- Citizenship Education.
- Duties and Obligations of Citizens.
- Promotion of Our Traditions and Customs.
- National Consciousness, Integrity and Unity.
- Capitalist Democracy.
- Political Party.
- Poverty and Its Effects.
- Political Apathy.
- Why Leaders Fail to Protect the Interest of Their Followers.
- Revision and Examination.
- Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, Book 2, Sola Akinyemi.
- Civic Education for Senior Secondary Book 2, R.W. Okunloye
Citizenship education is the process by which the citizens of a state acquire the relevant knowledge about their rights and obligations in order to become responsible citizens in the state. The primary objective of citizenship education is to create awareness of the rights the citizens are entitled toenjoy within the provisions of the constitution and their duties to the state as citizens.
The importance of citizenship education is discussed below.
- It helps the citizens to know their rights: The first goal of citizenship education is to help the citizens to identify their fundamental rights and ensure that these rights are not infringed upon. It is this awareness that enables the citizens to seek for redress whenever their privileges are denied or violated either by the state, organization or an individual.
- It promotes responsible citizenship: Citizenship education enables the citizens to be law abiding in their relationship with the government and fellow citizens in a state.
- It helps to promote unity in a state: Citizenship education teaches tolerance, love and hospitality. These are the basic ingredients of unity. Citizenship education enables citizens to see far beyond ethnic, tribal and religious lines. Hence, there is promotion of unity among the diverse groups and interests in the society.
- It promotes law and order in the society: Citizenship education enables the citizens to be law abiding and show respect for the nation’s constitution. Informed citizens will observe decorum in public places, respect other citizens’ rights including respect for constituted authority.
- It prepares the youths for leadership: Citizenship education equips the youths with the relevant knowledge and skills needed for leadership. It takes informed youths to make a great nation.
- It helps to promote development and progress in the society: The knowledge of citizenship education creates an environment of unity and peace which enables development and progress in the society.
- It ensures political stability in the country: A country where people know their rights and obligations tend to enjoy relative peace that enhances political and economic stability in the state. Besides, citizenship education helps to reduce cases of human rights abuses in the society. The level of acrimony is reduced thereby ensuring stability in the country.
- It ensures good followership: Citizenship education inculcate good values that help the citizens to be loyal followers of their leaders and people in positions of authority.
- Define citizenship education.
- Mention five importance of citizenship education.
- What do you understand by the term ‘Citizens’?
- Mention seven responsibilities of citizens.
- Define political parties and explain five of their functions.
- State four roles of free press in the society.
- Mention four problems of election in Nigeria?
Importance of Citizenship Education – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, by Sola Akinyemi, Pages 1-5.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- Citizenship education promotes the following EXCEPT
- tolerance B. hostility C. unity D. diligence.
- Development and progress are possible under the atmosphere of
- hatred B. rivalry C. peace D. intolerance.
- Citizenship education is necessary for the survival of the following EXCEPT
- democracy B. stability C. national development D. poverty.
- Another word for acrimony is A. hatred B. peace C. love D. crime.
- The education that helps the citizens to be conscious of their relation actions in the society is known as A. education consciousness B. relationship education C. citizenship education D. societal education.
- Give two definitions of citizenship education.
- Describe five relevance of citizenship education to the society.
Duties and obligations are the constitutional responsibilities a citizen or citizens are expected to perform in the society for the smooth governance of the state. There are basically three categories of obligations: civic or political obligations, economic obligations and social obligations.
Civic or political obligations are the political duties of the citizens to the state such as voting during election, readiness to serve, obedience to law and order, etc.
Economic obligations are the duties of the citizens that are associated with business, revenue, funding and maintenance of infrastructures. A good example of economic duty is prompt payment of taxes.
Social obligations are the duties of the citizens that are related to the individual’s relationship with government agents, government properties and other citizens in the state. Examples of social obligations are respect for constituted authority, promotion of orderliness in public places, involvement in environmental sanitation, protection of public properties, etc.
- Define duties and obligations.
- Describe the three categories of obligations.
