Celebrating Father’s Day with Love Comprehension English Grammar Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan: Father’s Day

Subject: English Studies
Class: Primary 3
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Age: 8 years
Topic: Father’s Day
Sub-topic: Understanding Father’s Day through a Story
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain what Father’s Day is.
  2. Describe ways to celebrate Father’s Day.
  3. Identify new vocabulary words from the story.
  4. Construct simple sentences using new vocabulary words.

Keywords: Father’s Day, celebrate, appreciation, gift, love

Set Induction: Show a picture of a family celebrating Father’s Day and ask pupils to describe what they see.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils are familiar with family celebrations and have experienced or heard about special days like birthdays.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Picture of a family celebrating Father’s Day
  • Flashcards with keywords
  • Short story about Father’s Day
  • Chart paper and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss pupils’ experiences with family celebrations and special days.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Reading comprehension

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Primary 3 English Textbook

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Storybook
  • Visual aids (pictures)


Explanation of the Topic:

  1. What is Father’s Day?
    • Father’s Day is a special day to celebrate and appreciate fathers.
  2. Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day:
    • Giving gifts and cards.
    • Spending time together as a family.
    • Saying “thank you” and showing love.
  3. Importance of Father’s Day:
    • It shows appreciation for fathers’ hard work and love.


  • Use pictures to show a family giving gifts and spending time together on Father’s Day.
  • Share a short story about a child celebrating Father’s Day.


  1. Father’s Day is a day to celebrate ____. (a) Mothers (b) Fathers (c) Teachers (d) Friends)
  2. We give ____ to our fathers on Father’s Day. (a) Books (b) Gifts (c) Clothes (d) Shoes)
  3. It is important to show ____ to our fathers. (a) Love (b) Anger (c) Fear (d) Sadness)
  4. A card is a nice way to say ____. (a) Goodbye (b) Thank you (c) Hello (d) Sorry)
  5. On Father’s Day, we spend ____ with our fathers. (a) Money (b) Time (c) Food (d) Clothes)
  6. A ____ is a special day for celebrating fathers. (a) Birthday (b) Holiday (c) Festival (d) Father’s Day)
  7. We can show ____ by giving gifts. (a) Anger (b) Love (c) Fear (d) Sadness)
  8. Saying “____” makes our fathers feel appreciated. (a) Goodbye (b) Thank you (c) Sorry (d) Please)
  9. A gift shows that we ____. (a) Don’t care (b) Appreciate (c) Ignore (d) Forget)
  10. On Father’s Day, we can make our fathers ____. (a) Sad (b) Happy (c) Angry (d) Tired)
  11. We celebrate Father’s Day to show ____. (a) Dislike (b) Appreciation (c) Fear (d) Anger)
  12. Spending time together is a way to show ____. (a) Love (b) Anger (c) Sadness (d) Fear)
  13. A ____, like a card, can be homemade. (a) Gift (b) Food (c) Shoe (d) Book)
  14. A simple “thank you” can make our fathers feel ____. (a) Ignored (b) Appreciated (c) Sad (d) Angry)
  15. We celebrate Father’s Day in the ____. (a) Summer (b) Spring (c) Winter (d) Fall)

Comprehension Passage: Celebrating Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a special day celebrated all around the world to honor and appreciate fathers. It is a time when children show their love and gratitude to their fathers for all the hard work, care, and love they give.

Every year, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. On this day, children and families find different ways to make their fathers feel special. Some children give their fathers handmade cards with sweet messages written on them. Others buy gifts like ties, books, or gadgets that their fathers would enjoy.

In the morning, many families start the day by making a delicious breakfast for their father. Pancakes, eggs, and fresh juice are some of the favorite breakfast items. Fathers are often surprised and delighted by this thoughtful gesture.

One of the most exciting parts of Father’s Day is spending time together as a family. Some families go out for a picnic in the park, while others might go to the movies or take a fun trip to the zoo. The important thing is to spend quality time together and create happy memories.

In the afternoon, children might put on a small performance for their fathers. They can sing songs, recite poems, or even act out a short play. This makes fathers feel proud and appreciated.

Another popular way to celebrate Father’s Day is by writing a heartfelt letter. In the letter, children express their feelings and tell their fathers why they love and appreciate them. These letters are often kept as treasured keepsakes that fathers can look back on for years to come.

Father’s Day is not just about giving gifts or cards. It is a day to reflect on the special bond between fathers and their children. It is a time to say “thank you” and to acknowledge all the sacrifices that fathers make for their families.

Overall, Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to show fathers how much they are loved and valued. It is a day filled with joy, appreciation, and lots of love.


  1. What is Father’s Day?
  2. When is Father’s Day celebrated?
  3. How do children show their appreciation on Father’s Day?
  4. What are some common gifts given on Father’s Day?
  5. What do families often do in the morning on Father’s Day?
  6. Why is spending time together important on Father’s Day?
  7. What activities might children do in the afternoon for their fathers?
  8. Why are heartfelt letters written on Father’s Day important?
  9. What is the main purpose of Father’s Day?
  10. How do fathers feel when they are appreciated on Father’s Day?


  1. Father’s Day is a special day celebrated to honor and appreciate fathers.
  2. Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.
  3. Children show their appreciation by giving cards, gifts, and spending time with their fathers.
  4. Common gifts include handmade cards, ties, books, and gadgets.
  5. Families often make a delicious breakfast for their fathers.
  6. Spending time together is important because it creates happy memories and shows love.
  7. In the afternoon, children might sing songs, recite poems, or act out plays for their fathers.
  8. Heartfelt letters are important because they express love and appreciation and are treasured keepsakes.
  9. The main purpose of Father’s Day is to show love and gratitude to fathers.
  10. Fathers feel happy, proud, and appreciated when they are recognized and loved on Father’s Day.

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What is Father’s Day?
    • A day to celebrate and appreciate fathers.
  2. Why do we celebrate Father’s Day?
    • To show appreciation for fathers’ hard work and love.
  3. What can we give our fathers on Father’s Day?
    • Gifts and cards.
  4. How can we show appreciation to our fathers?
    • By saying “thank you” and spending time together.
  5. Why is it important to appreciate our fathers?
    • It makes them feel loved and valued.
  6. What can a card say?
    • “Thank you” or “I love you.”
  7. Why do we give gifts on Father’s Day?
    • To show love and appreciation.
  8. How do fathers feel when we celebrate them?
    • Happy and appreciated.
  9. Can we make a card at home?
    • Yes, a homemade card can be special.
  10. What does spending time together show?
    • It shows love and appreciation.
  11. Why is saying “thank you” important?
    • It makes fathers feel valued.
  12. What can a simple gift do?
    • It can show appreciation and love.
  13. Why is Father’s Day special?
    • It celebrates fathers and their contributions.
  14. How can we make Father’s Day memorable?
    • By giving gifts and spending time together.
  15. What is one way to show love on Father’s Day?
    • Saying “thank you” and giving a gift.

Presentation: Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Mother’s Day.”

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Father’s Day,” by reading a short story about celebrating Father’s Day.

Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and corrects them when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the importance of Father’s Day.
  • Read the story.
  • Ask questions about the story.
  • Write new words on the board.
  • Help pupils construct sentences.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the story.
  • Answer questions.
  • Identify new words.
  • Construct sentences.


  • Pupils will answer fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Pupils will construct sentences using new words.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is Father’s Day?
  2. Why do we celebrate Father’s Day?
  3. What can you give your father on Father’s Day?
  4. How can you show appreciation to your father?
  5. Why is it important to appreciate our fathers?
  6. What can a card say?
  7. Why do we give gifts on Father’s Day?
  8. How do fathers feel when we celebrate them?
  9. Can you make a card at home?
  10. What does spending time together show?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides necessary feedback.