Examination Civic Education Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Primary 2

Term: Third Term

Week: 12

Topic: Third Term Examination Civic Education Primary 2 Third Term

Duration: 45 minutes

Answer the following questions 

Part A Objective Questions 

  1. Traffic lights help __________ the flow of traffic.
    • a) regulate
    • b) stop
    • c) start
    • d) ignore
  2. __________ signs provide information about directions and locations.
    • a) Informational
    • b) Playing
    • c) Eating
    • d) Sleeping
  3. The yellow light at a traffic signal means __________.
    • a) prepare to stop
    • b) go
    • c) slow down
    • d) speed up
  4. Why are road signs and traffic lights important?
    • a) to confuse drivers
    • b) to guide and warn drivers
    • c) to make drivers sleep
    • d) to make drivers hungry
  5. What do warning signs do?
    • a) give instructions
    • b) alert about potential dangers
    • c) show directions
    • d) provide information about services
  6. What is the purpose of traffic lights?
    • a) to make drivers go fast
    • b) to regulate traffic flow
    • c) to make drivers sleep
    • d) to confuse drivers
  7. What color means “go” at a traffic signal?
    • a) red
    • b) green
    • c) yellow
    • d) blue
  8. What type of signs give instructions or impose legal requirements?
    • a) warning
    • b) informational
    • c) regulatory
    • d) playing
  9. Why should drivers obey road signs and traffic lights?
    • a) to make traffic worse
    • b) to avoid accidents and stay safe
    • c) to confuse other drivers
    • d) to make traffic flow smoothly
  10. How many colors do traffic lights have?
    • a) two
    • b) three
    • c) four
    • d) five
  11. Leaders are always ready to lend a __________.
    • a) hand
    • b) foot
    • c) ear
    • d) nose
  12. One quality of a leader is being __________ to others’ feelings.
    • a) respectful
    • b) disrespectful
    • c) rude
    • d) loud
  13. Leaders make sure everyone is treated __________.
    • a) equally
    • b) unequally
    • c) rudely
    • d) loudly
  14. Leaders are __________ and take care of their duties.
    • a) responsible
    • b) irresponsible
    • c) rude
    • d) loud
  15. Leaders stand up for what is __________.
    • a) right
    • b) wrong
    • c) loud
    • d) rude
  16. Leaders tell the __________ and are honest with others.
    • a) truth
    • b) lies
    • c) jokes
    • d) stories
  17. Leaders are __________ and encourage others to do the same.
    • a) hopeful
    • b) hopeless
    • c) rude
    • d) loud
  18. Leaders understand how others feel and show __________.
    • a) empathy
    • b) sympathy
    • c) rudeness
    • d) loudness
  19. Leaders know that __________ makes things easier.
    • a) teamwork
    • b) playing alone
    • c) rudeness
    • d) loudness
  20. Leaders are __________ and come up with new ideas.
    • a) creative
    • b) uncreative
    • c) rude
    • d) loud
  21. Why is kindness important for community leadership?
    • a) to make enemies
    • b) to make friends
    • c) to make noise
    • d) to make trouble
  22. Community leaders should be __________ to everyone.
    • a) rude
    • b) kind
    • c) mean
    • d) quiet
  23. Why should community leaders listen to others?
    • a) to ignore them
    • b) to learn from them
    • c) to fight with them
    • d) to make fun of them
  24. __________ make the neighborhood a better place to live.
    • a) Kind leaders
    • b) Mean leaders
    • c) Loud leaders
    • d) Quiet leaders
  25. Leadership means making __________ decisions.
    • a) loud
    • b) angry
    • c) mean
    • d) good
  26. Community leaders should help others and show __________.
    • a) kindness
    • b) rudeness
    • c) meanness
    • d) loudness
  27. Why is it important for leaders to work together with others?
    • a) to make enemies
    • b) to make friends
    • c) to make noise
    • d) to make trouble
  28. What is one trait of a good leader?
    • a) kindness
    • b) meanness
    • c) loudness
    • d) rudeness
  29. Why do people respect good leaders?
    • a) because they are mean
    • b) because they are kind
    • c) because they are loud
    • d) because they are rude
  30. Leadership means helping others and being __________ to everyone.
    • a) kind
    • b) mean
    • c) loud
    • d) rude
  31. When we’re humble, we’re more open to __________ new things.
    • a) teaching
    • b) learning
    • c) sleeping
    • d) eating
  32. Humility means being __________ and not bragging.
    • a) loud
    • b) proud
    • c) modest
    • d) mean
  33. Why should we congratulate others when they do well?
    • a) to make them feel bad
    • b) to make them feel good
    • c) to show off
    • d) none of the above
  34. What happens when everyone is humble?
    • a) people fight
    • b) people make friends
    • c) people ignore each other
    • d) people cry
  35. Why should we respect everyone, even if they are different from us?
    • a) because it’s fun
    • b) because it’s important
    • c) because we want to be mean
    • d) because we want to be proud
  36. Humility makes the world a __________ place.
    • a) happier
    • b) sadder
    • c) angrier
    • d) quieter
  37. Why is it good to be modest when you do something well?
    • a) to make others feel bad
    • b) to show respect
    • c) to show off
    • d) to make others cry
  38. Humility means treating everyone with __________.
    • a) kindness
    • b) rudeness
    • c) meanness
    • d) loudness
  39. What happens when we’re humble?
    • a) we make enemies
    • b) we make friends
    • c) we ignore others
    • d) we fight
  40. Being humble means being __________ of others’ feelings.
    • a) proud
    • b) respectful
    • c) mean
    • d) rude
  41. Doctors take care of people when they __________.
    • a) dance
    • b) sing
    • c) are sick
    • d) play
  42. Police officers make sure everyone follows the __________.
    • a) rules
    • b) games
    • c) songs
    • d) toys
  43. Community leaders help celebrate __________ events.
    • a) boring
    • b) special
    • c) scary
    • d) sad
  44. Leaders teach people about important things like __________.
    • a) games
    • b) safety
    • c) toys
    • d) candy
  45. Community leaders help solve __________ together.
    • a) problems
    • b) parties
    • c) games
    • d) movies
  46. Doctors help people feel better when they are __________.
    • a) happy
    • b) sick
    • c) bored
    • d) playing
  47. Teachers help children __________ new things.
    • a) forget
    • b) learn
    • c) sleep
    • d) eat
  48. Police officers keep everyone __________.
    • a) angry
    • b) sad
    • c) safe
    • d) bored
  49. Leaders make sure everyone’s voices are __________.
    • a) heard
    • b) silent
    • c) loud
    • d) quiet
  50. Community leaders make our neighborhood a better and __________ place to live.
    • a) happy
    • b) sad
    • c) boring
    • d) angry
  51. Rewards make people feel __________.
    • a) sad
    • b) happy
    • c) angry
    • d) tired
  52. Community leaders help make their neighborhood a __________ place.
    • a) messy
    • b) crowded
    • c) better
    • d) noisy
  53. Leaders can get thanked or given __________.
    • a) food
    • b) books
    • c) gifts
    • d) toys
  54. Rewards can be like a __________ for doing something good.
    • a) prize
    • b) punishment
    • c) game
    • d) chore
  55. People say “thank you” to show __________ for leaders.
    • a) anger
    • b) happiness
    • c) sadness
    • d) frustration
  56. Leaders work with __________ to make changes.
    • a) friends
    • b) enemies
    • c) animals
    • d) people
  57. Leaders might get medals or __________ for doing good things.
    • a) shoes
    • b) flowers
    • c) shirts
    • d) hats
  58. Rewards make people feel __________ of what they do.
    • a) proud
    • b) ashamed
    • c) bored
    • d) sleepy
  59. Rewards can be like a __________ to say “good job.”
    • a) punishment
    • b) treat
    • c) scolding
    • d) game
  60. Leaders help make their __________ better.
    • a) school
    • b) neighborhood
    • c) bedroom
    • d) toy
  61. Saying “thank you” is a way to show __________ for leaders’ hard work.
    • a) happiness
    • b) sadness
    • c) anger
    • d) frustration
  62. Leaders help solve __________ in their community.
    • a) problems
    • b) games
    • c) movies
    • d) books
  63. Leaders can be __________ too.
    • a) cats
    • b) dogs
    • c) kids
    • d) toys