Below are some of the duties and obligations of the citizens in the society.
- Obedience to Law and Order: Citizens of a state have the constitutional obligation to obey the laws of the state and ensure orderliness in their conducts.
- Payment of Taxes: Citizens owe the state the duty of tax payment. It is an offense against the state for an employed citizen to evade tax payment.
- Voting DuringElection: All qualified citizens are expected to participate in the election of political leaders at all levels. Those who refuse to vote have no right to complain of bad governance.
- Respect for the Rights of Other Citizens: The citizens are expected not to infringe on the rights of other citizens in the process of exercising their own rights.
- Reporting suspected criminal cases to appropriate authority or agency.
- Readiness to serve as witness in the court when the need arises.
- Respect for national symbols and national anthem.
- Involvement in community services including environmental sanitation.
- Willingness/readiness to defend the nation at all times.
- Mention seven duties of a citizen of a state.
- Mention any three duties that may not be applicable to students under 18 years.
- Define values.
- Explain five positive values.
- What is selflessness?
- Give four examples of selfless services in the society.
- List five importance of citizenship education.
Duties and Obligations of Citizens – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, by Sola Akinyemi, Pages 5-9.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- Which of the following is NOT a category of citizens’ duties? A. Economic B. Social C. Political D. Education.
- The responsibilities of the citizens to a state are called A. rights B. obligations C. needs D. demands.
- Which of the following is NOT a duty of a citizen? A. tax payment B. arrest of criminals C. loyalty to state D. voting during election.
- Which of the following guarantees human rights in a state? A. Constitution B. Beliefs C. Obligations D. Executive order.
- The duty of a citizen to pay tax promptly is under which of the following categories of obligations? A. Social B. Political C. Educational D. Economic.
- Define citizens’ duties.
- Describe five obligations of citizens in a state.
Traditions and customs are the age-long set of values and beliefs cherished by a particular group of people that affects their way of life. These traditions and customs are preserved by transmitting them from one generation to another. Nigeria, for example, has over 250 ethnic groups with their respective traditional beliefs and customs. Africa is believed to have the most dynamic set of traditions and customs globally.
Traditions and customs are promoted through the following ways:
- Family: The family is the most effective medium through which customs, traditions and beliefs are transmitted from one generation to another. The family as the primary agent of socialization creates the platform for children to learn directly their local languages, how to prepare local dishes, position to take when greeting the elderly, local dressing that fits each occasion, production of local items such as mat, clay pots, hand fan, etc.
- Media: The media, print and electronics, plays a major role in the promotion of our tradition and custom by showcasing our rich cultural heritage such as music, dances, dresses, traditional festivals, etc to the wider community of nations.
- Schools: Our school curriculum has also contributed greatly in the promotion of our traditions and customs by teaching relevant cultural values such as respect, contentment, honesty, assisting the old people. The school also teaches our traditional dishes, attires, costume and how they are produced. Today Nigerian languages are gaining international recognition through their incorporation in the West Africa Examinations Council’s (WEAC) syllabus.
- Drama: The dramatization of our cultural values and lifestyle in our local dialects has promoted our traditions and customs nationally and internationally. Some television stations dedicate substantial part of their programmes to African drama. The cable paid television also has some of their channels reserved for African drama. Example is African Magic.
- Cultural Days: The different tribes and nationalities have days of the year when they celebrate their culture and traditional festivals. During such occasion they display their traditional dresses, dishes, hairstyle and other traditional items that suit the event.
- Exhibitions: Through cultural exhibitions and workshops our traditional cosmetics, dishes, textiles, artworks, etc are displayed to showcase the richness of our culture to the world. In 1977, nations of the world came together in Lagos, Nigeria, to celebrate the cultural heritage of their respective countries particularly African culture. The event was tagged “Festival of Arts and Culture” FESTAC ’77.
- Explain customs and traditions.
- Mention five ways of promoting customs and traditions in Nigeria.
- Define political party.
- State five functions of political parties.
- Explain four ways citizenship can be acquired.
- Differentiate between a citizen and an alien.
