Clay Soil: Meaning, Properties and Organisms Found in Clay Soil Basic Science Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 3
Topic: Clay Soil: Meaning, Properties, and Organisms Found in Clay Soil
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should recall the basics of different soil types discussed in the previous class.

Key Words: Clay soil, meaning, properties, organisms, sticky, moisture, insects, texture.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define clay soil and its characteristics.
  2. Identify the properties of clay soil.
  3. Recognize organisms commonly found in clay soil.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, classification, communication.

Learning Materials:

  1. Pictures and samples of clay soil.
  2. Small containers with clay soil.
  3. Visual aids showing organisms in clay soil.


  1. Meaning of Clay Soil:
    • Clay soil feels sticky and heavy, like moldable clay for art. 🏺
  2. Properties of Clay Soil:
    • It holds water tightly, sometimes making it hard for plants to drink. 💧
    • Clay soil feels smooth and can be shaped, like making clay figures. 🌐
    • It can become hard when dry and sticky when wet, like playdough. 🌧️
  3. Organisms Found in Clay Soil:
    • Some insects, like beetles, enjoy living in the cool, moist clay. 🐜
    • Tiny creatures like mites and springtails also call clay soil home. 🐛

Clay soil is like nature’s art studio, with its unique texture and earthy friends! 🎨🌱



  1. Clay soil feels __________ and can be shaped like moldable clay.
    • a) Soft
    • b) Sticky
    • c) Rough
    • d) Dry
  2. Clay soil holds water __________, making it challenging for plants to drink.
    • a) Tightly
    • b) Loosely
    • c) Quickly
    • d) Easily
  3. The texture of clay soil is often __________ when dry.
    • a) Hard
    • b) Soft
    • c) Sandy
    • d) Wet
  4. Clay soil can become __________ when wet, similar to playdough.
    • a) Sticky
    • b) Dry
    • c) Smooth
    • d) Gravelly
  5. Insects like beetles enjoy living in the cool, moist __________.
    • a) Sand
    • b) Loamy soil
    • c) Clay soil
    • d) Rocky soil
  6. Tiny creatures like mites and springtails are commonly found in __________ soil.
    • a) Sandy
    • b) Loamy
    • c) Clay
    • d) Gravelly
  7. Clay soil is like nature’s art studio due to its unique __________.
    • a) Color
    • b) Texture
    • c) Smell
    • d) Taste
  8. When dry, clay soil can feel __________ and is moldable.
    • a) Hard
    • b) Soft
    • c) Grainy
    • d) Wet
  9. The heaviness of clay soil is similar to moldable __________.
    • a) Sand
    • b) Clay
    • c) Dough
    • d) Rocks
  10. The moisture in clay soil makes it a suitable home for __________.
    • a) Desert plants
    • b) Water-loving plants
    • c) Cacti
    • d) Bamboo
  11. In clay soil, insects find a __________ habitat due to its texture.
    • a) Uncomfortable
    • b) Dry
    • c) Cozy
    • d) Sandy
  12. Clay soil can be __________ when wet, making it easy to mold.
    • a) Sticky
    • b) Dry
    • c) Hard
    • d) Sandy
  13. The __________ of clay soil can change based on moisture levels.
    • a) Color
    • b) Texture
    • c) Smell
    • d) Taste
  14. Clay soil is like a __________, holding onto water for plants.
    • a) Sponge
    • b) Rock
    • c) Desert
    • d) Gravel
  15. Creatures like mites and springtails add __________ to clay soil.
    • a) Texture
    • b) Color
    • c) Life
    • d) Weight


  1. Introduction (Revising Previous Topic):
  2. New Topic Introduction:
    • Define clay soil using simple words.
    • Explain that we’ll explore its properties and the little creatures that live in it.
  3. Properties of Clay Soil:
    • Discuss how clay soil feels (sticky, moldable).
    • Emphasize its moisture-holding capacity.
    • Mention its texture changes when dry and wet.
  4. Organisms Found in Clay Soil:
    • Introduce insects like beetles, mites, and springtails.
    • Explain their roles in clay soil.
  5. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Display samples and pictures of clay soil.
    • Facilitate a discussion on properties and organisms.
    • Conduct hands-on activities with clay soil samples.
  6. Learners’ Activities:
    • Feel and observe clay soil samples.
    • Identify properties discussed.
    • Discuss the importance of organisms in clay soil.
  7. Assessment:
    • Ask students to describe the feeling of clay soil.
    • Have them identify an organism found in clay soil.
  8. Evaluation:
    1. What is clay soil?
    2. How does clay soil feel?
    3. Name one property of clay soil.
    4. What happens to clay soil when it’s dry?
    5. Mention an organism found in clay soil.
    6. Why is clay soil important for plants?
    7. How would you describe the texture of clay soil?
    8. Give an example of a creature living in clay soil.
    9. What happens to clay soil when it’s wet?
    10. Why is clay soil like nature’s art studio?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around, marks, and provides feedback on students’ understanding of the topic. Any misconceptions are clarified during this time.

Note: Adjustments can be made based on the actual classroom context and resources available.

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