Objective Questions JSS 2 Mid Term Holiday Assignment Solution


  1. Pathology is the study of ______. a) Plants
    b) Diseases
    c) Animals
    d) Weather
  2. Kwashiorkor is a ______ disease. a) Nutritional
    b) Viral
    c) Bacterial
    d) Genetic
  3. Scurvy is caused by a lack of ______. a) Vitamin A
    b) Vitamin C
    c) Vitamin D
    d) Vitamin B
  4. Rickets affects the ______. a) Skin
    b) Bones
    c) Eyes
    d) Hair
  5. Beriberi is due to a deficiency of ______. a) Vitamin B1
    b) Vitamin B2
    c) Vitamin B3
    d) Vitamin B6
  6. Health education is part of a school ______ program. a) Sports
    b) Health
    c) Music
    d) Arts
  7. Physical education helps improve ______. a) Reading
    b) Fitness
    c) Drawing
    d) Singing
  8. Preserving food extends its ______. a) Color
    b) Shape
    c) Shelf life
    d) Weight
  9. Preserving food maintains its ______ value. a) Nutritional
    b) Monetary
    c) Physical
    d) Historical
  10. Food safety reduces the risk of ______. a) Happiness
    b) Foodborne illnesses
    c) Growth
    d) Cooking
  11. Kyphosis is a ______ defect. a) Visual
    b) Postural
    c) Dental
    d) Hearing
  12. Lordosis affects the ______. a) Back
    b) Feet
    c) Hands
    d) Neck
  13. Scoliosis is a curve in the ______. a) Spine
    b) Arm
    c) Leg
    d) Jaw
  14. Flat feet mean the feet have no ______. a) Length
    b) Arch
    c) Toes
    d) Heel
  15. Knock knees cause knees to touch when ______. a) Sitting
    b) Walking
    c) Standing
    d) Running


  1. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was the transportation of ______ people. a) European
    b) Asian
    c) African
    d) American
  2. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade happened from the 16th to ______ century. a) 17th
    b) 18th
    c) 19th
    d) 20th
  3. The slave trade caused ______ in African communities. a) Growth
    b) Devastation
    c) Wealth
    d) Peace
  4. Europe benefited ______ from the slave trade. a) Politically
    b) Economically
    c) Culturally
    d) Environmentally
  5. African culture spread through the ______ diaspora. a) Asian
    b) European
    c) African
    d) American
  6. Legitimate trade focused on exporting ______. a) Slaves
    b) Manufactured goods
    c) Agricultural products
    d) Weapons
  7. After the abolition of the slave trade, ______ trade began. a) Illegal
    b) Maritime
    c) Legitimate
    d) Domestic
  8. One commodity of legitimate trade was ______. a) Gold
    b) Silver
    c) Palm oil
    d) Tobacco
  9. Cocoa was a principal commodity in ______ trade. a) Slave
    b) Legitimate
    c) Illegal
    d) Maritime
  10. Rubber was traded between Africa and ______. a) Asia
    b) Europe
    c) Australia
    d) South America
  11. ______ transportation was used in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. a) Air
    b) Land
    c) Sea
    d) Rail
  12. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade created African-American ______. a) Cultures
    b) Economies
    c) Cities
    d) Governments
  13. Legitimate trade improved Africa’s ______. a) Military
    b) Education
    c) Economy
    d) Climate
  14. ______ was not a principal commodity of legitimate trade. a) Palm oil
    b) Cocoa
    c) Rubber
    d) Gold
  15. The ______ trade was before legitimate trade. a) Maritime
    b) Slave
    c) Domestic
    d) Modern