- List six obligations of citizens in a state.
Promotion of our Traditions and Customs – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, by Sola Akinyemi, Pages 9-11.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- The total belief system of a people is known as A. nationality B. custom C. doctrine D. faith.
- The FESTAC celebration was a show of A. culture B. unity C. hard work D. fame.
- There are over …. ethnic groups in Nigeria. A. 469 B. 774 C. 250 D. 813
- Which of the following is believed to have the richest traditions and customs in the world? A. Europe B. North America C. Asia D. Africa.
- FESTAC was convened in Lagos in A. 1960 B. 1966 C. 1979D. 1977.
- Describe any traditional festival in Nigeria and how it is celebrated.
- Give three reasons why Nigerian children are more interested in foreign culture than the local culture.
National consciousness is the strong feeling of love, commitment, loyalty and affection that enables a citizen to work for the growth, development and progress of his nation. It is the awareness that enables the individual to pursue the interest of the nation above personal, ethnic, religious or tribal interest. It is the affection that compares an individual to advocate for the total freedom and unity of his nation.
National integrity is the complete adherence to the moral principles and standards that ensures the development and prosperity of a nation. It is national integrity that enables the individual to avoid all manner of sentiments and act rightly in the face of any situation.
National unity is the deliberate effort made by the citizens of a country to work and promote the factors that ensures the unity of the nation.
The above three concepts are interrelated. However, national consciousness is the main focus of this study.
- What is national consciousness?
- Explain the concept of national unity.
- Tolerance: Tolerance is the ability to endure with others no matter how offensive or inferior their opinion. Tolerance is the quality that enables the citizens to overlook the weaknesses of other people in order to promote national interest.
- Hospitality: Hospitality is the quality that enables an individual to take care of another person without minding his or her tribal, ethnic, regional or religious affiliation. Hospitality is one of the major factors that promote national consciousness and national unity in a nation like Nigeria with over 250 ethnic groups. A nation is prosperous if their sense of hospitality cuts across tribal and religious lines.
- Inter-tribal Marriage: Intertribal marriage is the coming together of a man and a woman from different tribes, ethnic group or culture as husband and wife. This is another factor that can strengthen national consciousness and unity.
- Respect for Human Rights: Respect for the rights of other people will help to promote national consciousness. A situation where the fundamental rights of individuals are respected there will be peace and acrimony will reduce.
- Effective and Independent Judicial System: An independent judicial system that can dispense judgment without fear, favour or interference of external factors will help to promote national consciousness.
- Citizenship Education: The knowledge acquired through citizenship education will help the individual to imbibe the right values that promote national consciousness and unity.
- Tribalism – This is a situation where an individual prefers or favours his tribal kinsmen above other tribes in public dealings.
- Intolerance – This is the inability to exercise patience over an offense or argument when relating with other people in the society.
- Selfishness – This has to do with satisfying personal interests irrespective of violating other people’s rights.
- Bad Governance – When there is an irresponsible government people seek for personal satisfaction rather than national interest.
- Religious Fanaticism – People who are excessively faithful to a particular belief see other people of different religion as enemies.
- Illiteracy – Those who are not informed can constitute danger to national consciousness because they are ignorant of what is expected of them in the society.
- Mention five factors that can promote national consciousness.
- List five factors that can limit national consciousness.
- Define executive organ of government.
- State five function of the executive in a modern state.
- List five role of the legislature in a democratic society.
- What is free press?
- Outline four functions of media.
National Consciousness – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 12-13.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- The ability that enables us to seek for the freedom of our nation is termed A. freedom fight B. independence C. national interest D. national consciousness.
- Which of the following is a foremost Nigerian nationalist? A. Chief Bode Thomas B. Chief Ernest Sonekan C. Chief NnamdiAzikiwe D. Prof. Dora Akunyili
- National consciousness can be hindered by A. hospitality B. respect for human rights C. tribalism D. intertribal marriage.
- Which of the following agencies is responsible for the promotion of national consciousness in Nigeria? A. NDLEA B. NOA C. EFCC D. UNO.
