Causes of Road Accidents, Road Maintenance, Road Signs and Their Meanings Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: Third Term

Week: 3

Topic: Road Safety and Signs

Sub-topic: Causes of Road Accidents, Road Maintenance, Road Signs and Their Meanings

Duration: 1 Hour

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify causes of road accidents.
  2. Explain how drivers and other road users should maintain roads.
  3. Understand the meanings of common road signs.

Key Words:

  • Road Accidents
  • Road Maintenance
  • Road Signs
  • Safety
  • Speeding
  • Distracted Driving
  • Yield
  • Stop

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils recall previous lesson on community safety and share experiences about roads and road signs.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of road accidents
  • Flashcards of road signs
  • Toy cars
  • Charts showing road maintenance tips

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Ask pupils about road signs they have seen and what they know about staying safe on the road.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Observation

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Social Studies
  • Social Studies textbook for Primary 4

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Charts
  • Pictures
  • Toy cars


  1. Causes of road accidents.
  2. Importance of road maintenance.
  3. Common road signs and their meanings.

Causes of Road Accidents

  1. Speeding: Driving too fast. 🏎️💨
    • Example: A car going too fast and losing control.
  2. Distracted Driving: Not paying attention while driving. 📱🚗
    • Example: Using a phone while driving.
  3. Ignoring Traffic Lights: Not stopping at red lights. 🚦🚗
    • Example: Driving through a red light.
  4. Bad Weather: Rain, fog, or snow making roads slippery. 🌧️❄️
    • Example: Cars slipping on wet roads.
  5. Poor Road Conditions: Roads with holes or bumps. 🕳️🚗
    • Example: A car hitting a pothole and losing control.

2. How Drivers and Other Road Users Should Maintain Roads

  1. Follow Traffic Rules: Obey all road signs and signals. 🚦
    • Example: Stopping at a red light.
  2. Drive Carefully: Avoid speeding and reckless driving. 🚗🛑
    • Example: Driving within speed limits.
  3. Report Road Problems: Tell authorities about potholes or broken signs. 📞
    • Example: Calling to report a big pothole.
  4. Avoid Littering: Do not throw trash on the road. 🚮
    • Example: Using a trash bin instead of the road.
  5. Regular Vehicle Checkups: Keep cars in good condition. 🔧🚗
    • Example: Checking brakes and tires regularly.

3. Road Signs and Their Meanings

  1. Stop Sign: Red octagon that tells drivers to stop. 🛑
    • Meaning: Come to a complete stop.
  2. Yield Sign: Triangle that tells drivers to slow down and give way. 🔺
    • Meaning: Let other vehicles go first.
  3. Speed Limit Sign: Sign with a number showing the maximum speed. 🚫100
    • Meaning: Do not drive faster than the number shown.
  4. Pedestrian Crossing Sign: Sign with a person walking. 🚶‍♂️
    • Meaning: Watch out for people crossing the road.
  5. No Parking Sign: Red circle with a line through a “P.” 🚫🅿️
    • Meaning: Do not park in this area.

Causes of Road Accidents

  1. One cause of road accidents is __________.
    • a) Speeding
    • b) Walking
    • c) Singing
    • d) Dancing
  2. Using a phone while driving is called __________.
    • a) Careful driving
    • b) Distracted driving
    • c) Fast driving
    • d) Slow driving
  3. Driving through a red light is __________.
    • a) Ignoring traffic lights
    • b) Following rules
    • c) Safe driving
    • d) Good behavior
  4. Wet roads can cause accidents during __________.
    • a) Sunny days
    • b) Bad weather
    • c) Clear nights
    • d) Hot afternoons
  5. Hitting a pothole can cause accidents due to __________.
    • a) Smooth roads
    • b) Poor road conditions
    • c) Good weather
    • d) Fast driving

Maintaining Roads

  1. Drivers should always __________ traffic rules.
    • a) Ignore
    • b) Follow
    • c) Change
    • d) Forget
  2. To avoid accidents, drivers should drive __________.
    • a) Recklessly
    • b) Carefully
    • c) Fast
    • d) Slowly
  3. Reporting potholes helps __________ the roads.
    • a) Damage
    • b) Maintain
    • c) Destroy
    • d) Ignore
  4. Throwing trash on the road is __________.
    • a) Good
    • b) Clean
    • c) Littering
    • d) Helping
  5. Regular vehicle checkups keep cars in __________ condition.
    • a) Bad
    • b) Good
    • c) Dirty
    • d) Poor

