Distinguish between records that are frequently used and those rarely used with FOUR examples each.

Frequently used school records, known as statutory records, are mandatory by law. Examples include:

1. Admission, Progress, and Withdrawal registers
2. Class Attendance Registers
3. Diaries and Work Books
4. Copies of Education Law

Rarely used records, called non-statutory records, aren’t obligatory. Examples are:

1. Cash book
2. Stock book
3. Punishment book
4. School calendar
5. Inventory book
6. Staff minutes book



1. Statutory records are __________ required by education laws.
a) Always
b) Rarely
c) Sometimes

2. Non-statutory records are __________ by law.
a) Compulsory
b) Prohibited
c) Optional

3. Admission Progress and Withdrawal registers are examples of __________ records.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Temporary

4. The Education Law mandates the keeping of __________ as a statutory record.
a) School calendar
b) Cash book
c) Diaries

5. Class Attendance Registers fall under __________ records.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Extracurricular

6. Punishment book is an example of a __________ record.
a) Frequently used
b) Rarely used
c) Voluntary

7. A copy of the Education Law is considered a __________ record.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Temporary

8. Which type of records is not compulsory according to the Education Law?
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Both

9. Staff minutes book belongs to the category of __________ records.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Special

10. Log book is an example of a __________ record.
a) Frequently used
b) Rarely used
c) Personal

11. Inventory book is classified as a __________ record.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Restricted

12. Which records must be kept according to the law?
a) Statutory records
b) Non-statutory records
c) Both

13. Cash book is considered a __________ record.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Permanent

14. Diaries and record of Work Books are examples of __________ records.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Voluntary

15. School calendar falls under the category of __________ records.
a) Statutory
b) Non-statutory
c) Exempt

What are school records?



How would a teacher apply deprivation punishment in the class for good class control?

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