- National consciousness will promote the following EXCEPT A. impartiality B. unity C. development D. friendliness.
- Explain the concept national consciousness.
- Describe five factors that can promote national unity.
Capitalism is an economic system whereby the major means of production and distribution in a state are owned and controlled by the individuals or private sector. Democracy on the other hand is a system of government whereby all qualified adult citizens participate in the administration of the state either directly or through their elected representatives.
Direct democracy is a situation whereby all the qualified adult citizens are physically present to get involve in decision making in the affairs of the state. Indirect democracy otherwise known as representative democracy or modern democracy is a situation whereby all qualified adult citizens participate in the affairs of the state through representatives who are periodically elected by them.
Capitalist democracy therefore is the operation of the principles of representative democracy in a capitalist economic system.
- Supremacy of the Constitution: Under capitalist democracy the constitution is the ultimate authority that determines what is acceptable and what is unlawful. Nobody, or institution or group of people can act beyond the provisions of the constitution.
- Periodic Election: Capitalist democracy allows for periodic change of representatives through popular election. In Nigeria, elections are conducted every four years to select new and fresh leaders into various elective positions in the state.
- Respect for Fundamental Human Rights: Capitalist democracy makes provision to ensure that human rights are guaranteed. Infringement on human rights or abuse of human rights can lead to punishment of the offender.
- Operation of Rule of Law: There is equality of persons under capitalist democracy. Everybody is equal and nobody is above the law. No matter the stature, education, position or possession of an individual he has the same rights as other people.
- Existence of Multiparty System: Capitalist democracy allows for the operation of more than two political parties in a state. This will allow the citizens to have alternatives to choose from while electing their representatives.
- Free Press: The press or media, both print and electronics is allowed to carry out its duty of information dissemination and constructive criticisms without government interference or intimidation.
- Separation of Power: Under capitalist democracy there is separation of governmental functions between the various organs of government i.e. legislature, executive and judiciary.They act separately but cooperatively in discharging their constitutional duties.
- Tolerance of Opposition: Constructive opposition and criticisms of government policies by the citizens or groups is allowed under democracy.
- Economic Freedom: Under capitalist democracy the individuals have right to spend their money as they like and can engage in any legal business without restriction. Their consumption is based on their financial capacity and the effects of demand and supply.
- Define democracy.
- Mention six characteristics of democracy.
- What is civic education?
- State five importance of civic education.
- Define judiciary.
- State five functions of modern judiciary in a state.
- List five factors that can promote tradition and customs in the society.
Capitalist Democracy – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 14-19.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- The Greek word “Demos” means A. government B. people C. society D. devil.
- The origin of democracy is traceable to A. Nigeria B. Rome C. Greece D. America.
- The major difference between direct and indirect democracy is
- election B. constitution C. personalities D. involvement.
- Separation of power is usually between the A. levels of governmentB. types of government C. functions of government D. organs of government.
- Which of the following principles emphasizes equality before the law? A. election
- executive C. rule of law D. separation of power.
- List six features of democracy.
- Outline five challenges of democracy in Nigeria.
Political Party can be defined as association of people with similar political ideology who come together for the purpose of contesting election in order to gain political power and control government. The primary objective of any political party is to control government. They usually conduct primary elections within the party to select a flag bearer or candidate that will represent them during general election. Their membership cuts across different interest groups, class, ethnic boundaries and profession. Hence, political party is a good example of popular organization.
- Their main objective is to win election and control government.
- Their membership cuts across tribe, religion, profession, ethnic and regional divide.
- They conduct primary elections.
- They present candidates for election.
- The carry out campaigns and rallies.
- They ensure political education in the society.
- They help to promote unity in a state by bringing people together from different interest groups.
- They provide platform for peaceful change of government.
- They provide opportunity for people to make their choice of leaders during election.
- They help to promote accountability of government officials in the society.
- They provide political education for the citizens in the society.
- They help to promote good governance through their criticisms and roles as watchdog.
- They help to raise political leaders in the state.
- They serve as link between the government and the citizens.
- Define political party?
