Basic Safety for Computer Room Primary 1 Computer Studies


Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 9 & 10

Topic: Basic Safety for Computer Room

Sub-topic: Rules for Safe Computer Use

Duration: 45 minutes (each week)

Entry Behaviour: Ask students if they remember the rules for the computer room from the previous lesson.

Key Words: Safety, Computer room, Rules, Entry, Hands, Food, Drink, Chair, Turn off, Clean, Ask, Listen, Patient

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to recall and demonstrate at least three safety rules for using the computer.
  • Pupils should understand the importance of following safety rules in the computer room.

Embedded Core Skills: Memory recall, Demonstration, Communication

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards with safety rules
  • Pictures illustrating safe computer use
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Storybook related to computer safety


Basic Safety for Computer Room:

  1. Sit Properly: 🪑 Sit on the chair correctly, with feet on the floor.
  2. Use Mouse and Keyboard Gently: 🖱️👨‍💻 Treat the mouse and keyboard with care, no banging.
  3. Quiet Voices: 🤫 Speak softly in the computer room, not too loud.
  4. Clean Hands: 🧼 Wash hands before using the computer to keep it clean.
  5. No Food or Drinks: 🚫🍔 Avoid eating or drinking in the computer room.
  6. Ask for Help: 🙋 If unsure, ask the teacher for assistance.
  7. Listen to Instructions: 👂 Follow the teacher’s directions carefully.
  8. Be Patient: ⏳ Wait for your turn and be patient with others.
  9. Turn Off Computer Properly: 🖥️ Shut down the computer correctly after use.
  10. Stay in Your Seat: 🪑 Stay seated while using the computer, no wandering around.

Remember, following these rules keeps us safe and helps everyone enjoy the computer room! 🌐👩‍💻

  1. Sit on the chair ___________.
    • a) Incorrectly
    • b) Softly
    • c) Properly
    • d) Loudly
  2. Treat the mouse and keyboard ___________.
    • a) Harshly
    • b) Gently
    • c) Quickly
    • d) Loudly
  3. Speak ___________ in the computer room.
    • a) Softly
    • b) Loudly
    • c) Angrily
    • d) Quickly
  4. Wash hands before using the computer to keep it ___________.
    • a) Dirty
    • b) Tidy
    • c) Clean
    • d) Wet
  5. Avoid eating or drinking in the computer room to keep it ___________.
    • a) Fun
    • b) Dirty
    • c) Clean
    • d) Exciting
  6. If unsure, ask the ___________ for assistance.
    • a) Friend
    • b) Teacher
    • c) Computer
    • d) Parent
  7. Follow the teacher’s ___________ carefully.
    • a) Rules
    • b) Directions
    • c) Orders
    • d) Sounds
  8. Wait for your turn and be ___________ with others.
    • a) Angry
    • b) Impatient
    • c) Patient
    • d) Happy
  9. Shut down the computer ___________ after use.
    • a) Incorrectly
    • b) Quickly
    • c) Loudly
    • d) Properly
  10. Stay ___________ while using the computer.
    • a) Seated
    • b) Standing
    • c) Running
    • d) Jumping
  11. No ___________ in the computer room.
    • a) Talking
    • b) Laughing
    • c) Playing
    • d) Wandering
  12. Keep voices ___________.
    • a) Soft
    • b) Loud
    • c) Angry
    • d) Silent
  13. ___________ for help when needed.
    • a) Cry
    • b) Shout
    • c) Ask
    • d) Ignore
  14. Follow the safety rules to keep ___________.
    • a) Tidy
    • b) Dirty
    • c) Exciting
    • d) Noisy
  15. Basic safety rules help everyone ___________ the computer room.
    • a) Ignore
    • b) Enjoy
    • c) Fear
    • d) Hate


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Review the safety rules from the previous lesson. Ask students if they remember the importance of sitting properly, washing hands, and avoiding food and drinks in the computer room.
  2. New Topic Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Introduce the new topic: “This week, we will learn more safety rules for using computers. These rules help us have fun and stay safe. Are you ready to discover them?”
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Present flashcards illustrating new safety rules, emphasizing hands on the computer, sitting properly, and turning off the computer.
    • Discuss the reasons behind each rule, using simple language.
  4. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes):
    • Engage students in a class discussion about the importance of following safety rules in the computer room.
    • Role-play scenarios where students demonstrate the correct and incorrect ways to follow the safety rules.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes):
    • Ask individual students to demonstrate one safety rule they learned.
    • Observe participation during the role-play activity.

Week 10:

  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Briefly review the safety rules covered in the previous lesson to ensure retention.
  2. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Introduce additional safety rules, such as keeping the computer area clean and asking for help when needed.
    • Use pictures and examples to reinforce understanding.
  3. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes):
    • Engage students in a group activity where they create safety posters for the computer room, incorporating the rules they’ve learned.
  4. Assessment (5 minutes):
    • Evaluate the posters created by each group, looking for accurate representation of safety rules.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Can you name one safety rule for using the computer?
  2. Why is it important to sit properly in the computer room?
  3. What should you do if you need help in the computer room?
  4. Why do we wash our hands before using the computer?
  5. What happens if we eat or drink in the computer room?
  6. Demonstrate the correct way to use the mouse and keyboard.
  7. Why is it important to turn off the computer properly?
  8. Explain the importance of keeping the computer area clean.
  9. What should you do if you are not sure about something in the computer room?
  10. Why do we need to be patient in the computer room?


  • The teacher goes round to mark and provides positive feedback on individual and group activities.
  • Reinforce the idea that following safety rules in the computer room ensures a happy and enjoyable learning environment.

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