Colouring Patterns of Basic Shapes Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 6

Topic: Colouring Patterns of Basic Shapes

Sub-topic: Exploring Colors and Shapes Creatively

Duration: One week

Entry Behaviour: Recall previous coloring activities and basic shapes.

Key Words: Coloring, Patterns, Basic Shapes, Colors, Creativity

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should creatively color patterns using basic shapes.
  • Students should identify and name basic shapes while coloring patterns.
  • Develop fine motor skills through coloring.

Embedded Core Skills: Creative Thinking, Fine Motor Skills, Shape Recognition

Learning Materials:

  • Colored markers and crayons
  • Pictures with patterns
  • Drawing paper
  • Student notebooks


Hello, little artists! Today, we’re coloring patterns using basic shapes. 🎨✨

Take a square and color it yellow. Now, draw another square beside it and color it blue. Keep going! Yellow, blue, yellow, blue. See? You’re making a pattern! 🟨🔵🟨🔵

Try circles too! Color one red, then the next green. Keep repeating. Red, green, red, green. Look at the fun pattern you made! 🟥🟩🟥🟩

Remember, it’s like coloring with a playful rhythm. Explore and have fun with your colors and shapes! 🌈✨


Coloring is adding colors to make things look bright and beautiful. 🎨✨

Let’s color some shapes! Take a circle and color it yellow, a square can be blue, and a triangle can be red. Mix and match colors to create a rainbow of shapes! 🟡🔵🔴

Remember, coloring is like magic – it makes everything happy and lively! Explore colors and have fun with your shapes! 🌈😊



  1. Coloring is adding __________ to make things look bright and beautiful. a. numbers b. shapes c. colors d. letters
  2. Take a circle and color it __________. a. red b. green c. yellow d. blue
  3. A square can be colored __________. a. yellow b. blue c. red d. green
  4. Coloring makes everything __________ and lively. a. sad b. happy c. small d. dark
  5. Mix and match colors to create a __________ of shapes. a. mess b. rainbow c. pattern d. noise
  6. Coloring is like magic – it makes everything __________. a. sad b. happy c. small d. dark
  7. What does coloring add to things to make them look bright and beautiful? a. Shapes b. Colors c. Numbers d. Letters
  8. What color can you choose for a triangle? a. Yellow b. Green c. Red d. Blue
  9. What makes everything happy and lively when you add it to things? a. Shapes b. Colors c. Numbers d. Letters
  10. What can you mix and match to create a rainbow of shapes? a. Patterns b. Colors c. Numbers d. Letters
  11. Coloring is like magic – it makes everything __________. a. sad b. happy c. small d. dark
  12. What makes everything happy and lively when you add it to things? a. Shapes b. Colors c. Numbers d. Letters
  13. What color can you choose for a triangle? a. Yellow b. Green c. Red d. Blue
  14. What makes everything happy and lively when you add it to things? a. Shapes b. Colors c. Numbers d. Letters
  15. Coloring is like magic – it makes everything __________. a. sad b. happy c. small d. dark
  1. Introduction: Briefly discuss the importance of colors and shapes in making art.
  2. Revision: Review the previous class on coloring and basic shapes. Ask students to name shapes and colors they remember.
  3. Introduction of New Topic: Introduce the new topic, “Coloring Patterns of Basic Shapes.” Explain that we’ll use shapes to create beautiful and colorful patterns.
  4. Exploration of Colors: Explore primary colors and how they can be mixed to create new colors. Emphasize the importance of creativity.


  • Step 1: Revise the previous class on shapes and coloring.
  • Step 2: Introduce the new topic, explaining the connection between shapes, patterns, and colors.
  • Step 3: Explore primary colors and demonstrate how to creatively color patterns.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Engage students in a discussion about colors and shapes.
  • Demonstrate how to mix colors to create new ones.
  • Guide students in coloring patterns using basic shapes.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in the discussion about shapes and colors.
  • Experiment with mixing colors on their own.
  • Creatively color patterns using the demonstrated shapes.


  • Observe students’ participation during the coloring activity.
  • Ask questions to ensure understanding of combining shapes and colors.


  1. What is our topic for today’s lesson?
  2. Name three primary colors.
  3. How can you create new colors by mixing primary colors?
  4. Why are shapes important in coloring patterns?
  5. Can you name a basic shape?
  6. What happens when you combine shapes while coloring?
  7. How does creativity play a role in coloring patterns?
  8. What is the purpose of using different shapes in coloring?
  9. How do colors make our drawings lively and fun?
  10. Show a pattern you created using basic shapes.


  • The teacher goes around to assess students’ creative work.
  • Emphasize the fun of exploring colors and shapes while creating beautiful patterns.


Music Staff (Stave) Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4 and 5


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