Definition, Examples, and Uses of Electrical Home Appliances Vocational Aptitude Lesson Plan for Primary 1 – First Term – Week 8

Vocational Aptitude Lesson Plan for Primary 1 – First Term – Week 8

Subject: Vocational Aptitude

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Age: 6 years

Topic: Electrical Home Appliances

Sub-topic: Definition, Examples, and Uses of Electrical Home Appliances

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define electrical home appliances.
  2. List examples of electrical home appliances.
  3. State the uses of electrical home appliances.
  4. Explain precautions in handling electrical appliances.


  • Electrical: Powered by electricity.
  • Appliance: A piece of equipment used at home.
  • Electricity: Power used to operate machines.
  • Precaution: Care taken to avoid danger.

Set Induction

The teacher asks the pupils to mention items they see in their homes that use electricity and discuss what each item is used for.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils have seen electrical home appliances used at home, like fans, TVs, and kettles.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of common electrical home appliances (e.g., electric kettle, microwave).
  • Real appliances (if available) or toy models for demonstration.

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher asks pupils to think of when their parents use electrical appliances at home, like the blender or the TV, and what happens if there is no electricity.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking through discussions on appliance use.
  • Safety awareness regarding handling appliances.

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Vocational Aptitude.

Instructional Materials

  • Pictures of different electrical appliances with their uses written below.
  • Toy models of appliances for demonstration.


What are Electrical Home Appliances?

Electrical home appliances are pieces of equipment used in the home that work with electricity. Without electricity, these appliances cannot function unless they have chargeable batteries.

Examples and Uses of Electrical Home Appliances

  1. Electric kettle: For boiling water.
  2. Electric stove: For cooking food.
  3. Electric blender: For blending food items.
  4. Microwave: For heating or cooking food.
  5. Dishwasher: For washing dishes.
  6. Toaster: For making toast bread.
  7. Rice cooker: For cooking rice.
  8. Air conditioner: For cooling room temperature.
  9. Refrigerator: For preserving perishable food items.
  10. Washing machine: For washing clothes.
  11. Television: For entertainment and watching the news.

Advantages of Electrical Home Appliances

  1. They make our work easier and faster.
  2. They make living more comfortable.
  3. They reduce stress when doing tasks.
  4. They help us know what is happening in the society (TV).
  5. They beautify our houses.
  6. They keep us entertained.

Precautions or Maintenance of Electrical Home Appliances

  1. Always switch off appliances after use.
  2. Do not soak electrical appliances in water.
  3. Never play with electrical appliances.
  4. Read the manual before using any new appliance.
  5. Repairs should be done by professionals.
  6. Avoid using wire bridges or faulty electrical connections.

Evaluation (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. An electric kettle is used for ___.
    a. Boiling water
    b. Cooking food
    c. Blending food
  2. A refrigerator is used for ___.
    a. Making toast bread
    b. Cooling rooms
    c. Preserving food
  3. The appliance used for cooking rice is a ___.
    a. Toaster
    b. Rice cooker
    c. Electric blender
  4. The ___ is used to wash clothes.
    a. Washing machine
    b. Air conditioner
    c. Television
  5. A ___ helps cool the room temperature.
    a. Electric blender
    b. Air conditioner
    c. Microwave
  6. We use the ___ to heat food.
    a. Toaster
    b. Refrigerator
    c. Microwave
  7. Electrical appliances are powered by ___.
    a. Water
    b. Electricity
    c. Fire
  8. The ___ is used to blend food items.
    a. Blender
    b. Toaster
    c. Dishwasher
  9. A television is used for ___.
    a. Entertainment
    b. Blending food
    c. Cooking food
  10. We should always switch off appliances after ___.
    a. Sleeping
    b. Use
    c. Playing

Class Activity Discussion (15 FAQs with Answers)

  1. What are electrical home appliances?
    • They are pieces of equipment used in the home that need electricity to work.
  2. Can you name one appliance used for boiling water?
    • An electric kettle.
  3. Which appliance is used to preserve food?
    • A refrigerator.
  4. What does a washing machine do?
    • It washes clothes.
  5. What appliance is used for cooking rice?
    • A rice cooker.
  6. What is the use of a microwave?
    • It is used to heat and cook food.
  7. What does an air conditioner do?
    • It cools the temperature of the room.
  8. Which appliance is used for blending food?
    • An electric blender.
  9. What is the purpose of a toaster?
    • A toaster is used to make toast bread.
  10. Why should we not play with electrical appliances?
    • Because it can be dangerous and cause accidents.
  11. What should you do after using an electrical appliance?
    • Switch it off.
  12. Should electrical appliances be soaked in water?
    • No, they should not.
  13. Who should repair electrical appliances?
    • Only a professional should repair them.
  14. Why should we read the manual before using an appliance?
    • To know how to use it correctly and safely.
  15. What helps us stay entertained at home?
    • Television helps keep us entertained.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Musical Instruments.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Electrical Home Appliances,” and explains their uses.
Step 3: The teacher shows pictures of common appliances and asks the pupils to identify their uses.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display pictures of different electrical home appliances.
  • Explain the uses of the appliances.
  • Discuss the importance and safety measures of using electrical appliances.

Learners’ Activities

  • Pupils will identify the appliances in the pictures.
  • Pupils will state the uses of the appliances shown.
  • Pupils will answer questions on how to maintain appliances safely.

Assessment (Evaluation Questions)

  1. What is an electric kettle used for?
  2. Name an appliance that helps preserve food.
  3. Which appliance is used to cook rice?
  4. What is the use of a washing machine?
  5. Which appliance cools the room temperature?
  6. What does a toaster do?
  7. Why should we not soak appliances in water?
  8. Who should repair broken electrical appliances?
  9. What should we do after using an appliance?
  10. Why is it important to read the manual?


The teacher goes around to check pupils’ answers, ensuring they understand the uses and maintenance of electrical home appliances.

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