- Mention five functions of political parties?
Political parties engage in strategies and activities that will enable them achieve their objective of political leadership. Below are some of the activities they engage in when competing for election.
- Design of Manifesto: Manifesto is a document that contains the agenda and key programmes which a political party intends to pursue or implement if voted into office. It is written in a way so as to entice people to support them during election.
- Campaign: This is the gathering together of political party members for the purpose of promoting their manifesto to the public. They use such gatherings to canvass for votes.
- Primary Election: This is the election that is conducted within the political party to select the flag bearer or candidate that will represent the party at general elections either at the ward, local government, state or federal level.
- Education of Voters: Political parties teach their followers how to thumbprint and the logo to watch out for. They do this to ensure that voters are not deceived by their opponents. It also helps to reduce nullification/cancellation of votes.
- Selection of Credible Candidates: Political parties carefully select credible candidates that have good standing in the society in order to attract electorates. Such candidates are usually popular individuals or people from popular families that can attract followership in the society.
- Welfare: Political parties sometimes engage in the distribution of souvenirs, materials, food items and money to the poor so that they can vote for their party. The voters believe that such welfare will continue if the party succeeds and take over the control of government.
- Mobilization: Political party members engage in door-to-door and one-on-one campaign to woo voters for support.
- Mention six ways political parties compete for power through election.
- Explain welfare as a strategy to win elections.
- What do you understand by the term ‘Citizens’?
- Mention seven responsibilities of citizens.
- Define political parties and explain five of their functions.
- State the roles of free press in the society.
- What are the problems of election in Nigeria?
Political Party: Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 19-22.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- Which of the following is NOT a major political party in Nigeria? A. APC B. LP C. KOWA D. PDP
- Which of the following party systems is best for democratic government? A. Zero party B. One party C. Multi party D. Two party.
- An election that is conducted within a political party to select a flag bearer is called A. primary election B. flag bearer election C. general election D. secret election.
- The key objective of any political party is A. governance B. development C. unity D. mobilization.
- A voter is also known as A. electorate B. aspirant C. candidate D. contester.
- List siximportance of political parties in a state.
- Explain the term ‘primary election’.
Poverty is a situation whereby an individual is unable to provide adequately for his/her basic needs. Poverty is one of the major problems of developing nations, including Nigeria. The high level of poverty in the country has placed Nigeria as one of the poorest nations in the world.
- Poverty can lead to increase in crime rate in the society.
- It can lead to break up in marriages.
- It can make an individual to be irresponsible in the society.
- It reduces the level of savings and investment in the nation.
- It increases the level of dependency in a country.
- It leads to low standard of living.
- It can cause political apathy.
- It can heighten social vices in the society.
- It can lead to increase in government spending in trying to attend to social needs.
- It can cause school dropout of children.
- Define poverty.
- Mention seven effects of poverty.
Employment is a situation whereby an individual is engaged in a legal and economic venture that enables him/her to provide for the basic needs of life. Employment is important in the direct or indirect alleviation of poverty. Below are the importance of employment in the reduction of poverty in the society.
- Employment helps to boost savings and investment in a country.
- It enables the individual to provide for his basic needs.
- It promotes economic growth and development.
- It promotes the standard of living of the people.
- It increases government revenue through tax payment.
- It reduces crime rate and social vices in the society.
- It reduces dependency rate in the society.
- It encourages popular participation.
- It enhances responsible family life.
- It promotes good planning.
Over the years Nigeria has made several attempts by initiating various poverty alleviation programmes to ensure rapid growth and development of the nation. Whether or not these programmeshave performed up to expectation remains a question seeking for an answer. Highlighted below are some of the poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria.
- National Accelerated Food Production (NAFP) 1972.
- Operation Feed the Nation (OFN) 1976.
- Green Revolution (GR) 1980.
- Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) the foundation of Better Life Programme (BLP) 1986.
- Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP) 1997.
