Christianity, Islam, and Traditional Religion Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Plan on Types of Religion in Society

Subject: Vocational Aptitude
Class: Primary 1
Term: Third Term
Week: 1
Age: 6 – 7 years
Topic: Types of Religion in Society
Sub-topic: Christianity, Islam, and Traditional Religion
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define religion.
  2. List the three main types of religion in Nigeria.
  3. Identify the place of worship for each religion.
  4. State the holy books of Christianity and Islam.
  5. Mention the day of worship for each religion.


  • Religion
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Traditional religion
  • Mosque
  • Church
  • Worship

Set Induction

The teacher will begin the lesson by asking pupils to share what they know about the word “God.”

Entry Behaviour

Pupils already know that people worship and pray to God.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of a church, mosque, and shrine
  • A Holy Bible, Holy Quran, and image of a traditional shrine
  • Flashcards with names of religions

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will remind pupils about the importance of prayer and how their parents take them to places of worship.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Social awareness

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Social Studies Textbook for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards
  • Printed images of places of worship
  • Whiteboard and markers

Content: Types of Religion in Nigeria

There are three major religions in Nigeria:

1. Christianity

  • Followers believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God.
  • Christians worship in a church.
  • The Holy Bible is the sacred book of Christians.
  • They attend services on Sundays.

2. Islam

  • Muslims believe in one God called Allah.
  • Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
  • Their holy book is the Holy Quran.
  • Muslims worship in a mosque and pray five times daily.
  • Friday is a special day for Jum’ah prayers.

3. Traditional Religion

  • Traditional worshippers honor ancestors, animals, and objects.
  • They worship in a shrine.
  • Traditional worshippers use chants, songs, and offerings in their rituals.

Board Summary

  1. Christianity: Church, Holy Bible, Sunday.
  2. Islam: Mosque, Holy Quran, Friday.
  3. Traditional Religion: Shrine, Ancestors, Objects.

Class Activity Discussion


  1. What is religion?
    • Religion is the worship and belief in God.
  2. What are the three types of religion in Nigeria?
    • Christianity, Islam, and Traditional Religion.
  3. Who do Christians believe in?
    • Jesus Christ.
  4. What is the holy book of Christians?
    • The Holy Bible.
  5. Where do Christians worship?
    • In a church.
  6. Who is the messenger of Allah?
    • Prophet Muhammad.
  7. What is the holy book of Muslims?
    • The Holy Quran.
  8. Where do Muslims worship?
    • In a mosque.
  9. How many times do Muslims pray daily?
    • Five times.
  10. What is the special prayer Muslims observe on Fridays?
  • Jum’ah prayer.
  1. Where do traditional worshippers pray?
  • In a shrine.
  1. What do traditional worshippers honor?
  • Ancestors, animals, and objects.
  1. What day do Christians go to church?
  • Sunday.
  1. What day is special for Muslims?
  • Friday.
  1. Can people of different religions live together?
  • Yes, they can live in peace and respect each other.

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Religion is the belief and worship of ______.
    a) Animals
    b) God
    c) Trees
    d) Money
    Answer: b) God
  2. Christianity is based on the teachings of ______.
    a) Muhammad
    b) Jesus Christ
    c) Moses
    d) Allah
    Answer: b) Jesus Christ
  3. The holy book of Christians is the ______.
    a) Quran
    b) Bible
    c) Torah
    d) Shrine
    Answer: b) Bible
  4. Christians worship in a ______.
    a) Mosque
    b) Church
    c) Temple
    d) Shrine
    Answer: b) Church
  5. Muslims pray ______ times daily.
    a) Five
    b) Two
    c) Four
    d) Seven
    Answer: a) Five
  6. The special prayer Muslims observe on Fridays is called ______.
    a) Eid
    b) Ramadan
    c) Jum’ah
    d) Easter
    Answer: c) Jum’ah
  7. Traditional worshippers worship in a ______.
    a) Church
    b) Mosque
    c) Shrine
    d) Temple
    Answer: c) Shrine
  8. The messenger of Allah is ______.
    a) Jesus Christ
    b) Prophet Muhammad
    c) Moses
    d) Solomon
    Answer: b) Prophet Muhammad
  9. The holy book of Muslims is the ______.
    a) Quran
    b) Bible
    c) Shrine
    d) Psalms
    Answer: a) Quran
  10. Muslims worship in a ______.
    a) Church
    b) Mosque
    c) Shrine
    d) Hall
    Answer: b) Mosque


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic on community helpers.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic on religions in society and explains each type.
  3. Step 3: Pupils are encouraged to share what they know about their family’s religion.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show pictures of different places of worship.
  • Ask pupils questions about the pictures.
  • Write key points on the board.

Learners’ Activities

  • Answer questions about their religion.
  • Match pictures with the correct religion.
  • Take turns reading the key points.

Assessment (Evaluation Questions)

  1. What is religion?
  2. Name three types of religion in Nigeria.
  3. What is the holy book of Muslims?
  4. Where do Christians worship?
  5. Who is the messenger of Allah?


The teacher reviews the key points and collects pupils’ notebooks for marking.