Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Diction Spelling Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

  1. Cabinet
    • Definition: A cupboard or storage space.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkæbɪnɪt/
    • Sentence: The dishes are stored in the kitchen cabinet.
  2. Caliber
    • Definition: The quality or level of someone’s ability or character.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkælɪbər/
    • Sentence: She showed a high caliber of leadership during the project.
  3. Calling
    • Definition: A strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/
    • Sentence: Teaching seemed to be her true calling.
  4. Capable
    • Definition: Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do something.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkeɪpəbl/
    • Sentence: Despite his age, he is quite capable of handling the task.
  5. Carpenter
    • Definition: A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkɑːrpəntər/
    • Sentence: The carpenter crafted a beautiful wooden table.
  6. Captain
    • Definition: A person who is in charge of a ship, aircraft, sports team, or military unit.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkæptɪn/
    • Sentence: The captain navigated the ship through rough waters.
  7. Capture
    • Definition: To take someone as a prisoner or to seize control of a place.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkæptʃər/
    • Sentence: The police managed to capture the suspect.
  8. Caption
    • Definition: A title or brief explanation accompanying an illustration or diagram.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkæpʃən/
    • Sentence: The caption provided context for the photo in the magazine.
  9. Careful
    • Definition: Giving attention to potential risks or dangers; cautious.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkɛrfəl/
    • Sentence: Be careful while crossing the busy street.
  10. Calculate
    • Definition: To determine a numerical value or figure through mathematical processes.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkælkjuleɪt/
    • Sentence: Please calculate the total cost of the items.
  11. Drum
    • Definition: A musical percussion instrument typically consisting of a hollow cylinder covered at one or both ends with a tightly stretched membrane, played with the hands or sticks.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /drʌm/
    • Sentence: The drummer played a rhythmic beat on the drum.
  12. Money
    • Definition: A medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; currency.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈmʌni/
    • Sentence: She counted her money before going to the store.
  13. First
    • Definition: Coming before all others in time or order; earliest.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • IPA Transcription: /fɜːrst/
    • Sentence: This is the first chapter of the book.
  14. Come
    • Definition: Move or travel toward or into a place.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /kʌm/
    • Sentence: Please come to the front of the class.
  15. Work
    • Definition: Activity involving mental or physical effort done to achieve a purpose or result.
    • Word Class: Noun/Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /wɜːrk/
    • Sentence: She has a lot of work to finish by tomorrow.
  16. Nurse
    • Definition: A person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital.
    • Word Class: Noun/Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /nɜːrs/
    • Sentence: The nurse attended to the patients with great care.
  17. Journey
    • Definition: An act of traveling from one place to another.
    • Word Class: Noun/Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈdʒɜːrni/
    • Sentence: The long journey took them across the country.
  18. Search
    • Definition: To try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.
    • Word Class: Verb/Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /sɜːrtʃ/
    • Sentence: They conducted a search for the missing keys.
  19. Trouble
    • Definition: Difficulty or problems that cause distress or worry.
    • Word Class: Noun/Verb
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈtrʌbəl/
    • Sentence: I hope you don’t have any trouble finding the place.
  20. Term
    • Definition: A fixed or limited period for which something, e.g., an office, imprisonment, or investment, lasts or is intended to last.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /tɜːrm/
    • Sentence: The school term ends in June.
  21. Africa (Continued)
    • Definition: The second-largest continent, situated south of Europe, between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈæfrɪkə/
    • Sentence: Lions, elephants, and giraffes are some of the iconic animals found in Africa.
  22. Classroom
    • Definition: A room in a school where classes are held.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈklæsruːm/
    • Sentence: Students gather in the classroom to learn and interact.
  23. Radio
    • Definition: The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈreɪdioʊ/
    • Sentence: People often listen to news on the radio during their morning commute.
  24. Honesty
    • Definition: The quality of being honest; truthfulness.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈɒnɪsti/
    • Sentence: Honesty is valued in all aspects of life.
  25. Kindness
    • Definition: The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkaɪndnɪs/
    • Sentence: Acts of kindness can make a significant impact on someone’s day.
  26. Leader
    • Definition: A person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈliːdər/
    • Sentence: A good leader inspires and guides their team to success.
  27. Computer
    • Definition: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /kəmˈpjuːtər/
    • Sentence: Computers play a crucial role in modern life, facilitating various tasks.
  28. Television
    • Definition: A system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈtɛlɪvɪʒən/
    • Sentence: Families gather around the television to watch their favorite shows.
  29. Cupboard
    • Definition: A cabinet with shelves or drawers for storing goods.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈkʌbərd/
    • Sentence: The dishes are neatly arranged in the kitchen cupboard.
  30. Governor
    • Definition: The elected executive head of a state in the United States.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • IPA Transcription: /ˈɡʌvənər/
    • Sentence: The governor addressed the citizens during the state of the union.


  1. A group of students gathers in the __________ to learn and interact. a) Cupboard b) Classroom c) Governor d) Africa
  2. The __________ is valued in all aspects of life. a) Television b) Kindness c) Drum d) Money
  3. Acts of __________ can make a significant impact on someone’s day. a) Capture b) Kindness c) Radio d) Journey
  4. Lions, elephants, and giraffes are some of the iconic animals found in __________. a) Nigeria b) Africa c) Carpenter d) Money
  5. People often listen to news on the __________ during their morning commute. a) Radio b) Television c) First d) Search
  6. The __________ is the second-largest continent. a) Classroom b) Africa c) Honest d) Caliber
  7. __________ is a room in a school where classes are held. a) Governor b) Journey c) Kindness d) Classroom
  8. An electronic device for storing and processing data is known as a __________. a) Computer b) Captain c) Capture d) Money
  9. The __________ of being friendly, generous, and considerate is appreciated. a) Honesty b) Kindness c) Carpenter d) Drum
  10. The elected executive head of a state in the United States is called the __________. a) Classroom b) Governor c) Television d) Leader
  11. A __________ is a person who leads or commands a group. a) Search b) Leader c) First d) Journey
  12. Families gather around the __________ to watch their favorite shows. a) Television b) Nurse c) Capture d) Caliber
  13. The __________ advised the citizens during the state of the union. a) Governor b) Caliber c) Work d) Term
  14. The quality of being honest and truthful is known as __________. a) Money b) Journey c) Honesty d) Computer
  15. __________ play a crucial role in modern life, facilitating various tasks. a) Television b) Journey c) Radio d) Computers
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