Revision Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 12

Topic: Revision Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Duration: 40 minutes

  1. Obedience to Allah means following _______ rules.
    • a) School’s
    • b) Parents’
    • c) Allah’s
    • d) Friend’s
  2. What should you do to obey Allah?
    • a) Clean toys
    • b) Play all day
    • c) Ignore friends
    • d) Follow Quran rules
  3. Obedience to parents includes _______ and doing what they say.
    • a) Singing loudly
    • b) Laughing always
    • c) Listening
    • d) Sleeping all day
  4. What is an example of obedience at home?
    • a) Breaking things
    • b) Cleaning toys
    • c) Hiding snacks
    • d) Ignoring everyone
  5. Allah is happy when we say _______ on time.
    • a) Good morning
    • b) Prayers
    • c) Sorry
    • d) Thank you
  6. What should you do if parents ask for help at home?
    • a) Say no
    • b) Ignore them
    • c) Help them
    • d) Run away
  7. Parents feel proud when children are _______.
    • a) Lazy
    • b) Disobedient
    • c) Obedient
    • d) Unhappy
  8. Allah is _______ if we don’t obey.
    • a) Sad
    • b) Happy
    • c) Angry
    • d) Excited
  9. Obedience to Allah and parents brings _______ inside.
    • a) Confusion
    • b) Happiness
    • c) Sadness
    • d) Frustration
  10. Saying please and thank you is an example of _______.
    • a) Disobedience
    • b) Anger
    • c) Obedience
    • d) Laziness
  11. What is the consequence of disobedience to parents?
    • a) Parents are happy
    • b) Allah smiles
    • c) Parents might be upset
    • d) Everyone claps
  12. Allah and parents _______ when you obey.
    • a) Cry
    • b) Frown
    • c) Smile
    • d) Laugh
  13. How do you feel when you obey?
    • a) Sad
    • b) Angry
    • c) Happy
    • d) Confused
  14. Obedience to Allah and parents is being _______.
    • a) Lazy
    • b) Disobedient
    • c) Kind
    • d) Mean
  15. What should you say when you learn something new about obedience?
    • a) Wow
    • b) Subhan Allah
    • c) No
    • d) Hurray
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