Mid Term Test Civic Education Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Nursery 2
Term: First Term
Week: Week 6
Topic: Mid Term Test
Sub-topic: Civic Education Nursery 2 First Term Mid Term Test

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is dressing?
    a) Eating food
    b) Wearing clothes
    c) Playing games
    d) Sleeping
  2. Why is it important to dress properly?
    a) It makes us sick
    b) It shows respect and looks neat
    c) It doesn’t matter
    d) It makes us sad
  3. How can we dress properly?
    a) Wear dirty clothes
    b) Wear clean and well-fitting clothes
    c) Wear clothes that are too big
    d) Wear clothes that are too small
  4. What are some female cultural attires?
    a) T-shirt and shorts
    b) Iro and buba
    c) Jeans and a sweater
    d) Skirt and blouse
  5. What are some male cultural attires?
    a) Agbada and fila
    b) Trousers and shirt
    c) Shorts and T-shirt
    d) Jacket and tie
  6. Can we wear any clothes for any occasion?
    a) Yes, always
    b) No, we should dress according to the occasion
    c) No, we should wear the same clothes every day
    d) Yes, only at home
  7. Why should we wear clean clothes?
    a) Because they are itchy
    b) Because they look nice and keep us healthy
    c) Because they are too big
    d) Because they are too small
  8. What should we consider when dressing?
    a) Nothing, just wear anything
    b) The weather and the activity we are doing
    c) Wear the same clothes every day
    d) Wear clothes that are too tight
  9. How can clothes show respect?
    a) By wearing dirty clothes
    b) By wearing clean and proper clothes
    c) By wearing clothes that are too big
    d) By wearing clothes that are too small
  10. What should we do if our clothes don’t fit well?
    a) Keep wearing them
    b) Ask adults to help adjust or buy clothes that fit better
    c) Throw them away
    d) Never wear them again
  11. Which of these is a female cultural attire in Nigeria?
    a) Suit and tie
    b) Wrapper and blouse
    c) Jeans and T-shirt
    d) Skirt and shorts
  12. Which of these is a male cultural attire in Nigeria?
    a) Dress and sandals
    b) Agbada and fila
    c) Leggings and shirt
    d) Overalls and boots
  13. Why do we need to dress according to the occasion?
    a) Because it doesn’t matter
    b) Because it shows respect and fits the event
    c) Because it’s fun
    d) Because we like to wear the same clothes
  14. What do clean clothes help us with?
    a) They make us sick
    b) They look nice and keep us healthy
    c) They make us sad
    d) They make us tired
  15. Why should we wear clothes that fit well?
    a) Because they are uncomfortable
    b) Because they look nice and feel good
    c) Because they are too big
    d) Because they are too small
  16. What does respect mean?
    a) Being rude
    b) Being polite and kind
    c) Ignoring others
    d) Shouting loudly
  17. How can we show respect to elders?
    a) By ignoring them
    b) By listening and greeting nicely
    c) By arguing with them
    d) By hiding from them
  18. Why is it important to listen to elders?
    a) Because they are boring
    b) Because they have wisdom
    c) Because they are mean
    d) Because they talk a lot
  19. What are some respectful words we can use?
    a) “Go away”
    b) “Please,” “thank you,” “excuse me”
    c) “I don’t care”
    d) “Stop talking”
  20. How should we behave when elders are speaking?
    a) Interrupt them
    b) Listen quietly
    c) Talk loudly
    d) Run away
  21. Why should we offer a seat to elders?
    a) Because they don’t need it
    b) To show kindness and respect
    c) To annoy them
    d) To make them angry
  22. What can we do to help elders?
    a) Ignore them
    b) Help with small tasks
    c) Argue with them
    d) Laugh at them
  23. Is it important to take care of elders’ belongings?
    a) No, it’s not important
    b) Yes, it shows respect
    c) No, it’s fun to play with their things
    d) Yes, to make them angry
  24. How can showing respect help us?
    a) It doesn’t help
    b) It helps build good relationships
    c) It makes us sad
    d) It makes us mean
  25. Why should we be patient with elders?
    a) Because they are slow
    b) To show kindness and respect
    c) To make them angry
    d) Because they are boring
  26. What should we do when we meet an elder?
    a) Ignore them
    b) Greet them nicely
    c) Run away
    d) Shout at them
  27. Why should we listen when elders talk?
    a) Because they talk too much
    b) To learn from their wisdom
    c) Because they are boring
    d) To make them angry
  28. How can we show respect for elders’ property?
    a) Ignore it
    b) Take care of it
    c) Play with it
    d) Break it
  29. Why is it important to use polite words?
    a) Because it’s fun
    b) Because it shows respect and kindness
    c) Because it’s boring
    d) Because it makes them angry
  30. How should we respond when an elder asks for help?
    a) Ignore them
    b) Help them politely
    c) Laugh at them
    d) Argue with them

Cultural Values: Respect Civic Education Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Part B:

Theory Questions

  1. What is cultural dressing?
  2. Why is it important to know about traditional attires?
  3. Name two traditional attires for females in Nigeria.
  4. Name two traditional attires for males in Nigeria.
  5. How do traditional clothes connect to our culture?
  6. Can you describe the clothing worn by a Yoruba woman?
  7. Can you describe the clothing worn by an Igbo man?
  8. Why is it important to respect different cultures’ clothing?
  9. How can we show respect when wearing traditional clothing?
  10. Demonstrate how to wear a sample traditional attire.
  11. What does respect mean?
  12. Why is it important to show respect to others?
  13. How can we show respect to elders?
  14. What are some examples of respectful behaviors?
  15. Why should we listen when others are talking?
  16. How does showing respect help us build good relationships?
  17. What can we do to show kindness to others?
  18. Why should we use polite words when talking to others?
  19. How can we demonstrate respect in our classroom?
  20. What do cultural values teach us about showing respect?

Cultural Values: Helping Others Civic Education Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

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