Prophets of Allah:- Idris, Ibrahim, Ismail, Is-haq, Yusuf (AS) assess the function performed by these Prophets of Allah cite the relevant verse from the Qur’an Islamic Religious Studies Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies


Topic: Prophets of Allah – Idris, Ibrahim, Ismail, Is-haq, Yusuf (AS)


Class: Primary 3


Term: First Term


Week: 6


Previous Lesson: Introduction to Prophets in Islam

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the prophets Idris, Ibrahim, Ismail, Is-haq, and Yusuf (AS).
  2. Understand the functions and roles of these prophets in Islam.
  3. Cite relevant verses from the Qur’an that mention these prophets.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Quranic knowledge
  • Oral communication

Learning Materials:

  • Quranic verses related to the mentioned prophets
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures or illustrations of the prophets

Teaching Methods:

  • Storytelling and narration of the prophets’ stories
  • Interactive discussion
  • Recitation of relevant Quranic verses


The 25 prophets mentioned by name in the Quran are spread across multiple Surahs (chapters). Here is a list of the Surahs and the specific verses where these prophets are mentioned:

  1. Adam (Adam): Various references throughout the Quran, including Surah Al-Baqarah (2:30-39) and Surah Al-A’raf (7:11-25).
  2. Noah (Nuh): Surah Nuh (71:1-28).
  3. Abraham (Ibrahim): Mentioned in multiple Surahs, including Surah Al-An’am (6:74-83) and Surah Ibrahim (14:35-41).
  4. Ishmael (Ismail): Surah Al-Baqarah (2:125-127).
  5. Isaac (Ishaq): Surah Al-Baqarah (2:125-127).
  6. Lot (Lut): Surah Al-A’raf (7:80-84).
  7. Jacob (Ya’qub): Surah Al-Baqarah (2:133).
  8. Joseph (Yusuf): Surah Yusuf (12:1-102).
  9. Job (Ayyub): Surah Anbiya (21:83-84).
  10. Moses (Musa): Mentioned in numerous Surahs, including Surah Al-Baqarah (2:49-61) and Surah Al-A’raf (7:103-160).
  11. Aaron (Harun): Surah Al-Baqarah (2:248-251).
  12. David (Dawud): Surah Al-Baqarah (2:251) and Surah Anbiya (21:78-79).
  13. Solomon (Sulaiman): Surah An-Naml (27:15-44).
  14. Elias (Elijah): Surah Anbiya (21:85-86).
  15. Elisha (Al-Yasa): Surah Al-An’am (6:85).
  16. Jonah (Yunus): Surah Yunus (10:98).
  17. Zechariah (Zakariya): Surah Al-An’am (6:85) and Surah Maryam (19:2-15).
  18. John the Baptist (Yahya): Surah Al-An’am (6:85) and Surah Maryam (19:2-15).
  19. Jesus (Isa): Mentioned in multiple Surahs, including Surah Al-Imran (3:45-55) and Surah Maryam (19:16-40).
  20. Muhammad: Although not explicitly mentioned by name, references to the Prophet Muhammad can be found in Surah Al-A’raf (7:157) and Surah Al-Ahzab (33:40).

These are the prophets mentioned by name in the Quran. However, there are references to additional prophets and messengers without mentioning their specific names. The Quran emphasizes the belief in all prophets and messengers as integral parts of Islamic faith.