  1. Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples on a mountain in ______. a) Galilee
    b) Jerusalem
    c) Samaria
    d) Nazareth
  2. Jesus gave the disciples the Great ______. a) Prayer
    b) Commission
    c) Commandment
    d) Speech
  3. Jesus first appeared to ______ Magdalene. a) Martha
    b) Mary
    c) Sarah
    d) Rachel
  4. Jesus appeared to two disciples walking in the ______. a) Temple
    b) Garden
    c) Country
    d) City
  5. Jesus appeared to seven disciples by the Sea of ______. a) Galilee
    b) Tiberias
    c) Jordan
    d) Nazareth
  6. Jesus performed a miracle of a large catch of ______. a) Fish
    b) Birds
    c) Bread
    d) Water
  7. Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to ______. a) Emmaus
    b) Damascus
    c) Bethlehem
    d) Cana
  8. Jesus was recognized when He broke ______. a) Bread
    b) Fish
    c) Water
    d) Stones
  9. Jesus’ resurrection appearances are recorded in the ______. a) Old Testament
    b) New Testament
    c) Apocrypha
    d) Psalms
  10. The Great Commission is found in the book of ______. a) Matthew
    b) Genesis
    c) Exodus
    d) Psalms
  11. Mary Magdalene was the ______ to see the risen Jesus. a) Last
    b) First
    c) Third
    d) Fourth
  12. Jesus appeared to His disciples while they were ______. a) Eating
    b) Sleeping
    c) Working
    d) Traveling
  13. The Sea of Tiberias is also known as the Sea of ______. a) Jordan
    b) Galilee
    c) Red
    d) Dead
  14. Jesus’ miracle involved catching ______ fish. a) Few
    b) No
    c) Large
    d) Many
  15. The road to Emmaus story is in the book of ______. a) Luke
    b) Mark
    c) John
    d) Acts


  1. Paragraphing divides written work into ______. a) Words
    b) Letters
    c) Sections
    d) Sentences
  2. Narrative paragraphs describe ______. a) People
    b) Places
    c) Events
    d) Ideas
  3. Descriptive paragraphs provide detailed ______. a) Arguments
    b) Events
    c) Descriptions
    d) Information
  4. Expository paragraphs explain or give ______. a) Orders
    b) Information
    c) Opinions
    d) Stories
  5. Persuasive paragraphs aim to ______ the reader. a) Entertain
    b) Inform
    c) Convince
    d) Confuse
  6. Paragraphs help improve ______ of writing. a) Length
    b) Readability
    c) Color
    d) Complexity
  7. Each paragraph focuses on a single ______. a) Word
    b) Idea
    c) Sentence
    d) Paragraph
  8. A paragraph should have a ______ sentence. a) Conclusion
    b) Topic
    c) Middle
    d) Long
  9. Good paragraphing makes writing ______. a) Confusing
    b) Disorganized
    c) Clear
    d) Messy
  10. Narrative paragraphs follow a ______ order. a) Random
    b) Alphabetical
    c) Chronological
    d) Numerical
  11. Descriptive paragraphs paint a ______ with words. a) Picture
    b) Sound
    c) Smell
    d) Taste
  12. Expository paragraphs often include ______. a) Opinions
    b) Facts
    c) Emotions
    d) Stories
  13. Persuasive paragraphs use ______ to support arguments. a) Colors
    b) Evidence
    c) Characters
    d) Plots
  14. A good paragraph has a clear ______. a) Size
    b) Shape
    c) Structure
    d) Weight
  15. Paragraphing is important for ______. a) Cooking
    b) Writing
    c) Dancing
    d) Singing


  1. Solve 2x + 7y = 3; 2x – y = 3. Find x. a) 1
    b) 1.5
    c) 2
    d) 2.5
  2. Solve 2


  1. Solve 2x + 7y = 3; 2x – y = 3. Find y. a) -1
    b) 0
    c) 1
    d) 2
  2. Solve x + y = 4; 2x – y = 5. Find x. a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 4
    d) 5
  3. Solve x + y = 4; 2x – y = 5. Find y. a) 0
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 3
  4. If C = a + 3b = 2700, and a + 5b = 3100, find b. a) 100
    b) 150
    c) 200
    d) 250
  5. If C = a + 3b = 2700, and a + 5b = 3100, find a. a) 1800
    b) 1900
    c) 2000
    d) 2100
  6. If a = 2100 and b = 200, find C for 1.5 hours. a) 2300
    b) 2400
    c) 2500
    d) 2600
  7. If x = 27, y = 9, find x / y. a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
  8. If x = 27, y = 9, find 3y. a) 18
    b) 24
    c) 27
    d) 30
  9. If y = 14 and z = 12, find x = y + z. a) 24
    b) 25
    c) 26
    d) 27
  10. If x = 2, y = 9, find the relation x = 3y. a) True
    b) False
  11. If 2x – y = 3, and y = 0, find x. a) 1
    b) 1.5
    c) 2
    d) 2.5
  12. Solve 2x – y = 3, find y when x = 1.5. a) -2
    b) -1
    c) 0
    d) 1
  13. Simplify 16x = 24, find x. a) 1
    b) 1.5
    c) 2
    d) 2.5
  14. Simplify 3x = 9, find x. a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4


