1) are awards given to members of the society for their contributions towards national development (a)Gift (b)National honour awards (c)position (d)Political appointment
2) The National Honours award was established in by the Nigerian government (a)1964 (b)1950 (c)1948 (d)1984
3) National Honours awards are usually given by (a)Family (b)Head mistress (c)president (d)Father
4) The highest National honour award given in Nigeria is (a)GCON (b)CFR (c)MFR (d)GCFR
5) The National honour award given to the Vice – president is (a)GCFR (b)GCON (c)OON (d)MON
6) National honour awards are given for (a)hardwork (b)laziness (d)gift (d)position
7) All these people have received honour awards in Nigeria EXCEPT (a)Obafemi Awolowo (b)Ahmadu Bello (c)Nnamdi Azikiwe (d)Akindele A.B
8) Whose portrait is in Nigeria ₦100 notes (a)Ahmadu Bello (b)Nnamdi Azikiwe (c)Obafemi Awolowo (d)Murtala Mohammed
9) One of the following is not a local musical instrument in Nigeria (a)goje (b)cutlass (c)agogo (d)sekere
10) One of the following is not National honour awards in Nigeria (a)GCFR (B)NEEDS (C)MFR (d)GCON
11) national honours inspire people to become (a)Lazy (b)proud (c)thief (d)Obedient
12) one of the following is not a locally made good (a)textiles (b)foot wear (c)Television (d)biscuits
13) All the following are the needs to value Nigeria goods EXCEPT (a)Laziness (b)national pride (c)Employment (d)Better life
14) Things that we cherished in our country are (a)goods (b)values (c)food (d)water
15) One of the value that promote peace is (a)dishonesty (b)unfaithfulness (c)Laziness (d)Tolerance
16) is the act of accepting other people’s behavior and ways of doing things (a)Cooperation (b)honesty (c)Tolerance (d)Laziness
17) is a situation of quietness, tranquility, harmony and non-violence (a)Peace (b)dispute (C)fighting (d)dishonest
18) is the act of working or acting together to achieve a common goal. (a)Peace (b)Cooperation (c)honest (d)love
19) can be define as an act of promoting national interest (a)Peace (b)Love (c)cooperation (d)Nationalism
20) means proud, loyalty and devotion to a nation. (a)Cooperation (b)Peace (c)Patriotism (d)Nationalism
21) Nigeria gained independence on (a)1ST Oct 1960 (b)1st Oct 1963 (c)1st Dec 1960 (d)1st Sept 1959
22) One of the following is not a problem of Ethnic, state and group loyalty (a)Free and fair election (b)Ethnic crisis (c)Political instability (d)Boundary disputes
23) The two horses in Nigeria Coat of Arms stand for (a)peace (b)dignity (c)Love (d)care
24) The green colour in Nigeria National flag stands for (a)Leave (b)honest (c)cooperation (d)Agriculture
25) Nigeria national Anthem has stanzas (a)1 (b)4 (c)2 (d)3
26) GC FR means
27) Nigerian goods are those goods that are made in
28) is one of the reason why we need to value Nigerian goods
29) One reason for given National honour award is
30) and are the characteristics of tolerance
31) The three major ethnic groups in Nigeria are , and
32) Whose portraits is in Nigeria ₦500 notes
33) and are the people that have received National honour awards in Nigeria
34) One of the qualities of a nationalist is
35) To be a nationalist one has to be
36) and are the nationalist in Nigeria
37) and are Nigeria National symbols
38) Nigeria became a republic on year
39) Nigeria National flag was designed by
40) GCON means
1) Mention 5 Nigeria National honour awards (full meaning) (i) ______________________________________
- _____________________________________________________iii. _____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________ v. ______________________________________________
2) Explain Nigeria goods; State 3 reasons why we need to value Nigeria goods : i__________________________________
- ___________________________________________________iii. _______________________________________________
3) Define peace; mention 3 characteristics of tolerance: i. ____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________iii.______________________________________________
4) Define Patriotism; state 3 qualities of a nationalist : i. _____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________iii.______________________________________________
5) State 4 reasons for given National honour awards
- _____________________________________________________ii. _____________________________________________
iii. ____________________________________________________ iv. ______________________________________________
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Edu Delight Tutors
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