Second Term Examination Home Economics JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week

  1. The field of study that deals with the food we eat and how it nourishes the body is:

    A. Nutrients

    B. Nutrition

    C. Catering

    D. Nourishment

    E. Food Technology

  2. Refreshing drinks, nourishing drinks, and stimulating drinks are all known as:

    A. Beverages

    B. Wine

    C. Mineral

    D. Drinks

    E. Flavour

  3. When the raw edge of articles or garments is neatened, the process is:

    A. Edge Decoration

    B. Edge Finishing

    C. Sewing Finishing

    D. Edge Knitting

    E. Edge Working

  4. The primary needs of a family are:

    A. Education, Peace, Income

    B. Food, Shelter, Clothing

    C. Income, Business, Savings

    D. Income, Transport, Education

    E. Medical Care, Food, Transport

  5. What is the common name for tea towels, dish cloths, and hand towels?

    A. Dish Cleaners

    B. Draperies

    C. Household Linen

    D. Kitchen Linen

    E. Kitchen Towels

  6. A food combination that contains all the basic groups in the right proportion is called:

    A. Balanced Meal

    B. Carbohydrate Diet

    C. Convalescent Meal

    D. Invalid Diet

    E. Protein Diet

  7. Flowers and wooden ornaments are found in the:

    A. Kitchen

    B. Sitting Room

    C. Bathroom

    D. Store

    E. Toilet

  8. Beliefs, feelings, or ideas of what is good, important, and desirable are called:

    A. Standards

    B. Resources

    C. Values

    D. Lifestyle

    E. Needs

  9. What type of nutrient can be gotten from soya beans?

    A. Animal Protein

    B. Carbohydrates

    C. Fat

    D. Vegetable Protein

    E. Vitamins

  10. Which of these food items demands quick preservation?

    A. Beans

    B. Fresh Fish

    C. Garri

    D. Margarine

    E. Onion

  1. Which of the following diseases is caused by lack of protein in the diet?

A. Beriberi

B. Kwashiorkor

C. Marasmus

D. Rickets

E. Scurvy

  1. How best can you preserve meat to retain its freshness?

A. Boiling

B. Drying

C. Freezing

D. Salting

E. Smoking

  1. What is the major function of carbohydrates in the body?

A. Builds the body

B. Gives energy

C. Keeps the body healthy

D. Protects the body

E. Warms up the body

  1. Foods that can spoil easily are called:

A. Good Food

B. Bad Food

C. Semi-perishable Food

D. Non-perishable Food

E. Perishable Food

  1. Food spoilage can be prevented by storing foodstuff under conditions:

A. Moist

B. Warm

C. Hot

D. Lukewarm

E. Cold

  1. Which of the following groups are snacks?

A. Cake, Biscuits, Groundnuts

B. Cake, White Rice, Pancake

C. Jollof Rice, Yam Balls, Moin Moin

D. Pounded Yam, Cassava Cake, Biscuits

E. Scotch Egg, Yam Pottage, Plantain

  1. The first set of teeth is called:

A. Milk Teeth

B. Molar Teeth

C. Baby Teeth

D. Young Teeth

E. Pre-molar Teeth

  1. Which of the following minerals would you recommend for strong bones and teeth?

A. Calcium

B. Iodine

C. Iron

D. Phosphorus

  1. One of the following are the duties of children in the home:

A. They must provide meals, shelter, and clothing.

B. They must be helpful, make policies, and be obedient.

C. They must be trustworthy, obedient, and helpful.

D. They must make policies, rules, and be helpful.

E. They must be loyal, make rules, and wash plates.

  1. Which of the following is NOT required in cutting out a pattern?

A. Brown Paper

B. Fabric

C. Pins

D. Scissors

E. Tape Measure

  1. A buffet party is a party where the:

A. Guests do not eat.

B. Guests serve the host.

C. Guests serve themselves.

D. Hosts serve the guests.

E. Host does not eat.

  1. Your brother’s daughter is your:

A. Aunt

B. Nephew

C. Niece

D. Sister

E. Uncle

  1. The primary aim of kitchen hygiene is to maintain:

A. A high standard of living

B. A clean kitchen

C. An attractive kitchen

D. Good health

E. Kitchen type

  1. The following are diseases of the scalp and hair:

A. Bug, Fever, Mosquito

B. Ringworm, Tetanus, Bug

C. Lice, Dandruff, Ringworm

D. Dandruff, Cream, Headache

E. Permed Hair, Lice, Eczema

  1. The room used to relax and entertain guests is the:

A. Bathroom

B. Bedroom

C. Dining Room

D. Kitchen

E. Sitting Room

  1. The following are important to good health EXCEPT:

A. Good Nutrition

B. Regular Exercise

C. Adequate Sleep

D. Stress

E. Hygiene

  1. When sewing, the finger should be protected with a:

A. Riper

B. Stiletto

C. Tailor’s Ham

D. Thimble

E. Tweezer

  1. The FIRST thing to do when cleaning a refrigerator is to:

A. Clean the Inside

B. Empty the Refrigerator

C. Switch Off the Power

D. Wash the Ice Trays

E. Wipe the Outside

  1. The following are edge finishes EXCEPT:

A. Binding

B. Facing

C. Hems

D. Piping

E. Pleat

  1. In clothing construction, close openings firmly is used to:

A. Crossways

B. Buttons

C. Fastenings

D. Ties

E. Belt

  1. The method of cooking food in direct contact with boiling water is called:

A. Boiling

B. Steaming

C. Roasting

D. Frying

E. Baking

  1. A burn is caused by:

A. Cold Object

B. Dry Heat

C. Hot Liquid

D. Sharp Object

E. Steam

  1. The cooking utensils used at home are made from the following except:

A. Metal

B. Gold

C. Aluminium

D. Stainless Steel