  1. The basic parts of a plant include roots, stems, leaves, and ______. a) Flowers
    b) Fruits
    c) Seeds
    d) Soil
  2. Roots help a plant to ______. a) Fly
    b) Absorb water
    c) Swim
    d) Sing
  3. Stems support the plant and carry ______. a) Messages
    b) Water and nutrients
    c) Light
    d) Heat
  4. Leaves are important for ______. a) Photosynthesis
    b) Eating
    c) Sleeping
    d) Running
  5. Flowers are the ______ part of a plant. a) Rooting
    b) Feeding
    c) Reproductive
    d) Defensive
  6. Plants provide us with ______. a) Food
    b) Metals
    c) Plastics
    d) Rocks
  7. Many medicines are made from ______. a) Plants
    b) Stones
    c) Air
    d) Fire
  8. Plants produce ______ for us to breathe. a) Carbon dioxide
    b) Oxygen
    c) Nitrogen
    d) Helium
  9. Budding is a type of ______ reproduction in plants. a) Sexual
    b) Asexual
    c) Chemical
    d) Biological
  10. Grafting involves joining two ______. a) Leaves
    b) Flowers
    c) Stems
    d) Roots
  11. Layering is done by bending a stem to the ______. a) Sun
    b) Water
    c) Soil
    d) Air
  12. Cutting involves taking a part of a plant and ______ it. a) Eating
    b) Burying
    c) Planting
    d) Drying
  13. Pollination is the transfer of ______. a) Water
    b) Nutrients
    c) Pollen
    d) Seeds
  14. Self-pollination happens within the same ______. a) Plant
    b) Garden
    c) Forest
    d) Field
  15. Cross-pollination occurs between ______ plants. a) Different
    b) The same
    c) Dead
    d) Artificial


  1. The Richards’ constitution introduced ______. a) Regionalism
    b) Federalism
    c) Monarchy
    d) Dictatorship
  2. The Richards’ constitution established ______ councils. a) Local
    b) Legislative
    c) Judicial
    d) Executive
  3. The Richards’ constitution encouraged political ______. a) Ignorance
    b) Awareness
    c) Apathy
    d) Indifference
  4. The Richards’ constitution promoted Nigerian ______. a) Unity
    b) Division
    c) Isolation
    d) Conflict
  5. The Richards’ constitution laid the foundation for ______. a) Monarchy
    b) Self-government
    c) Colonization
    d) Dictatorship
  6. Legislation is a source of the ______. a) Constitution
    b) Economy
    c) Geography
    d) Language
  7. Conventions are ______ rules. a) Written
    b) Unwritten
    c) New
    d) Irrelevant
  8. Judicial decisions interpret the ______. a) Songs
    b) Constitution
    c) Environment
    d) Weather
  9. Scholarly writings are works by ______. a) Politicians
    b) Farmers
    c) Legal experts
    d) Artists
  10. International agreements impact ______ law. a) Constitutional
    b) Traffic
    c) School
    d) Domestic
  11. The Nigerian constitution is ______. a) Supreme
    b) Minor
    c) Unimportant
    d) Ordinary
  12. Nigeria has a ______ system of government. a) Federal
    b) Unitary
    c) Monarchial
    d) Dictatorial
  13. The constitution ensures fundamental human ______. a) Rights
    b) Wrongs
    c) Duties
    d) Customs
  14. The constitution promotes separation of ______. a) Water
    b) Powers
    c) Classes
    d) Colors
  15. Legislation is made by the ______. a) Legislature
    b) Judiciary
    c) Executive
    d) Citizens


  1. “The Rich Also Cry” means that the rich also experience ______. a) Happiness
    b) Sorrow
    c) Success
    d) Wealth
  2. Wealth does not exempt people from ______. a) Joy
    b) Pain
    c) Comfort
    d) Ease
  3. A wealthy business tycoon may have a lot of ______. a) Money
    b) Stress
    c) Power
    d) Comfort
  4. Maintaining a successful business can be very ______. a) Easy
    b) Relaxing
    c) Stressful
    d) Fun
  5. Children of rich families may lack ______ support. a) Financial
    b) Emotional
    c) Educational
    d) Medical
  6. Rich children may feel ______. a) Appreciated
    b) Misunderstood
    c) Celebrated
    d) Ignored
  7. The loss of a loved one affects both the rich and the ______. a) Poor
    b) Middle class
    c) Working class
    d) Children
  8. Illness can strike ______. a) Only the poor
    b) Only the rich
    c) Anyone
    d) Only the young
  9. Wealth cannot buy true ______. a) Friendship
    b) Cars
    c) Houses
    d) Clothes
  10. Recognizing universal vulnerability fosters ______. a) Hatred
    b) Fear
    c) Empathy
    d) Greed
  11. The rich also have their share of ______. a) Success
    b) Joy
    c) Challenges
    d) Peace
  12. Genuine happiness cannot be bought with ______. a) Love
    b) Kindness
    c) Money
    d) Gifts
  13. A wealthy person can also feel ______. a) Isolated
    b) Popular
    c) Connected
    d) Loved

