Features of Plants and Groups of Plants Based on Features Basic Science Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 6
Topic: Features of Plants and Groups of Plants Based on Features
Sub-topic: Identifying and Locating Common Plants, Examining Features
Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should recognize basic parts of a plant, like leaves and stems.

Key Words: Plants, Features, Leaves, Stems, Roots, Groups, Identify, Locate

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students will identify and locate common plants within the school compound.
  • Students will trace the leaves of plants and examine features like texture, shape, size, and color.
  • Students will categorize plants into groups based on features.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, Classification, Critical Thinking

Learning Materials:

  1. Pictures of common plants.
  2. Samples of leaves, stems, and roots.
  3. Sketchpad and crayons for students.
  4. Labels with plant names.


  1. Revision of the basic parts of a plant.
  2. Introduction to the features of plants – leaves, stems, roots.
  3. Identification and location of common plants in the school compound.
  4. Examination of plant features using samples and pictures.
  5. Categorizing plants into groups – trees, shrubs, and herbs.

Features of a plant

  1. Identify Plants: 🌱 Look for common plants around the school.
  2. Locate Plants: 🏫 Find where these plants are within the school compound.
  3. Trace Leaves: ✏️ Carefully trace the leaves of the plants you find.
  4. Examine Features: 👀 Observe the texture, shape, size, and color of the leaves.
  5. Note Differences: 📝 Record how each plant’s features differ from one another.
  6. Leaves: 🍃 Examine the leaves of plants for texture, shape, size, and color.
  7. Stems: 🌱 Look at the stems; are they thin, thick, or woody?
  8. Flowers: 🌸 Check for flowers and observe their colors and shapes.
  9. Roots: 🌿 Explore the roots; are they underground or visible?
  10. Groups: 🌳 Identify if the plants belong to trees, shrubs, or herbs.
  11. Examples: 🌻 Give examples like roses, mango trees, or basil plants.
  12. Location: 🏡 Discuss where these plants can be found, like in gardens or forests.


  1. Plants are identified by their features such as ______, shape, size, and color. a) Texture b) Taste c) Temperature d) Time
  2. The part of a plant that we examine for features is the ______. a) Root b) Leaf c) Flower d) Stem
  3. What do we observe in leaves? a) Sound b) Smell c) Texture d) Temperature
  4. The stem of a plant can be ______. a) Visible b) Tasteless c) Invisible d) Solid
  5. Flowers add ______ to a plant. a) Weight b) Color c) Height d) Size
  6. Plants with woody stems are often called ______. a) Vegetables b) Fruits c) Herbs d) Trees
  7. ______ are examples of plants. a) Clouds b) Cars c) Roses d) Rocks
  8. Where can plants be found? a) In the ocean b) In the air c) In the soil d) In the sun
  9. Groups of plants are classified into ______. a) Shapes b) Colors c) Sizes d) Trees, shrubs, or herbs
  10. A plant’s roots can be ______. a) Underwater b) In the sky c) Invisible d) Edible
  11. ______ is an example of a flowering plant. a) Mushroom b) Rose c) Stone d) Chair
  12. Shrub plants are usually ______ in size. a) Small b) Large c) Round d) Blue
  13. Identify plants around your school to learn about their ______. a) Taste b) Features c) Sounds d) Temperature
  14. Plants like tomatoes and peppers are examples of ______. a) Trees b) Fruits c) Herbs d) Clouds
  15. The part of a plant we eat is often the ______. a) Root b) Leaf c) Flower d) Stem


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Guide students in identifying plants around the school.
  • Facilitate discussions on plant features.
  • Assist students in categorizing plants into groups.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in identifying and locating plants.
  • Engage in examining plant features using samples.
  • Collaborate in categorizing plants into groups.


  • Observations during the identification and location activity.
  • Review of sketches and labels created by students.
  • Participation in group categorization activity.


  1. What are the three main parts of a plant?
  2. Can you name a plant you find around the school?
  3. How do you describe the leaves of a plant?
  4. Where can we find plant roots?
  5. What is the focus of today’s lesson?
  6. How would you categorize a tall plant with a woody stem?
  7. What materials did we use to examine plant features?
  8. Why is it important to categorize plants?
  9. Mention a feature you observed in a plant today.
  10. What will you remember most about today’s lesson?

Conclusion: The teacher will review students’ work, provide feedback, and conduct a brief discussion summarizing key points. The teacher will also go round to mark and address any questions or misconceptions.

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