Importance of Soil to Animals Basic Science Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 10
Topic: Importance of Soil to Animals, Animals that Live in the Soil, and Uses of Soil to Animals
Duration: 45 minutes
Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to identify some animals and their habitats.
Key Words: Soil, animals, importance, live, uses
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain why soil is important to animals.
  2. Identify animals that live in the soil.
  3. Describe various uses of soil to animals.
    Embedded Core Skills: Observation, classification, communication
    Learning Materials:
  • Textbook: Basic Science Primary 3
  • Visual aids: Pictures of animals and soil samples
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Worksheets
    Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Basic Science Primary 3 Textbook

Importance of Soil to Animals

  1. Habitat: Soil provides a home for many animals, like worms, ants, and beetles. 🏠
  2. Food Source: Some animals, such as rabbits and squirrels, find food in the soil, like roots and seeds. 🥕
  3. Protection: Soil can be a hiding place for animals, keeping them safe from predators. 🦡
  4. Breeding Ground: Many animals lay their eggs or give birth in the soil, where they can be safe until they hatch or grow. 🥚
  5. Nourishment: Soil contains nutrients that animals need to stay healthy and grow, like calcium for strong bones. 💪
  6. Water Source: Soil can hold water, providing a source of hydration for animals like birds and insects. 💧
  7. Temperature Regulation: Animals can burrow into the soil to escape extreme temperatures, staying cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather. 🌞❄️
  8. Oxygen Supply: Soil allows oxygen to reach the roots of plants, which in turn provide oxygen for animals through photosynthesis. 🌱🌬️
  9. Health: Clean soil helps animals avoid diseases and parasites that can harm them. 🦠
  10. Behavioral Patterns: Animals, such as dogs, cats, and birds, use soil for activities like digging, marking territory, and creating nests. 🐶🐱🦜

Animals that live in the Soil

  1. Earthworms: They burrow through the soil, aerating it and breaking down organic matter.
  2. Ants: They build intricate underground nests and forage for food within the soil.
  3. Beetles: Many species of beetles live in the soil, where they feed on plant material and other insects.
  4. Moles: These mammals dig tunnels in the soil to hunt for earthworms and other small animals.
  5. Gophers: They are rodents that live underground, creating extensive burrow systems in the soil.
  6. Groundhogs: Also known as woodchucks, they live in burrows dug in the soil and hibernate during the winter.
  7. Termites: While some species build above-ground mounds, many termites live in underground colonies.
  8. Nematodes: These microscopic worms live in the soil and can be both beneficial and harmful to plants.
  9. Grubs: The larval stage of beetles, grubs live in the soil and feed on plant roots.
  10. Snakes: Some snake species, like garter snakes, burrow into the soil to hibernate or lay eggs.

Living organisms in the soil

  1. Earthworms: 🪱 They burrow through the soil and help to aerate it.
  2. Ants: 🐜 They build intricate underground nests and colonies.
  3. Beetles: 🐞 Many beetle species live in the soil and feed on organic matter.
  4. Moles: 🦡 These mammals dig tunnels underground to find food.
  5. Gophers: 🌱 They create extensive burrow systems in the soil.
  6. Groundhogs: 🌿 Also known as woodchucks, they live in burrows dug in the soil.
  7. Termites: 🏠 While some build mounds above ground, many live in underground colonies.
  8. Nematodes: 🦠 These tiny worms live in the soil and can be beneficial or harmful to plants.
  9. Grubs: 🌱 The larval stage of beetles, they live in the soil and feed on plant roots.
  10. Snakes: 🐍 Some snake species burrow into the soil to hibernate or lay eggs.

