First Term Examination Igbo Language Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Igbo Language Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Igbo Language
Class: Primary 3
Term: First Term
Week: 12
Age: 8 years

Topic: Examination Questions on the Topics Covered in the First Term
Sub-topic: Review and Assessment
Duration: 60 minutes

Instructions for Teachers:

  1. Prepare the Examination: Print or write out the examination questions for students. Ensure that the questions are clear and legible.
  2. Explain the Instructions: Briefly explain each section of the exam to the students before they start. Make sure they understand how to answer each type of question.
  3. Monitor the Exam: Supervise the exam to ensure that students are working independently and following the rules.
  4. Prevent Malpractices: Emphasize the importance of honesty and remind students that cheating is not allowed.
  5. Collect Papers: Gather all exam papers at the end of the exam period.

Instructions for Students:

  1. Read Carefully: Read each question carefully before answering.
  2. Answer All Questions: Attempt all questions in each section.
  3. Work Neatly: Write your answers clearly and neatly.
  4. Follow Rules: Do not talk or look at others’ papers.
  5. Ask for Help: If you do not understand a question, raise your hand and ask for help.

Part A: Objective Questions
Choose the correct answer and fill in the blank.

  1. Ụtụtụ ọma means _____
    • a) Good Morning
    • b) Good Night
    • c) Good Afternoon
    • d) Good Evening
  2. “Nri” means _____
    • a) Book
    • b) Water
    • c) Food
    • d) Chair
  3. The Igbo word for “Monday” is _____
    • a) Wednesde
    • b) Mọnde
    • c) Tọzde
    • d) Friday
  4. “Isi” means _____
    • a) Hand
    • b) Head
    • c) Leg
    • d) Eye
  5. “Gịnị bụ aha gị?” asks _____
    • a) How are you?
    • b) What is your name?
    • c) Where are you?
    • d) What is this?
  6. The Igbo word for “square” is _____
    • a) Kwụkwọ
    • b) Èdè
    • c) Ìgwè
    • d) Ọkpụkpụ
  7. “Kedu ka ị mere?” means _____
    • a) How are you?
    • b) Where are you?
    • c) What are you doing?
    • d) What is this?
  8. The term for “food” is _____
    • a) Nri
    • b) Mmiri
    • c) Ụlọ
    • d) Akwụkwọ
  9. “Ụbọchị” means _____
    • a) Week
    • b) Day
    • c) Month
    • d) Year
  10. “Akụkụ” refers to _____
    • a) Shapes
    • b) Colors
    • c) Food
    • d) Numbers
  11. “Kwụkwọ” means _____
    • a) Circle
    • b) Square
    • c) Triangle
    • d) Rectangle
  12. The word “Ebe” translates to _____
    • a) Where
    • b) What
    • c) How
    • d) Who
  13. “Taa bụ Mọnde” means _____
    • a) Today is Monday
    • b) Yesterday was Monday
    • c) Tomorrow is Monday
    • d) Today is Sunday
  14. “Nne” refers to _____
    • a) Father
    • b) Mother
    • c) Sister
    • d) Brother
  15. The Igbo word for “head” is _____
    • a) Aka
    • b) Nkwụ
    • c) Isi
    • d) Ụkwụ
  16. “Kedu” means _____
    • a) What
    • b) Who
    • c) Where
    • d) How
  17. “Mmiri” is _____
    • a) Food
    • b) Water
    • c) Book
    • d) Chair
  18. “Gịnị bụ ihe ị hụrụ?” asks _____
    • a) Where are you?
    • b) How are you?
    • c) What are you looking for?
    • d) What is your name?
  19. The word “Ìgwè” means _____
    • a) Circle
    • b) Square
    • c) Triangle
    • d) Rectangle
  20. “Ụlọ” refers to _____
    • a) House
    • b) Chair
    • c) Table
    • d) Bed
  21. “Nna” means _____
    • a) Father
    • b) Mother
    • c) Brother
    • d) Sister
  22. “Ịgụ akwụkwọ” means _____
    • a) Eating food
    • b) Reading a book
    • c) Playing outside
    • d) Sleeping
  23. The Igbo term for “hand” is _____
    • a) Aka
    • b) Isi
    • c) Ụkwụ
    • d) Nkwụ
  24. “Kedu ka ọ dị?” means _____
    • a) What is this?
    • b) How is it?
    • c) Where are you?
    • d) Who are you?
  25. “Ọkpụkpụ” refers to _____
    • a) Triangle
    • b) Circle
    • c) Square
    • d) Rectangle
  26. “Gịnị” means _____
    • a) What
    • b) Where
    • c) How
    • d) Who
  27. The Igbo word for “table” is _____
    • a) Ọkụ
    • b) Akwụkwọ
    • c) Tebe
    • d) Nrọ
  28. “Tọzde” is _____
    • a) Tuesday
    • b) Wednesday
    • c) Thursday
    • d) Friday
  29. “Ụkwụ” means _____
    • a) Foot
    • b) Hand
    • c) Head
    • d) Arm
  30. “Ebee ka ọ bụ?” means _____
    • a) Where is it?
    • b) What is it?
    • c) How is it?
    • d) Who is it?

Part B: Theory Questions
Write short answers to the following questions.

  1. How do you say “Good Morning” in Igbo?
  2. What is the Igbo word for “book”?
  3. How do you ask “How are you?” in Igbo?
  4. What does “Ìgwè” mean?
  5. How do you say “Father” in Igbo?
  6. What is the Igbo word for “circle”?
  7. How do you say “Food” in Igbo?
  8. What does “Isi” refer to?
  9. How do you ask “Where are you?” in Igbo?
  10. What is the Igbo word for “hand”?
  11. How do you say “Monday” in Igbo?
  12. What does “Ụbọchị” mean?
  13. How do you say “Sister” in Igbo?
  14. What is the Igbo word for “table”?
  15. How do you say “What is your name?” in Igbo?
  16. What does “Ọkpụkpụ” refer to?
  17. How do you ask “What are you looking for?” in Igbo?
  18. What is the Igbo word for “water”?
  19. How do you say “Good Evening” in Igbo?
  20. What does “Kwụkwọ” mean?

Part C: True or False Questions
Indicate whether the statements are True or False.

  1. “Ụtụtụ ọma” means “Good Night.”
  2. “Nri” refers to “Water.”
  3. “Isi” means “Head.”
  4. “Gịnị bụ aha gị?” means “How are you?”
  5. “Kwụkwọ” means “Circle.”
  6. “Mọnde” refers to “Monday.”
  7. “Akụkụ” means “Shapes.”
  8. “Taa bụ Sọnde” means “Today is Sunday.”
  9. “Nne” means “Mother.”
  10. “Kedu” means “Where.”

Review all answers after the exam. Ensure that each student has followed the rules and answer any questions they may have about their performance.

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