Suratul-Luqman Qur’an 31 v12 – 15 Islamic Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Week: Week 8

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Topic: Suratul-Luqman Quran 31, Verses 12-15

Duration: 45 minutes

Introduction: (5 minutes)

  • Begin by briefly discussing the importance of the Quran in Islam.
  • Mention that you will focus on a specific Quranic passage, Suratul-Luqman, verses 12-15.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the content and significance of Suratul-Luqman, verses 12-15.
  2. Reflect on the lessons and values contained in these verses.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Quranic recitation
  • Moral and spiritual development
  • Comprehension of religious texts

Reference Materials:

  • Copies of Suratul-Luqman (Quran 31:12-15)
  • A projector for displaying verses

Instructional Materials:

  • Visual aids (images related to the verses)
  • Translated versions of the verses

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of the Quran and its importance in Islam.


Recitation: Suratul-Luqman is a chapter in the Quran, and verses 12-15 say:

“Indeed, Luqman was among the thankful when his Lord called to him, ‘Be grateful to Allah.’ And whoever is grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favor] – then indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy. And [mention, O Muhammad], when Luqman said to his son while he was instructing him, ‘O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allah. Indeed, association [with him] is great injustice.'”

Translation: In simpler terms, these verses are about a man named Luqman who was very thankful to Allah. He told his son not to worship anyone or anything except Allah because that would be very wrong.

Importance and Significance: These verses teach us the importance of being grateful to Allah and not worshiping anyone or anything besides Him. They also remind us to avoid doing wrong by associating others with Allah. These lessons are valuable for Muslims to lead a good and faithful life. 📖🤲🌟

  1. Suratul-Luqman is a chapter in the ________. a) Bible b) Quran c) Newspaper d) Magazine
  2. Luqman was known for being very ________ to Allah. a) angry b) grateful c) scared d) sad
  3. In these verses, Luqman advised his ________ not to worship anyone except Allah. a) friends b) parents c) son d) teacher
  4. Luqman’s advice was about not ________ others with Allah. a) sharing b) playing c) associating d) fighting
  5. These verses teach us the importance of being ________ to Allah. a) ungrateful b) angry c) grateful d) sad
  6. Luqman’s advice reminds us not to worship anyone or anything besides ________. a) our friends b) Allah c) our parents d) our teacher
  7. Associating others with Allah is considered a great ________. a) kindness b) mistake c) justice d) injustice
  8. These lessons are important for Muslims to lead a good and ________ life. a) healthy b) faithful c) short d) boring
  9. Luqman’s advice encourages us to be thankful and not to ________ Allah’s favors. a) recognize b) deny c) forget d) share
  10. Suratul-Luqman is a part of the ________. a) newspaper b) Quran c) science book d) dictionary
  11. Luqman’s advice was to worship only ________. a) family members b) friends c) Allah d) idols
  12. Associating others with Allah is a ________. a) great kindness b) great mistake c) great achievement d) great fun
  13. Luqman’s advice helps us lead a ________ life. a) bad b) good c) long d) colorful
  14. Luqman’s son was advised not to worship anyone or anything except ________. a) his friends b) his teacher c) Allah d) his toys
  15. The main message of these verses is to be ________ to Allah and avoid worshiping others with Him. a) unkind b) thankful c) scared d) happy

Presentation: (30 minutes)

Step 1: Introducing Suratul-Luqman (5 minutes)

  • Explain that Suratul-Luqman is a chapter in the Quran, and it contains wisdom and guidance.
  • Emphasize the significance of studying and understanding Quranic verses.

Step 2: Reciting and Translating Verses (10 minutes)

  • Recite Suratul-Luqman, verses 12-15.
  • Provide a translation or explanation of the verses in simpler terms.

Step 3: Discussing Lessons and Values (15 minutes)

  • Engage the students in a discussion about the lessons and values found in these verses.
  • Encourage students to share their interpretations and thoughts.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Recite and explain the verses.
  • Facilitate class discussions and provide context for understanding.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen, observe, and participate in discussions.
  • Share their own reflections on the verses.

Assessment: (5 minutes)

  • Ask students to share one lesson or value they’ve learned from Suratul-Luqman, verses 12-15.
  • Review their responses and provide feedback.

Conclusion: (5 minutes)

  • Summarize the key points from the discussion and emphasize the importance of Quranic study.

This lesson plan is designed to help students understand and reflect on the verses from Suratul-Luqman, promoting moral and spiritual development in Islamic religious studies. 📖🤲🏫

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