E. Silver

  1. Which of the following house cleaning tools is used for collecting dirt gathered with a broom?

A. Brush

B. Bucket

C. Duster

D. Dust-pan

E. Mop

  1. One of the following is suitable for serving a sick person in bed:

A. Formal Service

B. Tray Service

C. Table Service

D. Kitchen Service

E. Buffet Service

  1. Weevils are pests which attack and destroy:

A. Yam

B. Fish

C. Cereals

D. Poultry

E. Meat

  1. Simple decorative stitches are:

A. Stem, Running, Tailor’s Tacking

B. Chain, Stem, Tacking

C. Hemming, Herringbone, Stem

D. Herringbone, Fell Seam, Open Seam

E. Stem, Chain, Herringbone

  1. The nose is divided into two nostrils by the:

A. Olfactory

B. Septum

C. Iris

D. Cornea

E. Neptune

  1. The method of buying foodstuff in large quantities is:

A. Bulk Purchase

B. Hire Purchase

C. Impulsive Buying

D. Market Survey

E. Window Shopping

  1. Good sight can be maintained by:

A. Eating food rich in Vitamin A

B. Eating food rich in Vitamin C

C. Eating food rich in Niacin

D. Reading in bright sunlight

E. Reading books with tiny print

  1. A situation or period which marks a turning point when things do not go smoothly as planned or expected in the family is called:

A. Conflict

B. Crisis

C. Chaos

D. Decision

E. Value

  1. Which of these food items is non-perishable?

A. Bread

B. Fresh Tomatoes

C. Meat

D. Onion

E. Rice

  1. For washing up after meal preparation, hot soapy water is necessary to:

A. Clean pans thoroughly

B. Remove grease from items

C. Rinse every item well

D. Scrape pieces of food off

E. Wipe off any pieces of food

  1. Cooking methods include the following, except:

A. Boiling

B. Creaming

C. Frying

D. Steaming

E. Stewing

  1. Which of these are primary colors?

A. Blue, Purple, Green

B. Blue, Red, Violet

C. Blue, Red, Yellow

D. Red, Yellow, Black

E. White, Yellow, Red

  1. The best time to cut flowers is:

A. At Midnight

B. In the Afternoon

C. In the Evening

D. Early in the Morning

E. Mid Morning

  1. Which of the following is added to fruit drinks for sweetening?

A. Lemon Juice

B. Lime Juice

C. Milk

D. Syrup

E. Vinegar

  1. The following are table manners EXCEPT:

A. Avoiding taking too much, just a little at a time

B. Avoiding talking while eating

C. Eating and chewing food gently with your mouth closed

D. Sitting up straight in the chair

E. Standing up when you are tired of eating

  1. Which of the following is not a quality of a homemaker?

A. Patient

B. Obedient

C. Dishonest

D. Hardworking

E. Innovative

  1. Classify the following foods into their respective nutrients: yam, crayfish, orange

A. Carbohydrate, Vitamins, Protein

B. Carbohydrate, Protein, Vitamins

C. Protein, Carbohydrate, Vitamin

D. Vitamin, Carbohydrate, Protein

E. Vitamin, Fat and Oil, Carbohydrate

  1. Which of these is suitable for removing cobwebs from the ceiling?

A. Brush

B. Long Broom

C. Mop

D. Sweeper

E. Vacuum Cleaner

  1. The process of caring for the hands and fingernails is called:

A. Hand Cure

B. Pedicure

C. Manicure

D. Foot Cure

E. Pedigree

  1. Which of these is not an example of human resources?

A. Energy

B. Imagination

C. Knowledge

D. Money

E. Skill

  1. Which of these is not used for taking body measurements?

A. Paper

B. Pencil

C. Ruler

D. String

E. Tape Measure

  1. Washing the top of canned foods before opening them is a guideline in food:

A. Hygiene

B. Preparation

C. Preservation

D. Processing

E. Storage

  1. ________ are things which are essential for the survival of family members.

A. Resources

B. Needs

C. Goals

D. Standards

E. Wants

  1. Patterns that are designed and made by experts to fit standard figure types are:

A. Commercial Patterns

B. Local Patterns

C. Special Patterns

D. Medium Patterns

E. Drafted or Self-Made Patterns

  1. The way of life of a family is their:

A. Likes and Dislikes

B. Lifestyle

C. Values

D. Resources

E. Goals

  1. Advantages of drafted patterns include the following except that:

A. They are cheaper than commercial patterns

B. They can be adapted to any type of style

C. They cannot be made to fit a person perfectly

D. They do not require alteration

E. They are original, therefore can be unique

  1. Which of the following should be discouraged in taking body measurements?

A. Adopt a good posture

B. Record each measurement as soon as it is made

C. Take your body measurement yourself

D. Use a tape measure that does not stretch

E. Wear flat shoes



Answer any three questions only.

  1. Define the following terms:

    a) Resources

    b) Nutrients

    c) Food Hygiene

    d) Patterns

    e) Food Preservation

  2. State five uses of patterns in garment construction.
  3. State five advantages of commercial patterns.
  4. State five advantages of bulk buying.
  5. State five factors to consider in choosing kitchen equipment and utensils.
  6. Outline four food preservation methods.
  7. State three guidelines for food hygiene.
  8. State four characteristics of resources.
  9. Outline three uses of beverages.
  10. State three uses of edge finishing.
  11. List two factors to consider when making decisions.
  12. Home Economics Jss 2 Second Term Lesson Notes
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