ENGLISH (Continued)

  1. Personal identity issues can affect ______ children. a) Wealthy
    b) Poor
    c) Middle-class
    d) All
  2. The rich, too, can experience ______ crises. a) Financial
    b) Existential
    c) Educational
    d) Technological


  1. A portrait drawing is a drawing of a ______. a) Building
    b) Person
    c) Tree
    d) Animal
  2. To draw a portrait of yourself, you can use a ______. a) Mirror
    b) Book
    c) Chair
    d) Car
  3. In a portrait, you focus on the ______. a) Hands
    b) Feet
    c) Face
    d) Back
  4. A good portrait shows the subject’s ______. a) Emotions
    b) Hobbies
    c) Clothes
    d) Height
  5. Portraits can be drawn using ______. a) Pencils
    b) Knives
    c) Forks
    d) Spoons
  6. A self-portrait is a drawing of ______. a) Yourself
    b) Your friend
    c) A stranger
    d) An animal
  7. Artists use light and ______ to add depth to portraits. a) Shade
    b) Color
    c) Music
    d) Dance
  8. The eyes in a portrait are often very ______. a) Plain
    b) Detailed
    c) Large
    d) Small
  9. A portrait drawing can be in black and white or ______. a) Invisible
    b) Color
    c) Digital
    d) Old
  10. The background in a portrait should not ______ the subject. a) Enhance
    b) Overshadow
    c) Complement
    d) Ignore
  11. A portrait should capture the ______ of the person. a) Essence
    b) Wealth
    c) Job
    d) Age
  12. Drawing from a picture can help capture ______ details. a) Fewer
    b) More
    c) Larger
    d) Smaller
  13. When drawing, start with a ______ outline. a) Dark
    b) Light
    c) Colorful
    d) Random
  14. Facial proportions are important for ______. a) Accuracy
    b) Fun
    c) Speed
    d) Creativity
  15. Practice improves your portrait drawing ______. a) Mistakes
    b) Speed
    c) Skills
    d) Laziness


  1. Farming is known as ______. a) Engineering
    b) Agriculture
    c) Medicine
    d) Architecture
  2. Crops are grown for ______. a) Decoration
    b) Food
    c) Waste
    d) Games
  3. Animals reared for farming are called ______ animals. a) Wild
    b) Domestic
    c) Zoo
    d) Forest
  4. Vegetables are examples of ______ crops. a) Cash
    b) Food
    c) Ornamental
    d) Medicinal
  5. Cocoa is an example of a ______ crop. a) Food
    b) Cash
    c) Ornamental
    d) Medicinal
  6. The science of soil management and crop production is ______. a) Biology
    b) Agronomy
    c) Physics
    d) Chemistry
  7. Poultry farming involves rearing ______. a) Cows
    b) Chickens
    c) Fish
    d) Goats
  8. Fish farming is also known as ______. a) Apiculture
    b) Silviculture
    c) Aquaculture
    d) Horticulture
  9. A tractor is used in ______. a) Painting
    b) Fishing
    c) Farming
    d) Cooking
  10. The primary source of protein in agriculture is ______. a) Vegetables
    b) Fruits
    c) Meat
    d) Grains
  11. Fertilizers are added to soil to increase ______. a) Erosion
    b) Yield
    c) Water
    d) Sand
  12. Irrigation is the artificial application of ______ to crops. a) Fertilizer
    b) Water
    c) Pesticides
    d) Air
  13. Crop rotation helps in maintaining soil ______. a) Fertility
    b) Dryness
    c) Hardness
    d) Erosion
  14. Harvesting is the process of ______ crops. a) Planting
    b) Growing
    c) Watering
    d) Collecting
  15. Dairy farming involves the production of ______. a) Wool
    b) Milk
    c) Eggs
    d) Honey


