Mastering Spreadsheet Features: From Rows to Charts Computer Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 13 – 15 years
Topic: Spreadsheet Packages (Continued)

Sub-topic: Features and Terminologies in Spreadsheets

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify key features and terminologies associated with spreadsheets.
  2. Explain the function of rows, columns, cells, and worksheets.
  3. Demonstrate how to load and use an existing spreadsheet application effectively.


  • Spreadsheet
  • Row
  • Column
  • Cell
  • Worksheet
  • Chart
  • Data Range

Set Induction:

The teacher asks students to share their experiences with spreadsheets. Students discuss their familiarity with terms like rows and columns, creating interest in learning more about spreadsheet features.

Entry Behavior:

Students have previously learned about spreadsheet applications and their uses, and they are familiar with basic navigation in such software.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Computers with spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel)
  • Projector for demonstration
  • Example spreadsheets with various features

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

This lesson builds on students’ knowledge of spreadsheets, focusing on specific features that enhance their functionality and ease of use.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Technical skills
  • Data interpretation
  • Problem-solving

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Approved Computer Studies Textbook
  • Online resources on spreadsheet terminologies


Features and Terminologies in Spreadsheets

  1. Row:
    A horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet, typically identified by a number (e.g., Row 1, Row 2). Rows are used to organize data vertically.
  2. Column:
    A vertical line of cells in a spreadsheet, identified by a letter (e.g., Column A, Column B). Columns organize data horizontally.
  3. Cell:
    The intersection of a row and a column, a cell is the basic unit where data is entered (e.g., A1 refers to the cell in Column A and Row 1).
  4. Worksheet:
    A single spreadsheet page that contains rows and columns. A workbook may contain multiple worksheets.
  5. Chart:
    A visual representation of data, such as a bar graph or pie chart, used to illustrate trends and comparisons.
  6. Data Range:
    A selection of two or more cells in a spreadsheet. It can be a single column, a single row, or a block of cells used for calculations or chart creation.

Practical: Loading and Using an Existing Spreadsheet

  • Step 1: Open the spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel).
  • Step 2: Navigate to the “File” menu and select “Open.”
  • Step 3: Browse to find the existing spreadsheet file and click “Open.”
  • Step 4: Explore the spreadsheet, identifying rows, columns, cells, and charts.
  • Step 5: Perform basic operations such as editing a cell, adding a chart, or formatting data.

Class Activity Discussion

  1. A __________ is a horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet.
    a) column
    b) row
    c) worksheet
    Answer: b) row
  2. A __________ is a vertical line of cells in a spreadsheet.
    a) row
    b) column
    c) cell
    Answer: b) column
  3. The basic unit where data is entered is called a __________.
    a) worksheet
    b) cell
    c) chart
    Answer: b) cell
  4. A __________ contains multiple worksheets in a spreadsheet application.
    a) workbook
    b) file
    c) column
    Answer: a) workbook
  5. A __________ is a visual representation of data.
    a) cell
    b) row
    c) chart
    Answer: c) chart
  6. The selection of two or more cells is known as a __________.
    a) data range
    b) row
    c) column
    Answer: a) data range
  7. In a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and a column is called a __________.
    a) worksheet
    b) cell
    c) range
    Answer: b) cell
  8. The __________ menu is where you can open an existing spreadsheet file.
    a) Home
    b) File
    c) Edit
    Answer: b) File
  9. __________ allow users to format and organize data in spreadsheets.
    a) Tables
    b) Columns and rows
    c) Charts
    Answer: b) Columns and rows
  10. To edit a cell in a spreadsheet, you typically double-click on the __________.
    a) chart
    b) row
    c) cell
    Answer: c) cell
  11. __________ can be added to spreadsheets to illustrate data trends.
    a) Pictures
    b) Charts
    c) Text boxes
    Answer: b) Charts
  12. A __________ displays data in a structured format with rows and columns.
    a) spreadsheet
    b) document
    c) presentation
    Answer: a) spreadsheet
  13. You can perform calculations on a __________ in a spreadsheet.
    a) workbook
    b) worksheet
    c) data range
    Answer: c) data range
  14. The first cell in a worksheet is referred to as __________.
    a) A1
    b) B1
    c) C1
    Answer: a) A1
  15. To navigate through a spreadsheet, you can use the __________ keys.
    a) arrow
    b) function
    c) number
    Answer: a) arrow


  1. What is a row in a spreadsheet?
    A row is a horizontal line of cells identified by a number.
  2. What is a column in a spreadsheet?
    A column is a vertical line of cells identified by a letter.
  3. What is a cell?
    A cell is the intersection of a row and a column where data is entered.
  4. What is a worksheet?
    A worksheet is a single page in a spreadsheet that contains rows and columns.
  5. What is a workbook?
    A workbook is a file that contains one or more worksheets.
  6. How can charts be useful in spreadsheets?
    Charts visually represent data, making trends and comparisons easier to understand.
  7. What is a data range?
    A data range is a selection of two or more cells used for calculations or creating charts.
  8. How do you open an existing spreadsheet?
    You can open an existing spreadsheet by navigating to the “File” menu and selecting “Open.”
  9. What features can you find in a spreadsheet application?
    Features include rows, columns, cells, worksheets, charts, and data ranges.
  10. How do you edit a cell in a spreadsheet?
    You can edit a cell by double-clicking on it and entering new data.
  11. What type of data can be entered in a cell?
    Any numerical or textual data can be entered in a cell.
  12. What is the purpose of using a data range?
    Data ranges are used for calculations, formatting, or chart creation.
  13. What happens when you click on a chart in a spreadsheet?
    Clicking on a chart allows you to edit or format the chart.
  14. Can you have multiple worksheets in one workbook?
    Yes, a workbook can contain multiple worksheets for organizing different data sets.
  15. How can you navigate through a spreadsheet?
    You can navigate using the arrow keys, mouse, or by clicking on specific cells.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Define a row in the context of a spreadsheet.
  2. What is the difference between a cell and a column?
  3. Describe the function of a worksheet in a spreadsheet application.
  4. What are the benefits of using charts in spreadsheets?
  5. Explain how to select a data range in a spreadsheet.
  6. What steps are involved in loading an existing spreadsheet?
  7. How can you edit the content of a cell?
  8. Why might someone use multiple worksheets in a single workbook?
  9. What types of data can be visualized using charts?
  10. Describe how you can navigate through a spreadsheet effectively.


Understanding the features and terminologies associated with spreadsheets is crucial for effective data management and analysis. Students will benefit from hands-on practice loading and using existing spreadsheets, reinforcing their learning and preparation for future tasks.