The inability of the above programmes to deliver full result led to the formulation of National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in 2001. NAPEP was subdivided into specific schemes:
- Youth Empowerment Programme (YES)
- Rural Infrastructure Development Scheme (RIDS)
- Social Welfare Development Scheme (SOWEDS)
- National Resources Development Scheme (NRDS)
In order to ensure performance of this programme, a council was established to monitor the progress of the various schemes. The council is ‘National Poverty Eradication Council’ (NAPEC).
- Provision of Qualitative and Functional Education: There should be a shift from certificate-based education to practical-oriented education. This will enable school leavers to engage in economic productive ventures without waiting for jobs that are not available in the first place.
- Provision of basic infrastructural facilities that will enable businesses to thrive e.g. electricity, good road network, etc.
- Investment in Agricultural Sector: Many young people are willing to engage in agriculture provided it is made attractive like other sectors of the economy. Farmers should be allowed some level of subsidy in seedlings and be assured of ready market for their products.
- Skill Acquisition: People should be engaged in skills acquisition programmes such as fashion designing, plumbing, baking, hair dressing, etc. These skills acquisition programmes can guarantee employment any time any day.
- Provision of Credit Facilities to SMEs: Access to soft loan facilities by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will encourage and enhance sustainability of their businesses.
- Good Governance: Good governmental policies and programmes that are directed at business growth will ensure guaranteed employment. People will be willing to get engaged when they are sure that public policies will favour their businesses.
- Define poverty.
- Mention six importance of employment.
- Define political party.
- State three characteristics of political party.
- Define constitution.
- State four importance of the constitution.
- What is human right?
Poverty and its Effects – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 22-26.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- Operation Feed the Nation OFN was established by A. TafawaBalewa B. MuhamaduBuhari C. OlusegunObasanjo D. Ernest Sonekan
- The inability to provide for basic needs is A. employment B. poverty C. wealth D. scarcity
- NAPEP was established in A. 1999 B. 2000 C. 2001 D. 2002.
- The following are the effects of poverty EXCEPT A. increased crime rate B. poor national imageC. heightened social vicesD. people’s advancement.
- The acronym ‘YES’ is a sub-scheme under A. Operation Feed the Nation B. GreenRevolution C. National Poverty Eradication Programme D. Structural Adjustment Programme.
- Explain six effects of poverty.
- State five factors than can promote guaranteed employment.
Political apathy is the lukewarm attitude or total refusal of the citizens to participate in the political activities of the state. They are not willing neither are they interested in public activities such as voting.
- Refusal to vote during election.
- Unwillingness to join a political party.
- Refusal to register to vote during elections.
- Unwillingness to fight against electoral malpractices.
- Refusal to attend public protests/demonstrations.
- Refusal to attend political rallies and campaigns.
Citizens refuse to participate in political activities for the following reasons.
- Political Violence During Election: Most elections in Nigeria are characterized by all manner of violence, killings and maiming. This has discouraged many people from active involvement in political activities.
- Election Rigging: Many people are of the opinion that their vote will not count due to the manipulation of election figures and result. Hence, they stay aloof.
- Unfulfilled Political Promises: Political parties and government agents make political promises that are never fulfilled when they get into office. This has contributed to people’s refusal to get involved in political activities.
- Insecurity DuringElections: Many potential electorates stay at home during voting exercise because they are not sure of the safety of their lives.
- Bad Governance: The general attitude of the government towards the masses has discouraged many people from participating in political affairs. Government agents live in affluence while the people that voted them into office live in abject poverty.
- Unhealthy Rivalry Between Political Parties: Members of different political parties see themselves as enemies because of their selfish interest to gain political power. They can go as far as eliminating their opponents by all means in order to win election. Hence, responsible people are discouraged from politics.
- Illiteracy: Most people are not politically educated. They lack the necessary skills and adequate knowledge to engage in political activities.
- Define political apathy.
- Mention six reasons for political apathy.
- The body responsible for the conduct of elections should be independent and impartial in the conduct and discharge of its electoral duties.
- Government should ensure fulfillment of political promises to the people.
- Adequate security should be provided during election.
- Violent campaigns should be avoided during election campaign.