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Civic Education

Part B Theory Questions 

  1. What should you do when you see a stop sign?
  2. How many colors do traffic lights have?
  3. What does the green light at a traffic signal mean?
  4. What do warning signs on the road do?
  5. Why do we need road signs and traffic lights?
  6. How can leaders show kindness in their actions?
  7. Why is it important for leaders to work together with others?
  8. What happens when leaders listen to others’ ideas?
  9. How can leaders encourage teamwork in their community?
  10. Why should leaders be responsible for their actions?
  11. What happens when everyone is humble?
  12. How can humility make our world a better place?
  13. Why is it important to treat everyone with kindness?
  14. How can we show humility in our everyday actions?
  15. What does humility mean for our relationships with others?
  16. What is the role of police officers as community leaders?
  17. Why is it important for community leaders to support local businesses?
  18. What does it mean for community leaders to make decisions?
  19. Why do community leaders listen to people’s problems and ideas?
  20. Why is it important for community leaders to make our neighborhood a better place to live?
  21. What is a reward?
  22. Why are rewards important?
  23. How can community leaders be rewarded?
  24. Give an example of a reward you received.
  25. Why do people say “thank you” to leaders?
  26. Can you name a community leader?
  27. What kinds of gifts can leaders receive?
  28. How do rewards make people feel?
  29. Why do we need community leaders?
  30. How can you help your community
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