Bricklaying and Its Equipment Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Bricklaying and Its Equipment


Vocational Aptitude


Primary 1


Third Term




6-7 years


Bricklaying and Its Equipment


Introduction to bricklaying and tools used in bricklaying


40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define bricklaying.
  2. Identify the tools used in bricklaying.
  3. State the uses of the tools.
  4. Describe the role of a bricklayer.


  • Bricklaying
  • Cement
  • Trowel
  • Bricklayer
  • Tools

Set Induction (Introduction):

The teacher will show pupils pictures of houses under construction and tools used by bricklayers. The teacher will ask, “Have you ever seen someone building a house? What tools did they use?” This will grab the pupils’ attention and spark interest in the topic.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils are familiar with common building activities around their community.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of bricklayers at work
  • Real tools (trowel, spade, head pan, tape measure) or their plastic models
  • Blackboard/whiteboard

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The teacher will remind pupils about the previous lesson on Gardening and Its Tools, highlighting that just like gardening requires tools, bricklaying also involves special tools to build houses.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Observation skills

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools
  • Vocational Skills Textbook for Primary 1

Instructional Materials:

  • Blackboard/Whiteboard and markers
  • Real or model tools: Trowel, spade, wheelbarrow, tape measure
  • Picture charts showing bricklayers working

Content (In List Format):

Definition of Bricklaying

  • Bricklaying is the act of building a house or wall by arranging bricks and cementing them together.
  • A person who practices bricklaying is called a bricklayer.
  • Bricklayers also plaster walls and floors of buildings.

Bricklaying Tools and Their Uses:

  1. Trowel: Used for spreading cement.
  2. Wheelbarrow: Used to carry sand and cement.
  3. Plumb Line: Helps set straight lines for the structure.
  4. Measuring Tape: Determines the length of walls and other structures.
  5. Plumb: Used to make accurate angles.
  6. Head Pan: Used for carrying mixed sand or cement.
  7. Mixer: Mixes sand and cement.
  8. Spade: Used to fill or mix sand.
  9. Scaffolding: Helps workers reach high places during construction.

Board Summary:

  • Bricklaying: Building walls using bricks and cement.
  • Bricklayer: A person who builds walls and plaster surfaces.
  • Tools: Trowel, wheelbarrow, tape, plumb line, head pan, etc.

Class Activity Discussion: 15 FAQs with Answers

  1. What is bricklaying?
    • It is the act of building walls using bricks and cement.
  2. Who is a bricklayer?
    • A person who does bricklaying.
  3. What tool is used to spread cement?
    • Trowel.
  4. What tool helps carry sand?
    • Wheelbarrow.
  5. What is the use of a measuring tape?
    • To measure the length of walls.
  6. What does a plumb do?
    • It helps make accurate angles.
  7. Which tool carries mixed sand?
    • Head pan.
  8. What mixes sand and cement?
    • Mixer.
  9. What is scaffolding used for?
    • To reach heights during construction.
  10. What does a spade do?
    • It is used to fill or mix sand.
  11. What is cement used for?
    • To hold bricks together.
  12. What do we call the person who makes walls straight?
    • A bricklayer.
  13. Which tool helps in making straight lines?
    • Plumb line.
  14. Where do we use scaffolding?
    • In high areas during building.
  15. Why is bricklaying important?
    • It helps build strong houses and walls.

Presentation Steps:

  1. Step 1:
    The teacher revises the previous topic on Gardening Tools, drawing comparisons to today’s topic.
  2. Step 2:
    The teacher introduces the topic by explaining what bricklaying is and the different tools used.
  3. Step 3:
    The teacher allows pupils to identify tools (using real or model tools) and explains their uses.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show pictures and real tools used in bricklaying.
  • Explain the meaning of bricklaying and demonstrate how some tools are used.
  • Guide pupils to identify and name tools from the display.
  • Ask pupils questions to confirm their understanding.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Observe pictures and tools presented by the teacher.
  • Answer questions about the tools and their uses.
  • Participate in class discussions on bricklaying.

Assessment (10 Short Answer Questions):

  1. What is bricklaying?
  2. Who is a bricklayer?
  3. Name a tool used for spreading cement.
  4. What tool carries mixed sand?
  5. What is the use of a plumb line?
  6. What tool do bricklayers use to mix sand and cement?
  7. Which tool helps make angles accurate?
  8. Why do workers use scaffolding?
  9. Name a tool used to measure the length of walls.
  10. What is the role of a bricklayer?

Evaluation (15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options):

  1. _______ is the act of building walls with bricks.
    (a) Bricklaying (b) Gardening (c) Cleaning
  2. A person who does bricklaying is called a _______.
    (a) Carpenter (b) Bricklayer (c) Painter
  3. A trowel is used to _______.
    (a) Cut grass (b) Spread cement (c) Carry bricks
  4. A _______ is used to measure the length of a wall.
    (a) Rake (b) Measuring tape (c) Spade
  5. The tool for carrying sand is _______.
    (a) Head pan (b) Scissors (c) Fork
  6. A plumb helps make accurate _______.
    (a) Angles (b) Circles (c) Holes
  7. A mixer is used for _______.
    (a) Cleaning (b) Mixing sand and cement (c) Watering plants
  8. _______ is used to carry things to high places.
    (a) Wheelbarrow (b) Scaffolding (c) Hose
  9. A spade is used to _______ sand.
    (a) Burn (b) Mix (c) Clean
  10. Bricklaying helps in _______ strong houses.
    (a) Painting (b) Building (c) Cooking


The teacher goes around to assess the pupils’ understanding, marking their answers and providing feedback.

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