SCHEME OF WORK – GEOGRAPHY SSS 3 – ALPHA TERM WEEKS TOPICS 1 Revision of last terms work/earthquakes 2 Earthquakes (contd.) 3 Volcanicity 4 Karst(Limestone)Topography 5 Denudational Processes
Subject : GEOGRAPHY CLASS : SS 3 TERM : FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK WEEK 1 Geography of Africa — Location, Position, Size and Political Divisions WEEK 2 Africa- Physical setting (Relief and Drainage; Climate and Vegetation) WEEK 3& 4 AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA WEEK 5& 6 MINING IN
Ss 3 Geography first Term Subject :GEOGRAPHY CLASS : SS 3 Term : First Term WEEK 9 & 10 SURVEYING Surveying refers to the marking of measurements in the field from which maps are drawn. Aims of Surveying (i) To determine the relative positions of both natural and artificial features (ii) To set out on
SS 3 GEOGRAPHY FIRST TERM SUBJECT :GEOGRAPHY CLASS : SS 3 TERM :FIRST TERM WEEK : WEEK 8 HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER (H.E.P.) IN Africa. This essay examines the role of hydroelectric power in Africa. The focus will be on the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Ghana and Morocco. First we will look at a brief
SUBJECT : GEOGRAPHY CLASS : SS 3 TERM : FIRST TERM WEEK 5 & 6 MINING IN AFRICA (COPPER, GOLD AND PETROLEUM) (A) Copper Copper producing areas: Northern Zambia, Southern Zaire (Shaba Province), Zimbabwe and Namibia. Mining Centres: (1) Ndola (Zambia) (2) Kolwozi in Zaire. Methods of Mining (1) Open cast method (2) Shaft or
SUBJECT : GEOGRAPHY CLASS : SS 3 TERM :FIRST TERM WEEK 3 & 4 AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA Lumbering in Zaire Region (1) Lumbering in Zaire: Lumbering involves the felling of trees, which can be used for domestic industrial and commercial purposes. , (2) Area of Lumbering:Huri and Equateur Province. Favourable factors: (1) Presence of dense
Subject : GEOGRAPHY CLASS : SS 3 TERM : FIRST TERM WEEK 2 Africa- Physical setting (Relief and Drainage; Climate and Vegetation) Relief of Africa Areas of highlands in Africa include: (1) North Africa: (Atlas Mt, Ahaggar, Tasilli and Tibesti). (2) West Africa: Fouta Djallon Mt, Guinea Highlands, Adamawa Mt, Jos Plateau. (3) East Africa:
Subject: GEOGRAPHY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 1 Class: SS 3 Topic: GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA [mediator_tech] Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of MID TERM TEST FIRST TERM GEOGRAPHY SS 3 that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners