First Term Review Assessment: Environmental Hazards, Traits & Ozone Layer Basic Science JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Week 11: Revision and First Term Review Assessment

Subject: Basic Science

Class: JSS 3

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Age: 12 – 14 years

Topic: First Term Review Assessment

Assessment Overview

This review assessment evaluates students on all topics covered in the first term. It features objective questions, theory-based questions, and true/false statements, focusing on Drug Abuse, Environmental Hazards (Soil Erosion, Bush Burning, Flooding, etc.), Family Traits, and the Ozone Layer.

Structure of the Term Review Assessment

  • Part A: 30 Fill-in-the-Blank Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Part B: 20 Short-Answer Theory Questions
  • Part C: 10 True/False Statements

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Questions)

  1. __________ refers to the process by which land becomes desert.
    a) Deforestation
    b) Desertification
    c) Overgrazing
    d) Reforestation
  2. __________ is the burning of bushland to clear the area or prepare it for farming.
    a) Terracing
    b) Bush burning
    c) Afforestation
    d) Erosion
  3. The ozone layer protects life on Earth from __________ radiation.
    a) Infrared
    b) Ultraviolet
    c) X-ray
    d) Gamma
  4. __________ is a trait inherited from parents that affects skin color.
    a) Intelligence
    b) Albinism
    c) Height
    d) Eye shape
  5. Global warming is mainly caused by the buildup of __________ gases.
    a) Oxygen
    b) Greenhouse
    c) Nitrogen
    d) Hydrogen
  6. One major cause of soil erosion is __________.
    a) Rainfall and wind
    b) Planting crops
    c) Recycling
    d) Waste management
  7. A __________ trait is always expressed, even when only one copy of the gene is present.
    a) Recessive
    b) Dominant
    c) Neutral
    d) Weak
  8. __________ depletes the ozone layer in the atmosphere.
    a) CFC
    b) Oxygen
    c) Methane
    d) Nitrogen
  9. __________ is a practice that reduces the impact of deforestation.
    a) Crop rotation
    b) Afforestation
    c) Bush burning
    d) Overgrazing
  10. The most effective way to prevent flooding is __________.
    a) Clearing gutters and drains
    b) Planting trees
    c) Reducing bush burning
    d) Overgrazing

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short-Answer Questions)

  1. Define deforestation and explain how it affects the environment.
  2. What are two control measures for soil erosion?
  3. Describe the importance of the ozone layer to life on Earth.
  4. Explain the role of family traits in determining resemblance.
  5. List two causes of flooding in urban areas.
  6. What is global warming, and how does it impact weather patterns?
  7. Mention one reason why people engage in bush burning.
  8. Describe how overgrazing contributes to desertification.
  9. What are CFCs, and how do they harm the ozone layer?
  10. How does desertification affect agricultural productivity?
  11. Explain the difference between dominant and recessive traits.
  12. Give one example of an inherited disease.
  13. What is the greenhouse effect, and why is it dangerous?
  14. List two practices that can help prevent deforestation.
  15. Describe one way to reduce bush burning in rural areas.
  16. What is the relationship between UV radiation and the ozone layer?
  17. Explain how afforestation can help control flooding.
  18. What is one health effect of drug abuse?
  19. Why is intelligence considered a family trait?
  20. What environmental hazard results from the excessive use of land for grazing?

Part C: True or False Questions (10 Questions)

  1. The ozone layer absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation.
    • True
  2. Deforestation increases the likelihood of soil erosion.
    • True
  3. Overgrazing improves soil quality.
    • False
  4. A dominant trait requires two identical genes to be expressed.
    • False
  5. Bush burning is illegal in most urban areas due to its environmental impact.
    • True
  6. Flooding has no impact on farmland.
    • False
  7. The Montreal Protocol is a global agreement to reduce CFC emissions.
    • True
  8. Global warming is caused by a reduction in greenhouse gases.
    • False
  9. Desertification can occur due to overgrazing and bush burning.
    • True
  10. Family traits only affect physical appearance.
  • False


The teacher goes over the answers with students, providing feedback and highlighting areas where improvement is needed. This review ensures students are well-prepared for their first-term exams.