Examination Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies
Lesson Plan Presentation
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: Primary 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 12
Topic: Examination Second Term Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies
Duration: 40 minutes
- Obedience to Allah means following _______ rules.
- a) School’s
- b) Parents’
- c) Allah’s
- d) Friend’s
- What should you do to obey Allah?
- a) Clean toys
- b) Play all day
- c) Ignore friends
- d) Follow Quran rules
- Obedience to parents includes _______ and doing what they say.
- a) Singing loudly
- b) Laughing always
- c) Listening
- d) Sleeping all day
- What is an example of obedience at home?
- a) Breaking things
- b) Cleaning toys
- c) Hiding snacks
- d) Ignoring everyone
- Allah is happy when we say _______ on time.
- a) Good morning
- b) Prayers
- c) Sorry
- d) Thank you
- What should you do if parents ask for help at home?
- a) Say no
- b) Ignore them
- c) Help them
- d) Run away
- Parents feel proud when children are _______.
- a) Lazy
- b) Disobedient
- c) Obedient
- d) Unhappy
- Allah is _______ if we don’t obey.
- a) Sad
- b) Happy
- c) Angry
- d) Excited
- Obedience to Allah and parents brings _______ inside.
- a) Confusion
- b) Happiness
- c) Sadness
- d) Frustration
- Saying please and thank you is an example of _______.
- a) Disobedience
- b) Anger
- c) Obedience
- d) Laziness
- What is the consequence of disobedience to parents?
- a) Parents are happy
- b) Allah smiles
- c) Parents might be upset
- d) Everyone claps
- Allah and parents _______ when you obey.
- a) Cry
- b) Frown
- c) Smile
- d) Laugh
- How do you feel when you obey?
- a) Sad
- b) Angry
- c) Happy
- d) Confused
- Obedience to Allah and parents is being _______.
- a) Lazy
- b) Disobedient
- c) Kind
- d) Mean
- What should you say when you learn something new about obedience?
- a) Wow
- b) Subhan Allah
- c) No
- d) Hurray
- Surah Al-Falaq is found in which chapter of the Quran?
- a) 1
- b) 113
- c) 10
- d) 7
- What is the meaning of “Qul a’udhu bi Rabbil-Falaq” in English?
- a) In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
- b) I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak.
- c) Thank you, Allah.
- d) Allah is great.
- How many verses are there in Surah Al-Falaq?
- a) 10
- b) 5
- c) 113
- d) 7
- In Surah Al-Falaq, we seek refuge in the Lord of:
- a) Night
- b) Daybreak
- c) Sunset
- d) Morning
- Surah Al-Falaq protects us from the evil of:
- a) Good things
- b) Harmful creatures
- c) Laughter
- d) Books
- It guards against creatures like:
- a) Lions
- b) Snakes
- c) Birds
- d) Fish
- Surah Al-Falaq shields us from:
- a) Happiness
- b) Jealousy
- c) Excitement
- d) Surprises
- Muslims recite Surah Al-Falaq to seek help and:
- a) Money
- b) Safety
- c) Toys
- d) Friends
- It is recited for a peaceful:
- a) Morning
- b) Afternoon
- c) Night
- d) Midnight
- Surah Al-Falaq helps in overcoming fears and:
- a) Happiness
- b) Worries
- c) Excitement
- d) Surprises
- What does “Qul a’udhu bi Rabbil-Falaq” mean in English?
- a) In the name of Allah
- b) I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak
- c) Thank you, Allah
- d) Allah is great
- Reciting Surah Al-Falaq teaches us to trust:
- a) Teachers
- b) Friends
- c) Allah
- d) Books
- What do we say when we learn something new in Surah Al-Falaq?
- a) Alhamdulillah
- b) Masha Allah
- c) Subhan Allah
- d) Allahu Akbar
- Surah Al-Falaq is the __ chapter of the Quran.
- a) First
- b) Last
- c) Tenth
- d) Second
- The Lord of daybreak mentioned in Surah Al-Falaq is the Lord of:
- a) Stars
- b) Night
- c) Daybreak
- d) Sunset
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