  1. Cyber bullying uses digital ______. a) Books
    b) Technologies
    c) Pens
    d) Clothes
  2. Cyber bullying can happen through ______. a) Social media
    b) Newspapers
    c) Magazines
    d) Posters
  3. Cyber bullying aims to ______ someone. a) Help
    b) Harm
    c) Support
    d) Entertain
  4. One method of file sharing is ______. a) Talking
    b) Email attachments
    c) Writing
    d) Singing
  5. Cloud storage services include ______. a) Google Drive
    b) Telephones
    c) Radios
    d) TVs
  6. Peer-to-peer networks allow ______ sharing. a) Video
    b) Direct
    c) Indirect
    d) Slow
  7. To send an email, you first open your ______. a) Book
    b) Email application
    c) TV
    d) Phone book
  8. The subject line of an email should ______ the content. a) Ignore
    b) Summarize
    c) Confuse
    d) Lengthen
  9. Attach files to an email by clicking the ______ icon. a) Music
    b) Paperclip
    c) Star
    d) Heart
  10. Before sending an email, ______ it for errors. a) Ignore
    b) Review
    c) Delete
    d) Share
  11. The internet allows access to ______ resources. a) Limited
    b) Educational
    c) Harmful
    d) Secret
  12. The internet helps in online ______. a) Playing
    b) Shopping
    c) Sleeping
    d) Gardening
  13. Telehealth services are provided through the ______. a) Internet
    b) Newspaper
    c) Radio
    d) Books
  14. The internet allows for remote ______. a) Playing
    b) Work
    c) Singing
    d) Gardening
  15. Social networking helps in building ______. a) Walls
    b) Cars
    c) Communities
    d) Parks


  1. Edge finishing prevents fabric from ______. a) Growing
    b) Fraying
    c) Shrinking
    d) Expanding
  2. Edge finishing gives a ______ appearance. a) Rough
    b) Neat
    c) Large
    d) Small
  3. Edge finishing adds ______ to garments. a) Weight
    b) Durability
    c) Size
    d) Color
  4. The needle on a sewing machine ______ fabric. a) Tears
    b) Pierces
    c) Stains
    d) Cuts
  5. The bobbin holds the ______ thread. a) Top
    b) Lower
    c) Middle
    d) Side
  6. The presser foot ______ the fabric in place. a) Lifts
    b) Pushes
    c) Holds
    d) Releases
  7. Feed dogs move the fabric ______. a) Up
    b) Down
    c) Through
    d) Back
  8. The handwheel manually raises and lowers the ______. a) Presser foot
    b) Needle
    c) Bobbin
    d) Feed dogs
  9. Stitch length is adjusted by a ______. a) Button
    b) Dial
    c) Lever
    d) Pedal
  10. The tension dial adjusts the ______ of stitches. a) Color
    b) Tension
    c) Length
    d) Pattern
  11. Zigzag stitches are used for ______. a) Decoration
    b) Binding
    c) Tearing
    d) Dyeing
  12. A seam ripper is used to ______ stitches. a) Make
    b) Remove
    c) Adjust
    d) Measure
  13. Pinking shears create a ______ edge. a) Straight
    b) Curved
    c) Zigzag
    d) Smooth
  14. The spool pin holds the ______. a) Bobbin
    b) Needle
    c) Thread spool
    d) Presser foot
  15. The throat plate covers the ______ area. a) Bobbin
    b) Needle
    c) Handwheel
    d) Feed dogs


  1. One advantage of the Richards’ constitution was it introduced ______. a) Regionalism
    b) Monarchy
    c) Dictatorship
    d) Slavery
  2. The Richards’ constitution established ______ councils. a) Advisory
    b) Legislative
    c) Health
    d) School
  3. The Richards’ constitution encouraged political ______. a) Ignorance
    b) Awareness
    c) Silence
    d) Apathy
  4. The Richards’ constitution promoted Nigerian ______. a) Disunity
    b) Unity
    c) Isolation
    d) Segregation
  5. The Richards’ constitution laid the foundation for ______. a) Colonization
    b) Self-government
    c) Dependence
    d) Repression
  6. Legislation is a source of the constitution based on ______. a) Traditions
    b) Laws passed by the legislature
    c) Personal opinions
    d) Stories
  7. Conventions are ______ rules established by tradition. a) Written
    b) Unwritten
    c) Printed
    d) Signed
  8. Judicial decisions are ______ that interpret the constitution. a) Books
    b) Court rulings
    c) TV shows
    d) Songs
  9. Scholarly writings are works by legal experts and ______. a) Politicians
    b) Constitutional scholars
    c) Journalists
    d) Farmers
  10. International agreements are ______ that impact constitutional law. a) Treaties
    b) Songs
    c) Movies
    d) Speeches
  11. The Nigerian constitution ensures the ______ of the constitution. a) Weakness
    b) Supremacy
    c) Ignorance
    d) Neglect
  12. Nigeria operates a ______ system of government. a) Unitary
    b) Federal
    c) Monarchical
    d) Communal
  13. Fundamental human ______ are protected by the Nigerian constitution. a) Rights
    b) Wrongs
    c) Needs
    d) Suggestions
  14. The separation of ______ is a feature of the Nigerian constitution. a) People
    b) Wealth
    c) Powers
    d) Land
  15. The Nigerian constitution promotes ______ and development. a) Conflict
    b) Unity
    c) Disunity
    d) Neglect