Road Signs and Their Meanings

  1. A stop sign tells drivers to __________.
    • a) Go
    • b) Run
    • c) Stop
    • d) Jump
  2. A yield sign means __________.
    • a) Stop completely
    • b) Speed up
    • c) Give way
    • d) Park
  3. A speed limit sign shows the __________ speed to drive.
    • a) Fastest
    • b) Highest
    • c) Lowest
    • d) Slowest
  4. A pedestrian crossing sign warns drivers to watch out for __________.
    • a) Cars
    • b) Animals
    • c) People walking
    • d) Bicycles
  5. A no parking sign means __________.
    • a) Park here
    • b) No parking allowed
    • c) Drive slowly
    • d) Stop here

Class Activity Discussion About Road Safety

  1. Q: What can cause road accidents?
    • A: Road accidents can be caused by speeding, distracted driving, and ignoring traffic signals.
  2. Q: How should drivers and other road users maintain roads?
    • A: Drivers should follow traffic rules, report potholes, avoid littering, and keep their vehicles in good condition.
  3. Q: Why is speeding dangerous?
    • A: Speeding is dangerous because it can lead to loss of control and accidents.
  4. Q: What is distracted driving?
    • A: Distracted driving is when drivers are not paying attention to the road, such as using a phone while driving.
  5. Q: Why is it important to obey traffic signals?
    • A: Obeying traffic signals helps prevent accidents and keeps everyone safe on the road.
  6. Q: How can drivers help maintain roads?
    • A: Drivers can help maintain roads by reporting potholes and avoiding littering.
  7. Q: What should drivers do when they see a pothole?
    • A: Drivers should slow down and try to avoid the pothole if possible. They should also report it to authorities.
  8. Q: Why is it important to keep vehicles in good condition?
    • A: Keeping vehicles in good condition helps prevent accidents caused by mechanical failures.
  9. Q: What are road signs?
    • A: Road signs are symbols and messages placed along roads to provide information to drivers and other road users.
  10. Q: What does a stop sign mean?
    • A: A stop sign means drivers must come to a complete stop before proceeding.
  11. Q: What does a yield sign indicate?
    • A: A yield sign indicates that drivers should slow down and give way to other vehicles.
  12. Q: Why is it important to pay attention to pedestrian crossing signs?
    • A: Pedestrian crossing signs warn drivers to watch out for people crossing the road, helping prevent accidents involving pedestrians.
  13. Q: What is the purpose of speed limit signs?
    • A: Speed limit signs show the maximum speed drivers should travel on that road to ensure safety.
  14. Q: What does a no parking sign mean?
    • A: A no parking sign means parking is not allowed in that area.
  15. Q: How can understanding road signs help drivers?
    • A: Understanding road signs helps drivers navigate safely and follow traffic rules, reducing the risk of accidents.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the new topic: “Road Safety and Signs.”
  • Show pictures of road accidents and discuss causes.

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions

  • The teacher allows pupils to share their ideas on how to maintain roads and stay safe.
  • Correct and guide pupils when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explains causes of road accidents using pictures and examples.
  • Discusses road maintenance tips with pupils.
  • Introduces common road signs and their meanings.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and observe pictures of road accidents.
  • Participate in discussions about road maintenance.
  • Identify and explain meanings of road signs.


  • Pupils answer questions orally about road safety and signs.
  • Pupils demonstrate understanding by identifying road signs correctly.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are two causes of road accidents?
  2. How can drivers help maintain roads?
  3. What does a stop sign mean?
  4. Explain why it’s important to obey traffic signals.
  5. Name one road maintenance tip for drivers.
  6. What does a yield sign indicate?
  7. Describe one way to stay safe while crossing the road.
  8. Why should drivers avoid speeding?
  9. What does a pedestrian crossing sign warn drivers about?
  10. How can understanding road signs help drivers?


  • The teacher goes round to mark pupils’ work and provides feedback.
  • Reinforce key points about road safety and signs.
  • End the lesson with a recap and encourage pupils to stay safe on the road.
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