Uses, Importance and Benefits of Soil to Animals

  1. Food Source: 🥕 Some animals, like earthworms and beetles, eat decaying plant matter in the soil.
  2. Habitat: 🏡 Many animals, including insects and rodents, build their homes in the soil to shelter from predators and harsh weather.
  3. Protection: 🛡️ Soil provides a protective cover for burrowing animals, keeping them safe from predators.
  4. Nesting Material: 🥚 Animals like birds and rodents use soil and mud to build their nests for laying eggs and raising their young.
  5. Camouflage: 🌿 Some animals, such as certain insects and reptiles, use soil to blend in with their surroundings, helping them hide from predators.
  6. Breeding Ground: 🐣 Soil can serve as a breeding ground for various animals, providing a suitable environment for reproduction and development.
  7. Navigation: 🗺️ Animals like ants and termites use soil to create scent trails or underground tunnels to navigate their environment.
  8. Protection from Heat: 🌞 Some animals burrow into the soil to escape the heat of the sun during hot weather.
  9. Water Source: 💧 Soil can hold moisture, providing a source of water for animals living in or near it.
  10. Territorial Marking: 🚩 Some animals use soil to mark their territory with scent or visual cues, signaling their presence to others.


  1. Soil is important to animals because it provides ____________.
    a) Food
    b) Shelter
    c) Water
    d) Air
  2. Animals such as earthworms and beetles are examples of ____________.
    a) Land animals
    b) Water animals
    c) Soil animals
    d) Air animals
  3. Animals that build their homes in the soil are called ____________.
    a) Burrowers
    b) Flyers
    c) Swimmers
    d) Climbers
  4. Soil can protect animals from ____________.
    a) Rain
    b) Predators
    c) Heat
    d) All of the above
  5. Birds and rodents use soil and mud to build ____________.
    a) Nests
    b) Caves
    c) Webs
    d) Holes
  6. Soil provides a source of ____________ for animals.
    a) Food
    b) Energy
    c) Water
    d) Light
  7. Some animals use soil to ____________ with their surroundings.
    a) Hide
    b) Fight
    c) Fly
    d) Swim
  8. Soil can serve as a breeding ground for ____________.
    a) Plants
    b) Insects
    c) Birds
    d) Mammals
  9. Animals like ants and termites use soil to create ____________.
    a) Tunnels
    b) Nests
    c) Webs
    d) Holes
  10. Soil can protect animals from the ____________ of the sun.
    a) Cold
    b) Heat
    c) Wind
    d) Rain
  11. Soil can hold ____________ for animals living in or near it.
    a) Air
    b) Food
    c) Water
    d) Light
  12. Some animals use soil to mark their ____________.
    a) Territory
    b) Friends
    c) Enemies
    d) Homes
  13. Soil is important to animals because it provides ____________.
    a) Shelter
    b) Air
    c) Light
    d) Sound
  14. Animals that build their homes in the soil are called ____________.
    a) Flyers
    b) Burrowers
    c) Swimmers
    d) Climbers
  15. Birds and rodents use soil and mud to build ____________.
    a) Nests
    b) Webs
    c) Caves
    d) Tunnels


  1. Revision: Recap the previous lesson on the meaning and importance of soil to plants.
  2. Introduction of New Topic: Explain the importance of soil to animals, animals that live in the soil, and uses of soil to animals.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Present information about the importance of soil to animals using visual aids.
    • Discuss different animals that live in the soil and their characteristics.
    • Explain the various ways animals use soil for shelter, food, and protection.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Participate in discussions about the importance of soil to animals.
    • Identify and discuss animals that live in the soil.
    • Engage in activities to understand the uses of soil to animals.
  5. Assessment: Use worksheets and class discussions to assess students’ understanding of the topic.
  6. Evaluation:
    1. What is soil ?
    2. Name three animals that live in the soil.
    3. Mention two importance of soil to animals
    4. What do animals find in soil that helps them grow?
    5. Give an example of an animal that burrows in the soil.
    6. Write out two uses of soil to animals.
    7. How does soil protect animals from predators?
    8. Describe how birds use soil to build their nests.
    9. Why do animals like rabbits dig holes in the soil?
    10. Can you name one way soil helps animals stay healthy?
  7. Conclusion: Review the key points of the lesson and answer any questions from the students. Collect and review worksheets for assessment.
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