- People should be well educated about the political activities of their country and how they can be involved.
- Party faithful should stop seeing their political opponents as enemies.
- Government should be responsible and accountable to the people.
Recall is the process of calling back or removal of an elected representative from office by the electorates before the expiration of his tenure due to poor representation. Recall becomes necessary when the representative is performing below expectation or pursuing personal interest rather than the interest of the people. The concept of recall is only applicable to members of legislature. Presidents and governors are removed from office before their time through a process called impeachment.
If a constituency succeeds in recalling its representative from the legislative chambers, a by-election would have to be conducted to fill the vacant position.
- Mention six ways to reduce political apathy in the society.
- Define recall.
- Define national consciousness.
- State four ways of promoting national consciousness.
- Who is a citizen?
- Mention four duties of a citizen.
- How can the rights of citizens be restricted?
Political Apathy – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2. Sola Akinyemi, Pages 27-32.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- Refusal to vote in an election is A. political denial B. voting abuse C. political apathy D. popular participation.
- The un-ceremonial removal of representative from officeby the electorates is called A. impeachment B. recall C. removal D. dismissal.
- Which of the following is not a reason for political apathy? A. political violence B. bad governance C. election rigging D. education.
- An election that is conducted to fill a vacant position is called? A. by-election B. vacant election C. filling election D. second election.
5 A flag bearer is also a/an A. voter B. electorate C. candidate D. party executive.
- Explain six reasons for political apathy.
- Explain the concept ‘Recall’.
Civic Education SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes
Leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers for some of the following reasons:
- Party Interest: Leaders fail to protect their followers’ interest because of the pressure from party leaders and members. They are put under intense pressure to satisfy the needs of their party members or otherwise they frustrate them out of office.
- Godfatherism: Most leaders emerge based on the financial support from their godfathers. They sometimes enter into an agreement to keep servicing their godfathers until they leave office. The money met for public projects are diverted to settle these political godfathers.
- Selfishness:Leaders may fail to protect the interest of their followers because of selfish motives. They are greedy and want to satisfy their personal interest without responding to the yearnings of their followers.
- High cost of Electioneering Campaign: The cost of canvassing for vote is high. The fee for collection of nomination form is expensive. Printing of posters, handbills and advertisement on radio and television is money consuming. The leader would want to recoup the money spent during election before thinking about the followers.
- Poor Financial Attitude of the Electorates: Many voters collect money from candidates by selling out their votes. When the candidate eventually emerge as leader he assume that the people have already been settled by the money they collected from him during election.
- Manipulation of Election Result by Leaders: Leaders who emerge as a result of election rigging may not protect the interest of their followers because they did not get to office through the votes of the electorates.
The following measures will help to reduce the neglect of followers by their leaders in the community.
- Voting should be done based on personal conviction and not monetary gains.
- A non-performing representative should be recalled.
- There should be promotion of transparency, probity and accountability at all levels in the conduct of government business.
- The cost of nomination forms should be reduced and made affordable.
- Public offices should be made less attractive, allowances and salaries should be reduced. This will enable people who have the interest of the masses to seek for public position.
- Mention five reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers.
- List five ways to reduce leaders’ poor attitude towards their followers.
- List the three organs of government.
- What is the full meaning of UDHR?
- Outline the seven core freedom in UDHR.
- Define citizenship.
5 List four ways of citizenship acquisition.
Why Leaders Fail to Protect the Interest of their Followers – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 33-34.
Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.
- Which of the following is NOT a political leader?
- Governor B. President C. Councilor D. Candidate
- Which of these is an attribute of a good leader?
- Selflessness B. Selfishness C. Pride D. Arrogance.
- A party leader who sponsors candidates for elective position for the purpose of rewards is called A. sponsor B. mediator C. electorate D. godfather.
- The following are reasons why leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers EXCEPT A. selfishness B. greed C. accountability D. party interest.
- A leader who fails to protect the interest of his followers should be
- commended B. promoted C. recalled D. rewarded.
- Outline six qualities of a good leader.
- State five ways to control selfish leaders in a state.