Roads and Road Accidents Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: Third Term

Week: 2

Topic: Roads and Road Accidents

Sub-topic: Types of Roads and Road Accidents

Duration: 1 Hour

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define a road and a road accident.
  2. List different types of roads.
  3. Describe road accidents on different types of roads.

Key Words:

  • Road
  • Road Accident
  • Private Drive Pathways
  • Two-Lane Highways
  • Dual Carriageways
  • Expressways

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils know about roads and see different types of roads on their way to school.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of different types of roads
  • Toy cars
  • Chart showing road accidents

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Ask pupils to talk about the roads they use to come to school.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Observation

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Social Studies for Primary Schools by [Author Name]

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Charts
  • Pictures
  • Toy cars


  1. Definition of roads and road accidents.
  2. Classification of roads: private drive pathways, two-lane highways, dual carriageways, expressways.
  3. Description of road accidents on each type of road.


  • Road: A road is a path or a way made for people and vehicles to travel from one place to another. 🚗
  • Road Accidents: A road accident happens when vehicles crash into each other or something else, causing harm to people and damage to vehicles. 🚑

2. Types of Roads

  1. Private Drive Pathways:
    • These are small roads leading to homes or private places. They are not for public use.
    • Example: The small road that goes to your house. 🏡
  2. Two-Lane Highways:
    • These roads have one lane for each direction. One lane goes one way, and the other lane goes the opposite way.
    • Example: The main road you use to go to school with two lines of cars going different ways. 🚙↔️🚗
  3. Dual Carriageways:
    • These roads have two lanes in each direction, separated by a barrier or a space.
    • Example: A bigger road with cars moving in two lanes in each direction, separated by a grass strip. 🚙🚗 || 🚗🚙
  4. Expressways:
    • These are very big and fast roads with several lanes. There are no traffic lights, and cars move very quickly.
    • Example: The Lagos-Ibadan Expressway where cars travel very fast without stopping. 🚀

3. Road Accidents on Each Type of Road

  1. Private Drive Pathways:
    • Accidents are rare but can happen if drivers are not careful.
    • Example: A car hitting a parked car in a driveway. 🚗💥🚙
  2. Two-Lane Highways:
    • Accidents can happen if cars move into the opposite lane or if there is not enough space to pass.
    • Example: Two cars crashing head-on because one car tried to pass without enough space. 🚗💥🚙
  3. Dual Carriageways:
    • Accidents can occur if drivers change lanes without looking or if they drive too fast.
    • Example: A car hitting another car while changing lanes quickly. 🚗➡️🚙
  4. Expressways:
    • Accidents can be serious because cars move very fast. Crashes can involve many vehicles.
    • Example: A multi-car pile-up when one car stops suddenly and others can’t stop in time. 🚗💥🚙💥🚗

Remember to always be careful on the roads to avoid accidents! 🚸

Class Activity Discussion on Roads and Road Accidents

  1. Q: What is a road?
    • A: A road is a path for people and vehicles to travel on.
  2. Q: What is a road accident?
    • A: A road accident happens when vehicles crash into each other or something else.
  3. Q: What are private drive pathways?
    • A: These are small roads that lead to homes or private places.
  4. Q: What is a two-lane highway?
    • A: It is a road with one lane for each direction.
  5. Q: What is a dual carriageway?
    • A: It is a road with two lanes in each direction, separated by a barrier or space.
  6. Q: What is an expressway?
    • A: It is a big and fast road with several lanes and no traffic lights.
  7. Q: Are accidents common on private drive pathways?
    • A: No, accidents are rare on private drive pathways.
  8. Q: Why can accidents happen on two-lane highways?
    • A: Accidents can happen if cars move into the opposite lane or if there is not enough space to pass.
  9. Q: What separates the lanes on a dual carriageway?
    • A: A barrier or a space separates the lanes.
  10. Q: How fast do cars travel on expressways?
    • A: Cars travel very fast on expressways.
  11. Q: Can anyone use private drive pathways?
    • A: No, they are for private use only.
  12. Q: Why are two-lane highways called “two-lane”?
    • A: Because they have one lane for each direction.
  13. Q: What can happen if a driver changes lanes without looking on a dual carriageway?
    • A: It can cause an accident.
  14. Q: Are there traffic lights on expressways?
    • A: No, there are no traffic lights on expressways.
  15. Q: What should drivers do to avoid accidents on all types of roads?
    • A: Drivers should be careful and follow the rules to avoid accidents.

Evaluation Questions for Primary 4 pupils:

  1. A road is a path for __________ and vehicles.
    • a) animals
    • b) travel
    • c) food
    • d) water
  2. A road accident happens when vehicles __________.
    • a) fly
    • b) jump
    • c) crash
    • d) swim
  3. Private drive pathways lead to __________.
    • a) schools
    • b) homes
    • c) markets
    • d) hospitals
  4. Two-lane highways have __________ lane(s) for each direction.
    • a) one
    • b) two
    • c) three
    • d) four
  5. Dual carriageways have __________ lanes in each direction.
    • a) one
    • b) two
    • c) three
    • d) four
  6. Expressways are __________ and fast roads.
    • a) small
    • b) narrow
    • c) big
    • d) tiny
  7. On private drive pathways, accidents are __________.
    • a) common
    • b) rare
    • c) always
    • d) frequent
  8. Two-lane highways can have __________ accidents if drivers are not careful.
    • a) no
    • b) many
    • c) some
    • d) few
  9. A dual carriageway is separated by a __________.
    • a) river
    • b) barrier
    • c) tree
    • d) wall
  10. On expressways, cars travel very __________.
    • a) slowly
    • b) quickly
    • c) carefully
    • d) silently
  11. Private drive pathways are for __________ use.
    • a) public
    • b) government
    • c) private
    • d) market
  12. An example of a two-lane highway is the road __________.
    • a) inside your house
    • b) to your school
    • c) in your garden
    • d) to your room
  13. An example of a dual carriageway is a road with two lanes and a __________ in the middle.
    • a) tree
    • b) barrier
    • c) fence
    • d) bush
  14. On expressways, there are no __________.
    • a) cars
    • b) people
    • c) traffic lights
    • d) buildings
  15. A road accident can cause __________ to people and vehicles.
    • a) help
    • b) fun
    • c) harm
    • d) games


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Safety in the Community.”
  • Ask pupils questions about community safety.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the new topic: “Roads and Road Accidents.”
  • Show pictures of different types of roads.

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions

  • The teacher asks pupils to name different roads they know.
  • Pupils give examples of roads they use every day.
  • The teacher corrects and guides pupils when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explains the definitions of roads and road accidents.
  • Shows pictures and charts.
  • Demonstrates with toy cars how accidents can happen.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and repeat definitions.
  • Observe pictures and charts.
  • Participate in demonstrations with toy cars.


  • Pupils answer questions orally.
  • Pupils identify types of roads from pictures.
  • Pupils describe how accidents can happen on different roads.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is a road?
  2. What is a road accident?
  3. Name one type of road.
  4. What is a private drive pathway?
  5. How many lanes does a two-lane highway have?
  6. What separates lanes on a dual carriageway?
  7. How fast do cars travel on expressways?
  8. Can accidents happen on private drive pathways?
  9. Why can accidents happen on two-lane highways?
  10. What should drivers do to avoid accidents?


  • The teacher goes round to mark pupils’ work.
  • The teacher gives feedback and reinforces key points.
  • The lesson ends with a recap of the main ideas.

This lesson plan ensures that Primary 4 pupils understand the topic in a clear and engaging way.

Understanding Ethnicity and Tribalism in Nigeria Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10

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