  1. Adam is mentioned in Surah _______________ (2:30-39). a) Al-An’am b) Al-Baqarah c) Al-A’raf d) Nuh
  2. Noah is mentioned in Surah _______________ (71:1-28). a) Al-An’am b) Nuh c) Al-A’raf d) Al-Baqarah
  3. Abraham is mentioned in Surah _______________ (6:74-83). a) Al-An’am b) Al-Baqarah c) Ibrahim d) Al-A’raf
  4. Ishmael is mentioned in Surah _______________ (2:125-127). a) Isaac b) Al-Baqarah c) Ismail d) Ishaq
  5. Lot is mentioned in Surah _______________ (7:80-84). a) Al-A’raf b) Lut c) Al-An’am d) Al-Baqarah
  6. Jacob is mentioned in Surah _______________ (2:133). a) Al-An’am b) Al-Baqarah c) Ishaq d) Ya’qub
  7. Joseph is mentioned in Surah _______________ (12:1-102). a) Ibrahim b) Yusuf c) Al-An’am d) Al-Baqarah
  8. Job is mentioned in Surah _______________ (21:83-84). a) Anbiya b) Ayyub c) Al-A’raf d) Al-Baqarah
  9. Moses is mentioned in Surah _______________ (2:49-61). a) Al-A’raf b) Musa c) Al-An’am d) Al-Baqarah
  10. Solomon is mentioned in Surah _______________ (27:15-44). a) Sulaiman b) Al-Baqarah c) An-Naml d) Al-A’raf
  11. Elias is mentioned in Surah _______________ (21:85-86). a) Al-Baqarah b) Elijah c) Anbiya d) Al-A’raf
  12. Jonah is mentioned in Surah _______________ (10:98). a) Yunus b) Al-Baqarah c) An-Naml d) Al-An’am
  13. Zechariah is mentioned in Surah _______________ (6:85). a) Al-Baqarah b) Zakariya c) Al-An’am d) Al-A’raf
  14. John the Baptist is mentioned in Surah _______________ (6:85). a) Yahya b) Al-Baqarah c) An-Naml d) Al-An’am
  15. Jesus is mentioned in Surah _______________ (19:16-40). a) Al-Imran b) Isa c) Maryam d) Al-A’raf
  1. Introduction to the five prophets: Idris, Ibrahim, Ismail, Is-haq, and Yusuf (AS).
  2. Functions and roles of each prophet.
  3. Relevant verses from the Qur’an.

Presentation: Step 1: Start by introducing the five prophets and briefly mentioning their names and roles.

Step 2: Discuss the specific functions performed by each prophet, sharing stories and examples.

Step 3: Recite relevant Quranic verses that mention these prophets.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Introduce each prophet.
  2. Share stories and examples to illustrate their functions.
  3. Recite relevant Quranic verses.
  4. Encourage questions and participation.



Learners Activities:

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations.
  2. Ask questions and participate in discussions.
  3. Share their thoughts and knowledge about the prophets.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who is the prophet known for his wisdom and knowledge, mentioned in Surah Al-Maryam (19:56-57)? a) Idris b) Ibrahim c) Ismail d) Is-haq
  2. Which prophet was known for his unwavering faith and willingness to sacrifice his son, mentioned in Surah As-Saffat (37:100-113)? a) Idris b) Ismail c) Ibrahim d) Yusuf
  3. Which prophet is famous for his colorful coat and his story of patience, mentioned in Surah Yusuf (12:6-111)? a) Idris b) Ibrahim c) Is-haq d) Yusuf
  4. Identify the prophet whose mother placed him in a box and set him afloat in the river, as mentioned in Surah Al-Qasas (28:7-13). a) Is-haq b) Ismail c) Yusuf d) Ibrahim
  5. Which prophet is known for his dedication to prayer and remembrance of Allah, mentioned in Surah Sad (38:45-48)? a) Ibrahim b) Idris c) Ismail d) Is-haq
  6. What do the Quranic references to these prophets teach us about their significance in Islam?
  7. Explain the importance of believing in all the prophets mentioned in the Quran.
  8. How does the Quran emphasize the continuity of the message from Adam to Muhammad?
  9. Mention two prophets who are not explicitly named but are referred to in the Quran.
  10. Why is it important for Muslims to understand the roles and messages of the prophets mentioned in the Quran?
  11. Explain the importance of believing in all the prophets mentioned in the Quran.
  12. How does the Quran emphasize the continuity of the message from Adam to Muhammad?
  13. Mention two prophets who are not explicitly named but are referred to in the Quran.
  14. Why is it important for Muslims to understand the roles and messages of the prophets mentioned in the Quran?


Conclusion: In today’s lesson, we learned about the functions and roles of five prophets of Allah: Idris, Ibrahim, Ismail, Is-haq, and Yusuf (AS). We explored their stories and the relevant Quranic verses that mention them. These prophets played crucial roles in conveying Allah’s message and are revered figures in Islam.

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