Hair Infections and Salon Hygiene Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 3
Topic: Hair Care: Types of Hair Infections and Salon Hygiene
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to name basic hygiene practices and identify different body parts.

Key Words: Hair care, types of hair infections, salon hygiene.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify common types of hair infections.
  2. Explain why it’s important not to share unsterilized tools at salons.
  3. List ways to prevent hair infections at salons.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of personal hygiene.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, communication, hygiene practices.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of dandruff, lice, and ringworm.
  • Images showing salon hygiene practices.
  • Shampoo bottle, comb, towel.
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Computer Studies Textbook Book 3.


Types of Hair Infections:

  1. Dandruff: Small, white flakes on the scalp causing itchiness. 🤧 Example: Sarah had dandruff, so she used special shampoo to treat it.
  2. Lice: Tiny insects on the scalp, causing itching and redness. 🦠 Example: Timmy got lice from sharing hats with his friends.
  3. Ringworm: A fungal infection causing red, itchy patches on the scalp. 🦠 Example: Maya’s ringworm cleared up after using antifungal cream.

Effects of Sharing Unsterilized Tools in Salons:

  1. Spread of Infections: Sharing combs or brushes can spread lice or fungal infections. 🚫 Example: If someone with lice uses a comb, the lice can transfer to the next person.
  2. Risk of Contamination: Tools like scissors or razors can carry bacteria or viruses if not properly sterilized. 🧴 Example: Using unclean scissors can cause skin infections or cuts.
  3. Skin Irritation: Using shared towels or capes can cause skin irritation or allergies. 😖 Example: Sally’s skin became red and itchy after using a shared towel at the salon.

Class Discussions

  1. What is dandruff?
    • Dandruff is when small, white flakes appear on our scalp, making it itchy.
  2. What are lice?
    • Lice are tiny insects that live on our scalp and make it feel very itchy.
  3. What is ringworm?
    • Ringworm is a type of infection that can make red, itchy patches on our scalp.
  4. Why shouldn’t we share combs and brushes at the salon?
    • Sharing combs and brushes can spread lice or infections from one person to another.
  5. What can happen if we share unsterilized tools at the salon?
    • We might get infections or skin problems because the tools could have germs on them.
  6. How can we prevent getting infections at the salon?
    • We can ask the salon to use clean tools or bring our own if we can.
  7. What should we do if we have dandruff or lice?
    • We should use special shampoo or treatment to get rid of them.
  8. Can sharing towels at the salon cause problems?
    • Yes, sharing towels can make our skin red and itchy because they might have germs on them.
  9. Why is it important to keep our hair clean?
    • Keeping our hair clean helps prevent infections and makes it look nice and healthy.
  10. What should we do if we notice any problems with our scalp after visiting the salon?
    • We should tell our parents or a grown-up so they can help us take care of it.


  1. What is the name of the tiny insects that live on our scalp and make it itchy? a) Ants b) Lice c) Spiders d) Flies
  2. ________ is a type of infection that can make red, itchy patches on our scalp. a) Sunburn b) Ringworm c) Mosquito bite d) Cut
  3. Why shouldn’t we share combs and brushes at the salon? a) Because it’s fun b) Because it can spread lice or infections c) Because we like to share d) Because it’s important
  4. What might happen if we share unsterilized tools at the salon? a) We might get gifts b) We might get infections or skin problems c) We might get a new hairstyle d) We might get compliments
  5. How can we prevent getting infections at the salon? a) By bringing our own tools b) By sharing tools with friends c) By not going to the salon d) By not washing our hair
  6. What should we use to get rid of lice? a) Special shampoo or treatment b) Chocolate c) Bubblegum d) Toothpaste
  7. Why is it important to keep our hair clean? a) Because it’s not important b) Because it makes our hair look messy c) Because it helps prevent infections d) Because it’s fun
  8. ________ can make our skin red and itchy because they might have germs on them. a) Clean towels b) Dirty towels c) Hats d) Shoes
  9. What should we do if we notice any problems with our scalp after visiting the salon? a) Nothing b) Tell our parents or a grown-up c) Keep it a secret d) Laugh about it
  10. What is the name of the small, white flakes that appear on our scalp and make it itchy? a) Dust b) Dandruff c) Sand d) Dirt
  11. What should we do if we have dandruff? a) Use special shampoo or treatment b) Ignore it c) Tell everyone about it d) Dance
  12. Why is it important not to share towels at the salon? a) Because towels are not important b) Because towels can cause skin problems c) Because towels are expensive d) Because towels are fun
  13. What is the name of the type of infection that can spread from one person to another at the salon? a) Cold b) Flu c) Lice d) Happiness
  14. How can we prevent getting infections at the salon? a) By sharing tools with others b) By using dirty tools c) By using clean tools or bringing our own d) By staying away from the salon
  15. What should we do if we notice any problems with our scalp after visiting the salon? a) Keep it a secret b) Tell our parents or a grown-up c) Laugh about it d) Dance

Presentation :

  1. Revision:
  2. Introduction of New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the new topic by displaying pictures of dandruff, lice, and ringworm, and asking students to identify them.
    • The teacher explains that today’s lesson is about understanding different types of hair infections and the importance of salon hygiene.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • The teacher explains what dandruff, lice, and ringworm are, using simple language and examples.
    • The teacher discusses the risks of sharing unsterilized tools at salons and shows images of clean and dirty tools.
    • The teacher demonstrates how to prevent hair infections at salons by using clean tools or bringing personal tools.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Students observe the pictures and identify the different types of hair infections.
    • Students participate in discussions and ask questions if they don’t understand.
    • Students practice proper hygiene practices by pretending to wash hair and combing using imaginary tools.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding by asking questions during the lesson.
  • The teacher observes students’ participation and engagement.
  • The teacher evaluates students’ ability to identify hair infections and explain salon hygiene practices.


  1. What are the common types of hair infections?
  2. Why is it important not to share unsterilized tools at salons?
  3. How can we prevent hair infections at salons?
  4. What is dandruff?
  5. What are lice?
  6. What is ringworm?
  7. What should we do if we notice any problems with our scalp after visiting the salon?
  8. Can sharing towels at the salon cause problems?
  9. How can we prevent getting infections at the salon?
  10. Why is personal hygiene important?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ understanding and addresses any misconceptions.
  • The teacher emphasizes the importance of practicing good hair care habits and maintaining personal hygiene.
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