) root
    (c) stem
  8. We can use plants for medicine
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  9. Plants grow in _________
    (a) houses
    (b) soil
    (c) sky
  10. __________ is green in color
    (a) Nigeria flag
    (b) leaf
    (c) circle


  1. Plant is a ________________________
  2. List three farm tools you know:




1st Term Examination


CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Section A: Comprehension

Story Telling

Destiny and Jamal went to Ojo Village. Jamal saw a tortoise. “I know a story about a tortoise,” said Jamal. One day, the tortoise went to another person’s farm and stole some yams. The owner of the farm caught the tortoise and beat him.


  1. Who knew a story about the tortoise?
    (a) Destiny
    (b) Jamal
    (c) Samuel
  2. Tortoise went to another person’s __________
    (a) house
    (b) school
    (c) farm
  3. What did the tortoise steal?
    (a) yam
    (b) rice
    (c) beans
  4. Who caught the tortoise?
    (a) pastor
    (b) teacher
    (c) owner of the farm

Section B: Grammar

Write out the plural of the following words:

Singular Plural

Write out the name of each object:

Write out the past form of the following words:

Present Tense Past Tense

Section C: Composition: My Self

  1. My name is ________________________
  2. I am a ________________ (boy/girl)
  3. I am ______________ years old
    (a) five
    (b) four
  4. I am in Nursery ____________________
    (a) one
    (b) two
  5. My teacher is a ____________
    (a) man
    (b) woman




1st Term Examination


CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. __________ is the creator
    (a) doctor
    (b) Adam
    (c) God
  2. __________ created heaven and earth
    (a) governor
    (b) God
    (c) president
  3. God provides all our needs
    (a) yes
    (b) no
    (c) all of the above
  4. It is good to worship ________
    (a) Satan
    (b) God
    (c) pastor
  5. Who provides for your teacher?
    (a) God
    (b) daddy
    (c) pastor
  6. __________ created the sun, moon, and stars
    (a) Imam
    (b) teacher
    (c) God
  7. __________ protects the family
    (a) daddy
    (b) God
    (c) mummy
  8. The first man created by God was
    (a) Abraham
    (b) Abel
    (c) Adam
  9. Jesus was born in __________
    (a) manger
    (b) bush
    (c) den
  10. __________ was the mother of Jesus
    (a) Joseph
    (b) Mary
    (c) Martha


  1. Jesus is __________ child
  2. __________ is God’s gift for sight
  3. Mary is the mother of ___________
  4. It is good to worship ____________
  5. _____________ created heaven and earth


CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. I have ________ eyes
    (a) two
    (b) three
    (c) one
  2. I can ________ with my eyes
    (a) eat
    (b) see
    (c) hear
  3. I can run with my _________
    (a) hands
    (b) legs
    (c) ears
  4. I can breathe in and out with my _________
    (a) ear
    (b) nose
    (c) mouth
  5. _________ is the part of the body used for hearing
    (a) nose
    (b) ear
    (c) mouth
  6. We must wash our hands with _________
    (a) sand
    (b) water
    (c) oil
  7. We must wash our hands after visiting the toilet
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  8. A dirty hand is good for our health
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  9. We must wash our mouth __________
    (a) every day
    (b) once a year
    (c) every month
  10. All these are materials needed to wash our mouth except
    (a) toothbrush
    (b) chewing stick
    (c) blade
  11. We must eat poisoned food
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  12. We must prevent our eyes from dust
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  13. We use _______ to smell
  14. We use __________ to hear
  15. We use _________ to taste


CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. Locomotor movement includes ________
    (a) walking
    (b) standing
    (c) crying
  2. Standing while eating is a good table manner
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  3. Head is a part of the body
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  4. Stretching is an example of ________ movement
    (a) locomotor
    (b) non-locomotor
    (c) bad locomotor
  5. __________ movement involves throwing and catching of objects
    (a) manipulative
    (b) locomotor
    (c) race
  6. Throwing is an example of ________ movement
    (a) race
    (b) jump
    (c) manipulative
  7. Exercise is _______ for our body
    (a) worse
    (b) good
    (c) bad
  8. Water is for cooking
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  9. We can get water from a well
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  10. Measles is a communicable disease
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  11. Exercise is ___________ for our body
    (a) yes
    (b) no


  1. List two sources of water:

  2. List two uses of water:


CLASS: Nursery 2
Name: ……………………………

Objective Questions

  1. ________ is the work people do to make money
    (a) vocation
    (b) devotion
    (c) solution
  2. _________ works at the hospital
    (a) farmer
    (b) teacher
    (c) doctor
  3. Trade is a vocation which involves buying and selling
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  4. A tailor makes use of _______
    (a) bicycle
    (b) sewing machine
    (c) hammer
  5. Hunting is the work of __________
    (a) doctors
    (b) farmers
    (c) hunters
  6. ________ is a wild animal
    (a) goat
    (b) bird
    (c) lion
  7. The person who makes pots, jugs with clay is called a potter
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  8. A farmer grows __________
    (a) books
    (b) houses
    (c) crops
  9. ________ is one of the tools used by farmers
    (a) hoe
    (b) hammer
    (c) pencil
  10. A ______ works at the school
    (a) teacher
    (b) farmer
    (c) banker


  1. Name the following objects: