Nigerian People: North-West and North-East History Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Detailed Student-Centered Lesson Plan for History

Subject: History
Class: Primary 2
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Age: 7 years
Topic: Nigerian People: North-West and North-East
Sub-topic: Identifying Ethnic Groups and Locating on the Map
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Name Nigerian peoples in the North-West.
  2. List various Nigerian ethnic groups in the North-East.
  3. Locate these ethnic nationalities on the political map of Nigeria.

Key Words

  • Ethnic Group
  • North-West
  • North-East
  • Hausa
  • Fulani
  • Kanuri
  • Map

Set Induction

  • Begin with a discussion on the different tribes and languages pupils encounter in everyday life.

Entry Behaviour

  • Pupils have a basic understanding of different tribes and their locations in Nigeria.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 2 History
  • Political map of Nigeria
  • Pictures and charts of various ethnic groups

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Review previous lessons on ethnic groups in South-West, South-South, South-East, and North Central Nigeria.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking
  • Cultural Awareness

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Instructional Materials

  • Political map of Nigeria
  • Pictures and charts of ethnic groups
  • Flashcards


  1. Nigerian Peoples in the North-West
    • Hausa
    • Fulani
    • Kanuri
  2. Various Nigerian Ethnic Groups in the North-East
    • Kanuri
    • Fulani
    • Tiv
  3. Locating Ethnic Nationalities on the Map
    • Use a political map to identify the regions where these ethnic groups are predominantly found.

Learning Activities

  1. Individual Activity
    • Pupil, as an individual, names the Nigerian peoples in the North-West.
  2. Whole Class Activity
    • Whole class lists the various Nigerian ethnic groups in the North-East.
  3. Group Activity
    • Pupils in small groups walk down to the displayed chart showing various ethnic groups in the North-East and North-West.


Sample Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. The Hausa people are from the ____ region of Nigeria.
    • a) South-West
    • b) North-East
    • c) North-West
    • d) South-East
  2. The Kanuri people are predominantly found in the ____ region.
    • a) North-West
    • b) South-West
    • c) North-East
    • d) South-South
  3. The Fulani people are known for their ____.
    • a) Fishing
    • b) Farming
    • c) Nomadic lifestyle
    • d) Trading
  4. The language spoken by the Hausa people is ____.
    • a) Hausa
    • b) Yoruba
    • c) Igbo
    • d) Kanuri
  5. The political map of Nigeria helps us locate different ____.
    • a) Countries
    • b) Ethnic groups
    • c) Continents
    • d) Oceans
  6. The Kanuri people are primarily found in the ____ region.
    • a) North-West
    • b) South-South
    • c) North-East
    • d) South-West
  7. The Fulani people are known for their ____.
    • a) Farming
    • b) Weaving
    • c) Fishing
    • d) Nomadic lifestyle
  8. The Hausa people have a rich cultural heritage of ____.
    • a) Music and dance
    • b) Pottery
    • c) Sculpture
    • d) Painting
  9. The Tiv people are found in the ____ region.
    • a) North-East
    • b) North-West
    • c) South-East
    • d) South-South
  10. The political map of Nigeria shows different ____.
    • a) Cities
    • b) Ethnic groups
    • c) Rivers
    • d) Mountains


  • The teacher collects pupils’ responses and provides feedback.
  • Summarize key points about the ethnic groups discussed.
  • Encourage pupils to appreciate Nigeria’s diverse ethnic landscape.

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