  1. “Bonjour” means ______. a) Good night
    b) Good morning
    c) Thank you
    d) Goodbye
  2. “Merci” means ______. a) Please
    b) Thank you
    c) Sorry
    d) Yes
  3. “Comment ça va?” means ______. a) Where are you?
    b) How are you?
    c) What time is it?
    d) Who are you?
  4. “Au revoir” means ______. a) Hello
    b) Goodbye
    c) Please
    d) Welcome
  5. “Je m’appelle” means ______. a) I am from
    b) My name is
    c) I live in
    d) I like
  6. “S’il vous plaît” means ______. a) Thank you
    b) Please
    c) Sorry
    d) Welcome
  7. “Oui” means ______. a) No
    b) Yes
    c) Maybe
    d) Please
  8. “Non” means ______. a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Maybe
    d) Please
  9. “Excusez-moi” means ______. a) Thank you
    b) Excuse me
    c) Please
    d) Sorry
  10. “Parlez-vous anglais?” means ______. a) Do you speak French?
    b) Do you speak English?
    c) Where are you from?
    d) How old are you?
  11. “J’aime” means ______. a) I hate
    b) I love
    c) I like
    d) I see
  12. “Quel âge as-tu?” means ______. a) What is your name?
    b) Where are you from?
    c) How old are you?
    d) Do you speak English?
  13. “Où habitez-vous?” means ______. a) Where do you live?
    b) What do you do?
    c) Who are you?
    d) How are you?
  14. “Il fait chaud” means ______. a) It is cold
    b) It is hot
    c) It is raining
    d) It is snowing
  15. “Je voudrais” means ______. a) I want
    b) I need
    c) I have
    d) I give


  1. Ise agbe ni ______. a) Isinmi
    b) Ise oko
    c) Ise ile
    d) Ise odo
  2. A n pe oko nla ni ______. a) Agbe
    b) Oko
    c) Aje
    d) Awon
  3. Eweko n gba ______. a) Epo
    b) Ewe
    c) Omi
    d) Eja
  4. Agbe ngbe ni ______. a) Ipinle
    b) Ilu
    c) Ile
    d) Oko
  5. Epo pupa wa lati ______. a) Epo
    b) Ewuro
    c) Agbon
    d) Ewe
  6. Oko nla le je orisun ______. a) Ebi
    b) Alafia
    c) Iroyin
    d) Aye
  7. Ise agbe n mu ______ wa. a) Omi
    b) Ebi
    c) Ounje
    d) Eja
  8. Agbe n ta ______. a) Epo
    b) Iwe
    c) Omi
    d) Iya
  9. Agbo n gba omi ni ______. a) Orisun
    b) Ile
    c) Iya
    d) Agbo
  10. Awon agbe n ko ______. a) Iwe
    b) Epo
    c) Oko
    d) Iya
  11. Ise agbe nilo ______. a) Ebi
    b) Agbara
    c) Ilera
    d) Isinmi
  12. Omi ni orisun ______. a) Epo
    b) Ilera
    c) Iya
    d) Ile
  13. Ile nla n gba ______. a) Omi
    b) Ewe
    c) Ile
    d) Eja
  14. Agbe n lo ______. a) Aja
    b) Ado
    c) Aye
    d) Ise
  15. Eweko wa ninu ______. a) Epo
    b) Ile
    c) Eja
    d) Omi


  1. The Romantic Period emphasized ______. a) Logic
    b) Emotion
    c) Silence
    d) Simplicity
  2. Orchestras in the Romantic Period were ______. a) Smaller
    b) Larger
    c) Unchanged
    d) Absent
  3. Romantic melodies were often ______. a) Simple
    b) Expressive
    c) Monotone
    d) Silent
  4. Nationalistic elements in music include ______. a) Folk songs
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