Types of Agricultural Produce Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Vocational Aptitude

Class: Primary 1

Term: Third Term

Week: 9

Age: 6 – 7 years

Topic: Types of Agricultural Produce

Sub-topic: Categories of Agricultural Produce

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  1. Identify different types of agricultural produce.
  2. Group agricultural produce into crops, livestock products, and fruits.
  3. Mention examples of each category.


  • Agricultural Produce
  • Crops
  • Livestock Products
  • Fruits

Set Induction

The teacher shows pupils real samples of agricultural produce such as grains, fruits, and milk. The teacher asks, “Do you know where these come from?”

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with farm products such as rice, beans, and eggs from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Real samples of crops like maize and beans
  2. Picture cards of animals and fruits

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher recalls the previous lesson on types of agriculture, explaining that agricultural produce comes from farms that grow crops and raise animals.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Observation skills
  • Communication skills

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Picture flashcards

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Science and Technology Textbook

Instructional Materials

  • Real samples (grains, fruits)
  • Flashcards of agricultural produce


Types of Agricultural Produce

  1. Crops
    • Plants grown for food and materials.
    • Examples: Maize, rice, beans, yam.
  2. Livestock Products
    • Products from farm animals.
    • Examples: Milk from cows, eggs from chickens, meat from goats.
  3. Fruits and Vegetables
    • Edible parts of plants.
    • Examples: Mango, orange, banana, spinach.

Board Summary

  • Crops: Maize, beans, yam.
  • Livestock Products: Milk, eggs, meat.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Mango, orange, spinach.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Agricultural produce comes from __________.
    a) Farms
    b) Shops
    c) Factories
    d) Schools
  2. Crops are __________ grown by farmers.
    a) Plants
    b) Cars
    c) Animals
    d) Toys
  3. An example of a crop is __________.
    a) Maize
    b) Chair
    c) Pencil
    d) Goat
  4. __________ gives us eggs.
    a) Chicken
    b) Cow
    c) Sheep
    d) Dog
  5. Milk is a product from __________.
    a) Cow
    b) Chicken
    c) Snake
    d) Fish
  6. __________ is an example of a fruit.
    a) Mango
    b) Rice
    c) Bread
    d) Shoes
  7. Farmers grow crops like __________.
    a) Beans and yam
    b) Milk and eggs
    c) Chairs and tables
    d) Clothes and shoes
  8. Meat comes from __________.
    a) Goat
    b) Paper
    c) Table
    d) Glass
  9. Vegetables are part of __________.
    a) Fruits
    b) Cars
    c) Tools
    d) Machines
  10. Spinach is an example of a __________.
    a) Vegetable
    b) Fruit
    c) Toy
    d) Animal
  11. Eggs come from __________.
    a) Chicken
    b) Cat
    c) Book
    d) Car
  12. Which one is a livestock product?
    a) Milk
    b) Orange
    c) Chair
    d) Book
  13. Farmers grow __________ for food.
    a) Crops
    b) Toys
    c) Buildings
    d) Cars
  14. Fruits like mango and banana are __________.
    a) Edible
    b) Cars
    c) Chairs
    d) Walls
  15. __________ is a vegetable.
    a) Spinach
    b) Television
    c) Orange
    d) Plate

15 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with Answers

  1. What are agricultural produce?
    Agricultural produce are crops, livestock products, and fruits from farms.
  2. What are crops?
    Crops are plants grown by farmers for food.
  3. Give an example of a crop.
    Maize is an example of a crop.
  4. What are livestock products?
    Livestock products are things like milk and eggs from animals.
  5. Which animal gives us milk?
    Cows give us milk.
  6. Where do eggs come from?
    Eggs come from chickens.
  7. Name a fruit.
    Mango is a fruit.
  8. What is an example of a vegetable?
    Spinach is a vegetable.
  9. What is agriculture?
    Agriculture is growing crops and raising animals.
  10. Why do farmers grow crops?
    Farmers grow crops to produce food.
  11. What is an example of a livestock product?
    Meat is an example of a livestock product.
  12. What part of a plant is a fruit?
    Fruits are the edible parts of plants.
  13. What is mixed farming?
    Mixed farming is raising animals and growing crops on the same farm.
  14. What does a goat provide?
    A goat provides meat.
  15. Name a product from cows.
    Milk is a product from cows.

Presentation Steps

  1. Step 1: The teacher reviews the previous lesson on types of agriculture.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the types of agricultural produce using real samples and picture cards.
  3. Step 3: Pupils contribute by naming crops and livestock products they know.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Show pupils real samples of agricultural produce.
  2. Explain the categories of crops, livestock products, and fruits.
  3. Guide pupils to identify examples from each category.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in discussions.
  2. Identify crops and livestock products from the materials shown.
  3. Ask questions about agricultural produce.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What are crops?
  2. Give an example of a livestock product.
  3. Name two fruits.
  4. What does a cow produce?
  5. What are agricultural produce?
  6. Name a vegetable.
  7. Where do eggs come from?
  8. Give one example of a crop.
  9. What product comes from goats?
  10. Why do farmers grow crops?


The teacher marks pupils’ answers, provides feedback, and reviews the key points about types of agricultural produce. The lesson ends with a recap of the importance of crops, livestock products, and fruits in everyday life